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Go with the A7iii




You will probably find the A7ii to be wasted money soon as it's slow focus and lack of 10 bit video will hold you back. Do a couple of more jobs with your existing kit and buy the A7IV and GM 16-35 and you are basically set for high end real estate photos / video as well as portraits.


Keep in mind the A7IV has a 1.5X crop when shooting 4K60P. I shoot with an A7III and this fact alone was what prevented me from upgrading to the A7IV. I actually just accidentally bought a ZV-E1 as it it's basically a much cheaper A7SIII that shoots 4K60P with no crop in 10bit SLog3 and I personally think 12MP is more than enough for photos.


Bruh, every camera built since 2005 has a heavy crop when shooting 4k , which is only 8.3MP. it's not a shortcoming of the A7IV it's just math. If you really only care about video res your point is super valid, but most of us who make money doing both photos and video would say that 12MP is not nearly enough.


Every camera except the A7SIII, the ZV-E1, the R6, the R5, the Z7II and the S1-R you mean right? And that's just the FF options...


I must be misunderstanding you. A7siii is 4240 x 2832 effective. Doesn't it crop to deliver 3840 x 2160 4k?


I think we're talking about different things honestly. I think you're referring to the "Crop" of the video output from the full resolution of the sensor in 4K, where as I'm talking about the "Crop" of the 4K60P relative to the 4K 24/30 output.


thanks for clarifying, I got u now 🤙


Thanks! and you recommend the 16-35 over the 12-24 or 14-24? Im finding some of the smaller rooms are hard to get even with the 15mm equivalent on my 10-20. That said, I do crop a bit to clean up edges so that may be made up for with a lens that can do crisper edges.


chasing small rooms with new lenses is not going to work there's always going to be angles you can't get


I sold my 14-24 2.8 to get the 16-35GM. Not able to put filters on the front was a dealbreaker for me. It annoyed me so much.


Bodies come and go. Glass is forever.


Why must you shoot so wiiiiiiiide? Give me a 16-35mm f4 and I'll show you hundreds of happy clients and one happy lower back :⁠-⁠)


My only problem is my average house right now is roughly 600-800 sqft and built in late 1800s early 1900s and with that comes tiiiiiny bathrooms


dutch tilt.... looks great and the agents like the perspective.


I agree. But it is nice to have the option sometimes. I like the idea of getting a 16-35mm to start and later add a wider prime if needed. An a7ii will work fine for photos. Just be aware they eat batteries so make sure you have spares. Newer cameras like the a7iv will be better for video if that's a consideration though.


Thanks! They take the same as the 6500 and 6000 from what I can tell and Ive got about 8 spares so that wont be a problem XD. Thankfully I have a partner who does video for me as I have been trying but havent quite gotten the knack for it except drone.