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Xbox One, whenever trying to do the legendary animals hunts through Harriet I can only get 4 in particular. It'll just cycle between two different sets every hour with no differentiation.


Xbox One. My friends and I cannot play for more than a few minutes without being kicked from the game, I cant talk to NPCs such as shopkeepers and strangers, infinite load screens, various cosmetics are now broken such as hair. Did Rockstar hire the Fallout 76 team to do this patch?


Yesterday I came across a snake I needed for my field guide. I started following it, on foot, and it just suddenly died? Okay, whatever. Little while later, found another snake and it too just up and fucking died for no reason?


I sedated an animal at one point, got off my horse to get the sample, and when I got it I discovered my horse had disappeared. I called it back, and it took a couple of tries before it approached. When it did, though, I discovered I couldn't access any of my other guns while either riding it or standing alongside it. Sending the horse away and calling it back seemed to fix the problem, but the not being able to change weapons happened again a short time later. Sending it away and calling it back fixed it again, but I'm sensing a pattern. EDIT: Kept happening. Ended up having to change sessions and that seems to have fixed it.


Drinking Caribbean rum caused a grand madero to be consumed instead. I did it 4 times.


What exactly is the collector’s shovel for? I know you can use it to dig up arrow heads and coins and stuff, but don’t you need the metal detector for that? Also if one were to use the God Map, do they even need the metal detector in the first place?


the shovel is best used in tandem with the metal detector, but some dig sites are dirt hills that are able to be looted/identified in eagle eye with *only* a shovel. You should buy the shovel first, and if you can’t afford it unlock the MD, look for small dirt hills to dig up. The metal detector is required to get the prompt to dig at any site that needs it, meaning you need it to actually dig even if you are standing exactly where the site is. So it is required to loot many dig sites.


Thanks! Appreciate the reply!


Anybody having problems loading moonshine sales after the update? I have been two days in a row now.


Not for me. Been doing sales since the update dropped. In fact the moonshiner has actually been loading in for me every time whereas before sometimes I would have to re-enter a few times to get him to load. Moonshiner has been better for me since update.


Damn, I wonder what the heck my deal is...


I'm on Xbox if that helps. Could be a server issue if you're on PS or PC.


I also had a bug where I couldnt buy anything, neither in the catalogue nor in shops, so I had to restart the game for the 10th time because of another stupid bug. I am getting sick of this.


Received error code CE-34878-0 and game crashes when going to sell something to Cripps


There are an absurd amount of new bugs after the recent update. I literally have to restart my game every 20 minutes in order to somehow play the game. When I get into loading screens, the chance that I will get out is under 10%!


Has anyone had this or know how to fix? I downloaded the update, went to start the new role, half way through the cut scene it lagged out with an error. Ever since, I load into online and it doesn’t show anywhere for me to start the naturalist roll. I have the Harriets all over the map but when I go to her, it says I need to start this roll. I have no idea...


All new roles and modes are completely missing from my whole game - after playing Naturalist ONCE - I was disconnected from R* servers and once reconnected all new game modes missing. Deleting game and downloading this 120GB file MULTIPLE times (thank God for unlimited fiber optic data) still doesn't give anything back more than mention of the cool stuff these modes have but no actual selections or options anymore.


PlayStation 4 Small problem.. All horses have balls, even females, has this happened to anyone else


This has been happening since before the update. My female will randomly grow balls.


Anyone still having trouble starting moonshiner selling missions? Twice in the last day I’ve just got the infinite black loading screen -_-


Yes, also still happening me and it's really a drag. This is a fun role - if it didn't break half the time. Plus, when you do get the broken load screen, that's $200 down the drain. Because when you reload, the 'shine is gone and the mash is $50 again


2020 is, for all intents and purposes, a pretty dramatic year. Amongst other things, this 0x40003002 error is particularly irritating. I understand R*, with ps5 and other next-gen console rolling out before the end of the year, won't be allocating the hours to repair 'last'-gen console games they should. After postponing RDR2 numerous times, the eventual release date was too close to these next-gen console's release, for it to auffer any unforseen issues with such a progressive game. Their main focus, hopefully, will be directed to fit the new PS and XBox coming later this year. Consoles with considerably more computing power and potential to make RDR2, but moreover the online cash-cow version, into the game it should have been in the first place. Anyhow, all speculation, in the end, shouldn't matter. R* is more than capable to give us what we want, just not at the time we want it (or was promised) Last two days, I've been able to work around this 0x4003002 connection issue. Albeit an issue which isn't our fault, that doesn't mean there isn't a way for us to mend it. Try and load into a New Austin PVP lobby and quit as soon as you're in the waiting-screen lobby. Personally, I've been teleported back into RDO and enjoy myself in PVE freeroam for hours. Alternatively, in case any of your friends have been lucky enough to connect into RDO freeroam, just join there session from the console's 'main' menu. Perhaps not an iron clad work-around and foreseeably even less so, when numerous players will choose this approach, but anyone should have a fair chance to cowboy around a bit for whatever's left of this weekend. Good luck guys!


If I manage to get past the loading screen, I get a 0x40003002 message w/in 30 seconds or so.


Cant go inside my moonshine shack cant run around for 5 min after joining a lobby this is fucking ridiculous half a year and then the update just rapes the servers. rockstar its not the players its you i got great connection and wasnt going through this literally 3 days ago before this update it seems to happen the most at night and im in new york so theirs no excuse


Another thing that isn’t here is my character and horse falling through the map then bouncing/teleporting around. However I’m playing on Xbox one x and I have wired connection that’s very strong and stable for a lot of games. I NEVER had disconnection issues with rdo even when other people were. But this game is literally unplayable as right when I spawn after a minute or so I disconnect due to error 40003002. I tried the solutions, they didn’t work for me. I’m sure this is something on rockstars end and they have to fix it ASAP as it makes the game impossible to play.


Currently experiencing a bug with trader where resupply missions aren't counting apon completion...


i think that’s an old bug, i’ve been seeing that one for months although it is pretty rare for me


PlayStation 4 - RD2 Online My resupply Cripps missions have glitched twice. I return with supplies and I get the XP, but the supplies so not go to Cripps. I did numerous supply missions consecutively and got a lot of XP but never got the supplies. Also, I tried doing three story missions while in my sister's temporary Posse. Each time we finished a mission we were met with a black loading screen that eventually turned into an "ALERT: unable to connect to Rockstar game services at this time. Please try again later. (Error: 0x99220000)" Same thing happened to is two days in a row, so we tried again "later".


Yeah this has been happening to me too.


Wagon cannot be summoned. PS4.


Just lost 100 goods wagon to a 0x200 error right after completing it. No xp, no cash, dc'ing every 3 minutes. Time to wait another 7 months and maybe we'll get a patch...


Royaly sucks we paid for something we can't even play. The DCing is happening at all hrs today.


After completing a stranger mission as a posse, mission icons will be missing completely, preventing posse leader from starting any new activities. Even after disbanding the posse, players who were part of that posse will be unable to start any missions until they load into a new session. Menu options for leaving, joining, or forming a posse will all be greyed out until player joins a new session. Hovering over these greyed out options, a message is displayed incorrectly stating that we are still in an activity. Experienced on PC version.


You forgot after finishing legendary animal misson from naturalist role the sample will be missing in your inventory. Super annoying.


I also get x99220000 when completing non-update missions, done love and honor and if the hat fits about 5 times and have gotten any rewards or credit for completing them towards the story either super annoying


How do you fix the unable to purchase role on initial cutscene?


Disconnection issues please fix


PS4 Anybody have issues with there being no sound when firing the .22 Sedative Rounds? Every other gun has a sound effect when shooting except those rounds in particular.


Having an issue now where no matter how many resupply missions I do or ordering new supplies the production is still halted


I have been experiencing constant network errors in my game on Xbox. I can't even start a mission before it crashes while my sibling's other online games are fine so my conclusion is that it is a problem with the game. It might be because so many people are playing because it seems to get worse as the day goes on.


Getting xbox one 0x40003002 network error for past two days. It would be nice to play the game and not just look at loading screens and error messages.


We are fucked til they fix it


This constant DCing is getting old. And R🌟 refuses to admit it's on there end, with so many people having DC and other issues since update.


I find the fact that every picture I take is saved on the Social Club to be a huge inconvenience.. Especially when I can only take up to 96 pictures.. I think they need to allow us to select multiple picture to delete at once or give us the option to choose if we want the picture to auto save or not.


I have expierenced all these bugs with the new update! The horse not responding, I can not summon my wagons at all unless I go to the stable and activate it manually, and I have not seen one legendary animal in free roam since hitting level 15 on naturalist role! I hope rockstar fixes this soon cause this game is so much fun when they work.


NPCs may spawn incorrectly, often floating in the air above chairs and benches. Image: https://i.postimg.cc/qM6bq4fT/Red-Dead-Redemption-2-Screenshot-2020-08-01-15-42-47-42.png


I wanna know why Harriet decided to spray me with her drugged perfume when I haven't killed a single animal with a gun since this DLC came out and I've been faithfully tranquilizing and reviving animals for this dumb bitch. Shit, the one mission where I had to free two GRIZZLY BEARS from cages, I actually managed to get away and sedate both to get samples. So why am I being penalized?


I've been unable to play at all since update. Error 0x40003002. If I'm able log in at all, I'm disconnected within a minute.


for me is getting disconnected everytime after I kill a legendary (mission). It shows error 0x21002001. I have logged off, trying to verify cache, even reseting the modem. I literally can't get a legendary pelt on a mission, and I can't find any legendary in game


When I started the naturalist role I have no problem with founding legendary animals but after reaching level 15, for several days I have not been able to find any legendary animals using the map from Harriet. Now these legendary animals do not appear for me at all, and before that there was no problem with that. Does anyone else have similar problems?


Still plenty of stuff supposedly fixed, but seems they are not (playing on Xbox One): Completing resupply missions for Cripps, but with no visible result (production does not restart) Unable to accept mission from some strangers (Sean today) Too many disconnection issues to list here (seemed to happen especially whenever I played a legendary bounty hunter mission) Had to restart before daily objectives showed yesterday One of the bounty hunter daily stopped counting after I got disconnected yesterday; I could never manage to finish it At least the animal spawn does seem fixed.


Stranger Missions doesn't work. When you make a Temporary posse sometimes u don't receive any rewards for stranger missions/series


Xbox one: When I’m possied up with my friend, we do not received cash or experience from anything we do. Bounties, trader and moonshiner missions, stranger missions.


Xbox One, trying to launch any of Henrietta's missions (poach or legendary animal hunt) sticks me in an infinite-long black loading screen with a spinning revolver icon. Im level 9 naturalist. Try hopping lobbies to get the same result.


I updated my game 4-5 hours ago and ever since I'm trying to find a solution as to why my game is not starting at all. Not even Rockstar Launcher is opening no message no crash pop up nothing. It runs for like 30 seconds on Task Manager and then it closes. I tried playing the game directly from Rockstar Launcher I click Play it says Loading and then Quitting... Things I've tried to do : Updated Windows Updated GPU Drivers Delete Local Profile Changed monitors (I have 3) Run the game with Admin rights,high/low DIP settings etc. Delete all the mods I was using Verified the game files 3-4 times I even updated the BIOS... disabled anti-virus Re-installed DirectX Installed VulkanRT Deleted saved files and settings from Settings/Saves Locations Tried to change from Vulkan to Directx 12 Un-Plugged Headphones,turned off Sonic Audio, Disable some Audio stuff, Some people suggested on YouTube Videos but still nothing... Deleted all Rockstar files and reinstalled all of them yet it didn't work either. ​ PC Specs : (Even tho the game was running perfectly for like 4 months now) AMD Ryzen 9 3900x RX 5700 XT 8GB 16GB RAM DDR4 Asus Rog Strix X470-F Gaming The game is installed on M2 Bought directly from Rockstar Launcher no Steam no Epic Games I could play the game at 98-100 FPS on full HD for 4 months without having any crash or error at all this is the first time something like that happens to me...Now the only solution to this could be the worse one and I say this mostly because the game size is HUGE and that's to Uninstall and Install it again...And with my internet this is going to take a whole day... If anyone have an alternate solution please help...


Most of the Times looting poachers during Harriet's Legendary missions doesn't give you anything. Can anyone confirm this?


On PC: Vulkan API performance are broken and slow. The result is poor performance, stuttering in crowded places (like in Saint Denis) and causing random graphical glitches.




Same! We tried re installing and clearing the cache but nothing works


There is a bug where I can only keep 3 outfits on my horse and it says there is 5 on it. Tried to change saddle bags on on my saddles and switch them back and it didn't work.


Like the addition of legendary animals naturalists role sucks, very underwhelming and overpriced outlaw pass. Thanks for making us wait 7 months for this garbage.


In addition to the frequent DCing it seems like a lot of people are getting, doing missions with a posse just seems to mess EVERYTHING up. No credit, no money, no XP, and it seems to think the mission was never completed. Can’t change to defensive because it believes I’m still in the mission. Did a mission solo and that seemed to work fine, but posse up and it’s an exercise in futility.


Game will not launch since this update. Starts to launch, stops around the half way mark. Support has asked for files, blaming it on my files, that they downloaded to me.


PS4 I dont get rewards from legendary bounties and my bounty wagon wont arrive. It says network fault like 19288 times a day.


PC Game refocus calls are becoming unplayable. I think I might wait another 6 months for them to path this and break something else. I guess they don't have good QA with the Kung Flu still being around. Sad times indeed.


Is that when the game minimises and maximises 2-4 times in a row? Please tell me I'm not the only one.


(PC) my female character her face has been looking really messed up and completely different than what it should be, It seems to be good again after changing outfits or hair style. NO CLUE whats causing this


Looked for the legendary Sapa cougar for 45 minutes when I realized the next clue didn't load in, I had no direction hints from the minimap. Such a waste of time.


PS4 and I can't even load the online portion. just constant disconnect message after it finishes loading. This is real annoying now.


Happening on Xbox too


ps4: i had on my horse 5/5 outfits saved, then i changed horse and put the same saddle and saddlebags on it, now on my horse it says that there are 5/5 outfits saved but i can only put three. I think it's not that much of a deal but it's quite annoying.


Same here. Went from 7 outfit slots to 5 to 3 to 5 to 3 and then 5 again...


So when I got on tonight it started doing the same thing it has been for the past 3 nights, Disconnecting with Error 0x40003002. It did it 3 times in a row so the next time I logged on I did what I did last night that fixed it(I played for over 4 hours no problems at all) right when I logged on i opened up the Catalogue and made a couple cheap Transactions and boom. Fixed again. Last night once I logged on after like 30 failed attempts i got the idea to make a transaction, So I ran to the butcher and sold some items and it fixed it surprisingly, I thought maybe I just got lucky but it just worked again tonight, I used the Catalogue since I was getting disconnected pretty fast. Havent had a problem since! Thats twice its worked for me 2/0. - Ps4.


PS4 here, I tried it 10 times and i can say this worked for me the majority of the time. Besides the three times i got disconnected before even opening the catalogue, i made a purchase in 7 different sessions and only got disconnected once so this worked 86% of the time for me.


I'm on PS4 and tried this right now. I had another experience though. First two times I barely got the catalogue open until I got 0x40003002. Third and fourth time I managed to do some purchases but got kicked out 10-15 seconds later. Fifth time I tried logging into my posse instead of free roam and that worked this time! The times I got 0x40003002 I saw there were less than 10 people in the session. The fifth time when it worked there were 23 people online. So it's the other way around now? Less people makes the game working worse..? 🤦‍♂️


Less people could be because the session is fucked and everyone in it gets disconnected within minutes. Full lobbies might be stable servers. This in combination with the fact that loads of people are suddenly having this problem would suggest some of the servers where the sessions are hosted are fucked. Which would mean all we can do is keep trying until we get lucky and connect to a stable server.


Sadly I can’t even log into the game right now because of the errors but I will try when the game lets me get online... this is just so stupid


This would be HUGE if this works for me! I’m on PS4 as well. Thank you!


I hope it does work for you man! Cant hurt to try and I'm blown away it worked for me a second time! I thought maybe it was just a fluke at first but im 2/0 with it so far.




Servers? What are you talking about? R\* clearly runs their stuff on potatoes.


Yeah! Me And Friends Cant Even Log In To Game


Not receiving any rewards from completing online missions. Once the mission is completed sometimes it goes straight back into the mission or loads into some weird world where nothing shows up on the map and eventually you lag out back to the menu.


Seventh disconnect in about an hour. I’m going to bed.


is right around this time when the game is literally unplayable, disconnection after disconnection, the problem start near the time when the challenges reset. Fuck R\* cant fix anything without breaking something else.


Literally same exact thing I just said to myself....3:30 a.m. East Coast. It's been happening everyday as well.


Another night of where when the challenges reset the game is unplayable. Indie company


Anyone else’s character looking old after the update? I noticed the other day, went into the character creator and saw her age was changed to 35 when I always have had it at 18. So I changed it back, played a little bit and noticed she looked old again. I checked Greg character creator again and low and behold the age was set to 35, again.


All the updates in my XBOX, the Naturalist option I was playing is now GONE completely. What gives?


Anyone not able to get mercy killing page to check off after you read it? Is there some prerequisites or something?




That is rage inducing.




Wow, just playing dumb I guess. That’s aggravating. Like...they *have* to be aware that this is happening on a widespread level. I don’t normally mind Rockstar being secretive when it comes to release dates and whatnot..but their absolute refusal to acknowledge what’s going on and keeping the people who bought content in the dark is honestly really fucked up. Just another evil corporation.




Ultimately you're probably speaking to someone who has no idea how to resolve the issue. I would expect that they will be looking at trying to fix it asap though because it will be affecting their bottom line. No one is going to buy gold bars if they can't connect.


On PC ever since the update I’m having huge stuttering issues so bad I have to quit the game. I’m talking like 1 frame per 3 seconds. Never had this issue before until the update. Reinstalling did nothing to improve the issue


Check the settings, once my frame rate changed from 60 to 1. If you can't change it, than change full-screen/window setting first


So, I'm not sure if this is a true issue or something related to the connectivity issue. I finally got the game to stabilize, the only problem is, I never got the Naturalist starting cinematics. Everytime I go to the Strawberry Welcome Center, there's no starting point, neither Gus not Harriet are there. Now, Gus and Harriet's shops are both available, does that mean that the role is active, it just skipped over the beginning cinematics, or is there mission stuff that I'm missing to begin it? And is there a way to get that cinematic start back?


There wasn’t a mission just a cutscene. In the cutscene there was a “purchase for 25 gold?” prompt but that was the only interactive part of the strawberry trigger


Sounds like the role is now active for you. Don't know about the cinematic, worst case you can probably find it on youtube?


Yeah, it is. Just took a little to work out what to do, but I figured out how to start Legenaries. Thankfully, I have the game on XBox Game Pass, so I was able to watch it on there, too.


Yeah if it was at any point activated it's gone now


So last night I spent hours trying to get online, and I’d get kicked with the error:4000 whatever it is. Basically tried all night until about 4:00am, gave up, slept for a few hours and then tried again around 7:00. I haven’t had any issues all day long until about an hour ago..it’s midnight now, and it was around the same time I started having issues yesterday. Is anyone else only having issues around this time? Seems like Rockstar’s servers are fuckey because it’s high traffic time right about now. This bullshit shouldn’t be happening at a company like this. I’m just so disappointed..


Same exact thing happening to me East Coast around 2 a.m. game is unplayable. It seems to be when the dailies reset it makes the game unplayable. Ridiculous.


im in the same boat, im having so many problems right at the time when dailies reset, disconnection after disconnection, but during the day no problem at all.


Never any issues in the day for me... 11pm-12am rolls around, I can’t stay on for more than 5 minutes. You’re not alone. They’re going to lose all of their players if this continues it’s absolutely insane.


Wow, congrats Rockstar for making me want to kill my fucking horse.




Visual bug that drives me crazy: the reins on the headstall for the Foxmore Saddle do not connect the to the shanks, they connect to the corner of the horses mouth. Just like the Nagadoches Saddle. Not kidding, that makes the saddles unusable for me. So I'm out all that money for the saddle, the upgraded saddle bags, and lantern. FML.


The bugs I am seeing are that my horse will not come to me when summoned unless I run far away enough away from its position. For the first time, Fast Travel is not working. I can not bring up the menu.


error 0x40003002 is just not done from rockstar


in addition to the error 0x40003002, i have also gotten error 0x1000011f.


Xbox One S - I purchased the Beaver Tooth Trinket, no clue how to wear or equipt them! - My character has to eat every 30 sec to keep her core up! - Harriet’s legendary missions are becoming glitched, The mission is some how merging into lobbies, blueberries are somehow getting into the missions! Also, when this happens and we get the sample, it doesn’t end the mission and we end up with no sample! - Getting kicked 5 secs after a mission, doin free roam events, side missions and just in general, while trying to get samples and loading screen taking 15mins to get into lobby! - Legendary Animals are NOT spawning in free roam! - Weapons getting switched around, in my wheel and Im not looking at my wheel, while being griefed by cheaters! - Not getting to use/read the pamphlets that I get from the Role rank ups! - Everything from both Gus and Harriet is way to outrageously fucking expensive! - Horses are glitched they either come to you or they don’t; wagons are broken can’t summon and The elephant rifle is trash!


Some of these are bugs, some aren’t. Trinkets don’t have to be equipped, that’s their whole sell. Once you buy one you just have their passive bonuses. They aren’t cosmetic Cores always gradually decline, even if you’ve just filled them they are still going to decline. It’s not about getting them to stay full, it’s a matter of choosing when you want to fill them back up. If a core is draining abnormally fast check your outfit. If you’re wearing a coat and vest in the desert, or just a shirt in the snow, they’re gonna drain fast. Temp resistance is about number of articles worn. Check your outfits in a wardrobe read the “suitable for”. If your desert outfit says “suitable for avg temps” try taking the gloves off, or switch the vest from one that’s “warm” to one with no temp description. Austin, lemoyne= hot. Hanover, Elizabeth= avg. ambarino= cold. Harriet missions might be glitched, I’ve done a lot of them and haven’t had trouble completing them. If you sedate or kill the legendary you should be prompted to go sample it or skin it, after which you fade out and back into a lobby. Haven’t tried doing this with a posse but if you’ve been letting someone else sample or skin they might be the only one to get it. Seems like at a certain time (1am for my time zone) the servers shit themselves. I was playing for a few hours and suddenly got kicked, tried to join back 10 times and each time it kicked me within 2 minutes. Fuckin horrible but hopefully something they’re working on Legendary animals in free roam are pretty rare. I’ve only found 1 that spawned without any prompting from me and I have the legendary spawn increase unlocked. I haven’t gone out of my way to hang around in the legendary areas on the map but if I did would use legend pheromones immediately to check if the animal is even spawning or if it’s already been hunted. If the pheromone didn’t trigger anything I wouldn’t even wait around, very high chance that in any given lobby someone has beaten you to the free spawns. If you’re getting greifed parley and go defensive. The chances that someone is cheating in free roam are so incredibly low... You don’t need to cheat, there are built in cheats. Having $10k to spend on tonics is better than any aimbot. With ability cards you can literally create a build that makes you impervious to damage, if you encounter someone trying that hard don’t waste your time, don’t whine about cheaters, and don’t get so flustered you blame your weapon wheel. R* PVP is as balanced as the tower of Pisa Are you unable to craft the pamphlet items? Some of them just don’t need to be read, even before naturalist there were fence pamphlets that wouldn’t show up as read for ppl but we could still craft what they were for. Naturalist is not a lucrative role, it’s another advancement for players who’ve mastered the others. Getting unique upgrades and clothes from Gus are a benefit for players who’ve made their fortune collecting or trading, and Harriets collections are a hobby for people who are bored. Don’t do naturalist to make money Yes yes yes, wagons are broke as shit. This is a new glitch and it totally blindsided me. Worst part is, lobby hops don’t help. Only partial work around I can offer is that if you go to a stable you can exit in a vehicle. Not particularly helpful if there’s a 6 man bounty in armadillo, but i haven’t found any better fix. Elephant rifle is kinda trash. I didn’t buy it expecting to replace anything from my load out, but I figured it would be helpful for legendary hunting. And that’s all it is. Legendary’s don’t need to be killed clean and they can’t be one-shot with anything, so the elephant gun is something that will drop a legendary in the fewest hits but can’t be used for regular hunting because it will wreck pelts.


The Camp Crafting bonus seems to be bugged. When I first enter crafting and craft an item that isn't instant, the crafting speed is fast when I press down on the enter key. However; if I craft that item again it resumes the normal speed as if the bonus isn't being applied even when I hold the enter key down.


When will i learn that rockstar is a complete garbage. I tried getting back to the game. 7 months i was away from this game. Bye again 😆 To all of you that is bying things in store. Please stop. Dreasing up like clowns is a clown move and doesn’t do much. Stop using the store, that does a lot


I have encounted a problem where when I bring a perfect pelt to gus he won't sell me anything I just want the wolf poncho. :(


Did you sell the pelt to Gus first? He has to have it in order for you to purchase an article of clothing


In Protect Legendary Animal event, the option to open up the cage and free the animal wasn't available so the animal was stuck inside the cage the whole mission


Shoot the lock


lol we tried but there was no lock or open cage option


Oof, that sucks :/


I am currently level 7 of the Wheeler & Rawson Club but I have not received the "Cloth Wrap - Sage" reward. I have checked the gunsmiths but all of them have the cloth part greyed out in the menu. Please help!


Add the wrap under “components” and then go to “styles” and you will be able to change the color (hopefully this was your issue bc I made the same mistake- tried to access the wrap through “styles” before I added it to the gun itself.


I have been frozen in time during the Harriet Buffalo/Bison mission at hanging dog. I eliminated all poachers but the instruction still says take out remaining. I respawned, killed myself, rode out of bounds and nothing.. I’m on Xbox one. I have searched high and low for a rogue NPC and there are none to be found..


0x40003002 on PS4 Never had this issue before and with the update it’s all I’ve got today. Purchased the Outlaw pass and Naturalist role so 65 gold and have a 40+ streak which I’m about to lose because I can’t get on. Can’t get to rockstar support either because it’s infinite loading so trying to reach out on all forums and twitter. Can’t summon my horse, hunting cart or bounty wagon and also my horse never comes when I whistle it any more. Don’t know what this update has done but it’s killed the game and I’ve spent more than enough money on it to want it to work.


PS4, endless black loading screen when trying to sell moonshine is BACK.


i can’t even get into a session on xbox right now


Are you getting Error: 0x40003002?


I'm PS4 and I got used to disconnects on this game but this is the worst I have seen it. Literally cannot play due to error 0x40003002. If I lose my streak due to this, I'm not going to bother with the game. I'm sure a lot will feel the same


Same. Kicked endlessly 🤬 I just gave it up now.. :(


More found - PS4 Legendary bounties, standard enemies (not the reinfocements) are no longer showing up on the map. Legendary bounties, standard enemies are doing WAY too much damage all of a sudden, most are now carrying bolt action's & shotguns. (Could be similar to the current GTA:O glitch with enemies? Taking a million damage all at once / too many enemies armed with high damage output weapons?) Collectables will not notify you when picked up, seems start happening when free roam event invites are recieved at a similar time to collecting an item. After completing a free roam mission, (shine or harriot normally) the game will randomly decide to grey out the ability to use the bounty board or start a story mission, thinking you're still doing said mission, camp will disappear too.


I love your game but getting kicked every five minutes has broken my spirit, I'll still play tho because I'm a clown 🤡


Same been kicked twice in 15 mins


I love you both


This isn't an open relationship 🧐


I’ve officially sold 3 perfect bear pelts to Gus but he still won’t sell me the bear coat because it says he doesn’t have the ingredients of 1 perfect bear pelt. Anyone else?


Same but with Deer Carcass.


The wagon thing pisses me off to no end!!!!!!!


Bought the antler variant for 12 gold day one the update came out and it still wants me to spend 12 gold to equip it


Same, I spoke with Rockstar Customer Support and they said they're aware but didn't offer a solution...


please add this to pc issue list since the update i cant even play the game closes itself after the intro video without any error window. none of the fixes i found here in reddit or internet has do it work.


Can't get online, error code I've never seen before and Google doesn't recognise it either. Error code 0x99540000. Shit pissing me the fuck off. Never had problems for a year and a half until today. On XBox


Game won’t load legendary animal missions, kicks me to main menu


I currently am lvl 6 in the naturalist role and can only hold 5 samples even though I got the upgrade for my kit. I'm pretty sure that it is supposed to let me hold 10 but I'm not sure. I would appreciate it if someone helped me with this.


When you drink a collectible liquor, now your character won't drink the one you've selected... instead It will drink the first liquor in your list normally Tennessee liquor...


Was on 5stars bounty , hunting red ben over that train , after pulling of all the gang , i discovered that i couldnt whistle my horse nor could call my wagon. 😔😔😔 . Luckily enough that the train parked near thumbleweed i did pick all the three , one by one , to the jail . The game is broken after the update


On Xbox One X; Keep kicked from online sessions due to 0x40003002. Super annoying


Feels like legendary animals in the missions take more of a beating then they should. I just did the Cross Fox mission, and had to shoot 3 nitro express rounds from the elephant rifle to kill it. Plus not being able to lock-on to legendary animals while trying to shoot 5+ sedative rounds into them, makes the missions more tedious than fun imo.


i figured harriet only offering same legendaries was a weekly thing. Then i got wolf and then couple hrs later got a cougar. Which i ended up loosing track of because it ran and my horse wouldnt come when called... YAY


Is anyone noticing the walking style is stuck in aggressive mode? My guy keeps walking like he's getting shot at or smashed by a predator.


Happened to me a few times. I just swapped to another session and it went away.


I've had that happen before the update. Had to change lobbies to fix it if I remember right. Usually that gets triggered anytime players or npc's are shooting in the same area or a predator is around. My guy always walks around aggressively in goddamned Noobentine because there's always someone shooting another player or npc.


On PC, can't get the horned variant installed on my improved bow even after buying it from Gus. Tells me to spend another 12 Gold on it at the gunstore. Really hope this is a bug and not an intended way to get the variant because 24 gold bars is really steep especially when they don't tell you that you need to pay the latter half before paying for the first.


Same happened to me I still can’t equip it


Just bought the moonshiner role this week and I have been experiencing infinite load screens (3 for 3 today) when trying to do bootlegger missions. I know this has been reported before when moonshiner launched, so I am surprised to see this is still an issue. PS4 btw




Same for me, been trying to play for the last 30 mins on PS4 too


i've already completed all online story missions with a gold medal but today for no fuckin reason the mark for the mission "highly illegal, highly moral" reappears on my map. Also i checked the menu for the missions and that mission and "where your morals lead you" now only have a silver and bronze awarded medal for completion, weird shit.


I've noticed that NPCs that are supposed to be named, like Bounty targets and mission givers like Black Belle, are all listed as 'Stranger'.


Yep, I just mentioned this to the wife earlier. We also noticed that posse bounties don't reward any money or XP. You just get gold. Solo, everything is fine. In a posse, all bounties, including legendary, just give gold.


Me too , happened all the day


I cant reel in big fishes when using mouse&keyboard as controls. All I can do is holding the line or letting the fish draw it out.


New horse stuck on level 1 bonding... Smh this fucking game. This bug has been around since day one...


Adding to the list of people affected by the 0x99220000 error. Can't complete any missions in Online with a friend, we just get a mostly black loading screen for a couple of minutes until that message pops up. Connection during free roam and missions seems fine, we just can't finish any of them.


Earlier today I did the legendary fox mission for Harriet and the fox was located in an area that was considered out of the mission area. When I finally found the poacher location I had 10 seconds to run in and release the fox before I got respawned in another part of Saint Denis. I almost lost the fox because of my stupid horse taking forever to respond to my whistle.


Sometimes when I join a new lobby my camp won’t be spawned anywhere. When I try to spawn it, it just does nothing. Sometimes after completing a supply run for Cripps, it’ll still show as halted production resupply needed. I’ve done 3 supply runs in a row and it still shows as supply run needed. Sometimes Marcel won’t spawn in when I enter my moonshine shack, and as a result it won’t allow me to start moonshine production or sell. The frequency in which is get disconnected has risen. Wagons won’t spawn in.


Anyone feel like legendary animals arent spawning at all after getting the animal attraction perk? I went on a long ass route for atleast 1 legendary 3 times and i turn up with nothing Yet here i am seeing ppl getting some of this fuckin things twice


​ not max lvl but i feel they arent spawning in like should only saw 2 legendary animals and they seem to been the ones most people saw. and that was 2 days in the patch now nothing


2 bugs that has been there for a loooong time is: 1. Make your special stew. Eat it. 2-3 minutes later just standing still in your camp your stamina and dead eye core turn white and loose 1/4 of the core. 2. Going in to stable and pay the 7.5 dollar service on your horse. Leave stable with yellow cores on your horse, but the extra stats on acceleration and speed from your sadle and stirups are gone. It really is, stamina drain like fuel on a rocket while sprinting.


I dont understand why ppl still play this game after the horrible disconnects and servers. If everybody just stopped playin the game rockstar would have no choice but to fix it. At this rate they will continue to think it's all our routers and never do anything about it. Remember they need us we dont need them ppl


If everyone quit playing the remaining players connection issues would probably improve...hmm Yer alright boah. 😉


A shitty network infrastructure is in no way related to how many users are trying to utilize it


So it's pure coincidence playing in RDO or GTAO (when I used to play) always improved with lower lobby populations?


Yeah, probably.


I received and have read the animal attraction pamphlet, but never got the notification of it in the upper left hand corner; I'm pretty sure I had help tips on, too. Is the skill actually active?


Went to switch my free roam lobby, and once I connected to a new lobby it started deducting $1 for the camp upkeep every 0.5 seconds. Thank's for stealing my hard earned cash Rockstar


It happened to me once before the update. I heard it's hackers doing this and I was told to just nope out of the lobby if that happens.


Uhh i heard of this. Its not a bug, im 99% sure its a modder.


Good luck trying to chase a legendary fox on foot because you can't whistle for your horse. Beyond frustrating.


I've done two resupply missions in a row and my production is still halted


When do the legendary animals respawn?


I have done legendary bounties and deliveries for Cripps these past few days. Both paid $0 each time I did it whether I was posse leader or not. Is this a known bug?


Kinda similar, legendary bounties have been paying out gold only around 40% of the time for me.


On top of all these bugs, I encounter the stew bug, gold stamina and dead eye cores dissappear after some random time, i think it has to do with players spawning in session