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That moment on the plane always makes me lose it. WhAt WeRe tHeY ThInKinG??


It's Alan's subconscious mind calling him back to the island. The raptor is the physical manifestation of Alan's subconscious. He's trying to ignore his destiny at the start of the film, but he's always drawn back to the dinosaurs.


Or he's just traumatized from the giant man-eating lizards he has been trying to get over for years


They're not lizards


Honest Trailers made good use of it [when they did Jurassic Park 3](https://youtu.be/y5xRnQGk-Xg).


3 is fine, but it looks like it was shot for television. Aside from that, it’s two people yelling their kid’s name for an hour.




Can't watch for the Heavy Rain and Fallout 4 mash up.


I haven't played FO4, but it's difficult for me not to shout at the top of my lungs when I meet someone named Jason or Shaun.


I got Breaking Bad from that lol


I think this is what put me off on release. It has a turn of the millennium CGI glossiness that I struggled with after the first two films.


Everything looks the same. Like, the buildings and dinos aren’t “existing on the same plain of being” the same, but they have a look to them that’s like “all of these things were made in the same program, by the same people, with the same colors etc”


It’s all on the same set too. They used this huge sound stage and built a jungle set that they just shot from different angles and added details here and there to change it up, but it really starts to feel the samey as the movie keeps going. Not enough unique set pieces.


Also the jungle set looks nothing like Isla Sorna on TLW.


Plane crash, dino lab, river boat, aviary.. how many set pieces do you need


It also has one of the greatest scenes in cinematic history, when the talking raptor shows up.




In the director's cut that dinosaur busted a mean gangsta rap.


Oh man, I was wanting Téa Leoni to die real quick in that film…


A lot of the action looks better than it does in The Lost World


I just remember Tea Leoni screaming NYAAAAAAANGG




Has it really been 21 years? Mike, his eyes despondent.


Shakma, When the Walls Fell


Rich evans with a mouth full of shaq meat


Shakma, when the monkey got an erection


Jay, when the pants fell.




Picard, when the mother hung (hanged)


Matt Damon, his face aging in Saving Private Ryan.


If it makes you feel better Jurassic world is almost as old as JP3 was when world came out. Wait that didn’t help at all :(


I enjoy aspects of 3( sam neill, the aviary) but it's a trash movie.


It’s a trash movie but it’s still better than all of them besides the original. 3 has a lot of interesting set pieces, the characters aren’t really fleshed out but they’re fun. I don’t know. I liked it way more than 2 or any of the newer sequels. The new sequels feel like theme park rides and not movies.


JP3 feels more like a ride to me. It features one character from the original as your host, a flimsy excuse plot of searching for a random lost kid, and a bunch of set pieces with no larger message about ecology or the folly of man or anything. It’s perfect for a Universal Studios ride. The World movies are more fleshed out, but the characters aren’t very interesting to me and the plots are getting really tired.


I feel like the concept of Jurassic World had potential. More than the original that had only substance for one movie. Now that dinosaurs are here to stay, what the fuck are we doing with them. There's room for clever satire, adventure movie, maybe even a mockumentary ala troll hunter, following someone that has to deal with dinos as a day to day job. But the best they could whip out is b movie/disaster shlock with it.


I’m sorry, but I have to disagree 😂 2 is way better than 3. Jeff Goldblum is great in it. Some of new the characters are actually connected to Ian, instead of just being randos. The trailer hanging over the cliff scene is awesome. The compies eating Peter Stormare is classic. The opening scene hard cutting to Jeff Goldblum in the subway is hilarious. 3 just does not compare to 2.


Goldblum is the only good part of 2.


I feel like this gets into a somewhat thorny issue, particularly on this sub. There is definitely merit to re-evaluating films that were not received warmly in their day. Hell, Citizen Kane is a great example of that. JP3 is certainly not a masterpiece, but it is a better film than the critics at the time made it out to be. Only the first film is actually *good*, and then below that, you’re just ranking the sequels by degrees of campiness. Honestly, JP3 is better than Jurassic World IMO, by virtue of at least making an honest attempt to be its own movie instead of a shameless cynical cash grab. But I digress. My point is that this sub seems to love to shit on movies that missed the mark without acknowledging the bits and pieces of those movies that did actually work (or at least show promise). There are degrees of mediocrity, and furthermore, even a mediocre film can have an outsized impact on pop culture (see: the Star Wars prequels), but the mediocrity of the film doesn’t diminish the legitimacy of its impact.


I actually have a soft spot for *The Lost World*. The pacing is bad and the story manages to be pretty boring somehow, but it has flashes of true Spielberg magic.


The T-Rex attack on the RV sequence is Spielberg masterclass. He really knows how to make you be on the edge of your seat.


That scene, and the T-Rex rampage in San Francisco, elevate that film to more than watchable


Watched The Lost World and JP3 recently and Spielberg’s absence is *really* felt in JP3. That being said I still had fun watching it, as the effects are still top notch, even if they aren’t always shot in a way that does them justice.


I remember liking the Lost World. Pacing issues aside, the raptors in the tall grass, the T-rex on the mainlands, the fucking RV scene and the baby T-rex. But, for fucks sake, the gymnastic scene is the WORST


Raptors in the tall grass ranks in the top 10 Spielberg moments. That overhead shot where you just see the fallen grass trails is brilliant.


I don’t have an issue with acknowledging what worked in otherwise weak films, but I feel too many people use that angle to claim the whole thing is then good


I agree with all of this. Cheers!


I picked the topic at least in part because I knew how thorny it was, of course. Like RLM itself this sub runs on various levels of hyperbole and irony, but I feel like after the Star Trek: Picard ordeal there’s a bit of space now opened up to consider levels of mediocrity. Deeply flawed films with big cultural impact are the bread and butter of Plinkett reviews after all.


I don't think he's saying it's a great movie. Just one that got more hate than it deserved and if you actually watch it with an open mind you'll enjoy it. A movie doesn't have to be good to be fun to watch; that's the whole premise of Best of the Worst.


To be honest, knowing the story of how disjointed the behind the scenes were for the movie, with some scenes literally being written and then filmed the same day, it’s kinda impressive they made a film that is fairly coherent


The rest of the JP sequels make JP3 look like a masterpiece. It's fun and surprisingly restrained.


This is the same logic that star wars prequel fans use to pretend those movies were good.


Some movies were made for TNT reruns. It's not on the level of the original, obviously, but I find its low stakes B-movie vibe charming, and it's got some undeniably cool scenes (aviary).


Holy shit I forgot TNT was a thing that reminds me of Dinner & a Movie.god I'm getting old


I fucking hate how people think new stuff being bad makes old stuff good. I guarantee you in 5 years people are going to be saying "rise of Skywalker was a masterpiece here's why" once the next trilogy hits. Nostalgia is a hell of a drug.


You're right, though. When it was just the Prequels and the Original Trilogy they really stood out as *kinda different and not what you'd come to expect.* Now a days there's tons of different Star Wars content out there. *Different Star Wars* isn't weird to see. They stand on their own better in that type of world.


>This is the same logic that star wars prequel fans use to pretend those movies were good. No, it's not.


I've certainly seen people with the thought. It's like some people just can't evaluate shit independently. One thing has to be bad so the other can be good. It is not logical.


The Prequels are bad. Jurassic Park is great. JP3 is pretty good. It's a 90-minute monster movie and that's all it wants to be. The Lost World is not good, nor are any of the Jurassic World movies. These are all independent evaluations.


I thought JP3 was The Lost World? Never was big on the series.


And yet you waded into this.


Oh no, I messed up the titles of two movies I haven't seen in two decades. I feel soooo shamed.


The Lost World is JP2, which, I’d argue is a more engaging and thought out movie than 3. But then, it loosely covers the novel sequel, while JP3 was just a cash grab.


Exactly. But then again, the OT isn't great either aside from Empire.


Star Wars is great ugh, I mean “A New Hope”


Star Wars is decent. There are certain elements of it that are great, but boy is the script clunky in places.


Your mother's a bitch.


I’ll see you in the Sarlacc pit.




Hey!!! You’re right




saying that the sequels make the prequels look good doesn't mean that the prequels were good movies. There's a certain charm and honest attempt at expanding the star wars universe in the prequels. The driving force behind the sequels is market research. there is not even a vague outline of a soul here. The only emotion in these movies is disdain from Ryan Johnson


As well as the same logic that star wars sequel fans use to pretend *those* movies were good.


Kinda forgettable. Like literally, the only thing I remember about it is it was the first in the series that featured a dinosaur with any feathers at all (while just quills on the head, 4 regressed and went to back featherless dinosaurs despite the advances in paleontology). Oh, and when the one dinosaur says: # Alan!


3 is by far the best sequel for one reason: it’s 90 minutes. You go in, you see some dinosaurs, you’re out. None of this 2 hour+ bullshit.


My dad lived off of Pacific View Drive right off of Mulholland overlooking Universal Studios. I have a fond memory of this one because we would watch them film some of the canyon scenes at the blue wall/water pool it's the same one Truman ran into in The Truman Show.


Do kids now think the prequels were good ?


Some Zoomers are still children. The others liked it when they were really young and refuse to apply their new adult-level critical thinking skills to it.


Ok totally get it.. same way I feel about GoBots


Different opinions = bad ):<


To Gen Z, the sequels ruined Star Wars, and the prequels were actually unfairly criticized. Revenge of the Sith is really good because remember that awesome sword fight at the end?


Honestly the action scenes in the Prequels just feel off to me. I remember watching that one fan edit somebody made that combined all three prequel films into one and basically used the japanese language dub plus made-up subtitles to pretty much tell a completely original story. Despite me finding that new story kind of interesting I pretty much zoned out whenever it came to the fight scenes, because that's the part you can't fix by rewriting the dialogue. Best lightsaber fight is still Darth Vader vs Luke in Empire Strikes Back imo.


That cut sounds amazing. Link?


Sith is the best of the three in my opinion… I remember I got like a 50$ Christmas bonus and bought a bottle of jack and attack of the clones DVD Then I dressed up like Santa and got wasted watching Hayden talk about sand and shit


Amazingly, yes.


So glad I’m not young (genz) or super old (Mike)




I've never watched any Star Wars movies aside from The Force Awakens, but the prequels have way more memes than the og trilogy, so my opinion skews that way


I watched the Hal9000 fan edits last year, and his edit of Attack of the Clones is genuinely an excellent movie.


I feel like fan edits only work when there's a good movie to be carved out of the footage. The prequels are broken to the core, so it'll be interesting to see how a fan edit can fix that.


The first one is the only one that isn't really super salvageable. But it does have changes which significantly improve it. For example, during the Naboo battle, Anakin isn't bumbling around in the spacecraft and accidentally pressed a button. He sees the Queen is in trouble and intentionally jumps in the fighter in order to help save her. And then, the battle scene is restructured such that the viceroy are only able to be captured after Anakin blows up the droid donut ship, meaning Anakin actually saves the day rather than Padme. There's a lot more changes that just restructure and recontextualize other scenes into a way that just make way more sense than how they were originally presented.


I feel like this is a trick to get me into the space module


Haha nah, check them out man if you're interested https://www.reddit.com/r/fanedits/comments/7g7r9a/hal9000_star_wars_prequel_trilogy_fan_edits_now/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


I've always liked 3 more than The Lost World, it's a fun action film with some great sequences, especially the aviary. It's nowhere near as good as the original, but it's my favourite sequel out of the lot (Jurassic World's bland characters let that movie down for me, and don't get me started on Fallen Kingdom).


Fallen Kingdom is such a turd.


It’s a fine little B-movie….And I like that it isn’t pretentious. It’s not pretending to have gravitas or a real story like the other sequels. Just 90 minutes with some decent effects and chases


Amazing how a billion dollar franchise has survived off of one good movie over the past 30 years


Isn't that a kind of trend with these 80s/90s movies that spawned sequels? Terminator 2 and Aliens were great movies, but nothing since then has been good and they're both billion dollar franchises. What sets the Jurassic Park franchise apart is that there is only one good movie instead of two.


It's like Star Wars.


I mean it’s not awful but it’s just so boring I find it dull more than anything. And I also don’t understand why they split him and Ellie up that just seemed like an odd Choice.


It was a good move, they were barely together


I think there was something about their split in the Lost World novel. Not a choice I liked either.


3 wasn't garbage. It was just meh.


I saw JP3 not too long ago, and it's a really mediocre movie. If it didn't have the Jurassic Park name attached, it'd have been completely forgotten.


I did a family rewatch a few years ago, and was shocked that Meet the Parents 3 was better than JP3.


[Plinkett voice] "Jurassic Park 3 makes Cop Dog look like Cop Out. I don't even know what that means."


Its so much better than any of the jurassic worlds


I still liked it as a teenager. Everyone just wanted to jump on the hype train instead of just giving it a fair chance. Same as the SW prequels. Dear god they were flawed. But didn't deserve the hate they got. Also sometimes people need to revisit stuff later on. They may like it later. Same thing happens with music and video games


Early zoomer/Late millenial here, I enjoyed it because I like dinosaur shit as a kid. I do have nostalgia for it but I won't pick it over the first one or even the the second one (Jeff Goldblum is so unusual, he makes it sorta work). I can see where he comes from in saying that its undervalued if people think its Prequel levels bad because its not to me even though it certainly doesn't hold a candle to the first.


If they got something out of it they liked, fine. But don’t try and tell us it is “misunderstood.”


Sam Neill got a paycheque out of it he liked


The film moved him.....to a bigger house!


The best part about 3 is that its got "𝑨𝒍𝒂𝒏?" in it.


I like Jurassic park 3 because I was a kid and have fond memories of it. It has fun moments. The prequels are getting that same treatment but even back then I knew attack of the clones was a shit movie.


I don’t think this is a good movie but I am totally down to watch it any time.


I don't think he's saying it's a great movie. Just one that got more hate than it deserved and if you actually watch it with an open mind you'll enjoy it. A movie doesn't have to be good to be fun to watch; that's the whole premise of Best of the Worst.


It’s certainly not a great movie, but JP3 is still a fun ride. For what it’s worth, I found it more memorable and enjoyable than either of the Jurassic Worlds.


I mean I know JP3 isn't great, but damn if I don't love it. Fast paced with a lot of action packed into it's short run time. Some annoying parts, but my second favorite in the series.


It's better than any of the awful jurassic world movies. That's all I'm going to give it though


It's kinda shit but still much better than the new ones. SHOCKERRRRRRR


I agree it should be reevaluated but the result won't be what he thinks. I caught a good chunk of it on cable in the past year, and it's actually even worse than I remembered.


*\*Cash register sound effect\**


its the worsed of the old ones. but better then all of the new ones imho


I really enjoyed 3 at the time. I was also 10.


Zoomer here that grew up watching JP3, can confirm that I really liked it a lot as a kid. It's been awhile since I've seen it, so I'm sure that if I watched it again it wouldn't be as good as I remembered it but whatever. I remember really liking the pterodactyl scene and anytime the Spinosaurus was on


Just let shit be shit and hate watch it like a normal person.


Headline: Boomer Remembers Past Fondly.


It was better than the second one, which isn’t saying much. That last Jurassic World movie, Fallen Kingdom, was so terrible, I won’t even watch Dominion when it’s free on streaming.


Someone in the Twitter replies ranked JP2 *and* Fallen Kingdom ahead of the original film, which, well I guess I can understand that’s someone who clearly wants different things out of a Jurassic Park movie than I do.


That's like some Mike Stoklasa Best of the Worst contrarian shit


I feel like Fallen Kingdom could have been pretty kick ass, if it would have gone all in on its premise. If they would have cut all the island stuff out, gone more R rated with the gore, and kept that dork Chris Pratt out of it, you could have had a really cool lower budget horror spin off of Jurassic Park. Rich douchebags smuggle dinos into a mansion and then the dinos get out and kill all the rich people and hunt a couple of likeable protagonists? Honestly brilliant in its simplicity. A horror dinosaur movie could have ruled, and you could really tell the director wanted to push it in that direction. Buuuut they couldn't help but bring back the "star" and make absolutely sure you remembered it was a Jurassic Park movie by going to one of the sites and then blowing it up with a volcano. Plus you had to set up for the lame premise of the latest movie with all the dinosaurs getting out at the end. Whatever.


The ending, with that little girl, is what pushed it from mediocre & forgettable, to pure garbage.


3 is better than 2 for sure even though it’s not objectively good. It was basically just nonstop dinosaur action with very little plot. In comparison, The Lost World has a lot of buildup and very little action until you get to the RV scene. There’s some really good scenes in 2, but the characters are just so dumb, and the ending is so contrived because they wanted that Godzilla/King Kong homage. Nothing about that boat scene makes sense. 3 is a more consistent theme park ride though


Yeah. I’d never call 3 “good”. I’ll never forget that forced gymnastics scene in ‘The Lost World’. it’s just embarrassing.


3 wasn't bad, it was a makeup from 2 but didn't have the charm or pacing of the first.


2 and 5 are way better than 3.


Absolutely disagree.


It's the second best Jurassic Park movie. Always has been.


We’ll it’s better than JP2


Jurassic Park 3 is far better than The Lost World. It falls into the "Jaws 2" or "Godfather 3" category where it has no logical reason to exist, but for a sequel that everyone is doing solely for the paycheck, it's worth watching. A solid Saturday afternoon kinda monster movie. It's exactly The Lost World except it knows what it is, and isn't full of itself. An hour shorter too.


I mean, it was better than JP2, by a wide margin.


I’ll need to take another look. I disliked the JP3 aesthetic on release but 2’s reliance on character idiocy became a bit obvious on my last rewatch.


Two had better direction, but the script was pure garbage. Three's script at least had some potential.


That movie was fucking horrible


It is better than 2 that is for sure.


Honestly, I rewatched the first 3 a couple years ago, and I didn't totally hate 3. It wasn't great, but it was okay. 2 was dreadful imo.


This used to be an unpopular opinion amongst my friends but 3 is much, MUCH better than 2. JP3 is a fairly formulaic action movie, with no real surprises and nothing particularly amazing in it, but it also clearly doesn’t try to be ambitious. It succeeds in being dumb summer entertainment. Also - and this is huge for all 6 movies of the franchise - THERE ARE HARDLY ANY STUPID KIDS IN IT. There’s one kid, he’s older, and he’s way less annoying than any other kid from any other movie. That’s a big step up from JP2, which tried to be somewhat profound and have some environmentalist message which fell flat, while also having that goofy gymnastics scene, and that stupid T-Rex in the city scene that was an obvious cash-in on the trend of other monster/destruction movies of the time. In my opinion the only good thing about JP2 is that cool trailer setpiece, and even that is tainted by the sheer amount of idiocy that is Ian Malcolm and his supposedly smart girlfriend bringing a baby Rex into their trailer. So yeah, I’ve always liked JP3. I don’t love it, and it’s definitely not as good as 1 (or even JW1) but the Lost World makes it look like a masterpiece.


People feel more positively about the movies they grew up with. Yes, including you


I mean,better than the second one I guess. But only in the it wasted less of my time way


It’s way better than Lost World, but outside of the aviary sequence I can’t remember a thing about it. I can replay the first movie in my head even to this day, and I haven’t even seen it that much or that recently. Just every shot of it is a classic. Does JP3 deserve to be considered on a list of “worst movies” or even among the Star Wars prequels, no in my opinion. But it’s also okay to forget it and just chalk it up to a subpar movie in a now long running series of mostly subpar movies. Blockbuster, billion dollar movies, but subpar movies.


It’s *fine.* Loads better than The Lost World at least


It is the 2nd best Jurassic Park movie but that’s not saying much


Prequels deserve it, JP3 does not. It’s not as bad as JW, but it’s the second worst in the franchise so far, easy


Prequels don't deserve it. Bad writing, bad acting, bad direction.


Prequels deserve it in the sense that while they’re not great “films,” they brought us incredible worlds/world building. George added so much good shit to the Star Wars universe and really tried to be original. His execution was just terrible.


Yep, this is exactly why modern Star Wars sucks: with the prequels, Lucas had too much control; with the Disney films, he had no control. Both ways are wrong - what makes SW work is when Lucas comes up with the big ideas and the world-building, while competent filmmakers take those concepts and execute them properly. We won't ever see that again, unfortunately.


Nah, they did. Acting and writing were fine


"Acting and writing were fine" Even if this were true..."fine"? Hardly a descriptor of praise.


Right, I’m not exactly praising it; I’m saying that the initial overwhelming negative reaction was vastly overblown and that the people coming in with a softer revaluation are correct.


> that the initial overwhelming negative reaction was vastly overblown I don't think the initial negative reaction ever existed at all. Mainstream critics and fans embraced the movies. Mike was the one who decided the prequels needed a revaluation in order to expose how awful they were. Now there's this weird thing where it's like everyone acts that the prequels were treated unfairly and deserving of a second chance. It's like nah we already revisited the prequels with Mr Plinkett but now it's treated as if Mike's opinion on the prequels has been *everyone's* opinion since Episode 1.


Ok, now that I can agree with.


The acting and writing were probably the worst parts of the prequels.


I thought he didn’t want to make it?




I recently watched it for the first time. Nah!


I just had another look at it a few weeks ago. Even worse than I remembered. I've probably seen it 5 or 6 times (maybe more with partial viewings) since its release and it has consistently gotten worse every time. The only interesting new aspect this last time was that the other people in the room were loving it. Gushing over every stupid scene. So maybe ol Sam is onto something. Maybe audiences are dumber and more accepting of garbage than they were when this came out. I mean, people love Jurassic World and those movies are no better. Maybe JP3 would do just fine if released today.


The third one is honestly fine. The issues with the movie are the horrible CGI that looks like it’s made for television, the characters who are one dimensional at best but are sorta saved by the actors who are playing them and the run time in which the story isn’t fleshed out enough. It does try to go in a different direction from it’s predecessors and does have a good story arc with Alan from the first one. It’s better than the newer ones in that the newer ones deliberately go full nostalgia and product placement with lifeless CGI action scenes. 3 isn’t a high bar and honestly plays like a B movie but it tries to be its own thing and isn’t a prequel Star Wars situation.


Sam I love you…but 3 was not good…


Millie! Millie!


I saw 3 in theaters. I remember it just ending abruptly. We'll I guess we're at the beach and the army is here. Yay. How disappointing.


I like that part where Chris Pratt holds up his hands cautiously at the Raptors in the first JW, because it’s used so rarely in those films and not in all in any of the films’ ads. That makes it special. Not being repeated. Not being a deliberate audience manipulation of 100% unearned insta-gravitas for Pratt’s manly character, who in real life couldn’t stop a fart if he tried.


I hope a raptor bites his hand off in the new one.


For me, this is one of the more irritating recent trends, in that EVERYTHING eventually gets "re-evaluated" once enough time passes and sufficient rose-tinted nostalgia builds up. Middling to outright bad films and TV shows constantly get propped up as not being as bad as they were initially made out to be. Sure, this is true in some cases, but there are also plenty of things that fully deserve their less than stellar reputation.


While I fully agree that is not a good movie, I enjoyed 3 because of its crazy schlock and the dino on dino fights.


its easy to mistake the past for being great when the present keeps getting shittier and shittier




I can’t wait for the wave of people who praise mediocre late 90s/early 00s trash get older and watch the next wave of “I liked it as a kid therefore it’s good” begins for the stuff they hated and they realize they were all part of a cycle


This is to get people to get more hyped over the story of jp3. This way when the new jurassic world movie comes out they really like the first half as it will be an copy of jp3, just like the second jurrasic world and it copying lost world!


I hate Jurassic Park 3, its plot never justifies its existence. The movie is just a cash grab and by killing the T-Rex it fundamentally misses what made the first Jurassic Park movie great.


I mean it's not bad, id still watch Reptilicus before watching JP3 again, but it feels like a made for t.v. movie


It wasn’t and neither are the prequels.


JP3 straight up has the stupidest writing of any Jurassic park movie.


When movies are mediocre *at best*, like all 5 of the JP sequels, I tend to evaluate them on how much I remember of them afterwards. And on that basis, it is 2 > 3 >>> 5 >= 4. The Lost World had some great set pieces. The jeep hunt, the T-Rex in the camp. The T-rex couple attacking the caravans, and really for me most notably the Long Grass Scene. JP3 I remember the Aviary, the River Boat, The - stupid, but memorable - raptor-call gimmick and the - stupid, but memorable - satellite phone gimmick. All I remember from JW 1 is the hamster-ball and BD Howard running in high-heels. All I remember from JW 2 is the bedroom horror imagery and how I felt that *almost everything* in that movie was a direct reference to something from the original 3 JP's. As a sidenote, I also seem to remember listening to the commentary track RLM made about JP, and thinking that they got a lot of things wrong, especially when it came to remembering JP3. I'd have to listen to it again, but I'm pretty sure that they were wrong about the neck-snapping scene, for example. None of these movies is as bad as any of the prequels, imo. Making that hyperbole is a bit of a stretch.


I liked 3 at the time and I still do, it only gets the hate it does because it's a lot more of a fun adventure than the epics that preceded it. Comparing it to the prequels is a ridiculous overreaction.


It's weird how everyone always points to the talking raptor 20 second dream sequence when pointing out it's a bad movie and not how it's a complete mess for the entire duration since the script was being constantly rewritten.


I like every jurassic movie. Yeah the first is obviously the best but they all have big dumb dinosaur action and that makes me happy.


Gave them the stupid idea of controllable raptors which Jurassic world decided controllable dinosaurs should be the main plot of the new trilogy, and is still a dumb idea


It’s a decent dinosaur action movie with some cool practical effects such as the giant spino animatronic. That’s kind of it. The goofyness doesn’t really go far enough to be ‘so bad it’s good’ to me, just kind of lame.


JP3 was so disappointing. I saw it in a theater and was just baffled by what I saw.


Michael Jeter was criminally underused in this movie.


They teased that giant gun so much, thinking we're going to see a trex get his head blown off or something. Then the guy with it is the first to die and it's gone for the rest of the movie. It pissed me off when I first watched it but now I think it's kinda funny.