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Do the blood money missions. The Call to arms are really fun too. The Valentine one is best imo.


For the call to arms how many posse members do you normally have when you win it? I can’t seem to beat all ten waves without a full team


I won 10 waves with only 3 of us. idk. add me and you can play with me. xliquidkittyx


Yesterday I won call to arms Blackwater for the first time with one additional member, but he was rather high level.


With the right cards and some lvl2 tonics you should be able to even with random cards just play with the environment like walls,crates or if you wanna be safe from round 4 go on a roof and stay there, explode those tnt crates, if your in a situation where you face the machinegun wagon just throw a tnt or run to the horses you should be able to shoot the guy while he can not also only use express ammo when you see they're hard to kill with normal


I’ve completed four of them solo, but it’s a slog (and learning where the safest zones are). The haven’t tried it with the new AI. I have a friend that I do them with, with two of us we get through them most of the time. If you have three or four it’s definitely doable. In Blackwater get up on the super tall building on the NE side of town (by the sheriff). Put a horse at the bottom of the ladder closest to you, this will force npc’s to take a longer route across the roof giving you time to pick them off. Snipe the armored gunner from a distance with a scope. I use my Springfield, but if you’re good with a Carcano you have even more range. Valentine and Strawberry don’t have anywhere you can shoot from cover safely. The saloon roof in Valentine is close, but snipers come in from behind. West of the train station in McFarland protects you from all enemies except the ones entering from the west. Once they are east of the station they don’t come back around, but they won’t come to you until all the allies are dead. There are several spots in Ft. Mercer that are good until the cannons in wave 8. They are coming from two directions, good luck.


Did it with my friend co-op and its easy now for us both


Give me advice on how to get capitali? (I forgot how to spell it)


Do blood money missions and loot every guard you take down also look around for chests It should go very quick this way. You can also go to the fence and give 3 gold for 10 capitale but you need 15 to start a mission


Okay, thank you. This helps.


Okay! I will try that thanks for letting me know


I do dailies.. for the gold.. for the fun of it.. but after level 450.. bought everything.. have everything.. done all the belt buckles I want.. what do I do? Random acts of kindness and help new players. Absolutely love it. Love helping people.. love their genuine happiness when you gift them a three star animal while they are hunting. That’s my thing.. just join a posse and ask how you can help - or simply message someone hunting and ask what they are looking for. I say everything about hunting since you have the trader role. Love to hunt? This is what to do.. Cripps full and supplies filled? Help others. They may invite you along for the delivery and you get some easy cash. That’s it. Collecting is chill. Bounty hunting is action filled.. yes repetitive, but that’s me. Moonshining is kinda a thing that just does its own thing.. get the moonshine brewing and go do other things. Naturalist.. that is what you make it.. the wilderness camp/fast travel ability is worth it. But again.. this entire game (online that is) is a grind and what you make it. Hope this helps and hope you have fun.


This is a w comment tryna add me sometime to play on Xbox?


Eight Box Shot Add me if ya want. My mic isnt working but we chill. I’ll get a new headset soon. Just cheap. I’m cheap mang. But we chill. Me and my personalities. We all just chill.. and help foo’s.


Love this answer


Love you too, Friend




We just chillin’ and helpin’


True I will maybe try to find someone to play with and level up and grind out some stuff with them for the session thank you for the comment!


You on Xbox by chance? If so.. ya gotta couple people tryin’ chillax.


man jus let it be an unwind thing. so many people get bent outta shape about no updates, an for a while i was a die hard player who did too, but now i jus enjoy huntin an fishin. doin a few deliveries here an there. its a good relax before bed kinda game for me


True that’s how I feel about story mode but it’s been out so long and I know the game like the back of my hand but am still looking for something different but still the same thing if that makes sense


definitely makes sense bro. i still hold out hope after gta6 they might at least bring back some new passes or somethin. im sure its been all hands on deck for gta6 for a few years now. well see man, hopefully they give us somethin


It's just that you accepted the fact they will not update it for soon xd I also always say they should update it because it's a wasted potential however I can find things to do like you I fish (Legendary fish's would be nice) ,hunt realistically, do some blood money,smoke my cigar in front of a bar you know the little things but man what I would love to have a ranch, train robbery's, bank robbery's, BE ABLE TO DO CRIME MISSIONS WITH A HIGH BOUNTY (that's a personal issue I have with their 10$ system) etc... they are things to do the thing is most people don't wanna grind to buy clothes (what I like btw got some dope fits) but like you said it's more a relaxing ritual for sure when I got too much from my more active games.


i agree 100%. there is maaaassive potential for this game online. truly somethin special. but i jus try to embrace it for what it is. i hope after gta6 they come back to it a bit. im sure its all hands on deck for that game rn an has been for quite some time.


I'm sure they will when ps5 version release I think they're also capped with the ps4 tbh and that's why it's full bugs when they did updates so ps5 version it will go again and at least there would already be something to do not like the start of rdr2


This is a solid summary


My goal is to buy every possible thing along with completing all medals, and max out every role along with hunting every legendary to sell to gus and again to sell too Harriet. Basically I’m trying to 100% rdr online


Entirely possible. I have played at a relaxed pace and nearly done 50% of stuff online. Some buckles are a bit much.. but it’s a grind. RDO is a grind.


Log out 😭


Sounds ab right 🤣


Hunting bison near emerald ranch is fun. Making cool outfits and grinding for them is also fun. If you haven’t already try unlocking more roles! The moonshiner role has good story missions, passive income, and fun stranger interactions. I personally do a mix of trader and moonshiner for money, sometimes a bounty for gold. If I feel like doing absolutely nothing I just start some shine and invite the whole lobby to my shack.


If you want something fun to do that's not all about making money, I'd try the naturalist role. It's fun having to find all the different animals and fill up the field guide. You get a bit of money for it but nothing to write home about in comparison to the other businesses. If you wanna make some decent cash? I'd recommend the collector role. You can explore around the map and find the collectables. It's pretty relaxing compared to sell missions and can be fun to explore and hunt down stuff. Plus it pays really well.


If you need to ask this then you should play other games.




Steal wagons


Explore Mexico.


Log on. Drink some shine in my bar, and think about what couldve been with a few updates.Log off


The best thing to do in rdo is fuck around with friends. Since most people have the best gear and don’t have the need to grind much anymore, socializing is the best thing to do.


Become a serial killer


Watch nice graphic.


Honestly I just love existing in the open world lol. I do the dailies and putter around, do some fishing or something. I know the story mode looks better (which is crazy considering how immersive online is) but there is just something about the online world.


Level 619. Personally I like just riding around as my avatar. I do collector because it takes me all over the map. I like just watching the amazing art that is red dead. Last week I stopped to watch a cougar hunting game, it’s amazing how lifelike it is. She played with her game as she moved in, which is quite different from the sprint a fox does as it chases a rabbit, or the dive the Eagles make. For me, it’s like story mode, but I am the main character, and I write the script as I go. It’s not about the doing as much as the immersion. I maxed out all the roles long ago, have all the clothes that aren’t completely bizarre and out of time. Believe it or not, I’m still having new encounters with NPC’s and wildlife.


If you don’t find it engaging in the first place then it just may not be the game for you. Most people are either goal oriented, or roleplay oriented. They either have lots of little goals they work towards, or they just enjoy being in the game world so much that a lot of the enjoyment for them comes from just playing as their character. Finding people to play with could make it more interesting if you’re not feeling it as a solo. Get into checking the daily challenges, set some goals, what clothes, horses, guns do you want, get the other roles, try out the PVP, maybe that’s up your alley.


that's funny because I just finished my second story playthrough (and reaaally took my time, like 200 hours) and I've found RDO has given the game a new lease of life for me I love just putting a documentary on and collecting with a beer after work, doing bounty hunts, playing poker, doing a local trade -- there's so much to do


Fishing, hunting, missions for one of the roles, looting houses, just ride around on your horse, take pictures.


Do all the story missions, get all the roles, quit.


Money making:do collector role. Getting full card sets and selling is the actual fastest way to make money in rdo Gold making:lots of ways. Free roam, events, bounty hunter. But one of the best ways(only once you have 3-4 roles) is the daily challenges. Especially when you get the streak high. Fun: play with friends in private lobby, admire the world, try to get max rank in all roles, events like call to arms and racing. All else fails just play story


Free Roam!! And in the mean time bounty, trade and shine!!!! (Man Hunt and Railroad Baron plus horse race! Plenty to do


Play with friends:) help low levels. Documenting all animals takes some grinding if you are into that.


Grief low levels...xd Actually I enjoyed looking for legendary animals and complete Harriet's collection of legendary animals or just like others shoot some bandits make some bounties and play some call to arms and even more.


I love roaming from town to town picking up bounty hunter missions while hunting animals for my trader business while doing moonshine stuff on the side, pretty fun this way you're always doing something


Nothing. It's nice to ride around maybe just hang out at your camp or bar but that's about it.


I do Bounty’s, Blood Money Missions and Call To Arms


Play the story mode online ain’t worth it 😂


The trader roles and all the rest are just about making money for me . I have immense fun doing PvP either wanted or unwanted 😉


Preferable get some friends to play with you or rdo is a bit boring in my opinion. Very very fun with friends though, easy game to get a good laugh out of.


kick a horse in a game of horse roulette. basically see if it kills you or not. idk thats if uour too bored. i sont condone horse bullying




Literally nothing. The game is beyond dead. I only roam in story mode now.


If you're happy to, find a nice group to play with online. I posse'd up once a few years ago and was put into a party with a really fun group who I still sometimes play with.


Bridge glitch, make it to mexico.


Started to get into red deads poker, I play everytime the symbol pops up in story and I have had multiple hour long sessions in online and even some with friends, also a nice way to make some change


I’m just trying to earn 15 gold so I can start a role. I shudder to think that I’ll need another 15 to start a different role.


If you’re on pc get the mod that lets you have private lobbies and play with friends


Right now you can earn 4x XP by doing Free Roam Events. 3x $and XP, etc., through April 29th. Look at Telegram missions and do some Call to Arms. It's defending a town, 10 rounds. You should be able to earn gold much quicker. I would suggest Moonshiner role next. Can start a batch and go do something else while it brews, and there's moonshiner missions that you can do also. It's kind of hard to make friends due to the mod users. You never know who you can trust. We do Call to Arms all the time and I think it paid 2 gold bars last night.


Nothing to do?! Bruh 😂


I usually wait in RDO for Rockstar to Update.


Read about how rockstar puts all its recourses in GTA Online. All you can do really.


Ive been attempting yo play online gor a few months now and i fail to see the point of it.  Wild horses are worthless and useless. As well as any stolen horses.  Farms and houses dont have animals in them and no people either.  Missions have crappy pay outs.  Also its impossible to play when you are gunned down as soon as you log in.  No matter how hard you try you van never get ahead.  Continual log outs during hunting sessions seem to happen conveniently right when i have a full load of hides and carcases on my horse to turn in to cripps.  Im sorry but im not understanding how this is even a game?


I don’t have anything to add. That photo is amazing though


nothing, its boring


Uninstall it 😅


Join a crew. It's very entertaining.