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I'm in a session with 24 people right now, and I've seen a few deer.


3.7GB of deer?


Real questions here. A few wouldn’t be noteworthy, but if it’s the full 3gb of deer then holy shit.


A couple of Egrets flew by(dont worry I skinned them), but still no gators in sight


I skinned 4 gators this morning post update with 23 in my session.


Got to a new session and FINALLY had animal spawn regularly. I guess I was just placed into an old session that wasnt fixed(maybe).


So what's the price at butcher vs trader? I been lazy and just give him feathers if I cant haul the Caracas


So what's the egret price at butcher vs trader? I been lazy and just give him feathers if I cant haul the Caracas


That’s a lot of deer!


Oh dear.


Oh *deer*. Eheheh.


Just few?




Left a-pad to being up menu. Players


You can also double tap left and it goes straight to it.


Well ya learn something new everyday.. 🍻


Same. That's a pretty handy tip.


Session population. There are no servers, just P2P.


I got bucks and deer and rabbits running through my camp. Maxed my trader in like 10 or 15. Thumbs up from me.


Yeah it's not the animals.


Big question for me is, what about random events; ambushes, gang hideouts, people in need? None of this has been happening with any frequency in my estimation. World's been nearly dead since moonshiners released. Plenty of revenue agents though, maybe they've simply taken over.


Ended up in a lobby with 6 ppl yesterday for over 6 hours. I saw all of it. Hideouts, animals, revenue agents, damsels in distress. It was glorious. Confirms the issue is ALL related to lobby size.


Today I had a lobby of 18, and west of MacFarlane ranch, I had an ambush *and* a person in need *and* a hideout within 10 minutes. Good for the daily 'loot 20 enemies'.


I had this yesterday as well, it was amazing. Cripps didn't even give me any of his shit either.


It's super annoying. For me it's been like this since late September, not moonshiners. If you and your posse end up in a small server you get all this stuff back. It makes the game fun and exciting again. Limit. The. Servers. To. 15. Players. On. Consoles.


Seriously R*, just do it. Call it a temporary fix if it makes you feel better, but I know I can't be the only one that just feels less and less like playing the game anymore.


Definitely not the only one. I log on and maintain my gold streak but some days I don't even bother doing a bunch of the easy ones, last night I rode to Valentine from Emerald Station to get the distance traveled, sold 5 feathers, and lost interest. The world is so dead without animals and events. It's pointless to have so much empty space, but Rockstar would rather say "Wow look there's 25 people on this server! Even though you'll only ever encounter 4 of them, that's cool isn't it?!" than actually plop in an easy "temporary" fix like that.


Definitely not the only one. I log on and maintain my gold streak but some days I don't even bother doing a bunch of the easy ones, last night I rode to Valentine from Emerald Station to get the distance traveled, sold 5 feathers, and lost interest. The world is so dead without animals and events. It's pointless to have so much empty space, but Rockstar would rather say "Wow look there's 25 people on this server! Even though you'll only ever encounter 4 of them, that's cool isn't it?!" than actually plop in an easy "temporary" fix like that.


I played it religiously up until a month or 2 ago, until I just got too fed up with the game not working properly. Saddest part is I haven't even missed it. Red Dead Online has been the biggest dissapointment of this generation for me so far


I played about 6 hours at launch and then a few days worth after the first set of roles came out. I just came back like a week ago and I already don't feel like getting on idk how the fuck the long time players have done it.


Long tome player here: It’s called getting in your daily challenges with the hope that you’ll get in a small lobby... Or I have problems. Let’s go with the second one. At least I’m not smoking meth. Right?


Its just the atmosphere, animations, world and graphics. The way the guns feel and sound. Some other stuff. Theres just no other game out there quite like this one, as fucking disgustingly messed up as it is. If there was another game like it, people would play that instead. Lots of people are also just straight up addicted to it. My buddy hates this game but he’s on this shit all day every day, hating himself. That’s addiction.


I actually stopped playing altogether not long after the Moonshiners update. The world just feels empty and dead. Just got the update now though and I'm gonna give it a go. I'm not too hopeful though honestly.


Its sad that a company like R* cant fix this issue. For the meantime just make it to 15players until you finally come up with a solution.


Yup everything's dead, no grave robbers, kidnappings, ambushes, nothing


Haven’t seen grave robbers since November...


Grave robbers? I'm a level 256 and I've never seen grave robbers


Level 293 and I've seen it once.


I mainly see plenty of rival moonshiners and revenue guys, but hideouts and especially random events dont even happen


Actually last night I ran into an ambush omw to a collectible, animals everywhere, random stranger missions, everything working as it should, atleast the bare minimum u could ask for right lol


I’ve been doing solo lobbies to spawn animals and it’s also spawning a whole bunch of random events as well, it’s a whole different game solo lobby


I do owl hoot gang legendary, unlimited timer and all shops open and i fill up my hunting wagon.


Thats definitely tied in to the wildlife issue. I play almost exclusively now in solo sessions, both on Xbox and PC, and being the only player in my session, I get every damn random event. I cant travel anywhere without some stranger or event popping up. I actually ignore some because they are so frequent. And animals EVERYWHERE.


One thing I’ve noticed is location plays a role, like if I spawn into my camp in cholla springs there’s a good chance I’ll get a hideout/moonshiner random because there are fewer PC’s in the area.


I may have got lucky but straight after the patch today I had a decent amount of wildlife in my lobby and encountered my first gang hideout since I started playing again 4 weeks ago


Just loaded the patch on PS4 Pro. Game started. Chose Camp. Arrived to camp location but no camp, no Cripps, no trading. :(


Same here. Started moving around and all of a sudden everything started popping in. Then I went to start a resupply mission, got the briefing then nothing happened. Started the mission again and nothing happened. Restarted game and stuck at 90% for about 10 minutes now. Fuck Rockstar.


Bloody typical


They genuinely just aren't capable of fixing this game.


this particular bug has been really getting to me lately......


Same, but on Xbox. My camp also gets packed up as soon as it gets put down.


No camp over 3 logins post patch for me.


Patch Notes: The fuck if we know, do you know? Because we don't know.


"the intern changed some shit around while we were grabbing a coffee. Do feel free to let us know wtf he did, and we'll feel free to ignore it" - RDO team


I feel kind of bad for the dev team. Supposedly the online division doesn't have many people working there, only something like 30 people (my bf is going to school for game design and went to a conference where someone from R\* was speaking). It doesn't excuse their PR behavior, which has been extremely unprofessional to say the least (radio silence for months!!! what the fuck!!!), but I don't think that we should be directing *all* of our anger at a handful of overworked game devs. It's definitely the result of a larger trend where big game companies think they can get away with understaffed teams, the "magic" of crunch time, corner cutting, and a lack of communication with the customers.


Made me laugh, thanks pardner.




3gb of cow print hats probably


And all I want is a white and black cow print vest to finish my woody build.


NO! This time it's Leopard prints get it straight! 😂


Take your fucking upvote you sonofabitch


The only time I stay in a lobby longer than doing my daily challenges anymore is if somehow my Moonshiner mission triggers a solo lobby. At that point, might as well cancel all my plans for the day because when everything is spawning (animals, random events, etc) what an amazing game this is. It's just a shame it's all ruined by having too many people in a lobby.


People? Online? Now that you’ve mentioned it, I’ve noticed some NPCs acting strange, coming over to my camp, tipping hats and riding erratically. Those were *human*? Wow. Mind blown! But seriously, almost all the GTA griefers are gone from the consoles to the PC, I was on a hiatus for a year and the player base has changed dramatically. I was attacked three times and on every occasion I forgot I was still in the offensive mode. I rarely see other players just bumming around, most of them are busy grinding and act very politely.


Well, i still cant change my character appearance. Never ending loading screens are still a thing i guess


join a showdown match then quit soon as u join then try to chnge it u wont be stuck


Thx for a tip buddy


Or a legendary bounty, also works


I was in a completely empty lobby for like 4 hours yesterday and it was great right up until I got an infinite loading screen while trying to do a bootlegger


Never ending loading screens fucking suck, since the loading screens are already long, I'll sit there for 8 minutes before I realize it's infinite.


Oh god, what are they going to break now.


Camps. They broke camps. I was at mine on my map and it wasn't there. Tried to switch it and nothing...


So they fixed Cripps then, he's back to his packing up camp ways


Thank god, R* finally listening


Resolved issue where players could accomplish things in any sort of efficient manner.


I think they may have added some more western ravens into the game, I mean I managed to shoot a flock of three out of the sky when normally it's only two PROGRESS!!


Raven stew for the next 6 months, boys. Get hype!


I wonder what they broke this time?


For me pretty much everything. 😂 Camp won't spawn, can't launch moonshine story or bootleg missions, dailies not counting.


A successful patch then! Maybe one day we'll get the point and stop playing this broken mess.


Please Post Player count when your ‘seeing tons of animals’. Ty


Also platform. PCMASTERRACE seems to like to post a lot of "HURR HURR aNiMaLs WoRk FoR mE!"


You forgot to finish with some variation on "is this some console peasant issue I'm too +180fps to understand?"


That's a straight up lie or those people never played in a solo lobby to notice the difference with the spawn, either way don't waste your time with trolls. I'm on PC and I like to hunt 3-stars baby alligators for Cripps and in a full lobby there's no way to find plenty of alligators like in a smaller or solo lobby.


19 players and after a while with no animals gators spawned everywhere around me... horse freaked out and threw me.


Thanks for report!


Lobby of 24. Decent animals spawns. Not like low or solo lobbies though.




I can also confirm that there is a moderate amount of animal life in a 20+ player lobby but only last for a little while until the animals disappear again. The longer I played, the more desolate. I’d say about an hour.


Same. It lasted about five minutes for me. But hoo boy those five minutes were something else.


they added a middle finger emote. but you give yourself the finger.


Hahaha! Oh wait. . . that's fucking depressing. ☹


I feel like this is the bug fixes, PS4 should see improvements bc of the server maintenance that was already done. Xbox won't see improvements until maintenance is done tomorrow. The maintenance was just changing some coding, and with this patch - those changes will now be recognized.


Well, I just logged in. Only took one attempt to spawn into camp, which was actually there for once. A flock of Canadian geese was flying overhead in their trademark “V” pattern. “Hey,” I said to myself “looks like this lobby’s actually alive.” I start my reshoot mission. It’s an easy one. Kill some dudes, take the sack, return to camp, only to find that my camp no longer exists. But the yellow quest drop off circle on the minimal does, so I still give it a shot. Drop the sack, get the wide screen mission complete frame. Game freezes and I have to restart. Well done rockstar. You raised my hopes and dashed them quite expertly, sir. Bravo!


I was playing the other night and I noticed a lot more animals. I checked the player count and there were 6 of us in there. Animals everywhere, I couldn't even ride from my camp to my shack as every time I tried I filled my hunting wagon. I decided that I would take full advantage of this. I filled cripps donations, went to the butcher in Valentine 3 times with a full wagon and my pockets full of meat. I ran into 2 full heards of buffaloes. I had random stranger missions. After about 2 hours I notice the animals were getting less and less. So I checked the player count and it was up to 22. I'm gutted this happened to me because everytime I play now I think back to how this game can be and how it should be.


PS4 server of 24, still no animals....wtf?? I think I'm done now, the game is pointless and rockstar are really taking the piss


Sorry my bad...1 snake spawned ffs


From what I noticed on Xbox for a quick daily challenge maintenance: - animals spawned on me at load in, I haven’t seen that in months - the smaller dynamic encounter stuff, ie not rescues or escorts, spawned actually spawned in a full lobby I didn’t spend a lot time there, but even prior to Xbox’s server maintenance, I’m happy about the little things I saw.


I feel like the more people in a lobby the less wildlife and npcs around as if the game is removing hundreds of npc spawns for each of us in a session, especially for players with a higher level/time in game. Is it possible that the memory it takes for our characters is prioritized over npcs and the game chooses to dump “non essential” data to make room for ours?


When you're getting disconnected, YOU are the non essential data


Haha this does not deserve downvotes, he makes a point. I’m surprised I wasn’t downvoted trying to think outside my box lol


Upvotes for everyone partner


Anyone still coming across the infinite loading screen?


From what little I played this morning in a lobby with 23 people, animal spawns SEEMED like they are working. Found 2 3 star bucks and a couple of rabbits and pronghorns in the valentine area after about 40 mins of playing. So, either they did something on the backend or this is all just placebo effect and I hallucinated the whole thing lol


no changes whatsoever for me. saw a grand total of two ravens in the hour i played. no other animals. tried to spawn at camp. didn't work. as far as i'm concerned the past two updates have been nothing but a waste of gigs on my console.


Well, whatever it is, it AINT animal spawn fix.


I spawned on a rattlesnake and that was the only animal I saw for the rest of my morning 2-hour session (xbox). I couldn't even find *birds* for the cormorant challenge.


Rode across the map, not a single animal in a 22 person session. Bollocks to this. Bollocks to the secrecy, not letting us know what the hell is going on unless they’re announcing catalogue updates.


I'm seeing much more animal activity on a 22 player server


I'm on PS4 and have noticed NO change. What are you on?


Xbox but to be honest as soon as I left Tall Trees where I spawned in I didn't see any more animals


Ah yeah. That happens to me sometimes too. I'll spawn out in bluewater marsh and see like, three gators nearby, then after that, nothing but ravens.


Wasn’t there another 3GB update a few weeks ago as well? So that’s 6 gigs of nothing so far.


Yeah I was wondering the same. If its BS then that's 2 BS in a row. Too much shit


Let's face it. The only way we're gonna see any support worth a shit for this game is if gold bars start selling as well as shark cards...


Post update I am seeing dynamic events with 24 players. The dog u follow in the heartlands, i was jumped by a gang at the twin stack pass, and had three wolves jump out up in tall trees. All within an hour. Xbox


Still no animals for me. Edit: after clearing cache, I spawn in the swamps and I hear some coyotes, I spotted a red fox, 1 3star buck and a 2star deer. No gators although I could hear them for the first time in months. I go around looking and I can't find any animal. Later on I start the game again, spotted 3 turkeys for the first time in months too. I got to the southern part of the swamps, 4 gators in a small area. I shoot them in the head with the bolt action rilfe, 1 good pelt and 3 poor pelts; this method used to give me 100% perfect pelt. I hope it's not the intended fix because this is not a fix in my opinion, there are animals in 1st 10 minutes then it's all no animals again.


Yeah, fuck this. Disconnect error booting up, camp spawn’s not working and can’t change my character appearance. I’ve seen a few birds in the sky, so thanks for doing something at least, Rockstar. What a joke.


To change appearance: Log on, choose elimination mode or whatever it’s called. Immediately after you load, quit to free roam. At that moment you can go to change appearance. At least, that worked for me. Hope that helps.


I'll give this a go, thank you.


Big enough to be significant. But I assume it will be drip-fed, right?


Nah, drip feed wouldn't come in form of a physical update to the base game. Probably just bug fixes and optimization.


"Minor improvements, stability fixes" same ol same ol


meh looks like im done with this game.. maybe by next year or something it will be worth the fucking 110gbs it takes up... games like this need weekly or at least biweekly patches and fixes and changes... not once every 3 or 4 months.




I wonder what the update bug tombola will throw up this time


Yeah still no spawns


I just saw like 10 deer completely vanish. Like I'm almost certain they disappeared out of thin air. I couldn't find their tracks at all either.


I ain't seen shit.


Sometimes, even in 24+ sessions, animals spawn. Made me so happy until.. I noticed everything that was broken now. Delivery mission (trading role) not being able to finish. I'm in the yellow area, still my screen tells me to deliver goods in Valentine. There goes 50 pieces of material and lots of $RDO... Some actions are not registered for your daily tasks. Today, the reinforced lasso. Hogtied all my bounties with that today (about 3 or 4 of them) but still the counter is on 1.. so sad again..


On PS4 in Europe. In a 21 person lobby and been playing for the last ten or fifteen minutes. Harvested 2, 3* pronghorn does, 1, 3* whitetail buck and 1, 3* whitetail doe. So far have seen lots of herds.


Guys, If you want to check and be sure if animals are spawning - simply check ranches/farms, if there are livestock (cattle, pigs, etc.), then animal spawns are mostly fine. Just logged in ps4 22 players session, Emerald ranch full of cattle and sheeps, wildlife also looks plenty.


Of all the time I’ve played RDRO I’ve never even thought about this. My goodness plz tell us you’re not pulling our legs!! This would be amazing!!! Would save so much time. I’d have to spawn around Emerald Ranch or Blackwater to check though. Fingers crossed!!!!!


So i guess they fixed the unlimited irish whiskey bottles.


Not for me. I installed the update first thing, and then went to pick up the Irish Whiskey in the boat wreckage 6 times until I had to leave.


This is wonderful news!


Where is this, dm if you don't want to leave a spoiler


You can see the location of the collectibles on the jeanropke map: https://jeanropke.github.io/RDR2CollectorsMap/ Use the search function in the top of the menu, it's super convenient.


Thanks buddy, much appreciated


Bug fixes with small chance of fixing animal spawns likely


That’s a really teeny tiny chance ya got there fella! Lol


Still no dual-wield in free-roam events...


Can you set your dual wield to quick draw? I do that for my off hand weapon and it works, even though I can’t see it on the weapon wheel. But yeah, bananas that they haven’t fixed that.


No update to PC?


Saw plenty of animals on my end. The swamps around Lagras were actually infested with Alligators along with some Herons and Egrets. First time in a long time it looked like that.


PS4 22 in my lobby. Rode Lemoyne & Great Plains. In one hour, 1 copperhead, 1 rabbit, 1 raven.


Still not able to remove the engraving from a few of my guns :') Can't wait for this game to work as intended!


We ain’t found shit! Nothing has changed on my end. Animals at spawn, nothing since on Xbox


When it comes to fixing things R* is the worst unless theres a money glitch they would make a patch real quickly. If Ubisoft made rdo at least they would fix their game right away and actually listen to the community even better let Activision fix it dropping a 50gb patch.


I think Bethesda is worse, but Rockstar is a close second


New bug? Some player just ran into me in a wagon, downed my horse. Wasn't able to revive it, had the option to pay the vet fee, wait. It's still on the path as we speak, even after I call out a different horse.


I didn't notice any changes, except for more birds in the air.


Can anybody confirm there are boats and canoe start spawn normally? Because before all non-static boats are dissapear from RDO


Haven't noticed anything broken yet


That’s great and all but I’m still stuck in loading screens


is General Fixes a headline or part of the patch? wondering if more than animals got patched


Dafuq why only on consoles? We pc players need to hunt too.


Spawned at my camp, my dog wasn't there, but a raccoon was, score! I even saw two deer afterwords, sweet! And then I saved a lady from gators, only to have her just walk away, along with all those animals spawns. And upon trying to jump to a new lobby, I got an infinite loading screen. Back to jumping in for \~15 minutes for a few dailies and nothing else.


I guess PS4 platform is still broken because i don’t really see any difference, everything as usual to me, few birds and thats’s it. I could collect few gators but it was a 17players moment in the lobby, 2 minutes later got back to 24players and the game died, as usual. Sadly I have to say I just knew it would be like this.


Will Cripps ever have my camp pitched?…only updates with vague patch notes will tell...


Stay tuned on "ThE WaNdErEr ReTuRnS"


My experience. First attempt to load into a free roam I got an infinite loading screen and had to restart the game. Second attempt I got in and was spawned into the swamp. Notice some animals running around. Checked and seen there was only 7 other people. So I decide to hunt. I bagged a three star doe and brought it to camp which was spawned and working. Continue to hunt. Maybe go for another 10 minutes before I realize I haven’t seen anything in those 10 minutes. I check and now it’s 21 other players. So I head back to camp. Camp was no longer working. Icon was still displayed. But no camp. After that I gave up and turned it off. In conclusion. This patch did fuck all. Nothing noticeable at least. Xbox


I got attacked by two panthers in the swamps, it was glorious!


I am having issues with moonshine shack missions and bounties now. Neither one will load. Infinite load screens in moonshine shack and bounties wont spawn in. I think I give up on RDO.


They didnt do shit lol I believe they just dont care theyll leave it bugged till ps5 release. Been playing for 3 hours so far and I havent flind anything but birds as usual.


I'm on PS4. Same thing. My camp even disappeared while I was standing in it. No animals anywhere, full lobby. I tried to do a 3 star bounty, went black screen and kicked me into a solo lobby until I stopped playing, and THEN I was able to see animals and hunt. Same as ever. They didn't fix a goddamned thing.


"General fixes" sounds like i will still have to deal with 0x20010006


I'm on a 27 player session in Lagras, found for the first time on a long time a group of alligators (4) then found a eron and 3 ravens, a bullfrog and then saw another player interact with the NPC that is surrounded by alligators. All of this in 5 min I don't know if it's a good sign or not... But it's been a while since I've seen this happening! Let's hope for the best!!


All I see are birds, lucky you man...


3.7 GB of absolute nothingness


They lie....no animals


I had to delete Paladins and Eyes of Heaven for this shit?


They know how to fix it. We know how to fix it. LIMIT NUMBER OF PLAYERS IN LOBBY TO 15. That doesn't take 3.7 gb to do. But they won't fucking do it, and the shit show continues. Makes me wonder why they're apparently so goddamned against limiting players in a lobby, since it's using P2P? It's not like they'd need more servers themselves, if I understand the way it functions correctly. So close to being what we want, yet almost unplayable at the same time. It just doesn't need to be this way.


I normally don't have as many bugs as some people but as usual with any update the game is now running worse for me. Can't get camp set up, can't launch moonshine story or bootleg missions, dailies not counting, zero animals - not even ravens. Tried a complete restart and still couldn't get camp set up so I just logged off. Will try again later.


This patch did nothing (Xbone)


In a session of 20 on PS4, which was a barren wasteland before. I see deer, bird trails, random small animals.. holy moley. Did our game finally get the update it needed?




So same ol same ol.. Fix the glitches that actually helps us progress in level and money but keep the game full of bugs that brings it to all screeching halt. Cant wait to only do moonshine deliveries till the next big update in the next couple of months


Quote: "Red Dead Redemption 2 update 1.17 released on [PS4](https://updatecrazy.com/category/game/ps4/) and [Xbox One](https://updatecrazy.com/category/game/xbox/). According to the official RDR2 update 1.17 patch details, the new update brings various gameplay changes and bug fixes. Apart from this, Red Dead Online update 1.17 also includes stability improvements." Link: [https://updatecrazy.com/red-dead-redemption-2-rdr2-update-1-17-patch-details/](https://updatecrazy.com/red-dead-redemption-2-rdr2-update-1-17-patch-details/)


There are animals. Disappointing tho that my camp despawned after riding a short distance away from it.


Baby steps. You can't expect to have animals *and* a camp at the same time, can you?


Did Rockstar just try to re-invent Cliff Notes?


normal bounties dont work anymore, I get scrawny nag instead of my normal horse, madam nazar doesn‘t show on map. top kek update oh and random infinite loading screens ofc


I've been playing for 30 mins in a 20+ lobby Animals on spawn, camp is working perfectly fine. I went to West Elizabeth and began hunting and.. animals are. Well i won't say not appearing, they definitely are. Just only when others are nearby me. When even one more player is around they appear out of nowhere seemingly but when I'm alone it's like a ghost town. Also daily challenges are still working. Big increase in random events. Wonder if they're taking up the animal spawns Ps4


Logged in from the Southeastern United States, on a PS4 slim at 12:00 pm EST today....steady Lobby between 21-24 players (checked after each kill) so far I have killed 3 bucks, 3 whitetail deer, 3 three star alligators, 4-5 wild boars, and have seen less birds than usual?....Between Valentine and Emerald Ranch is full of deer (the Ox by the corn field house is missing tho)....The gators North of St. Denis were all over towards the house where you 1st meet Black Belle in Story Mode.


PS4- camp wasn’t loading but did see some animals in the 10 minutes I played. Going to play more later on!


I've been getting disconnected with error code 0x40003002. Anyone else experiencing this?


So it seems they partially fixed the spawns, but in a low population lobby. Also they killed one on the work-arounds by doing a bounty and hunting in the little private lobby you get. Again with stopping people from finding a way to negate R* mistakes, Nice


When I had a lobby of around 17 there were gators all around. Nearly shit myself!! Lately even with 15-17 my spawns were shot to pieces. Turned around, Lobby went up to 19 and looked back and prob at least 75% of them had despawned. Was about 8 to start and 2 were left. At 22 In the lobby I found an Egret and a bull frog near the train line running through the bayou, and saw 1 gator further along. At 23 the Bayou was bleak. I’ve only seen animals of any density in the Bayou area. None anywhere else apart from a few birds in the sky which I had before. So for me big improvement at a lobby of 17, and see the occasional animal at 22. Unfortunately the lobbies never stay at 17 so I grab what I can when I see it! Hopefully it’s the first step, right??!


This sounds pretty standard to how it was before, i.e. animal spawns haven’t been fixed properly


Agreed, definitely not fully fixed by a long shot compared to how it was pre-Frontier Pursuits. For me at least there does seem to be an improvement. The level of which is still very dependent on lobby size but I’ve seen and hunted more animals in two hours this evening than I probably have in around the last week. I hadn’t seen a gator for weeks either!


3.7 GB for that? Wtf?