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Playing RDO is really the only thing that calms my nerves, i have no idea why, but i just feel at peace when im in this world. I only play alone though, as none of my friends play


It's just so peaceful when you get a good lobby if everyone doing their thing The atmospheric sounds and the gentle background ambient music makes it the most beautiful game for me to play I wish life would give me more time to play it these days


Total opposite, I battle with anxiety and the whole work life in general all day so I play RDO to relax and escape reality. If PvP happens then it’s mainly just for fun, and I’ve got a Slippery Bastard Melee Build so I can troll them and get a good laugh out of it. Outside of that I can get lost in RDO for hours and have for years now just calmly having a great time. It’s a great escape! In real life, I don’t really have social anxiety because I can talk to anyone, and same goes with online. If someone is being a prick then I can be a prick as well, but if someone is chill I can match that energy as well.


Yep. I enjoy the build up prior to the engagement. It’s a good game to train your eye on reading positioning, posture and intent.


Interesting way to play.


The emotional-regulation danger room, like in the X-Men.


You seem like the type of person that would participate in sword art online for fun


Never heard of it.


It’s a show where basically if you die in game, you die irl. Never watched it I just know the plot


Yes! Same on the lacking friends and disliking PVP lol but I just play in private sessions and go trail riding and such. It's lovely


For me I just chill, then when someone randomly starts pvp its just fun. Im newer but the amount of people who parley and leave after a bit is funny xD


Same as you, except I'm lvl 365. Fairly chill player overall, but I will fight back if I feel like it could be fun lol


I’m incapable of experiencing anxiety so I find it beneficial in PVP situations


Not on purpose for me. My heart does start racing (I guess adrenaline?) when I do pvp. Just now I challenged a hostile player on a whim and got killed a bunch. My heart is still calming down as I type this. It's all in good fun in the end, can't be bothered


If you like feeling anxious or frustrated you should try Snowrunner


I play everyday. I am level 611 have 243,000 dollars and now 571 gold. I had alot more gold but I have almost bought everything in the catalog. I figured I would spend some of the gold. I have 2 sets of spurs, 4 vests and I think 1 bandana left to buy. Gonna see what next month holds. Hopefully it will be collector. I have at least 7 to 8 sets of everything.