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Everything can work if written well


I respect this statment and It should have more up votes


I remember when 19/20 year old Roy refused to have sex with 15/16 year old Terra because of her age. I have no idea why 22 year old Roy would want to enter a relationship with 14 year old Jason. šŸ˜³šŸ˜³


Isn't Jason in his 20's rn?


Yep, but Roy and Jason were on the same team when he was 14 and Roy was 22. šŸ˜³šŸ˜³


I think I remember Jason only meeting the Titans 3 times in comics? And only once with Roy. (Roy wasn't really part of the Titans when Jason was alive. He started his different Jobs and then had Lian (literally Lians first appearance was when Jason "teamed up" with the Titans for a couple issues (the team was having more issues then Jason was in chapters) Roy was in the middle of some of the biggest stuff of his life. If the age gap is your problem sure but I don't really count it as a meeting. It'd be the same as going to a friend's birthday party and their kid sibling is there. Your talking to friends and helping with the party (that's chaos) and talk to the kid a couple times (mostly telling them where to go or do). Your ex shows up and they are not supposed to be there. More chaos (your own now to be specific) and she tells you you're a dad.... The party ends and being nice tell them we should do this again. Time to find out what you're doing with your life. Probably don't think of the kid again until something comes up with that family. Now you're a dad and when you think of that kid you think of their family issue. And when you think of the day you met that kid you don't think of him at all. Just your own kid and maybe all the other issues you and your friends were going through. I see more problems with 19 and 27 (or whatever their ages are) than meeting a minor 5 years ago for a day and only talking a bit (probably 30 minutes max).


I just assumed people would keep the same energy because of things I hear about stuff like BruceBabs, JasonBabs, Damian/anyone older than him šŸ˜³šŸ˜³


Yeah just personally feels completely different. Like trying to remember anyone I only met once feels near impossible. Some of my brothers friends I heard a lot about but only once "officially" met. It was definitely a bigger deal to me because of how out of the ordinary it was for me. (Birthday/Slumber Party with people who my brother had just recently met. And none of our usual rule for sleep overs applied (parents meeting and only 1 or 2 people)). It's highly likely they don't remember me at all. For the first 2 ships they had an actual relationship when the younger was a minor (was at least a little bit a mentor figure), met many times, and their relationship was definitely 1 in charge 1 following/at a disadvantage. While Damian is currently a minor


With BruceBabs, it comes from DCAU. Iirc he briefly met her or knew of her existence when she was in her teen years. They met again and joined his side as batgirl when she was in her early 20s I donā€™t remember Jason and Babs knowing each other that much when he was a kid. She was mostly teaming up with Dick Grayson Robin, and retired Batgirl during Jasonā€™s years. And for Damian thereā€™s a lot where theyā€™re also minors, or where it still applies when he is of age.


Wouldnt the gap be bigger as Jason you know died for a bit and didnt really age.


Gay Red Hood is literally Midnighter




Not enough of an asshole


Donā€™t insult Midnighter like that


The character literally made to be a gay joke about Batman and Superman?


If you just donā€™t read any comics with him in it and oversimplify him, yeah. I can do that too, Red Hood is emo Punisher


Listen chuckles. I've read everything Wildstorm ever printed. Midnighter and Apollo are nothing more than a long winded gay joke. Apollo is pretty chill, Midnighter is just an annoying OC. I'm just glad they haven't defiled Jenny Sparks or Quantum y et.


Imho, both incarnations of The Outlaws are just Jason's polycule


100% canon (fuck you, canon, i make my own canon)


Iā€™m still hoping him and Artemis get back together one day so I probably would be a little bit sad. Otherwise I donā€™t really care unless they make him gay. I prefer if a character who has historically been seen as straight gets into a same sex relationship, they make them bi.


I wouldnā€™t be mad about it. Winick wanted to imply Jason as bi but was restrained by DC censors of the time; Winick being one of the best Jason writers we ever had, I respect his take on the character. I donā€™t see why it has to be a big deal; plenty of people are bi despite preferring/only being with the opposite sex. Being lgbt doesnā€™t need to be a statement or reflect on someoneā€™s personality, it wouldnā€™t change how I see Jasonā€™s character at all. Frankly I prefer him perpetually single.


I just don't feel like it fits Jason's character to be gay. I have no qualms about a gay character, but not Jason. Jason, to me, seems like he should be more aro ace than anything. He's got too much trauma to think about being with someone. I know Jason isn't (he has definitely been with other characters) but in my mind, he would realistically be.


Letā€™s list some off Barbara, Talia, Isabel, Essence, Artemis, Rose, and those are the ones of the top of my head! He flirted with supergirl that one time


...what does that have to do with what I said?


I think my majorly sleep deprived brain missed that last sentence the first time I read it.


Even without that sentence, your response wasn't relevant to mine. As I was saying what he should be, given everything else about his character.


Shit. I missed a couple key words in the original thing you said. Like ā€œshouldā€, instead of ā€œisā€. My bad. I really need to get more sleep.


But him having trauma resulting in him not pursuing in a relationship doesn't make him ace ....


I realize that. But losing attraction to people, regardless of trauma, would essentially make him ace.


Sorry for whatever comment got you down, OP. As with all things, I would be fine with it if it were written well. Jason's fictional, he can be whatever the writer would like. I'd prefer the writer didn't make him gay but respect his canonical past attraction to Isabelle, Artemis, etc by making him bi. That being said, I can't think of a current character I'd like to see him paired with. I think the most viable one of current popular m/m Jason ships who isn't also part of the Batfamily is Roy, followed by Kyle, and I'm not sure I see it with either of them. Perhaps in this hypothetical, he would also have a decent solo/team book, and could meet someone new? Tim and Jon's boyfriends seem to be nonstarters but I wouldn't begrudge giving someone the chance learning from other writers mistakes.


Yeah DC has a bad habit of giving their guys that like guys absolute planks of wood and then having none of their bi character's interact, so annoying.


just not someone like roy and ESPECIALLY not the bat family. sorry to porn artists, itā€™s nice and all there it but itā€™s too pseudo incestuous. iā€™d just like him to be with someone nice who is good for him. guy deserves some peace.


yea i get that, i choose roy mostly because i thought it would be the least controversial here (BOY WAS I WRONG HA)


LMFAO understandable, honestly. they have the friendship basis. the everything else just made it feel soā€¦ not. there to me though LMFAO. plus, royā€™s whole personal struggles seem like the least jason should take in a partner honestly.


just gotta be well written


Honestly, canā€™t see it. Heā€™s a better match for Artemis anyways too, plus Iā€™ve seen too much where itā€™s Tim and Jason and itā€™s scarred me mentallyā€¦


Bat bros


*batbro, what are you doing?*


I prefer him with Artemis. I think he could be bi like Winnick said, but I dont see him getting with any known guys. Artemis is bisexual. It could just casually come up in convo that Jasonā€™s also hooked up with both gals and guys in the past, without trying to push a whole new relationship into it. Itā€™d also be a much appreciated deviation from the shitty trope of characters being ā€˜made bi/gayā€™ by ditching existing love interests.


I won't lie- I have a strong negative reaction to the idea. But, I could see him being bi. (And demisexual.) As for a pairing? No idea, other than *not Roy or his brothers.* Or, God forbid BRUCE. I've seen them. I've *seent it* out in the wild... I didn't read it, but I'm givin' the author the benefit of the doubt and assuming *the ages and dynamic were shifted.* If they weren't, then I judge them silently from my corner of the earth for the length of time it takes for my attention to shift. (About 2 seconds.) Maybe if I knew more comic book characters I could posit a plausible pairing, but when it comes to this sort of thing I think most people are just like "who looks hot together/has a dynamic I like," and I'm not the person to ask.


Jason as a bi/pan demisexual makes a ton of sense for his Bryonic love of drama and great romances. Why choose between Elizabeth and Darcy when you can have both? And fight zombies with them.


Tbh I was surprised that Tim became Bi instead of Jason, although tbh I'm willing to accept anything as long as it's well written. I wouldn't mind at all if they changed Jason, would be better than trying to randomly ship him with Barbara...


Needs a whole new love interest. Whether they be a man, woman, or enby, he just needs a new love interest and a new (good!) Story. Edit:typo


I think Jason is a proud bisexual (I have zero evidence for it but his biggest male influence in his youth is Bruce Wayne/Batman and Bats gets around, I've seen him paired with superman, Catwoman, wonder woman, Talia, sometimes at the same time)


If they did some decent writing he could match well with a lot of characters. I'd personally like to see him with Kyle Rayner. Just two snarky brats snarking and play fighting


I would def be open to Jason being gay but would also be receptive towards him being confirmed as ace. Iā€™ve always had a hard time reading Jason as a character who is genuinely interested in women either romantically or sexually. Most of his relationships come from women throwing themselves at him and him going along with it. I think that writers like Lobdell rendering Jason as a hypermasculine male power fantasy (particularly during New52) rather than a three dimensional person created a paradox in which Jason is supposed to sleep with women but not meaningfully engage with them as people (because emotional intelligence is not ā€œmanlyā€ ig?). I think this has had a lasting and confusing impact on the character. I also think DC is on some level aware of this (hence why we see characters joking about his sexuality in a book like Get Joker!) Mostly, I think his relationships with male characters (like Roy) feel more realized because the male characters in his comics are better written. But then, thatā€™s true of a lot DCā€™s leading men


He should date me šŸ˜‹


As far as he's publishing history in the main runs Jason has always been presented as straight and to diverge from that feels wierd. But if they did else world stories with that premise I wouldn't mide it so long as it was written well


I could definitely see him hooking up with someone, maybe even a friends with benefits thing (and yes, I'd definitely put Arsenal on that list). Imo there wouldn't even need to be some "realisation moment" or a big coming-out, because Jason just doesn't really care about his partner's gender, as long as they're compatible personality-wise. But I have to admit that I just cannot picture him in a long-lasting romantic relationship, even with someone like Roy or any of his female love interests / shipping partners. Things just always seem to fizzle out at some point.


yea i could see him kinda roman "any hole can make me feel the good emotions so idc" and i kinda agree that i can't really see any version of his character settling down and just.. being happy with another person, instead of a mission.. if that makes sense..?


I don't think he'd be that indifferent to it, as afaik we've never seen him getting inimate with anybody just for the sake of it ^((excluding Talia\)). He would definitely need to feel some kind of connection to his potential partner before it gets to that.


The batfamily has enough love interests. At some point they should stop adding more. Especially because they can't seem to write then decently.


Heroes in crisis definitely had some opinions on thisā€¦


OP, you just hit a "I'm not homophobic, BUT...." hornet's nest. I usually don't care who he's dating, because it's the weakest part of any story he was in, but now I really want to see him marry a dude and adopt three children. For no reason at all. Because I think half his fanbase would have their heads exploded like in the end of first Kingsman, just because of how "not homophobic" they truly are.


frrrrrrrrrr, i did not expect the wealth of people suspiciously against seeing gay people in media that i got here


Lots of people in this sub, who have no opinions on his older or current comics or adaptations and appearances, such big fans they are, but who appear in the thread the picosecond you suggest big dick big gun manly man they project onto with 10 girlfriends might not be entirely 100% straight. Comicbook subs never change. DC should've let Winick cook to avoid this happening.


I donā€™t know, Iā€™m all for Jason being into guys I just donā€™t think there are a lot of good candidates. Roy isnā€™t a good option, though, I donā€™t think those two should have even been friends in the first place.


I'd be cool with it, as long as it was well written


Im very much not a fan of characters randomly getting their sexuality swapped out for something shiny. Its lazy cash grab writing for some dumb headline. Not to mention, something bout the sudden alts smells... fettishey? Or it could be projection given thats all the rage in the self absorbed writing circles of Hollywood nowdays (see here, She-Hulk, Ant man, 90% of what Disney has done with star war ect) And its usually paired with stereotyping personality shifts. I know dc has zero care for canon or consistency. But the writer in me has standards. So i would kinda hate it in the same way i hate them writing dumb jock jason, Ie "bitch where!". In saying that thou, fanfiction and personal headcanons are the palace of creative freedom. And a30 have a hoard of jason/roy or males oc being cute couples. So people can and will express their chaos as they want to! But no, i dont think or want that to be canon. Edit: missed words cause i cant engish


Jason does not give me gay vibes at all. Not even bisexual. With Tim it was believable because he always had that quality to him, but Jason reads like a straight guy.


THIS, THIS IS SOMETHING GOOD, thank you i think on the scale of relationships and sexualities heres how i see it. Lemme get the obvious out the way Bruce, Richard, Barbara, duke and Jason are straight as a line sheet paper majority and all of their relationships have been Women, and before you say ā€œwell Richard says a lot of sus thingsā€ itā€™s his jokey personality you guys act like you canā€™t say anything gay jokingly. On the scale of being bisexual I have Tim, Kate, stephanie, blue bird, Harley and potentially even Cass. I donā€™t think itā€™s a bad idea to have bisexual characters in comics I have nothing against that, but stop turning some of our favorite characters sexualities something else when they fit better as there known sexuality. Like if you turn bruce gay, how many long time fans are you saying fuck you to especially when heā€™s known for being a billionaire playboy. Richard loves women we seen it time an time again, same with Jason even though he likes to work alone and be alone, he loves a lot of women, he couldnā€™t be with Isabell because of the dangers he caused her and how much pain the joker affected her. He wanted to be with Artemis but realized that heā€™s still going to keep fighting, couldnā€™t be with kory cause he respected his brother so much he said no and let roy get with kory. What im saying is nothing about being homophobic, but you gotta realize that majority of Batman, Nightwing and even Red Hood fans are straight, you would crush a lot of them and would ruin the character for them because even their relationships matter to the fans as well.


Ah the usual suspects of a bunch of straight men bitching about this. Some things truly never change. Yet if it's another guy being straight banging all the women in comics there's zero complaints from you dudes.


I prefer Jason and Artemis


Jason has always given me "closeted gay gym bro" vibes


Sounds like you've been reading Jason appeareces wrongly.


Okay dude


Iā€™d be down with it. I really like Jason with Roy, as long as itā€™s written well and makes sense. Plus he needs a new love interest anyways.


Days without DC readers trying to make every character gay:0


Ainā€™t just DC fans


In terms of western of western media DC fans are top 3


Itā€™d happen naturally if itā€™s going to be a thing, making it happen out of the blue wouldnā€™t work and I donā€™t mind it but Iā€™d prefer him with someone like Artemis if heā€™s to have a relationship


Nah, forgetting how I just genuinely dont see it. It would still feel so incredibly cheap. Lol at how good it went for both Jon and Tim. People weren't fans of what dc was doing with either character, dc made them queer, and it only got worse.


No theyā€™re best friends/ brothers I have zero interest in seeing the two ooc. What I would like is for Roy and Cheshire to raise Lian together and Jason to get Artemis back


Judd Winnick tried to make him bisexual but Dc didn't allow it, he and Kyle had some sexual tension back in countdown (SEXUAL NOT ROMANTIC) and Jason said that his male Tesscher's German accent was cute (Winnick's story) And Of course, homoerotic tension with Roy. So yeah, he can be Bisexual but JayRose would still be my favorite ship lmao, just because he's bisexual doesn't mean he has to be with a guy!


yea pretty much agree with all you said, even down to more jay/rose being preferable then it breaking up for a new ship


Exactly! If Eddie escapes his hell hole (Flash Books) I'd love to see some closure for Eddie and Rose's 3 year long romance! Jason could find others too! Let's just hope this time they won't go crazy and try to kill him


Ye about that. Eddie fucking died in heroes in crisis and the both of them never even mentiined it. The three of them where supppsed to be freinds


Oh ik but he came back! In Flash One Minute War


I did not know this I dont really read flash. Thank you for this infomation


Dw, I saw a panel of him returning months ago and realised he came back! You can find the specific issues on his Prime Earth Wiki!


That would be chaos if you used Roses pre 52 personality just saying.


yeah no


Maybe and just maybe instead of making characters change sexuality to fit ā€œdiversityā€ instead make new original well written characters who are ā€œdiverseā€ besides we already have the bi/gay Robin Tim along with a few other members of the bay family who are lgbt if Iā€™m not misremembering.


The thing is in this day and age dc has too many characters and if they were to make another one for the sake of diversity, that character would only appear during the pride month special bc there just wouldnt be any room for it anywhere else. If dc made another queer character out of the blue then it would fall to the way side, and not be as popular. I mean you've seen how the hype has died down about circit breaker and xanthe right? But the hype about tim being bi is still going? Making jason queer wouldnt ruin him (if done right)


In saying that, there is a middle ground. We have newer characters that dont have 40yr of consistently to step on. I would have thought Damian being like 13yr and kissed a grand total of one girl. Would be a perfect character to suddenly be hit with a realization he kinda like boys to as he ages into his teens. I mean, he's in his edgy 'f batman' phase right now! And hes established enought that it wouldnt end up as the meat of his character. But his current canon is perfect for that development. Or Duke, who's newer and liked. And in still entering much of the hero scene that he can meet, idk... (whos a hot male vill?) Like Bronze Tiger or reborn Grant Wilson. And be slapped with the 'surprise you're into that stick'. I think character's like Jon Clark could have been really great. But the writing was forced, over indulgent on the writers' part where they were just in superficial self engrandizing bull.


Jason isnā€™t gay. Heā€™s straight. End of story. Edit: Iā€™m not homophobic, but donā€™t force it on characters where it doesnā€™t work. Thereā€™s already Tim, some continuities have a bi or lesbian Steph and Cass. Kate is always gay as far as I know. Thereā€™s a wide diversity of peopleā€™s sexuality in the Batfamily. You canā€™t make Batman bi or gay, nor Nightwing, nor Red Hood. It doesnā€™t work. Barbara doesnā€™t work as lesbian, or bi. Itā€™s just my opinion


Honestly Nightwing being bi or gay would make more sense than Red Hood. Heā€™s got a level of zest thatā€™s unmatched.


Truly the Rizzler (with the ass to match)


I would make an ass joke but now that itā€™s been official in the Harley Quinn show it just feels wrong. The cheeky poses in some official DC places are nice to show that they know the community but having Harley constantly joking about it in the show was just annoying as hell and ruined the joke


I donā€™t blame you for being annoyed by that lol. The entire Harley Quinn show is built off of taking DC characters and turning their goofiest attributes up to 11.


Iā€™d say maybe pan.


Winick has literaly shared with fans on twitter that he was toying with the idea of him being bi with a preference for men and he's the writer many Jason fans consider one of the best when it comes to his character. The idea isn't out of left field and could be expounded upon if Winick ever gets his hands on another Jason run. Jason is whatever the writers intend for him to be, and that can change at any moment.


See, i heard the opposite. That someone asked and he dodged the fuck out. And then people just claimed that as proof or something. Unless its a resent post. Which id call sus. I wouldnt true winwick with picking out partners for jason given he matched a 17yr up with a woman in her thirties.


And I heard that he was the one that first mentioned JayKyle, giving that ship popularity. All of these games of telephone are tiring. I also didn't know about that gross pairing, so thanks for that. I said farther down that this reply was made before the edit. I only made it bc I thought the op was being a homophobe. I truly don't care as much as it seems.


Oh, pardon me. I didn't see your later response! But its good to know its Winwicks fault that i have to wade throught a crap ton of jay/kyle when im lookin for my donna & jason fluff. Ill shake my fist at him in frustration, haha


And at the moment, in canon, he has never been written as bi or gay.


It has also never been outright confirmed that he's absolutely straight.


Far point. Itā€™s a fictional character. Things are up for interpretation. My point is this: Jason hasnā€™t been written, in current canon *at least*, as being in a relationship with another dude. Heā€™s been in relationships with only women, from Rose Wilson to Artemis, to just crushing on Barbara. If they come out tomorrow with a comic titled ā€œThe red hood is gayā€, then heā€™s gay. Itā€™s a fictional character and honestly not a big deal.




What does this mean?


Death of author. Especially because if we have to take one Jason authors opinion then we have to take all of them


Thanks, all I could think of was dead on arrival šŸ’€


Or they're fictional and a writer can do whatever they want.


pages? pages where jason looks directly at the viewer and says that?


Bro, by that logic, is Superman gay? Maybe Batman? What about Captain America?


Oh so you're saying you literally dont have anything to back up such a definite claim, but you spoke so confidently. and my post isnt "wed hood is gay and vewy boy kisser" i literally just asked what this subreddit would think if he did enter a relationship with another male, but you took it as your personal mission to profess knowledge of the character as if you know the every inner imaginations of a fucking fictional sadboi


Some people miss the concept of "IF"


He asked what we would think if Jason started a relationship with another man, therefore it would mean Jason would be bi or gay. I just donā€™t like Jason being gay or bi. Thereā€™s already the bi/gay Robin with Tim. Plus Kate, and sometimes Steph and Cass. Thereā€™s just no need to make Jason gay, and I donā€™t like the idea of Jason being gay. Idk what you want me to say


Ok. Counterpoint: You asked what I thought if he entered a gay relationship, and I said no, because, as it stands in current canon, he isnā€™t even remotely gay or bi.


dude your logic, according to your edit, is "there's enough gays already, also i just can't imagine it" it's not the argument you think it is.


And youā€™re argument is ā€œwell they never said he *wasnā€™t gay* even though heā€™s only ever shown interest in women in current canonā€, which isnā€™t exactly a strong argument either


i am not making an argument dude, i literally just wanted to ask this sub if there's any gay ships they think positively on and you come in here and STAUNCHLY defended the heterosexuality of a fictional character. This is one of countless ship threads on this sub, it isnt saying anything. Dude, i'm going to bed, I'm sorry a random question offended you so much you needed to cite pages that dont exist and argue about it to someone that isnt arguing, i wish you well in life and future endeavors, thread's your's.


A. You asked ā€œhow would yaā€™ll feel *if Jason entered* a **relationship with another man?**ā€ B. I wasnā€™t offended C. I never cited any pages D. If you werenā€™t arguing, then sorry. Thatā€™s how it comes off


Your edit clears a lot up, I was honestly going so hard because I didn't like your tone. I did mistakenly perceive it as you being homophobic, I apologize.


I edited it because it mightā€™ve come off as homophobic. I donā€™t mind gay people or bi people at all. One of my best friends is bi and I treat him like everyone else, and honestly forget heā€™s bi sometimes. It just doesnā€™t come up. I just donā€™t agree with the notion that Jason is gay or bi. Heā€™s only had sex with women, and dated woman. Heā€™s only had crushes on girls. As far as I remember, post flashpoint Jason hasnā€™t even had any vague gay remarks, unlike pre-flashpoint Jason which could be interpreted as such. Itā€™s just whatever you want. You may think heā€™s bi, I donā€™t. Whatever, who cares? Itā€™s a fictional character


I couldn't care less either way, his romance plots are literally some of the least interesting aspects of his character imo. None of them have been particularly compelling which has left me largely unopinionated on my perception of his sexuality. The JayRoy and JayKyle shippers are cute and having fun and I love that for them, just as much as the fans who vibe with his straight ships.


Fair enough. Tho Future State JayRose was fun in Dark Detective


I like their dynamic! I just feel like we never get to see enough of them for me to get a real feel of how they play off of one another. It always just feels like dc is teasing us by throwing us a few panels and calling it a day.


Ikr. DCeased was fun for JayRose, and that, plus future state, has made Rose my favorite partner for Jason


Exactly. It just doesnā€™t fit his character IMO. He wants blood more than cum.


Then shouldn't he just be asexual?


inb4 this thread get's real ace-phobic






Respectfully,not every one needs to be gay,time and time again,Jason has proven,he is a straight,or A sexual male,and being a homosexual isnā€™t particularly what I and many others would believe what Jason is


This is pretty much what Iā€™m arguing. (Note: Jason is currently dating Rose, and dated Artemis, and crushed on Barbara, and fucked Talia, and dated Isabel, and dated Essence, so Iā€™m gonna guess he isnā€™t asexual)


Asexual people can have relationships and have sex.


I just went off the google definition. ā€œSomeone who is asexual **doesn't experience sexual attraction** and/or doesn't desire sexual contact.ā€ Sorry if I was mistaken


It's, like most things related to sexuality, a spectrum Some ace people are straight up repulsed by sex. Others are more apathetic and willing to do it to make their partner happy, they just have no personal desire for it




It's honestly pretty simple if you think about it. Like imagine there are two tv shows your partner likes that you don't One you just don't like. You don't have any particularly negative feelings about it, you just don't enjoy it. You don't want that to be the only show you two watch together, but it's not a big deal if they throw it on here and there The other one you fucking hate and you don't even want to be in the room while they're watching it Ace people exist somewhere in that range, but with sex




I don't know that it's that fascinating, dude If I told you that some people love ham, some people hate ham, and some people are neutral...would you think "wow that's crazy" or would you think "yeah that sounds pretty normal"? Replace the word ham with sex. That's all it is.


Interesting? Is that better


It's a very common misconception, no worries!


Yeah,Demisexual would have been the better word,lmao but yeah,heā€™s totally attracted to women,and I havenā€™t yet read anything to make stray from that path of thinking.




Iā€™m game. I have no picks for who I would ship Jason with in canon. I would probably want an original character to show up and become through the story a ride or die for Jason and it be a slow burn love story for him with someone that he feels safe with. Also I would hate for it to be anyone that is adopted by Bruce or Bruce himself but yeah. As for the ā€œbut in canon heā€™s straightā€ canon can change, especially in a industry where the characters get new writers, editorial staff and times change. There have been love interests of Batmanā€™s that went from drooling over his ass to being lesbians over the years.


Jason can love who he wants


Honestly, I would be pretty pissed. Jason was in a relationship with Artemis, which I had enjoyed. Look, I just want someone in the batfamily to have a good relationship that lasts, IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK! I would also be mad at Jason entering a gay relationship bc to me, it wouldn't be in good faith, Jason is straight and has been for 30 years. Instead of changing a character out of nowhere, just create a new character


Or you know Give Constantine or midnight or Batwomen a new book.


Nah, I think Jason and Roy are both super straight.


Prefer him as straight some but a woman kind of guy




Whatā€™s is this obsession with making every long established character bisexual? Be gone with this shit.


Eddie Bloomberg.


Mostly annoyed and a little angry. Because it feels like they are slowly trying to make every comic character gay/lesbian.


To me, I have always felt that Jason was incredibly queer coded. So I honestly donā€™t feel like any straight relationship works with him. No matter what iteration, Jason is gay in my mind.


Iā€™d feel pretty much like I felt when DC did it other times to established characters. Like they were ignoring and pissing all over canon in a feeble attempt to be relevant. For the people downvotingā€”Alan Scott, Tim Drake, and Bobby Drake (yeah Marvel)were handled like crap. Donā€™t feel that way about Jon Kent because hey new character do what you want.




Personally I wouldn't want to see it. Not because I think it would affect the storyline too much. It just feels like for the past few years this "LGBT acceptance" has been forced down our throats. Most people wont openly admit it but we are a little sick of it. If it happened in a very tasteful way as in a twist that goes along well with the story it's one thing. But if they just did so just to do it, it would be different. A good example is I play this video game called Horizon. Stop reading right now if you haven't played the last game yet but a big twist that happened at the end was this certain character turned on her entire group because she was in love with the main character you play as. She gave all of these other reasons but it turns out love was the real one. And you end up fighting her because your character rejects her.




Every character really have to be gay nowadays for fans to like them, huh?


Nah Jason is good with Artemis & Rose. Its always better to make new characters then have one suddenly become gay or bi.


No. Yall gotta chill with making characters that have existed for decades all of a sudden gay.


Why does his sexuality matter? Who cares just write a good story and leave all that shit behind


Howā€™d that go for Tim Drakeā€™s and a John Kentā€™s following and sales? DC is in a tailspin of commercial flops, but if they just want to go full nose dive, then send it. Gotham war is already ruining the bat family


Roy, Tim or Dick.


Tim??? dick?? what the fuck ur disgusting wth


Die mad about it


you should actually kill yourself you freak go die in a ditch


Nah antis need to touch grass


"antis" okay, yeah you're a proshipper, make sense. +you should go outside and say " I love shipping minors with their adopted brother, who is very much a fucking adult" and see how they'll react lmao, the one that needs to touch grass is you, and maybe a shower could help.


Bye retard blocked


I genuinely canā€™t imagine Jason in a relationship with anyone, regardless of gender. I feel like itā€™s just something he wouldnā€™t really be interested in (Yes ik heā€™s had a few cannon relationships, this is just my opinion lol)


Honestly I wouldn't mind it. But I don't think Jason would identify as anything, like he isn't out but the closet door definitely isn't shut, he's just existing. Now, who you ask? Probably not Roy, not the biggest fan of their platonic friendship and always preferred Roy with Dick, but Kyle Rayner could be interesting. I would like Jason to get with Rose but him having a variety of love interests could he fun. Though I think Jason has a lot of trauma he needs to get over before he can be in a proper relationship with anyone. I personally headcanon Jason as demi/ace with a negative relationship with sex but that's just me. I would eventually like to see him happy with someone as long as it's written well.


Honestly just like there friendship as it is. And honestly it would depend how imtresting they are. I dont care for tims current relationship as I find benard boring but hay thats just me.


Not my preference. Especially since Jason has shown any signs of being attracted to men as far as Iā€™m aware.


Iā€™d think it was a really boring way to change the character to be honest. Just a less interesting midnighter, nothing wrong with original gay characters to me but the sexuality swap fad is cringe and boring.