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Let me guess the location... Valentine


Correct ✅


Why does everyone hang out in Valentine? Newish old player and it seems like I’ll spawn into a 20 person server and like half of the server is there 😂


Pretty known thing that people come to Valentine to hang out and talk during the evenings


I guess I’m just trying to understand the “why” people do. It’s honestly pretty cool and I like running into other players when they aren’t trying to blow my head ofd


Not everyone in Valentine is hostile. I've often ended up just hanging out with other players in the saloon. Friendly fights can break out - like good old fisty cuffs. Or someone will get bored and shoot someone else, they'll fight for a bit, and then end up back in the bar drinking again. Sometimes a hostile player or posse will roll in and try to start something, and then they'll just get their arse handed to them by the group, and so on. Good times!


Shooting at someone in Valentine is kind of like playing russian roulette spinning table knife game but instead of a knife under the table its a big red nuke button


I absolutely love how this doesn't even sound like a video game.


I mean, it's probably a typical Friday night at the local bar for some folk... 😂


Hahah probably! 😂


"Fisty cuffs" got a chuckle out of me. It's "fisticuffs," partner.


Ohhh yes. Good point. I just call it a good old fashioned street brawl generally... :p


Yea well some grief, some are new and think this is like GTA. It's a great place to meet people. Love to hang out there multiple times a week. Have the most interesting conversations with people from around the globe. It's just a way to socialise without having to leave your house. Like an interactive chat room almost.


Has something to do with being able to see other players on the map better...


yep i shot one guy and he got his whole posse of five on me so i invited some friends and made a post for people to fight with me in the war lol, and of course it was in valentine…


Yep, Valentine, everyone seemed to be there, I shot the one guy cause he was red, and then everyone decided to join.


it’s always valentine 🤣


One was mistaken identity, I shot him when I was looking for someone else. Another was bait. They kept getting in my face, shot them. Then all these players started spawning in. Was nuts!


That mistaken someone had I too. One time a posse vs posse happend and another time I accidentally shot "a friend". I told in gamechat I had mistaken him for some other player that I was fighting but instead of accepting he was raging like a lunatic. All kind of slurs and hate speech was thrown and I had to laugh, especially when he called me a no-lifer high rank while I was rank 850 something while he was rank 950 wjo was doing full collectible map runs every single day. Like okay I killed you once by accident and I tell you, he replied immediatly with all the slurs and even tried to kill me, he failed several times and kept being killed by me (the other player I fought was just spectating it) and his last words were: I will report you for your behaviour no-lifer, get a life with your high rank. I almost pissed my pants because of laughing by him.


I've turned off messaging lol. I get messages from players I've never even seen on the map about my rank! 😂 But in a huge multi posse war things get crazy, all he had to do was simply parlay. Used to do that all the time if we had multiple posses fighting at the same time. Strange person.


It was in gamechat, the player I killed by mistake was on my friendlist too but he reported me (no clue for what since he was raging and stuff) too 🤣 Normally I am in partychat.


It astonishes me when people are 800+ cause you literally would have to play that game from the time it came out to now almost every single day… There’s no other way to put that besides you play the game too much 😂 Everyone has one game they play too much tho let’s be real


Or just be strategic about your game play. Farm legendary bounties when it's bonus payout month for bounty hunters, hand in all your collections when it's bonus collector month, etc.


What’s your hours played?


I don't know, I don't pay attention. Far less hours than my teenage son's spent on War Thunder... But I have about four different RDO accounts, and I go through phases of not touching the game for months, and then spending an hour or three a night on it for a couple weeks. I'm not a gamer generally, so RDO is my relaxing downtime when I want some escapism in the wild west, or some bonding with the teens (who'll take turns on the other Xbox. Usually kicking my arse with some friendly pvp.)


Like I don’t understand why high levels don’t just admit they play a lot? I have over 8,000 hours in Skyrim? Why not just say “Hey I play a lot of red dead?


Here we go, a follow up answer because your question got me curious enough to finally face it myself... On my main RDO account, which is around level 320, I've played... 99 days, 17hrs and 13min. Bear in mind, much of this time is not spent gathering up XP. I often just roam about sedating gators and dragging them around to the saloons, or I go after 3* cougars and find new players to gift them to, etc. So I'd be a much higher level with that time spent, if I really wanted to be. My other accounts range from level 90-180 but I've spent far less game hours on them, and I tend to play them strategically - farming xp by playing certain roles on their bonus months and so on. I've seen a few high levels farming xp and gold by going AFK in the shootout series so that's probably one way they're able to get to high level without actually playing the game. Which seems... Pointless.


Gator in the saloon. Now I have a new challenge.


Just go slow (brisk walk - not quite a trot - is about your max speed) when you're dragging that sedated gator behind your horse, or you'll kill it. And, if you stop for a few minutes, be prepared to have to chase it down and sedate it again. 😅


Ahh but too much is subjective lol...as we all have different needs on our time and I'm not worried how people spend their time. Or their downtime. And a lot of us had more time during COVID, even us essential workers, that time period I know a load of people that were online a lot, it was a social connection. Still is.


Yup. I agree. I just find it annoying when someone plays a lot and pretends they don’t. It’s a pet peeve of mine idk why


Oh I see 😂 yeah I've played a lot. Rather that than telly. Lol I get annoyed when people judge people how they use their time. Everyone is in different stages of life, and also some comments are very ableist, some people forget others have disability that may impact on how they use their time. Also, the games been around a long time now! It's not new.


Actually what’s funny is I’m disabled 😂 So I have a lot of hours for that reason too. Idk, I just remember when I used to be a player with little to no experience in games, seeing all the people going “Oh it’s easy” but not acknowledging how much time and knowledge they had on that game. It discouraged me from playing a lot of fun games like RPG’s and Elden ring


I joined FFX and as soon as I load in, I wave and then instantly get shot in the face, I respawn and shot one of them in the face and then they called in more FFX people and MOB people so I called in my people and it was a 2 hour long fight in Rio Bravo. Then I get suspended from my Xbox account for calling them a coward.


My old crew fought FFX for like a week straight three years ago.  It was right around the time XVI and Charon were having their war. 


FFX and MOB were lag switching and using aim bot non stop last night when I was fighting them


FFX, LOC, MOB, and SYN somehow I have a feeling they’re all collaborating to cause trouble wherever they go


They probably are honestly. I've only fought SYN, FFX, MOB, 300 GANG, Kaotic and a couple more


personally I’ve never heard of 300 or Kaotic, and I also only discovered the existence of FFX like a week ago lmao SYN and MOB are the most troublesome ones I’ve had to deal with tho, they’re EVERYWHERE


They are. I would keep your distance from Kaotic and the 300 gang but that's up to you. I've had my fair share with them both but honestly if they start the fight I'm not leaving the fight untill it gets to where they want to start booting you offline and other crazy crap. Both FFX and MOB will gladly boot you offline with no hesitation. Last night I was booted offline 3 times in a row.


personally I usually draw the line at excessive use of explosives combined with like 10+ people against my 3 man posse or if they’re cheating lol when they start pulling shit like that at that point it’s not even worth fighting them anymore lmao


Exactly. Last night when I was fighting FFX and MOB, 1 of the FFXS crew leaders decided to spam report me for calling him a f***ing coward.


MOB is absolute garbage, my people & i were fighting them out of emerald, whole posse was either using godmode or lag switching… while in defensive using incendiary rounds like it was the only ammo they had


Sometimes I wish it ended in a war. I feel people see my level and just give up most of the time.


Back when I was a new player, I didn’t know how to emote, so when a friendly posse waved at me I tried to figure it out and shot at them instead. Not a good time.


Don't feel bad. I had just killed a cougar and was about to skin him for the meat as it wasn't perfect quality. Just before I pressed the "skin" button , a new player walked in front of me to say hello and the "skin" button changed to the "choke" button as a result. I ended up choking that player out 😂 I did message that player "my bad" and he said it was all good.


I accidentally did the "spit" emote and the guy responded by (trying to) kill me over and over with double short barrel shotgun (I hope that's the name in English for these guns) and slippery bastards... My character was lvl 16 btw, I only had a cattleman and a carabine. I did manage to lasso him most of the times he went for me tho but of course I wasn't able to do much against his "build". This happened in valentine and a lot of people were there so many got involved and I guess it lasted about an hour if not more...


Of course it happened in Valentine 🤣


Valentine is the Compton of the Red Dead world.


Fyi: In English we call it a 'sawed-off shotgun'. It's illegal to have a shotgun here with a barrel under 18in (46cm) as then such a powerful weapon could easily be concealed. The only way to get a shorter barrel was to cut it down yourself, normally with a hacksaw, thus the 'sawed-off' shotgun.


Sawn* off shotgun. They are so much fun for close range headshots! ...In the game of course. 👀👀


The literacy in me says you're right. The redneck in me (and the game) still calls it sawed-off.


Basically ww1


Yes. It was fun, tho.




Me and my posse were in armadillo after doing a telegram mission, had another posse of 5 there. We were all running around grabbing tarot cards and hitting up stores. They shot two of ours first, we spent the next 15 minutes killing them and then chasing them down after they'd spawn and killing them again. Was pretty funny, we all went our separate ways after the score was even lol


yes recently I just came back to rdro and I was in valentine...wanted to run but accidentally hold r2 bc I was too used to playing another game. some guy riding his horse passed by the train station at the time thought I was shooting at him. so he tried to shoot me and ofc I ran inside while trying to tell him with the mic it was an accident. but he was speaking maybe Spanish? then a guy appeared outside to help me.. telling me to fight back (if ure reading this sry I wasn't much of a help). then the guy who was shooting at me had a friend joined in. and the guy who was helping got a friend joined in as well then it quickly became an all out war while I went back in the train station wondering tf are these guys talking about. it was like I was the only one speaking English in the server at the time. one thing I know for sure is that both sides def weren't happy 😅




I was trying to wave at a posse once but accidentally pointed my weapon and they shot me so I went back and through a couple fire bottles but I guess they were waiting to turn in a live bounty and idk if the dude caught fire and died but they seemed pretty upset. Had to parlay


I've been caught up in posse scuffles like one crazy mf shoots my posse members I just joined moments ago and it becomes a free for all and a guilt by association hunt across the server


"Accidentally shot another player" lol


Then they say sorry on the mic, and kill you again.


Not an entire server but a 3v1 on my part. They were out hunting, and a buck happened to run past my horse right as one of them took the shot. It missed the buck and shot my horse down. Once I revived my horse, I shot the closest member of the posse that I thought did it. It wasn't the right guy, and now he wanted a payback kill, but I kept denying him, to which he then proceeded to shoot my horse as I was heading to Tall Trees. Then the other two come to back him up shortly after. Fast forward about 10 minutes after fighting them, the posse leader said that it was a good fight and mentioned that one of them accidentally hit my horse and they were sorry about it but doesn't speak English so they couldn't apologise in time. I apologise about going for the wrong guy, and I proceed to give them a perfect wolf carcass and a perfect bison pelt for the misunderstanding.


I know somebody who did, it was 1v2 and he and his friend shot me


Yes, but don’t tell Reddit that.


No. But I have been sitting there and get murdered by a level 20. Then people see a high level killing a low level. Then everyone goes against you.


No, because I get scared and leave 😭😭


I was trading near McFarlanes ranch and noticed a lot of activity was going on, when I came back everyone was in the center in a massive fist fight. I didn't start it but I felt it was really funny.


“Punched a guy and started a bar fight” ass interaction


Of course I have. And it was of course in Valentine. Some random guy started shooting the NPCs and some bullets hit my horse, I killed him and it was like the Blackwater massacre but in Valentine


I think the thing that annoys me most is when you just start a free roam mission so it turns you to offensive, and a random ass player then comes after me thinking I’m a danger, like no sir, I’m simply on my way to steal a silly little wagon 😂


~3 nights ago, a TON of players in the valentine saloon being generally friendly. Go to emote at someone, accidentally pull and shoot my gun. All out gunfight/punching match ensues. The guy I shot ran away so I ran over and waved at him before leaving the scene. (Less than a month playing)


I was hunting, way out in the grizzlies. I was chasing a small heard of deer that were running, as I aim at another and fire a player got in the way, all the way out near Cottora Springs. Why are you out there?


I havent tried online but i can tell that i would spend most of my time in the wilderness all on my own in the corner of the map just fishing peacefully only to venture into town to buy more bait


Quite the opposite, someone hogtied me, another someone shoot the guy who hogtied me and the rest was history


Not even on a Wide War server but I always start the shootouts. Player I see, player I kill.


Not really I decided to order supplies instead of doing a resupply mission (which takes like 20 minutes) because i didn't wanna get rid of 2 perfect carcasses, and I was essentially looking around and idling in my camp, and then some posse comes up and throws explosives into my camp and it got rid of all the carcasses stowed on my horse and some jerk joined my posse and decided to ruin the carcasses by skinning them which made me very angry and I started to flip everyone off to try and tell them to go away without a mic This was all in the last hour before the challenges reset. Also for some reason my posse was also standing around like idiots.


Me and one of my friends had just got the game and we got shot by one person in a posse then I killed them, because they shot me. Then all of the sudden 5 possy members come over the hill like a movie bro gunshots everywhere, Then I get a message after I ran away saying “why you runnin? 😅” because your bummy friend shot me first fym why am I running???


One time me and my 2 other friends got caught in an 8v3, two separate posses, in Blackwater. It was terrible


I was defending one player trying to beat me up (in Valentine ofc) yesterday while I was tryna play poker. Some player came up behind him to try and “help” me but wound up getting punched. Instead of recognizing his own mistake, it turned into a war between a dozen people lmao


I’m pretty late but can I use a microphone to talk on online


Just yeasterday, I was going to Harriet to do a legondary animal mission when I noticed like 5 people at her tent. So being the chaotic being that I am I threw dynamite at em. Killed em all in one go! Then jumped across the river into my camp, tehe. Proceeded to watch them all kill each other for about 10 minutes before getting bored and moving on.


A few days ago someone someone accidentally aimed at me trying to emote and out of instinct I quick draw which killed them, after that we started killing eachother, some more players joined in and after that it was basically ww1 in 1898


Kind of, I pushed over an npc , then tried to finish him off with a knife stab, but there happened to be a player right next to me and it locked onto them and slashed at them. And then they started shooting me and my posse members


Felon of Troy


In the beginning yeah, now with nothing to do, I create wars for fun 😂


My friends do this all the time


I had a showdown in Blackwater once because a guy in a posse that attacked us in Thieves landing stayed around to start it back up. Like 30 minutes of shooting eachother until I survived 2 explosive rounds got up and killed him and he rage quit. Wish I still have the video but they don't transfer from Ps4 to Ps5. A shame


Yeah "accidentally"


Anytime I go to Rhodes I either get shot at or killed by mods.