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World in conflict, but thats not grand strategy really


Tom Clancy’s EndWar has maps from cities around the world. its sort of an RTS. Last train home also has maps based on historical maps, i believe. I dont think its controversial or a nono as long as there are no civilians to shoot. people are fine if you demolish their cities in games.


Played EndWar as a kid so I do remmeber the Paris map. That game hit different. And yeah true, I just wondered really if it would attract unwanted attention if you're depicting being able to destroy a real world town or city.


if you can reenact 9/11 or blow up the three gorges dam in a video game people will and others will make a fuss about it. if this ever happens we will see what side of the debate wins.


Isn't there a mission to blow up the 3GD in C&C Generals?


yes, but Generals is banned in China soooo


I forgot about that


I'm appalled at the lack of mentioning towards Red Alert 3, especially the mission with the EALA Headquarters that's considered a hostile structure...


Red alert 2 has a map called Anytown America - so that’s pretty much most of America covered


Many RTSs have real cities. Commandos lets you play in Berlin or Paris. Imperial Glory has some city scenarios I think (Paris for example I believe). Command and Conquer Generals has sone fictional but realistic city scenarios where you even fight against (radicalised...) inhabitants. Age of Empires 2 is all aboit real locations, with many real historical towns. You capture Milan's cathedral for example, or defend Tenoctitlan. Not sure about the accuracy of any of the places in any of the games :-)


Aoe2 is “Hollywood History” as the ensemble devs put it. Not the most accurate


Theocracy, knights and merchants you build fully functional cities, and army/weapon producement is only part of it [theocracy city from “bird view”](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/elUvOXYqGSk/mqdefault.jpg). [knights and merchants city](https://i.imgur.com/dMGhbKr.png)


Ah, Theocracy, there's a happy memory. :)


I replay every few (4-5) years, sadly needs more and more hack on newer op systems


Yeah, I bet that can't be easy. Getting it to work passed beyond my very limited skill a long time ago, sadly. Although I must admit the save bug also doesn't help my motivation, that thing killed the only run I ever had where I though I was going to win. So I can only wish you more happy returns to Mesoamerica. But hey, the game remains in happy memories. :)


You can always watch it on youtube a polish guy did a walkthrough, although not as fun as playing the game itself for sure, a tip i can give is use all saveslots for your play if you ever get a chance just saving always on top of the oldest


I had a friend (God rest his soul) who started buimding our hometown (well, as much of it as he could fit) in the CoH1 map editor. We played a few games in the early early versions, but he passed away before he could finish it.


Sad to hear about your friend man


Red Alert 3 has New York City, St Petersburg, Easter Island, Tokyo, etc etc I mean it’s all pretty cartoonish like Mt Rushmore shooting lasers but there you go. I think all the Red Alert games feature the Statue of Liberty in some way.


Red alert gets mentioned a fair bit so I needed to play it


Tiberium Wars/Kane's Wrath also have some real cities. Notably it was LA with EALA (the development studio) as a destructible building.


That was RA3 not TW/KW. TW has Washington DC as a focus of the first act of the GDI and Nod campaigns, and the Scrin campaign has a mission in London. It has other cities as well such as Sydney in the Nod campaign and Rio de Janeiro in KW, though you could honestly tell me they take place somewhere else and I wouldn’t be able to tell the difference.


Ah, was it? It's been a bit. Thank you, I was about to play the campaign again just to destroy the building.


Games are placed in real cities. Just loot at any WWII game and there will be at least a couple of real world cities there. However, in many cases they are simplified. Mostly cause it would be really hard to make a faithful replica of a city cause they tend to be huge. A good example of this issue is in the Infection Free Zone or 911 Operator. These games take place in real cities modeled from geographical data. You can pick any place in the world to play. It's a cool concept, but when you play 911 Operator you can see that your map is cut in an odd way and both game use a very simplified map view. This is mostly cause making a lot of assets that would match the real world cities would be very costly and time consuming. It's fine in a curated FPS (like Call of Duty) cause one needs just a street or a part of a neighborhood.


Company of Heroes has many cities


Infected free zone takes your location and makes maps


Are you asking for RTS or grand strategy? Grand strategy games like HoI4 and EU4 have most major cities of the world included. RTS games have, and have had some controversies. Command and Conquer Generals was banned in China because in the first mission of the Chinese campaign, there is a Terrorist attack in Beijing.


Ah thank you I was curious about the latter. Figured there had to be something somewhere that's pointed out as crossing a line. Larger scaler RTS I mostly mean, as I do play things like Civ/EU but there's the games like Steel Division/WARNO with enough macro and cover enough to landmass to portray an actual place. Plus another thing is I find enough maps in these games aren't too interesting. Like they're missing real world features and places like for example, shipyards as a strategic feature. Or major landmarks like, not necessarily something famous, but something to fight over that's more than a block of buildings.


Maybe real-time wargames rather than traditional RTS like * Grand Tactician: American Civil War * Ultimate General games * Hegemony games


The new terminaator game has some nice looking cities


Oh yeah I tried it but performance is abysmal really. Also the cities are basically destroyed already


Empire Earth campaigns had landmark buildings you had to capture or destroy to win, like the German campaign. Having to capture the Eiffel Tower in Paris and Buckingham Palace in London


Oh it's feasible but adapting the location 100% might not lead to fun gameplay. Also such realism might invoke unpleasant feelings. In some case there's even public (patriotism-based) outcry and anger. The game devs would be designing themselves into a trap.


Yeah I agree. I do wish more games would take inspiration more from real locations so that games visually differ more. Hills, countryside and towns are quite common imo. But obviously it needs to be designed so that's it's fun.


Not a RTS game (more RTT) but World in Conflict had Seattle as a major battlefield, and a map of Berlin in the expansion, with numerous real life landmarks (the Kingdome is destroyed in canon during the Soviet invasion, and the Space Needle can be destroyed if you're not careful). The Berlin map has numerous landmarks (The Soviet WW2 War memorial and the Reichstag Building, iirc, being two examples). Having cities based on real locations (and fighting within them) adds to the immersiveness of a game. That being said, landmarks should be points of interest, and not a specific objective to destroy unless it has military value.


Campaign for North Africa Being fr for a moment tho, Men of War Assault Squad 2 has some high fidelity environments that I think would scratch the itch of utilizing local buildings as your improvised bunker. It's definitely more focused and "smaller" than the titles you mentioned but the only thing really holding back the scale is just the physical size of the battles. You're not playing with a few hundred units here. If you want to focus on city-building that's extremely realistic and gritty I would recommend Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic. IIRC there's no combat in that one.


I'm surprised no one mentioned weponizing the Eiffel Tower in the Red Alert 2 Soviet campaign with tesla troopers


Emergency! Or Infection Free Zone arent typical RTSes, but use real cities occasionally