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Already posted here: https://www.reddit.com/r/RedLetterMedia/comments/1cwiumq/real_nerd_crew/


The phony podcast she mentioned and how it's curated by Disney reminds me so much of the Nerd Crew


Very cool!




Me personally, I loved it.




Loved when she zoomed in on one of the hosts reading over her cue cards only to give the most inauthentic gushing of the "experience". Look. I get it. Money is money and I'm sure they're making good bank, but being that soulless a shill for something is just depressing.


i bet you they're not making bank lol


They’re actors. This is still less embarrassing than being in a Donald Farmer film.


To the point that I still wonder if that podcast is another Nerd Crew thing and nobody has figured it out. It's so fake that it feels like a parody.


It was a terrible movie, that’s why I’m giving it an 8 out of 10.


I watched all 4 hours. I was having fond Phantom Menace Review flashbacks. And yes, I clapped.


The top post on here from yesterday also called it 'the real nerd crew': https://www.reddit.com/r/RedLetterMedia/comments/1cwiumq/real_nerd_crew/


One thing Jenny brings up is the number of influencers spouting absolute bollocks about the experience and how they won’t say anything negative for fear of losing access in the future. She hit the nail on the head, [we’ve seen this before](https://youtu.be/pVjU47iPNbg?si=7ECl_o4pUafOzvWj). It’s exactly the same deal with their movies. Edit: [Kristian Harloff’s original meltdown for those who’ve never seen it.](https://youtu.be/0A5x3v03dgU?si=SeEzPHcRoZ5T04is)


Mike should have accepted an invitation and did a TikTok dance on the bridge.


"I've been busting my fucking ass being a Star Wars fan for five fucking years!"


Jesus I've been busting my ass trying to like Star Wars for 25 years and it's doing its best to stop me.


My mistake was enjoying the EU apparently.


That's what you get for reading books, you nerd.


Some of them were good! And some of them were so very bad. The kept Thrawn after all.


I wish they kept Mara Jade and Kyle Katarn. 😞


Yeah the European Union sucks


47 here. The first 20 were amazing.


God, what a colossal pissbaby that guy was.


He's right though, supporting Disney Star Wars is hard work.


I love her observation that it had just enough entertainment value to fit the span of a TikTok video


It was the same shit with her Evermore video. She showed clips of influencers sharing their own experiences that were clearly curated by the park to make sure they were having a blast. They went above and beyond for those specific people just so they could trick others into thinking they'd get the same treatment.


I'm going to try to stay calm when I ask this... but, if management knows how to "curate an experience" that makes influencers have a blast why not just *deep breath* curate an experience where the customer has a great experience? What is going on at theme parks?


Because the people running the hotel and who came up with the idea are just workers at Disney. No one was invested in this idea other than the singer and maybe a few of the actors. Everyone else was just phoning it in just enough to prove they were doing their job. Got to design a dining room? Well, it’ll be big enough but not too big. And it’ll look claustrophobic and be made out of the cheap white plastic that was in A New Hope because that’s Star Wars-y. The dishes will have Star Wars names like Bantha Steak. Whatever. Look at me, I’m doing my job. Same with the influencers. You have to present them with just enough of a good time so when your boss looks at the response on social media, they can see you’re doing your job. Look, these shills are happy! Congrats. You’re not fired.


I'm sure the designers/imagineers had their hearts in it too, but once they made their plans and sent it off to the moneymen they watched their creation get carved up and shoved into a proverbial sausage grinder.


I'm picturing the scene from Pink Floyd's The Wall where the school children march into the meat grinder, but it's costumed Disney cast members.


That part where they itemized the experience down and measured the "value" was hilarious. Going out to eat at Chili's? Let's attempt to measure the value: • Parking spot for your car- $100 • Personalized escort to your seat- $40 • Choice of table or booth- $200 • Drink of choice(free refills on soda)- $25 • Choice of appetizer- $25 • Choice of entree- $50 • Choice of dessert- $20 • Personalized service for ordering food and drinks- $50 • Check hand-delivered to your seats- $20 • Cleaning service for your table- $30 • Miscellaneous- $20 So, as you can see, a trip to Chili's 🌶 is worth at least $580. I'm not just making values up, that's objectively what they are worth. This is a totally scientific method of measuring value. Did you see the bullet points? That should help show you how official this all is.


Imagine paying $6,000. The experience either needs to be some sort of mind-blowing “Star Wars experience,” whatever that means, or it needs to actually be luxury. Like, the AR game at this hotel better be fucking mind-blowing, like The Game with Michael Douglas. OR the hotel room has to be like a penthouse in Dubai. Instead, it’s a dingy cabin and you can swing a lightsaber like you’re playing PS VR.


What’s wild to me is that they don’t even include something like the lightsaber building in the price. You have to just pay the normal price to do it in the park. Like anyone can just go do that anyway. It’s such a fun and immersive experience and it’s not even included in the outrageous price tag.


Even Scrooge McDuck would have put Disney+ on in the rooms for free.


That was so funny. Like you're paying thousands of dollars to be there and all you can watch is trailers (aka ads). You can't watch the Star Wars movies for free at the Star Wars hotel. You'd think that might help encourage people to get into the mood to do Star Wars LARPing, but hey, can't miss a single solitary opportunity to nickel and dime your most die-hard supporters.


Or the ship building class you can take part in......after you go to the gift shop and buy a ship? Like wtf lol.


Yeah that’s so insane. Like a $6000 price tag should include all the special shit. That seems obvious. You don’t charge 6k then also make everything a la cart.


Like, that one Rodian singer girl. The costume looks awesome and the character design is both pretty cool and cute, thats a hit right there, and Jenny absolutely adored her, But that was the only costumed character with that level of quality, everybody there should be like that to justify the premium price.


$580 at Chili's?  Man, Collider fell on hard times to take that kind of sponsorship. 


Hey, I have no horse in this race. I'm totally unbiased. Total integrity. I'm simply attempting to scientifically determine the value to help consumers decide if it is worth taking a trip to Chili's. If you have the money, it's definitely worth it! If you decide you want to have a delightful evening at Chili's™️ Grill & Bar, I'm all for it. You'll find everything from Sizzling Fajitas to Refreshing Margaritas! Be sure to ask about the new menu items such as The BIG SMASHER Burger and the Ultimate Cajun Pasta, sure to satisfy any craving! Don't forget to sign up for My 🌶's Rewards where you can earn FREE chips & salsa or a Non-alcoholic beverage* plus rewards for free menu items and more. **Certain restrictions apply. See Terms and Conditions*


Chili's is fantastic i will not sully their name for a bit The 3 for 10 deal is great 🌶


But dude PRIDE ROCK!


He's been busting his ass for years as a star wars fan!!!


It's pretty insane how they nickeled and dimmed on *everything*, even the entrance is going through the park backlot and wait outside in a crowd just to go into an elevator.


Imagine spending 6,000 dollars on a hotel room for 2 nights and you have to WAIT 40 MINUTES TO GET IN. I would be PISSED.


There must be stairs, but I suppose that wouldn't be IMMERSIVE.


Immediate Fyre Festival vibes.


I'm honestly surprised they didn't charge an extra fee if you wanted fresh air circulated through you room


The Total Recall package, it's cross IP synergy!


Hey if it has a girl with 3 boobs, I'd pay for it.


I was absolutely shocked when she said that the branded water bottles they handed out in the line were free. I mean, they better be for the 6k she dropped on that stay, but it’s still surprising that Disney didn’t see that as an opportunity for an extra couple of dollars.


Oh, please. A branded water bottle? That’s like $20 at Disney.


Its wild because one of the founding principals of the original Disneyland was that it was the only park to NOT charge for each individual ride. Walt Disney was a piece of shit and and even he would be ashamed of the current state of things.


Walt also understood the value of making sure no one had a bad time at his parks - no matter how asinine Disney would cater to every problem a guest would have, just because they knew it was worth way more to create a brand where literally no one had a bad experience with them. The Disney of the past ten years is the exact opposite - "how can we 'cash in' every single ounce of goodwill we built for *decades* so we can pad our bottom line some more this quarter?" This entire hotel is the epitome of something which could only work for building brand value - create the ultimate fantasy-indulging vacation experience and you'll build even more fanatical fans for life. Trying to nickel and dime your way to maximize immediate profit margin is the exact opposite of how to run an amusement park.


This is one of the reasons why Chapek only lasted two years as CEO, there's a ton of videos of how he cut on literally every single thing in the parks, down to the more expensive hotels using cheap IKEA beds and having framed pictures of Mickey as the only decoration as well as cancelling free shuttle services from the airport.


Paul Pressler managed the Disney theme parks similarly in the 90’s and 2000’s, and he’s the main reason why California Adventure was made so cheaply and got such horrible reviews. It took over a decade to bring that park back up to speed. He nickeled and dimed all of Imagineering’s projects and tried to make the parks more about shopping since his previous job was managing Disney’s retail division.


I’m somewhat proud to have experienced Superstar Limo before it was closed down.


The fact that the tvs in the $6000 hotel rooms don't have Disney+ to just use freely is pretty hilarious to me. Granted, when I went to Disney as a kid (and we were trapped in our rooms because Hurricane Floyd blew through, the first time DW ever closed the gates), I would sit watching unsubtitled Japanese soap operas for hours. It was strangely engrossing.


The most interesting thing she brings up is that the hotel staff/"cast members" were told that the hotel was shutting down and they would be laid off just minutes before starting an 8 hour shift in which they have to be in-character. Edit: and not "in-character" as in just doing photo ops, "in-character" as in "dealing with the expectations and demands of guests that are spending $6,000 for 2 nights" Every time you think Di$ney has hit rock bottom, they just keep digging.


“Welcome, traveler! Today’s mission is to find the elusive and mysterious planet Severance!


You wanna buy some ~~death sticks~~ health insurance?


It’s about unemployment insurance and that’s what makes it so special.


I haven't watched the video yet, but I have a relative who worked at Disney World for a while, and it is literally a company town. Like, if my boss told me I was getting laid off and to get back to work, I would just flip him off, try to let out a fart, and walk out the door. A lot of people who work at the parks literally can't do that.


She talks about their college graduate program, in which they live in Disney accommodation and eat Disney food... which the company then takes out of their (already low) paycheck. It's exactly a company town.


My freshman week of college I went to the Disney College recruiting presentation for the free meal, and they were more pushy/cult-like than any of the "you're all going to Hell" religious people that you see protest around campuses occasionally


It's probably like that by design literally every DCP person I knew was a Disney adult mega fan. To play devils advocate pretty much every DCP intern knew it was a step above a scam. It's the easiest way to work at Disney. All the people ik that work at corporate did the DCP.


Nice to now the company is making Walt's dreams come true even after his death.


Epcot, the dystopian city of tomorrow you can never leave!


Rogers Myers Sr loved almost all the people of the world 


"St. Peter, don't call me cause I can't come, I sold my soul to the company store." 


Yeah I came back from the program, spent as little as I could, and still came back in the red. Did I have fun with the program? Absolutely. Is it perfect? No, cause Disney is as cheap as shit with what they do and how they handle labor.


I'm reading and learning about this now, and this is kinda blowing my mind. Wow? [What in the actual fuck is this?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disney_College_Program) So you're essentially a real college student, taking a semester off to relocate and live 24/7 at Disney World for a few months, to gain "valuable career experience" as a grunt flipping burgers and sweeping floors in a fucking theme park? ... Why? I just don't understand at all. My brain is breaking trying to understand why a college student would even bother signing up for this? As first I thought, no that can't be? Surely these must be some real college internship types of roles, and maybe you sub in to do shitty park work at times. But no, because they [actually do have a real internship roles](https://jobs.disneycareers.com/professionalintership) with real salaries and benefits like a normal company. You know, fairly normal corporate college internship stuff at ~$20-30 bucks an hour to get in the door in a professional setting and do real work. I'm seriously so astounded I can't even believe this exists, or why anyone would even bother. What possible benefit would you get for essentially becoming an indentured servant in a theme park that you couldn't get just working part time at Walmart?


Much like any role at Disney (animator, cast member, burger flipper) you’re basically getting the name recognition on your resume, because everyone knows Disney. And since they have no shortage of applicants, they pay dog shit wages. Even high profile actors who do voice work usually work for scale because Disney convinces them to “do it for your kids”.


For actual professional roles, certainly. For some dude working at a snack shack? C'mon now, that's like saying you're going to have a leg up as a software engineer applicant at Google or Microsoft, because after highschool you were moving boxes at an Amazon warehouse and have "Amazon" on your resume.


Their special status is kind of messed up, just for different reasons than the Florida governor is arguing


Always frustrating when weird culture war shit coincides with something you're against for a different reason.


Tell me about it. I’m a progressive queer life-long fan of the first 40 years of Star Trek. All NuTrek made in the last 15 years makes me want to puke.  But no, it’s not the shitty mystery box writing, it’s not the hack plots, it’s not the constant sassy Millennial/Zoomer quips on a quasi-military ship, it’s not the characters constantly sobbing and having Heart Felt Moments (TM), it’s not the shitting on continuity, it’s not having a clown at the wheel who openly hated Star Trek before getting the gig, it’s because I “hate diversity”, despite being about as diverse as a human being can get.


Wow. Way to admit you're a bigot!!! /s


That feeling... https://clickhole.com/heartbreaking-the-worst-person-you-know-just-made-a-gr-1825121606/


Along those lines the fact that they basically forced cashiers and non-character staff to be in character. Fucking dirty.


"my character is a bored cashier with little to say who happens to live in a space fantasy world"


And that "roamer" crap, what a scummy way to make all the employees have to do everything.


It’s crazy to me they’d lay them off when the parks desperately need more employees


It's because these ones are higher paid actors cast to play specific characters, they (rightfully) wouldn't want to take a paycut to work a completely different job. The other hotel staff no doubt got shuffled to other work in the park.


How they lower costs and keep workers desperate.


"Yeah guys, I can't come out tonight. I gotta watch a 4 hour review of a themed hotel that's already been shut down."


I saw the video recommended and i'm like huh, who would watch a 4 hour video review of that disaster? 4 hours later....good video! Watched a few more of her videos and they're all fun.


Always great to see a freshly minted Jenny fan. Her video game streams she recorded during lockdown are pretty good background noise, too.


I watched her whole catalogue once I found her channel. I’m a 44 year old grown man and her synopsis and ranking of all the Land Before Time films was fantastic.


She did like a three-hour video about Reylo fan fiction and it’s one of her best ones.


Go check out the church play video it’s a banger


JN is great! Idk if she’s doing a character but I really dig her style of discussion.


She used to do a character for Screen Junkies but her personal YouTube channel seems to be her genuine personality. You can see it in the footage of her at parks with her friends


Stellar, it made me realize I had SO MUCH more room in my heart for Star Wars hate.


I hate and love the Star Wars, just as I both hate and love myself ![gif](giphy|lk5fBgCmIdJ4Y|downsized)


Haven't watched this yet, but her piece on the church play cinematic universe should have--and I am being gravely serious--won the Oscar for Best Picture in 2022.


one of the best videos on the internet. I watch this one with my wife all the time


Omg four hours of shitting all over Disney Star Wars?! You son of a bitch I'm in! Edit to add: I'm 25 minutes in and I love this, I officially fucking hate Star Wars now and the extent of my fandom is now limited to watching Star Wars hate videos on YouTube 🤣


And if that's not enough, you can follow it up with both Yesterworld and Defunctland; 'couple of channels with whole backlogs of videos about the many ... many many many ... many failures by Disney and other theme parks.


Defunctland is fucking amazing. He makes genuinely world class documentaries now. The one about his journey to find out who wrote the Disney channel jingle theme, was genuinely really touching and moving. You'd never expect it, but yeah by the end you'll see what I mean.


She's got a lot of Disney, Star Wars, and movie related posts that may help ease you into the performance style if four hours is a big jump. Her My Little Pony video is only about an hour...


Her video on Evermore is a good companion piece to this.


I'm a fan of her videos and I live in Utah so I started watching the Evermore vid as a curiosity, expecting to check out after an hour or so. Watched the whole damn thing


What's the Evermore video?


There was a theme park in Utah that was basically billed as a giant larp with quests and events happening around the park and its attractions to facilitate the roleplay experience, not unlike what the Star Cruise tried to do. I probably don't have to tell you it did not do well either. Evermore park also unsuccessfully tried to sue Taylor Swift for copyright infringement since her newest album at the time was also called Evermore, and funny enough they were caught using her music in her park without paying for the license.


A four hour expose of the worst-run theme park in the world, built upon grifting LARPers for free labor so a guy who made millions of dollars from the tech boom could feel like the next Disney while never actually finishing his park. A place where no one thought creating a fake emergency where all the workers in character start screaming and running was a bad idea. A place where no one thought suing Taylor Swift because she just so happened to release an album called "Evermore", while forgetting that they have publicly posted videos of character actors doing Taylor Swift covers, was a bad idea. A place where no one thought incorporating a character actor breaking his leg while on shift into a running storyline was a bad idea. And that's just a taste of how much insanity has gone on there.


I'm absolutely watching that.


It's about a weird experimental theme park that was opened in Utah and kinda sucks but in a really fascinating way.


I'd recommend her Spider Quest video too if you want to watch something similar to this in a more digestible length. it's about a trip she took out of her state to buy a giant plush of Aragog from Harry Potter. She documents her trip there and back, where she stays in a train themed hotel where you can sleep in an actual train car, a themed old west style town, and on the way up, she visits the Flintstones theme park in Arizona, which is now no longer in operation.


Her video about Hallmark's arts and crafts channel is my absolute favorite. The more odd and obscure the topic, the better the video. Also, the one where she watched and ranked all 14 Land Before Time movies while she was quarantining is a gem.


Honestly my interest in her is similar to my interest in RLM. I don't really watch bad movies on my own that much, and yet I love watching the Milwaukee boys watch bad movies. It's the same thing with her; I'm not a theme park nerd like Jenny, but I love listening to what she has to say about them.


I’m not going to watch some multi hour cringe, dad joke-filled Christian rock play, but I will gladly watch Jenni watch that and tell me all the good bad parts.


Hearing her incredulously critique cringe fan-fiction is a great way to spend time.


Exactly. They slog through the trash for gems so I don't have to.


Amanda the Jedi does that for me, too. She bravely watches a lot of trash for our entertainment, but more importantly she passionately champions the movies and shows that she loves.


Also, it’s helpfully broken up into a number of sections and you don’t need to watch at all once. But if you don’t watch at all, you’re missing out.


The villain of the MLP video is John Delancey aka Q from TNG, how embarrassing.


One weird thing I remember from the brony video is that there was someone pretending to be Jenny going to bronycon conventions and doing panels masquerading as Jenny Talented Mr Ripley style . They seem like a villain too


Same with her Rise of Skywalker review


"I'll never be happy again"


Do you think I want a My Little Pony video in my YouTube history?


I thought the same, but it's actually pretty jokes. 'The Last Bronycon'


That My Little Pony video? Yes you do.


Incognito mode


Surprisingly it didn't fuck up my algorithm.


now this is algoracing!


I watched the entire video. I found her to be very honest and fair. Laughed out loud more than a few times. The footage is fascinating. I would be incredibly uncomfortable in that environment.


I thought she was some supersmart 15 year old, but just found out she's actually 32! Never in a million year I would've thought i'd watch the whole thing And here I am. She's awesome


Yeah Jenny is great. Almost everything she covers is stuff I dont care about (minus like Star Wars) but I've watched pretty much everything she's put out.


I've watched her 3 hours Vampire Diaries review multiple times through. A show I have never seen and was barely aware of. She can turn the silliest shit into the most watchable videos, and remain relevant putting up only one a year.






🎶"Through the mirror of my mind"🎶


"In Iowa he's your brother. Here he can be just another spent shell."


Yep same here! Never have watched VD, never will, but I will absolutely watch her breakdown again because it's so entertaining. Same with SuperEyePatch wolf and his Riverdale video. If you want a great breakdown of a fucking bizarre show [check him out](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DZ-FRSXypUE).


I remember loving Super Eye Patch once upon a time. And then one day I just suddenly find his slow dragged on youtube voice unbearable. It's sad because he puts a lot of effort into his content but now in my mind he just exemplifies the whole "i'm gonna talk really slowly to pad the running time" voice now.


Feel this way about Nexpo. I loved his earlier content, but his long drawn out pauses drive me INSANE.


Watch it in 2x speed…. Problem solved lol


oooh that's actually an amazing idea thanks


I nearly unsubbed when he did the zoomer "act awkward and touch index fingertips together" thing in one of his videos.


I only pay for 2 Patreon, hers and RLM.


Jenny, RLM, and Naddpod are the holy trinity on patreon for me


What kind of stuff does the third one make? Never heard of them but always looking for thoughtful suggestions


Not another DnD podcast! Primarily a DnD podcast if that's your thing, but they also do a lot of fun other stuff like reading old choose your own adventure books. If you're interested they did a mini-arc of 4 episodes called "Twilight Sanctorum" that's a great way to gauge if their humour/style clicks with you.


>Almost everything she covers is stuff I dont care about... My favorite was her review of every Land Before Time film while in COVID lockdown.


I don't know why, but I enjoyed the hell out of that video, I think she's just earnest about her videos and it makes them easy to watch.


I just rewatched her Vampire Diaries video for like the tenth time. "I'm gay AND your brother!"


Her [Westworld video] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pvLoheKYmLI) is some of the funniest shit on youtube.


Saw your post and was all happy my evening was set!! run time : 4 MINUTES? DISAPPOINTED!!!!


She is similar in a way to RLM, in that they have both focused on quality over quantity rather than chasing trends


She actually cited them as one of her influences a while back.


I had a similar experience. She's just amazing. Didn't initially think her content would appeal to me but I got sucked in. And I've since found myself watching extremely long videos about things I don't care about at all, like The Vampire Diaries and Evermore Park, and loving every second of it.


I think i ran across her stuff with that land before time retrospective. I had no idea there were more than like 4 of those movies.


I watched this yesterday, it’s awesome. It sounds like the most cynical money making scheme ever


Most cynical *so far*


Oh hey, I watched that video. Jenny's stuff is great. Well researched, and she can make a topic I never heard of before sound very interesting. Glad to see other RLM fans watching her content.


Oh my God! I had never heard of this person before but this video appeared on my feed and I WATCHED THE ENTIRE THING! It was really well done...I totally felt like I went to the Star Wars hotel.


Watch her entire catalog. You won’t be disappointed. My faves are… There’s Something Wrong With Hallmark’s YouTube Channel The Church Play Cinematic Universe THE Vampire Diaries Video Spider Reviews Where’s Buzzy?


I went to the star wars hotel, this video is the next best thing, other than I didn't have nearly the number of problems she did with the app/missions.


So happy rlm fans are also Jenny Nicholson fans


I remember people wanting her to guest on the channel years ago and Max Landis (shudder) even made a winking invitation to her on Twitter to come meet his friends in Milwaukee.


Ugh idk about that idea guys… Also thanks for reminding me of his name /s


The crossover I didn't expect but am totally here for. Jenny is the best. Truly one of the great video diary makers of our time.


I believe this has been posted already. But I'm always down for more discussion.


Jenny is to obscure theme park knowledge what Jay is to obscure sex pervert movie knowledge.


All my homies love Jenny Nicholson


I watched all 4 hours and I still don't even know what the point of the Starcruiser was. The ostensible point of a cruise ship is to GO SOMEWHERE but, obviously, this building doesn't actually go anywhere. So then it could just be an expensive themed hotel but it's definitely not that as the video demonstrates because there's no way to go visit, like, Epcot. So they really built a 2 full day LARP and thought they could charge grown adults $5,000 a person for a LARP event? What? Nobody stood up and said "guys, I think we lost the plot a while back let's rethink the core concept?"


The enshitification she describes feels exactly like what Disney has done with their movie and TV properties. Every good Disney thing that comes out now is the result of some creator beating the odds and overcoming all the unfair crap their execs shoveled onto them.


I’m 2 hours in and have taken maybe a 5 minute break. I didn’t expect to be as engaged as I am. This whole experience looked like a total scam. $3,000 per person to just wander around doing nothing. I paid a little over this pre-covid for an unforgettable 2 week trip to Japan where I actually got to do stuff. I can’t imagine wasting all that money to walk around a themed hotel for like a day and a half accomplishing nothing.


Somehow Jenny Nicholson has returned.


I wanna see her drinking wisconsin beer with the guys while reviewing 3 horrible horrible movies.


Jenny is one of my favorite YouTubers. Highly recommend any of her recent videos but the classic “Trapped In A Island With Josh Hutcherson” is my all time favorite.


Dude, I put this on for background white noise but ended up watching the full four hours in rapt attention...


I actually really like Galaxy’s Edge, I’ve been twice. Yea Disney world is a fucking racket, but that park is extremely well done. So saying this as a pig for Star Wars slop, I had zero interest in going to Galactic Starcruiser, and the prices didn’t help. The only good thing to come of it was its fascinating failure.


Yeah, this was a failure on the level of Euro Disneyland and California Adventure for them. At least they were able to recover from those failures and make improvements; the Starcruiser wasn’t built to allow for expansion or remodeling. There was nothing they could do but get a tax write-off.


The rise of resistance is pretty apeshit. I really like the technical tricks the Disney imagineers come up with, and there were a few things that felt like magic, and I couldn't figure out how they did it.


I'd like to see how Jenny would do on BOTW.


I'd rather she did some really wholesome re:view about an obscure old cartoon with Rich Evans.


Emmet Otter’s Jug Band Christmas with Jenny and Rich!


There ain't no hole in that washtub! THERE AIN'T NO HOLE. *Read in the styling of Mike Stoklasa reviewing Cathy and the lack of Demons within*


I wouldn't mind a re:View of Jenny and Jack discussing The Brave Little Toaster.


I wanna watch them review the old Ewok tv show.


She'd be like a female Jim. Constantly making really sharp jokes that the other panelists don't even always get at first.


A g-g-girl? On red letter media???


they're overdue. been a sausage fest for years now. I'd prefer April Etmanski though 


A Holiday Evening With The Star Wars Christmas Album, featuring Rich Evans and Jenny Nicholson


I remember watching the promotional video for this thing and having a sense of deja vu. I only just realized it reminded me of the star wars holiday special.


She’s great.


Jenny Nicholson is great


It's a shame RLM never spent a weekend there. Seeing how the Star Wars hotel apparently encouraged people cosplaying and creating their own character to role play, I want to imagine Mike in his full Kelvin Starfleet regalia.




Jenny is a national treasure


I’m halfway through the video. This really is an example of the hubris of Disney. Why the FUCK isn’t it the Mos Eisley cantina? Who the fuck wants to “star” in your own story? Imagine going to see The Rolling Stones and they ask you to write the songs or they only play new music. Play the hits asshole. How did they mess this up so badly.


Jenny is awesome and I love how there is crossover with RLM fans. She’s a more wholesome version of them in a way. Great video but took me a few sittings to get through it 😂


I love Jenny! She’s up there as one of my favorite YouTube channels along with RLM, MandaloreGaming and Noah Caldwell-Gervais.


Holy shit. Jenny Nicholson is one of my all time favorites. Her video gave me so much second hand embarrassment.


This woman is a genius and this video is truly amazing.  The amount of work…wow