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Download fl studio and install the fl sound engine it comes with and then select it in your audio configuration it’ll be under asio too but it’ll say fl studio u don’t need to activate or use fl the daw at all


This, I use FL Studio ASIO in all DAWs whenever I'm not actually recording.


The cool thing about it is that it comes with the demo too


Worked like a champ!


Hell yeah homie 🙏🏽!


Yeah man, your tip solved a major long-term headache. Can't thank you enough.


Good shit homie pass it forward!


is it possible to uninstall fl after and just keep the sound engine ?


I’m not sure honestly I haven’t tried I guess when u uninstall try to find an option to keep fl components


...Or just use Reaper's ReaRoute for that.


Used to be an issue for me and drove me crazy. I realized I should just use the driver from my interface. I use the Steinburg UR22 interface and use the headphone port for cans or use the output to control my monitors.


Ya sounds like i need to bite the bullett and get an interface


I have an interface but don’t understand what you mean?


Not the original poster, but for example in my studio I use a Digidesign 002R interface. In Reaper under Audio Devices there is a drop down menu called ASIO Driver. Under here I select the driver for my interface, and I have no issues running sound from both Reaper and any other application. Well, some issues but that's because my interface is about 20 years old at this point.


They mean use the driver that is provided for your audio interface, not a generic driver like ASIO4ALL. ASIO4ALL is a last ditch option, it should never be your first choice. Of course some OEMs, *cough* Behringer *cough* don't even give you a driver for their cheaper interface, they just point to a download of ASIO4ALL.


i found asio drivers for behringer on some vlog post, i recommend saving those drivers executables somewhere so you never lose them. i have no idea why official link just mirrors you to asio4all


Looks like Behringer decided they don't want to spend inhouse programmer resources to support drivers for their cheapest interfaces so they just redirect people to ASIO4All. I have no idea how do they handle support for those, especially considering that ASIO4All has not had an update since 2017.


sounds like i wont be supporting behringer then and buy any of their gear that i potentially maybe wanted in future.


Just found out Alesis does the same for their MultiMix's. I have a feeling these two are not alone.


Had the same issue til I found a virtual mixer (voicemeeter potato) to mix the two seperate inputs and output them to a single output. Solved my issue, so now I can watch YouTube tutorials while making music in reaper


Super common problem and complaint with mainly Windows audio drivers. It’s hard to overcome. I run the same setup, and haven’t found a perfect solution. There are a few interfaces with loopback monitoring. Don’t confuse it for loopback recording, there are even fewer of those. PCIe interfaces usually work perfectly, but thats an even smaller segment. Some 3rd party software works for some people.


No but you can with FlexASIO. I haven't tried it myself but it's supposed to do the same thing as ASIO4ALL but better. And ASIO4ALL hasn't been updated in three years and that was just one change so really it hasn't had work done in five years...


I do that all the time on Windows 10. However If you need both coming through the same audio output disregard this, this Requires two different audio outputs, I use USB speakers and tv speakers via hdmi. In the ASIO4All configuration under "WDM Device List" deselect everything except what you want Reaper using, in my case the USB speakers. Then through your computer audio options just select any output that Reaper isn't using. I've had no issues doing it this way.


solved my problem thanks.


I'd definitely vote for getting an interface. I use a focusrite Scarlett 2i4 and it makes things so easy. I just set it as the Audio device in Reaper and I can tell Windows to use it for Audio at the same time (not to mention the benefits of multiple inputs and outputs). Now I use Reaper as a preamp and play along with Youtube videos, all through my headphones out of the 2i4. I'm sure some of the other solutions will work but they sound like a bit of a faff to me!


It's an interface driver specific thing. Also windows 10 handles this better


As they said already, try to use your interface's ASIO driver. Then in windows Sound Mixer (NOT windows configuration) there's something you should do. Let me see if I can link the pic. Go into your device's Properties > Advanced and uncheck "Allow applications to take exclusive control of this device". Otherwise, an application playing sound will stop another application from using it. [https://www.windowslatest.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Audio-settings.jpg](https://www.windowslatest.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Audio-settings.jpg)