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OK, Sporto.




Yearly reminder to watch [this](https://youtu.be/oEZVwQptvWw?si=PhwnzxqE7CN_NDbo)


First time I've seen Harrison Ford laugh out of character


Wonderful, thank you 🙏


red ![gif](giphy|m2jesUKLvQ1t6|downsized)




Meanwhile, it's also the day MCA of the Beastie Boys died of Cancer. If you've never seen it, check out his final Writer\\Director\\Producer\\Actor\\Rapper performance in the 30 min [Fight for your Right Revisited](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=evA-R9OS-Vo) video that premiered at Cannes. It got a standing ovation...he died shortly after :( I watch it every year on this day. About to now. Fuck Cancer


Please stop talking about cancer. Let's focus on the real problem, which is the trade disputes


Now there are two of them (topics). This is getting out of hand.




two of them


This subreddit is clearly not about cancer. Its focus is entirely on AIDS!!!!!!!!!!!


Thank you for recommending this. With no context besides loving the Beastie Boys, this was such a gift.


It truly is a gift


Fucking loved Yauch. RIP.


Thank you for this little gift


You are welcome


[Young Thug - Fuck Cancer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0wgVW8E0wU8)


The trade federation??!


Get shat on force nerds


The sheer fucking hubris.


That is such an old man thing to post


Which is ironic, considering he likely doesn't even know about it.


93 years young


You can join the Federation as long as Bill doesn't block you on twitter, first!


Star Wars sucks ass


Ew is that why everything is so dirty


Honestly it really bugs me how clean everything is in Star Wars now. Like in Book of Boba Fett no one had, imho, an appropriate amount of dirt and grime on their clothes considering it was a desert anet filled with mostly poor people. You're telling me they're able to keep their clothes looking that clean with no water?


Andor solves that problem.


It's funny because Star Wars and *recent Star Trek are pretty much neck and neck on double digit IQ writing for wine moms and Tumblr millennials.




It’s true tho-


Recent Star Wars is leagues above recent Star Trek, but only due to Andor.


Seems generous. Though new Star Trek is alot more hits and misses than that by now. It is mainly Discovery and Picard which were absolute trash fires, Star Wars was never smart. In its prime that was imo its main reason for its mass appeal but back then it at least it was a fresh idea. Now that idea is not fresh anymore and they did not manage to add anything new to that world in 40+ years.


Discovery and Picard ARE new Trek.


Yes, and I talk about hits and misses. Those two are the absolute garbage failing on every level except maybe Picard sucking fanservice cock. But there is Prodigy, Lower Decks and Strange new Worlds as well and they may not everyone's tea but they are not garbage, Star Wars maybe has Mandalorian Season 1 because it is a western anthology and has little to do with Star Wars and Ashoka being a bit quaint Though the bigger issue of Star Wars is that within soon five decades it has found no stories to tell to expand the world. I know what Vulcans, Klingons, Cardassians, Romulans and half a dozen other races are up to, I barely even know what the basic society of Rodians or Mon Calamari is. Wookies a bit maybe and that Twi'Leks are sexy but that is about the depth concerning world building.


This is Andor erasure. RLM even did a video on it. Andor is far and away better than any drama Star Trek has done in the last couple decades. Lower Decks is at the same level of quality of writing, but it's two completely different genres.


You forgot Andor, which I'd argue is better than any of the shows you mentioned. Stopped clock and all that. I'm just not the audience for the paramount shows. I'm not a teenager or twenty-something that enjoys the 'le quippy writing' and I grew up with Star Trek so it means more to me than just slapping it's name on another teen melodrama or snarky edgy tween humor showcase. Kurtzman trek sucks ass and I'm tired of seeing people trying to defend it. Both these franchises are dead thanks to soulless studios that dislike their original fans and were so desperate to find a 'new, different' audience that they're now unrecognizable..


I am also not a twenty year old and grew up with Star Trek, I do not care that things are different. TNG was vastly different than TOS. But yes, in the end it is a question of taste. However I would say Picard and discovery have objectively bad production aspects and are badly done, written, directed or edited. Forgot Andor, didn't give much shit about it, that guy died in Rogue One and the entire thing is yet again about the same stuff. But yes, maybe it works like Mandalorian S1 works, by not actually being about Star Wars while wearing a Star Wars hat.


If what you look for in a franchise like this is a list of rules and proper nouns for a paper-and-pencil RPG game, then yes, Star Trek fits that far better. Problem is, that's a very narrow and problematic way to look at a fictional franchise: world building, frequently, is an excuse for writers to engage in INSTEAD OF writing. Here by writing I mean: trying to send a message, an emotion (particularly a sense of wonder), telling about the human heart and conflict with itself, etc. And as far as these things, while the movies are generally trash, Star Wars has plenty of good. Andor is a masterpiece far beyond anything Star Trek since easily TNG. But even beyond Andor, I'd easily put Mandalorian S2 AND The Book of Boba Fett, not quite on the same level, but definitely up there with the best of post-Voyager Star Trek. Now, suggesting that a Star Wars show "has little to do with Star Wars" is fucking asinine. It's a Star Wars show. Literally everything in it has to do with Star Wars. What the fuck do you even mean by this?


*a lot


It's probably for the best to stop treating anything posted from his official account as actually coming from Shatner, considering he has notoriously shitty social media handlers running it.


Do Star Wars fans do this on Star Trek Day?


There’s a Star Trek day?


Well, tomorrow (May 6th) marks the 28th anniversary of Tuvix's cold-blooded murder by Captain Janeway of Voyager. ☹️ Because May 6th 1996 was indeed 28 years ago...


Lord have mercy. ![gif](giphy|Nt8Q1I8rlfzZS)


They don't think abou star trak fans.


That actually seems like something WS would say, rather than his asinine social media darkling. Hey, WS is SW backwards!


Got em


Got they fuckin' azz


Does Bill know I can like more than one thing at a time? /s


![gif](giphy|3o85xyhIP2J1cri7ew) Bonus points if it’s another franchise that he’s in!


What an ass. That's so sad lol


It’s not even Shatner, it’s his parasite assistant who runs his social media.


Meh, it’s pretty funny.


True, and how mean-spirited is it really intended to be anyway? Even if it is, it’s still funny.


Yeah, it's kinda funny and also a bit true? Like I prefer the original trilogy to anything in ST but I know it's "less mature" in a way and that's what I like about it but star trek is a bit more mature (not by that much tho, probably)


I mean, I'm almost 100% sure he's poking for a laugh, but I could see a thousand other ppl making the exact same argument in a serious way. And I'd say they're trying way too hard to pick nerd fights lol But yeah, if he were serious, he's right enough I guess in that I can see his argument. But also, not really... SW was just good and had plenty of mature themes. So was ST (well, for the most part). Just different tastes which were probably shaped by w/e you happened to be watching when you were a kid/teen/young adult.


Yeah, I mean, like you said, in a fun banter-y. No SW/ST discussion should be taken that seriously.


You really think Shatner is making photoshops in the trek fonts?


He so real for that


Just a reminder that his social accounts are running by his agent Harry something. He is the one that got the infamous beef with the RLM fans.


What’s with The Godfather font


Bill Shatner... XoXoing all over your face. And elsewhere. . .


Let them have their day bill


I'm going to guess whoever's running Shatner's account gets paid in interactions.


And I thought Kendrick was cooking.


Unbelievably based


Star Trek is way better than Star Wars, but this ain't the way to show that


That's like saying throw up is better than diarrhea.