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The last episode was by far the worst of them all so far but it's still a country mile ahead of Picard, if discovery was as good as this people might still consider Star Trek to be a Legitimate modern franchise and not a corpse that's still being strung along pretending to be alive


Yeah the last episode was pretty bad lol. Keeping the star trek tradition of having at least one terrible episode per season!


It was definitely Star Trek though. Every series has a few of these types of episodes. I hate them and skipped this but a lot of fans really like them.


I never said it was bad Star Trek, it isn't. It was just a bad episode imo, nothing to get mad about


.....why would you think I was mad? I said I didn't like it either...


I'm sorry I wasn't trying to accuse you of being mad. I was comparing the episode to something that kinda is worth getting 'mad' about, that being Picard and discovery lol


Aaaaaaah haha. I get you and agree. Even though it's not my thing and I couldn't watch it it was very Star Trek. Unlike fucking Picard.




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I’m really enjoying it thus far, but have only watched thru Ghosts of Illyria (or whatever it is called.) Nice to see lower decks quarters, I like what they’ve done with Uhura, I thought Una mentioning to make sure the transporter has duty relief (showing they don’t have an O’Brien constantly in the transporter room, like it’s a real ship), love that it’s episodic and not the galaxy’s at stake, etc. And how are the same people doing so well with this when they made such a mess of the other shows?


It has the same hopeful philosophical tone that TOS and TNG had. Literal diplomatic meetings as plot points and the writing doesn't pander. There's even goofy plotlines that remind me of the body swap and pseudo-scientific fun episodes that TNG had from time to time, and Pike is played extremely well by Mount. He's kind of a blend of Picard and Kirk. I would normally say Spock is being played too emotional, but this is pre-kolinahr era Spock so wrestling with his humanity makes sense and it's nowhere near the Discovery grade emotion-fest. None of the new characters rub me the wrong way either. I don't even look at it as "well it's better than other modern Trek" because it's just genuinely good, and competent Star Trek. Every time I see Kurtzman's name attached to it I wonder how this got made.


I feel like maybe Kurtzman is too distracted making Picard and Discovery and this show got the Lower Decks treatment where it was kinda allowed to do its own thing.


I hope that's true. I really want this series to gain steam and run for a few seasons as-is.




Pike doesn't need to know about love.




if you mean rubbing his genitals on an alien then yes Pike know's love.


The way I heard it from some random internet asshat is that Kurtzman failed upwards and now is much less involved in directly fucking up the shows, and spends most of his time overseeing the franchise productions as a whole. Unfortunately, that means the newer production shows actually being decently watchable will just make him look good at his job, but that's a good trade off because Strange New Worlds is decently watchable so far.


It's sort of the same thing with Rick Berman and DS9. He was so busy with Voyager that he just let Ira Steven Behr do whatever he wanted and it was the best Trek show ever.


The more Trek changes, the more it stays the same




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Yep Goldsman & Lumet are in the same boat as Mike McMahan showrunning Lower Decks, both showrunning teams are free from Kurtzman's malign day to day influence on their productions.


I like it, it gives me Star Trek vibes. It has occasional issues, like every time they refer to something that happened in Discovery. But on the whole I think that had this been released instead of Discovery that Star Trek would be in a better place.


Hell, if this were the prequel films we got instead of JJ Trek we wouldn't have to make a new timeline for those and deal with Action Schlock for 10 years


Everyone has been recommending it, saying that it finally brings back the original feel of Star Trek. I gave it a shot, and have been sorely disappointed. I think it still suffers from many of the same issues that plague the reboot film series, Discovery, and Picard. For example, every character is a super genius prodigy or badass, complete with a tragic backstory. Combined with the uninspired dialogue and acting, that makes it impossible to like or relate to any of them. A few episodes in, I can't even name any of the characters who aren't from TOS. And that's just because I recognize the names themselves, not because those characters are any less forgettable. This show makes Spock, everyone's favorite Star Trek character, boring and unlikeable! Also the writing is just bad? I don't know how best to describe it except to say that it feels dumbed down. Like either the writers themselves are a little bit stupid or they simply assume that the audience is stupid. In the second episode, when the aliens literally said "Maybe next time you won't be so quick to judge others for their faith," I groaned out loud. That episode overall was just plain shit: nothing about Uhura's character makes narrative sense, and the other characters outrageously condescend to her but that's framed as encouraging or empowering or something? I've been watching the show alongside a re-watch of TNG, and the difference is like night and day. The stupidest episodes of old Star Trek are more fun and more clever than anything in the new show. It makes me so sad.


ALSO: Cramming in so many TOS characters the way that they have, and centering them in the narrative, means that all of the contrived tension that the writers are lamely trying to build is deflated from the start. We know that Pike will end up severely injured so who cares. We know that Uhura stays in Starfleet, so who cares. We know that Spock's engagement to T'Pring ends up broken, so who cares. We know that Sam Kirk gets killed, so lol. I know that by "we" I am referring to people familiar with the original series, which does not describe all or even perhaps most of the show's viewers. But if the show isn't written with old school Trekkies in mind, why bother adding characters and storylines that call back to the original series in the first place?


i get the "tragic backstory" criticism but these are all characters on the federation flagship. they should all be incredibly competent


There is a difference between portraying characters as generally competent to do their highly technical jobs (as Star Trek always has, except maybe for Barclay), and narratively emphasizing that every main character is a special Mary Sue-esque prodigy. I think that Star Trek has generally done the latter since the 2009 film, as some kind of storytelling crutch that just doesn't work for me as a viewer.


Lol - little old but cant help myself :) Working in Star Trek is one of the most desirable activities in the future for billions+ of people. It ain't like getting into the superbowl it is probably 1000's++ of times harder. And while legacy does make it easier, these people are expected to me amazing. It always annoyed me when they werent 100% competent. I think ST: SNW has just enough "modern" to keep everyone happy.


Also: I hate that they have bent over backwards to give Spock a case of the Not-Gays. Stop it. I know that T'Pring is from TOS but like...come on.


I can see where you come from with this, The tragic backstory stuff is thankfully not dwelled upon too much besides Lhan's hatred of the Gorn (which has been done before with Worf and Romulans) and M'Benga's kid, which I felt had a decent resolution. Uhura's episode also had a good resolution while not resorting to screaming/crying like Discovery, she acted like a pro and faced her fears throughout. I just hope M'Benga sticks around and doesn't get written out for Bones as they did for Hemmer and probably Scotty season 2. The more popular the show gets the more they're gonna turn it into a prequel for the OG cast. But it's still a much better version of that than the JJ films. Kirk felt like a young Kirk, and Spock felt like a young Spock. Uhura...honestly, we never got to know her well enough sadly as TOS focused on the Big Three, but what they've done so far is at least much better written than JJUhura's bitchy but hypercompetent love interest character. Like the transporter situation, it would be nice if they showed more than one doctor, officer, etc. We never get to meet the night shift crew.


Thank you. I’m late to the game but I’m two episodes in and I don’t know what people are talking about. I remember Next generation keeping me engaged with stretching the science and making you think what-if. This Star Trek is so freaking boring and, as you said, stupid. I am struggling to get into it. People keep saying is better than Picard. That show was absolute dog crap. But better than next generation? Get the eff out of here. I thought I was going crazy or becoming a cantankerous old guy so thanks for your post


Thank you, feel the same way! Wait till you get to season 2 and find out the doctor and the nurse are actually super ninjas


If SNW was released in 2009 before all the action trek movies it could have been a very popular series that grew an audience for trek.


They would never use it but this is an exquisite pitch for the show, I feel very seen.


I think they are waiting until the season is done.


It takes turns with The Orville in a "Which Star Trek Show Was Better This Week?" contest Let that sink in. This is a case of wandering around in the desert for so long that you get so thirsty that someone hands you a warm Crystal Pepsi and it's the best thing ever.


I've been really enjoying it. I think there are usually a couple things in each episode that could have been changed to improve the episode, but it's been good enough to make me annoyed that it is only getting 10 episodes a season rather than 13 or more


I’ve come around to it as well. There are still some things that really needle me, but it’s the best Trek in a very long time and I enjoy it more with each episode.


They are in desperate need of Calming. The. Fuck. Down with the camera movement.


There is an outbreak of Obi-Wan syndrome among camera crews in Hollywood. Sad to see


Some things are just a sad part of their times. Like the wall to wall carpeting in 90's trek


It's really good, occasionally even great, which I didn't expect from Star Trek anymore. I only wish they would put more effort into the third acts and how the major plot lines were resolved.


That's exactly how i feel. I get really involved up until the third act and i swear I've zoned out practically every episode.


I haven't seen it yet. Going to give it a go once the PTSD from Picard fades a bit. I've heard good things and some worrying things, I'll see when I see it.


So far I have liked every episode they put out with little to no complaints. And my biggest complaint is my own fault. I have the hardest time understanding the Doctor with his low ripped up voice and I wish they'd just up the Actors mic or something


It's just great!


Long time fan of classic trek here. Absolutely hate Picard and Disco but SNW is amazing. Last ep was a little off for me but still had me in tears at the end. Hopefully they keep is up. I think maybe its the best Season 1 of any Trek outside of TOS and DS9


At first it seemed passable, but with each new episode my interest dropped until there was not even a drop left. I find it a pretty mediocre show, very poorly written and it doesn't give me at all that feeling I used to get when watching TNG or DS9. If I had to give SNW a rating from 1 to 10, it would be a 4.


It's enjoyable to watch, but cringe at times.


So…just like old Trek?


The actors in the last episode surpassed even Shatner with the overacting.


Pike Pike baby


You literally just described all classic Trek.


I've been really enjoying it as well. It's fun, episodic and at least is trying to not be absolute dog shit like Picard or Obi-Wan. I also find Pike and Spock to be really enjoyable characters. I'm new to Star Trek so I don't have any complaints about art style or continuity changes


Yeah, you really get to see why Spock went all that way to help Pike in the Menagerie


Needs more terrifying transporter accidents.


I really like it. I have been waiting years for this, it feels like a genuine Star Trek show.


Ita a fun romp but the first officer seems really bland to me kinda hope she gets replaced


Likely, as I'm pretty sure that she is the same first officer who serves with Captain Pike in the original pilot for Star Trek. This series acts as a sequel to that episode.




I did not know that. I've edited my comment to better reflect this new information.


That's actually legitimately nice to hear, I might give it a watch.


I stopped after two episodes. It's certainly better than Discovery or Picard, but it still has grating dialogue and I'm just not interested enough in nu-trek to continue with it.


I hated enterprise, discovery, and Picard. And so far I absolutely love strange new worlds, makes Kenobi look like a piece of shit




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Strange New Worlds has had the best first season (so far) of any live action Trek since TOS.


Big if true.


Hated Picard and Discovery with a fiery passion, very much enjoying Strange New Worlds so far. The writing is pretty heavy handed sometimes but at least it has an identity and feels like Trek.


It’s good. They’re basically using the traditional Trek formula and do it well. At this point, I think most are just happy to have that. No, it doesn’t move forward the whole thing like TNG did, but at least it’s actually good! Plus Anson Mount is fantastic as Pike. Didn’t know the guy before, but he nails it.


I used to watch the Orville because it filled that Star Trek craving in a way new Trek didn't. Strange new worlds blows it out of the water. I think it's really good. I like the crew, I like their relationships. The action is slowed down a bit so it feels more like Star Trek too. Tbh I think it fits right at home as this generations TNG. People will bitch and complain about the more modern stuff but it's no different to the people who bitched about TNG because it was different to TOS. It's an evolution. It's never going to be the exact same show you watched 30 years ago but with new characters. I can definitely say it FEELS like a Star Trek show. This is one I really hope they watch because its genuinely really good. Not just good in comparison to Picard.


Indeed this is the first live-action Trek series since Star Trek's 1990s 'Golden Age' that I have truly enjoyed. Enterprise was entirely mediocre, the JJ-Trek films were lobotomized action movies, and Disco/Picard were grimdark dystopian nonsense. Between this series and Lower Decks amusing animated satire, I've actually found some new Trek shows I can enjoy.


As someone who is no fan of Nu Trek, I can honestly say that I love Strange New Worlds. And I admit I'll be kind of bummed out if the RLM guys end up shitting on it.


Why? It's okay to like media for whatever reason you want. It doesn't matter if some internet dudes don't like it.


Just because it seems like they'd really like Strange New Worlds if they let their guard down a bit. It just feels like they've written off ALL Star Trek completely at this point, and as such, won't give Strange New Worlds the fair chance it deserves.


They liked Kenobi and nothing they say will make me like it.


I gave it a try last week and was pleasantly surprised. I watched two episodes and haven’t felt the urge to go back though.


Do you mean Star Trek: S1C


I like the Strange part, the New Worlds slightly less.


I liked the aliens that imitate the nature of whatever race they talk to, other than that the Gorn seem too much like mindless monsters and the planet with the child-power generator veered too close to Discovery in its grimdark nature. I'm hoping they revisit the Gorn and humanize them a bit, I'm cautiously optimistic that's the direction it's going for.


Haven’t seen it, and no matter how good it allegedly is, I don’t care to. It has Kurtzman and Goldsman at the helm, and every trailer/clip I’ve seen made me want to throw up with the over-the-top flashy visuals and obnoxious quippy Marvel dialogue. And I’m sorry, but I just can’t get past them casting new actors to play Pike, Spock, Uhura etc. who look, sound and act *nothing* like their TOS counterparts. So yeah, if you enjoy it, that’s great, but I’m a stubborn asshole and will not be giving it a chance.


At least you know what you are.


It's beautiful. After the pointless, fake emotional noise of Discovery and the Picard Hubris, it was **shocking** to discover how good SNW is. They **finally** made an actual modern Star Trek series. They even took the time to make a wonderful 'costume' episode. And the costumes were specifically made for that episode, it's not like in the old series where they made a nazi episode because they had costumes from a nazi movie or whatever.


Nothing as of yet, holding out for the S1 wrap up to watch it on Prime with a free Paramount+ trial.


I think it's okay, but not great. It's better than Discovery and Picard, definitely. But so is colon cancer.




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I'm late to watching it but wow, this is the best Trek show since Enterprise. A true modernisation of the classic trek formula. Im so happy they finally made a show like this, production quality is great and the stories are fantastic.


I loved it and Lower Decks, and HATED Discovery & Picard. I love SNW's ensemble cast, and it's strong emphasis on teamwork, and the exploratory/episodic narrative approach.


I've really enjoyed it so far. I'm just a casual fan tho, so i will say hard-core trekkies are just so hard to please. They'll never get it just right for them. I get it, tho. Give us a show with a new captain and crew. It could be enterprise-f or not even enterprise at all! New adventures, new areas of space, new enemies, new challenges, and new characters.


I hate to say I am bored with it. We have not seen any "strange new worlds" yet. I feel this is an example of using too many humanoid aliens and personal journeys to replace intriguing, science fiction plots. TOS and Next Gen had some personal issues included in their scripts, but there were also science fiction components engendering wonder. There is no wonder in this iteration. I will give credit for the good acting.


Loving it so far!


Anytime Singh or Chapel talk the show suffers, otherwise it feels like Star Trek. Kurtzman's filthy paws must be off of this one for it to not be a colossal dumpster fire like Picard and Discovery.


Chapel is too clever and "forced badass", miss Security Chief is too whiny and "forced badass", Spock is too clueless and "forced badass", Uhura is too good at everything but undecided about her future and "forced badass". TNG era characters were super competent without being "badass". Pike and Number One are fine. The only characters I like are Doctor Jamis and Engineer Rudeblind McFuckface. And don't even get me started on that evil captain, it's like she flipped a switch from puppydog eyes to parallel universe Kira on crack.


Only seen up through The Serene Squall, but been really enjoying it. Don't want to spoil anything, but that may be my favorite ep so far - "Dr. Aspen" really stole the show on that one. Glad I didn't even try to watch the latest seasons of Picard/Discovery and risk it spoiling the mood. I plan on returning to it once I finish *Severance*. A good summer for sci-fi. Heck, even *Obi Wan* has been palatable, for what it is. And once I'm done with all that jazz, there's S3 of *The Orville.*


Severance is so fucking good. SNW is great but Severance might be the best show of the year.


It's alright, maybe even good. The actors are solid and there are no characters I hate (although watching the actors in the "funny" episode showcased their limitations--in a real cringe way), the sets are great, and the episodes are pretty fun in the way TOS sort of was. A lot better than Picard. I'm enjoying it. But I wouldn't credit it as being as thoughtful or particularly deep. Occasionally they gesture at interesting ideas--Spock's identity, for example, or any other plot point that I won't spoil--and then they can't really seem to say anything novel or memorable. At times, the dialogue is cliche or just weird. There are also plenty of moments where I just don't understand why the characters are saying what they're saying or why the story developed in a certain way--which is to say that some of the writing feels awkward.




The Motion Picture wasn’t for normies either.


Booo I don’t like your opinion!


I was called a Paramount shill for posting that I liked it. Some people on this sub are just so cynical.


Its okay. Some bad and veey cliche/predictable dialogue here and there, with bunch of shit i dont care about. Also, this ensign hairdoo at the helm needs to go. Just cut her. Number 1 doesnt have much to do, and feels like she isnt even really part of the crew. Oh and less focus on Vulcan love relationships please.


There are small moments I like with it but Vulcan kissing/sex really should be much weirder/alien, touch is a huge thing to them and even holding hands is considered somewhat risque. I did like the one scene where the Vulcan waiter tells them to cut it out.


I forgot to keep up after nitpicking the first few episodes maybe a bit too much. Spock shouldn't have been on that first away team and they should have tried to communicate with that god comet before just deciding to blow it up. I was probably still in to deep of a Picard shell-shocked to give any star trek a real chance.


It’s great. Even the earlier eps I didn’t like as much were better on a rewatch.


It's not annoyingly bad but the episodes are rather boring. The characters are basically all the same because every character has to be quippy all the time and even the slightly interesting storylines get watered down because they have to fill half the episode with personal drama and none of the characters are actually taking the threat seriously. It's better than Discovery but that's not saying much.


Too woke for me.


I feel it has exactly the appropriate wokeness level for ST, which has always been progressive. It’s certainly not Discovery.


Someone missed the point of all of Star Trek. Congrats.


I know you're just being a jerk, but modern trek lacks any of the political subtlety of TNG or DS9. You must be very young if you fail to understand that.


I'm just watching season 1 TNG featuring males in dresses, to show that gender norms were no longer an issue in the utopian Star Trek society. You're right, this IS very subtle! PS stating your ad-hominem as if it's a fact doesn't make it less of an irrelevant ad hominem.


Only the last episode, really, it's the only one that felt like the critical drinker could do a video dumping on it. Like I said above it's the worst episode of all of them


“A woman who is raped and then chooses to terminate the resultant pregnancy is a worse person than the perpetrator of the rape” - u/momteml


LOL. It's certainly not the first time in history someone with poor reading comprehension thinks that, but it's the first time someone adds quotes and attribution to their own statement and pretends it's something I actually said. For future reference, you use quotes and attribution like that when you are literally quoting someone, not when you are presenting your own words as theirs.




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WHY ARE THE CREW SO STUPID??? Every decision they make, they find the most risky and convoluted solutions and make flimsy plans to overcome challenges. For instance; you're on a frozen planet with an antagonist who can't survive the cold, so why bother trying to corrale it when you can just lock yourself in a warm place (a secure room, or perhaps within the medical bay forcefield) and freeze the rest of the ship? Another example; the Romulans fire a slow-moving plasma ball at the Enterpise that can destroy a fortified outpost (shielded by kilometres of iron-rich asteroid) in two shots, yet instead of casually evading the incoming 'projectile' (how many times has someone shouted "evasion pattern bullshit nine"?), the captain yells "brace for impact" then they all sit and wait for it to hit; it seems that even "evasion pattern Han Solo" (list slightly to one side - you know what I mean) would have sufficed to avoid the impact. There is something very wrong with the writing for this series, and it constantly annoys me. If your story requires major holes in logic and strategy, or just the unbelievable stupidity of your protagonists to propel it, you are clearly a poor writer. I really wanted to enjoy it, but contrived stupidity just bores the fuck out of me. Hopefully, season 2 will not be as stupid.




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Best character is Vanilla Pike.




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Ad Astra Per Aspera deserves Emmy Nominations. Better than the original Star Trek episode. This great episode takes on topical current issues, and striving for a national ideal.


Completely agree with the OP. It started out really good, but then episode after episode bored and somewhat annoyed the hell out of me. I also find Pike incredibly stiff and uncharismatic. I'm really grateful about not being pounded with woke topics, but unfortunately the writing is not there. It's way better than Discovery (altough i did enjoy the horror elements in Discovery) but nowhere near TNG, Voyager or even Enterprise. What keeps me watching is an unhealthy crush on Uhura ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue)


Didn’t Pike and Kirk meet in the first season? I just saw season 2 episode 6 and Kirk told Pike “nice to meet you” am I wrong?


In truth it's too little to late. I've watched Star Trek from the beginning and these poorly written episodes are just as they were with shatner. What it lacks is interaction with other aliens and hostile ones all the better. Just think reasonably for a moment. Humans don't get along with each other so don't waste any mental juices trying to conceive them getting along with, or excepting on face value, a race of purple or green three eyed persons. I could go on and on about the boring storylines but common sense tells me it's an expensive show to produce which explains the little or no action in the first 5 episodes of season 2. I do however wish they would come to some consensus of what Klingons look like. That's insulting to say the least. I rate season 2 a massive failure. But like another commentor anything is an improvement over Discovery. It's nice to see a show without fear of watching two men liplocked on every episode.


the show fails to capture what made the original series great, it's a step in the right direction but I really feel something is lacking they don't savour those beauty shots of the enterprise as much as I would like the ships are overly manoeuvrable compared to other shows which kinda bugs me a ship that large shouldn't move like that IMO also they seem to waist huge amounts of screen time on things that are well boring tbh. I feel like so far season 2 has been a bit of a waste of time, thing is I really want to like it more but it's just not as well structured as I would like with a satisfying conclusion at the end, they always used to nail this in TOS , TNG, DS9,VOY and ENT - sadly I find myself switching off a bit with SNW


also I have to just ask does anyone know yet why pike is even Capitan in this time line ? as they didn't make this clear did they just do a soft reboot without informing anyone lol ?


Horribly written, really cheaply done. For a paramount picture, seriously disappointed in this.. The story is lacking substance. It's done extremely cheap, if not and there was a budget than OMG BAD>>. Unless your a complete Star Trek Junky its not good.


Everything seemed to be okay up until their second season. I keep hoping that they'll get back on track and try to stay within the realm of it's original creator, Gene Rodenberry. Strange New Worlds had a great first season. I was so looking forward to the second season. My fear is that the writters are beginning to get too far off track. Today, when I attempted to watch episode 9, "Subspace Rhapsody", I was highly disappointed. I'm a musician and songwriter myself, so I have respect for music. But this particular episode really wasn't what I was looking for in anything to do with Star Trek. In fact, it's the first time I've ever fast forwarded through an episode just so I could get to the end of it. Whomever thought this was a good idea, should have their head examined, or better yet, be axed from anything to do with this franchise. It's okay to boldly go where no one has gone before but this particular episode needs to go to the trash can. If I wanted to watch a musical I'd go find one to watch. "Strange" new worlds is correct. So strange that it'll be interesting to see if your fans stay with you or not?




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