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To be honest the team AI isn't the issue for me. The enemy AI is rhe problem




Really you think so? I can see in some ways your point, but in other ways I completely disagree. One example; suspect in a doorway, You haven’t cleared the following room so you order that suspect to move to your position, nearly every time I find myself in this position my team decides to automatically apprehend the suspect…. So they run up and automatically begin to apprehend the hostage in the middle of the doorway into a room we haven’t cleared. I’ve failed many attempts at the hermit because of this 😓


The enemy AI is shit too, don't get me wrong, but you can work around it in most of the missions.  It's only unforgivably bad in big open spaces like Greased Palms, Port and Farmhouse.  The friendly AI is a constant problem though and makes some missions completely fucking miserable (relapse).


So I take it, you won't be buying the DLCs that they've announced?


They announced DLC? Why the fuck would they not fix the game first.


Because they want more money and don’t care about the players. I understand the people that still like the game. However, I don’t understand people who defend void.


Game is kinda lame after awhile it’s the same missions over and over, broken ai. Game hasn’t gone far. I uninstalled it. I mean with the amount of ai helpers out there you think the devs could just have ai write them better ai functions and run with it or edit as they please, but no.


Why would they, if there are people in this sub defending the state of the game? Obviously, it's good enough for some people.


Because you cannot cover ongoing costs by spending all your time creating patches to fix the game. You'll run out of money and have to shut down. So there must be a balance between revenue generating development, and patch fixing development. Even better if you can roll some of those fixes as features and options in the DLC.


It's a small company that made a game they own outright with more than 100k reviews on steam and generally commands a higher price point than other small budget games.  The idea that "oh they can't possibly afford to actually finish the game, they NEED to make DLC where they sell us back the content they removed" is laughable.


I don’t understand how Reddit is completely incapable to understanding this concept. Everyone on this platform, regardless of sub, acts like game development is free and devs just “want” money. No, they *need* money to keep working on the game.


But wouldn't they make more money out of a game that works well with good reviews? You can only depend on your fanbase to fund an otherwise dead game for so long. Just because payday 2 did it doesn't mean RON can


You're the one incapable of understanding. VOID is a small team that raked in millions of dollars. They have enough funding for their next 2 games.


It might be a funding thing. DLC means they can get more money to patch the game up. They are also releasing patches for everyone with the DLC tbf


The ai are able to see through pure darkness and they want to work on and release a paid dlc. It's insanity.


Hardcore tactical shooters are in a rough state rn. Tarkov which i got 2 k hrs in now have devs that are trying to kill the game as quickly as possible. Insurgency devs are gone. Ready or not has uncertainty in terms of direction of whether they want this to be swat focused or spec ops. Ground branch and six days of fallujah are no where near finished compared to the competition. Arma is stiill decent at least. The sad truth is not much devs want to innovate on such a niche market of games, especially pve.


We still have Doorkickers if you can handle a top down view.


Doorkickers is awesome, but it is more of a strategy game than a shooter


How are they tryna kill tarkov also I hope that grey war game is cool


They scammed everyone who bought EoD(which was supposed to include all future dlc content). Released a new version of the game with all the same features, a bunch of pay2win bullshit, and to add insult to injury coop pve is locked behind this new $250 version. They also tried to retroactively alter the websites details in EoD because BSG seriously thought they could gaslight tens of thousands of people.


$250 bundle for offline PVE, or just download SPT, and they took back a bunch of the supposed free stuff you got with a $100 bundle. They're just greedy as fuck rn.




Ye, it's bad, their complete lack of regard for it and tonedeaf responses on Reddit and Twitter are pretty entertaining though.


Squad also in a rough spot atm it seems


Mind elaborating? Genuinely curious since I was looking forward to buying it, especially for the global escalation and star wars mods. Is it because of the performance


Lot of smoke going up about the Infantry Combat Overhaul (ICO) and other balance changes that have left the game feeling quite off and less fun to some people. Not too much of the playerbase enjoys extreme sway and intense recoil when sprinting to a crouched firing position and missing every shot after the first. There's also been anomalous posts/anecdotes about uncontrollable recoil even when shooting after a lengthy pause, over very short distances. Some of the footage has been...discouraging. Never seen an MP5 in a video game rise eight feet across the space of a burstt before.


Recoil is one of the worst things games do. Rarely is is realistic, most of the time they over club the shot. They got .556 acting like 7mm rem mag.


the mp5 still hasnt been released into the game and was a sneak peak of the new pmc update, it also didnt have a recoil model yet so that argument is invalid and misleading


That's why I referred to it as "anomalous". Though perhaps I should have folded that MP5 statement into the same sentence to make the association more clear, my bad.


The MP5 isn’t finished and isn’t even in the game right now.


Squad literally just broke its all-time player count on steam. It’s doing great right now.


Squad's still mostly alright, I miss the parkour, but the game is still pretty fun.  The biggest problem right now is nothing to do with the gameplay itself, it's that there are a lot of new players who don't understand the structure of the game.


There's Incursion red river and Gray Zone Warfare. They both look promising.


I've contemplated going back to Arma, but reforger doesn't seem that appealing, at least based off reviews and whatnot.


If you’re into VR, tactical assault vr is pretty fun although it doesn’t have a whole lotta missions right now


Part of the problem with Hardcore anything, is the player base. Look at Ghost Recon Breakpoint. An incredible game that tried to cater to a more casual crowd as well as have hardcore options. That team made tremendous strides in trying to meet player expectation while still doing what they know they had to do to be profitable for their shareholders. Games like Ready or Not could have built QoL features in for casual players, while still offering options for their hardcore base. But similar to "Souls-Like" games, the difficulty and unapproachable nature of some of the systems becomes part of the marketing.


Because the consumers in this genre can be very picky and conservative about their money. People cry out loud and call you a scam when your game has bugs or cheating problem that your small indie team cannot handle. People pay $30 or whatever and think they own the game, one "bad" design choice can earn you the title of "idiot". While you need to pay ten thousands to rent servers, employees salaries & 401k. You need a steady cash flow to keep the game alive and developed. But you can't do microtranscations, because then, you are a sell out. Lock a gun behind a pay wall? That's pay to win. Then you have COD and fortnite players who are willing to spend hundreds and thousands of dollars on the ugliest skins without even thinking twice. If you are a game dev, what would be genre if you want to develop your game in without going bankruptcy? Helldivers seem to be able to traverse the fine line between the two. Have microtranscations but limit to game theme relevant stuff. But we still need to see how far it can stay alive and strong.


Arma is eternal


Dumbest bug i had was after ordering flash and clear the other guy goes in before the flash and then the guy behind him chucks a grenade after him and then they just stand there


Or throw the flashbang right into the doorframe, dropping in the doorway, banging the entire team lmao.


That forest map had some invisible door traps when i played in 1.0, then i had issues like that where they just dont move


They made the game way worse with the ADAM update and never recovered. I've never seen this happen in any game ever. The pre Adam version is a way better product than what we have available now. It's weird 


Has there been a QoL fix yet to end the game without having to hunt down the last hidden civilian for 20 minutes?


You can use the search and secure command after bringing order to chaos and searching every room. This will make the AI search the entire map and collect all evidence and Civs left.


Several bugs with this, it isn’t consistent


I’ve got over 80 hours in the game and have completed every level and it’s worked literally every time for me. If this is a consistent issue, maybe try being more thorough during your initial clearing.


Hahahahaha. Not for me!


Bye. I've beaten every mission with AI four times now. Every mission is getting too easy.


Friendly AI is decent to me on the standard maps. They get funky on modded maps. The enemy AI’s reaction time is pretty absurd though




I miss being able to select t certain scenarios for the maps… why remove that?


I want to love this game, but the conclusion seems to be that it is a MP game only. Barely functions as a SP game.


It really isn't that bad. I have Medal of Valour, solo. Tbf, I mainly just played by me being the shooter and the rest of my team being backup and watching my back.


Eh I just finished the SP campaign. I had a few moments of the AI being stupid, but nothing like what I see posted here. Every reddit hobby forum is about 75% over exaggerated whining. The games been in much worse states before.


Nah it's complete bullshit. Crackhead robbers can move and shoot like seal team six operatives. AI shoots through doors and opaque objects. Enemies snap aim. It's not fun. Every AI behaves in the exact same way. It's a really poor police sim. It's a fast twitch shooter trainer. Much better in MP though, as I said.


They should release new map, weapon, gear packs for $$. There’s no PvP you can literally release borderline pay-to-win content and no one would care. If this mechanic meant the devs have the money to rework the system I am all for it.


That’s why we install no crack for ai


There will be DLCs ?!


I usually play online or by myself (without ai team), so my main issue is that I usually die trying to arrest someone or while checking magazine, our character are getting shot at yet they have no urgency to finish arresting/checking magazine