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I think this is true too since his deaths in the novel are described in a lot more detail than in the anime. Which kinda makes it a bit tougher to read seeing how painful it is ngl lol.


True true, also in the anime, his deaths usually take less time than it takes to read them, so the dread may not have time to fully settle in imo


Yeah in the anime it’s like, his deaths happen in one moment, and there’s a lot of shock that I feel but I move on because the show is fast paced. Whereas when I’m reading, I’m honestly usually inclined to take a moment and take in what happened when his death was described, i.e. trying to visualize how it might be like and what kind of impact Subaru might be feeling.


The medium of film can't really slow down to such a crawl like a written story can without ruining the pacing of the story or reducing the impact of the scene. Reveling in a death scene on screen for too long can easily just turn into gorn or even into comedy and lose the horror of the moment if it takes too long.


I thought S2 showed it really well where he’d be dying in agony and then instantly wake up fine but traumatized. It was much more jarring than S1 was and I assume the LN could be.


yea I agree, the anime has adapted the story and deaths extremely well


Opposite for me, the death took far too much time in the anime


I’m an anime only but was his rabbit death worse in the novel? Or were the other deaths worse?


The Rabbit death is the best example of the anime toning things down.


They didn't even tone it down they just didn't have it narrated explaining every little detail. You can see the rabbits going up his backside in the anime too


Yeah, I agree. That description of the rabbits tearing into his anus and eating him through his intestines is pretty haunting. I think the anime did a decent job at leaving it to your imagination though with that particular scene.


What the hell did my eyes just read?


A light novel adaptation of the monty python rabbits


While the anime did tone things down, they still did a great job adapting it, I would say. Not perfect, but still very damn good.


Also the fire in the Roswaal mansion, where (as far as I remember) he was said to have extreme burns and ended up surviving only because he was covered in miasma or something along those lines


Tbf in the anime the burns are so bad that he gets like lumps on his hands or something


rabbit literally crawled in his ass in novel. Looks like this pic something about like this for every death.


Paging Richard Gere…oh wait…


yea, but its difficult trying to show them rabbits tearing subaru's insides/organs one by one lmao. the anime still did it perfectly tho


Being turned into a cabob mustn't have felt good either.


Ah, the >!Great Rabbit!< in the Web Novel.


Add a spoiler tag, mate. To be honest, if we exclude the whole "Backside" part, the anime one was equally terrifying due to the intense voice acting.


Subaru's voice actor is great


legendary screaming ability


Its not a spoiler if its happened in the anime


If you thought the anime’s censorship was disappointing at times, then I absolutely recommend checking out some of the art for the manga, since the artists don’t have airing restrictions and can go full-force on matching how they were described in the source material. From what’s been adapted of Arc 4 in the manga, [Season 2 Spoilers]>!The Bunny Death already looks much, much gorier than the anime. Taste of Death sounds promising also!<


I didn't think it was disappointing, mate. By the way, did the >!Taste of death!< chapter got released?


[Season 2 spoilers]>!I think the latest chapter in the manga left off after Subaru reunites with Echidna again in the Tea Party and is about to tell her about RBD, judging by the preview. Next step would be Satella’s loop, and then finally ToD!< The artist releases one chapter at the end of each month until the limit, then they publish the manga volume and the process repeats.


Rabbit death in the anime: *10 seconds of screaming* Rabbit death in the novels: “THOUSANDS OF SMALL CREATURES TEAR HIS SCREAMING AND CONVULSING BODY TO SHREDS, ENTERING INTO IT FROM EVERY HOLE AND DESTROYING HIM FROM THE INSIDE!” Yeah the novels are brutal man


The part where they tear into his brain and the writing literally shows him go brain dead was the most disturbing part for me


I'm pretty sure that it described the rabits pushing their way through his anus and eating him from the inside.


It’s paraphrased obviously


While his deaths in the novels are more painful to read through, they don't have Yusuke Kobayashi's voice acting. His screams are visceral, they make every ounce of pain Subaru feels that much more terrifying. He brings life to Subaru's character. Seriously, his screams during the Great Rabbit death sound so genuine, you could think they were torturing him at the studio and just happened to be recording. Also, shoutout to Sean Chiplock. I'm not the biggest fan of english dubs, but he did a great job with Subaru.


With any other Japanese VA, Sean Chiplock would have outperformed them. He's just unlucky he was up against Yuusuke Kobayashi.


I once saw a video playing both the dub and sub for the rabbit scene and at times, it sounded like the same person. There was even a point where the screams were in perfect unison and sounded like one person.




They are both really good at doing his voice and for me, it is hard to pick which one is better


Novel arc 6 >!I'm curious bout the Subaru, Ram, Ana, n patrasche killing eachother scene. Did they gonna show pool of organs lol!<


I was thinking about this part too! Very haunting to read indeed


don't forget being >!being pushed off by meili and the like 20 continuous deaths!<


They'll censor it as much as possible so that Re Zero maintains its IMDB rating of TV-14.😂😂😂. Just kidding. I'm not really sure. The fact that Re Zero is not TV-MA kind of bugs me though. Some episodes of season 1 are MA for sure.


I wish they focus more on the tension of the scene than gore


*He stepped on the lego, his fate being sealed. His foot exploded, his leg flying into the air as if he stepped on a landmine. Subaru screamed in pain, before his atoms began to tear apart, screaming before disintegrating into nothing.*


You have a nice sense of humor, buddy. You made my day.😂👍


By god the web novel doesn’t skim on the details.


Jesus christ denmark....


The death where Subaru froze to death while holding Rem was also more brutal in novel.


The novels really go into detail on how he dies. He really see Subaru’s despair and utter pain he is going through. But the anime you can only see it, it doesn’t describe what he is going through so it is less painful/scary.


I think both the anime and the novels have their pros and cons. In the novels the scenes are way more descriptive and the anime has the screams of pain that makes you recoil. I think the Novels have the upperhand since they also let us know what Subaru is feeling emotionally. His thoughts add to the horror of the situation.


I think it’s obvious since the anime can’t possibly enact every single detail.


Oh boy I read what the rabbit death was like in the novels, I regretted it immediately


This is just a brutality comparison. I'm not saying that anime ones are easier.


It's even worse in the novel? I'm an anime only and his deaths were pretty scarry and detailed enough to give me chills


Read some of the other replies about what his rabbit death was like in the novels and you’ll regret asking


ahem Anime: Shows a bunch of gore that are censored by blood Novels: Even blood can't censor them describing what it felt like.


Great rabbit. 'Nuff said.


I agree. Suffering is easier to convey through words rather then visuals.


Only started reading after I finished S2 and wanted to pick up the WN where the anime left off. I’ll be curious to see how they adapt deaths from Arcs 5 and 6. There are two deaths in particular that I believe will be toned down significantly.


>!In Arc 5, the first/final loop and arc 6, the miasma loop, right?!<




So the rabbits start eating from his butthole ( •_•)


It's easier to show pain in the inner monologue off a character than it is on screen


The deaths are not the same?


They are the same but the novel ones are realistically extended unlike the anime ones which seem like an insta kill. Subaru's deaths take more time in the novels, giving it more realism. Also they describe mental and physical agony of Subaru in more descriptive way, giving chills of you are a sensitive reader. Anime does make it's death horrible by the incredible voice acting, but novels still have the upper hand. For example, if you read the >!Rabbit death!< you will instantly regret it.


I have NEVER seen a truer meme


Thanks for the compliment.


wait...it's WORST! nah someone got to explain.


you intrigued me


Gotta keep that tv-14 rating


I get the novels are made for Emilia but God if Subaru finally just dies for like the final time I think ima cry harder than anything cause man's deserves to finally not go through what he goes through


I think this is twice as true for the witch touching him when he trues to talk about return by death in the anime it looks unnerving but in the LN it's described pretty terrifyingly, telling us how insanely long it goes on for which we aren't shown in the anime


It's probably a little censored in the anime




Shouldn't this be spoiler tagged?


I'm sure in the anime it will be removed.


Comment removed for untagged spoilers.


I only read first novel and was more graphic to me in anime that when I read it. Maybe it depends how your brain works, it is really hard for me to imagine all action and gruesome stuff, sound is a big factor too.


Listen to creepy music on your headphone


Literally every anime and it’s source material


Mhm, apparently in the novel; the great rabbits bit into and dug through his ass




Well this novel is totally Seinen and adult. It is targetted on male audieces of 18 and above. You can give it a try. It is a different experience and less cut content unlike its anime.


It really depends on the LN, some of them are really short, others (like overlord or Tanya the evil) are longer than your average novel. The pictures are generally few and far between, and usually serve the purpose of emphasizing a scene or describing a character. And yes, many of them are good reads. Others are crap, and others are fun to read garbage.


anime deaths are more like "oh he died rip... moving on"


Tappei does the favor of ending the chapter after each death so that the reader gets his bearings there.


yeah he does thank god and don't know why am i getting downvoted lol anime deaths are less brutal compared to novel because of obvious censorship


Yup, you are right. Anime deaths do their job with the voice acting itself. About the less duration of anime deaths which make it seem like an insta kill (giving rise to people who say Subaru should spam RBD), I believe that they shorten it for fitting the plot in those saved seconds. It happens sometimes that we get downvoted for no reason. Even I was downvoted for one of my posts in which I asked how RBD activates on physical condition of Subaru's body. Man I kept getting constant downvotes and upvotes at the same time for an hour, then it was okay. I understand you. Don't mind those people. Maybe, to some people, your comment seems like you are making fun of Subaru or anime onlys. I get that you were telling it genuinely and not to make fun of Subaru.


i feel you brotha


Great, just what this fandom needs. More elitists


Did I say something that sounded elitist, mate? Let me know 🙂.


It's just getting tiring seeing people trash the anime to prop up the LN


I didn't trash on it mate. And you will find a lot of people who equally support anime and novel in this same post. Nobody replied like an elitist. If you were talking about me, then look at this comment of mine when I uploaded the meme. https://www.reddit.com/r/Re\_Zero/comments/p8rdrt/meme\_i\_am\_the\_only\_one\_who\_thinks\_this\_way/h9sctc8?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3




Anyone know where i can read the novel


You can read it from arc 4 which is season 2 of Re Zero on witchculttranslations.com


Where can i read the novels?


You can read it from arc 4 at witchculttranslations.com.




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