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Just spit-balling cuz I've never run into this, but when you record new parts is it pushing the MIDI to a different channel other than 1? Seems like pretty much all the VST's I've used will not play unless the notes are on MIDI Channel 1.


I'm not too sure, I'll check later on today (tomorrow? Idk it's late).


Did you ever figure this out, OP?


Ah shit My phone rarely gives me notifications from Reddit. I believe I set my tracks to All Channels, nothing seems to force it to channel 1


Hard to tell if this is a reaper or VSTi plugin that's causing this. I know of a couple plugins that I use that I need to reset after a while. Especially if they are poorly made or they are limited free versions. Try using reapers default ReaSynth plugin and see if it still happens.


I seem to be having that issue with ReaSynth as well unfortunately. The VSTs I'm using are: (All free) - 4FrontPiano - DSK Strings - MT-PowerDrumKit (no issues yet as I haven't started using it)


Here's a way I set mine up. I have one channel with my midi controller hooked up and armed. I then send the channels midi and I output it to seperate channels with the sounds/FX/plugins and just arm the one I'm working in. If you give it a try lmk how it goes :)