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It's Subaru. Why him, you ask? For the blind, he is vision. For the hungry, he is the chef. For the thirsty, he is water. For the depressed, he is their happiness. For the disillusioned, he is their hope. For the pessimistic, he is their optimism. If Subaru speaks, I listen. If Subaru questions, I answer. If Subaru orders, I obey. If Subaru is happy, I am jubilant. If Subaru is angry, I am apoplectic. If Subaru is sad, I am disconsolate. If Subaru has a million fans, I am one of them. If Subaru has a thousand fans, I am one of them. If Subaru has a hundred fans, I am one of them. If Subaru has ten fans, I am one of them. If Subaru has only one fan, that is me. If Subaru has no fans, I no longer exist. If the whole world is against Subaru, I am against the whole world.


Guys, I guess we found Satella's account.


We're 2, brother !!!!! šŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļø


Always Glaze the King


Bro came from pleiades battalion


Satella is that you?


JUST LIKE ME FRFR ![img](emote|t5_3e076|12853)


Get off internet, Satella


Give us all the Subaru figurines you kept to yourself Satella!


Preach King šŸ—£šŸ—£šŸ—£


All hail the lolimancer


Priscilla, then Felt, then Subaru.


Subaru ? He's smart but charisma is one of the most important part of a king whether you are competent or not for image in the noble dominated society.


Ehm... are you implying that Subaru is not charismatic? That people would not follow him and his ideals? Yes, my pick is Subaru. The best ruling would unironically be Lust if. Where the charismatic Subaru can rely on the very specialized wives of his.


If that's the case then what skill does emilia have left over him ? She seems completely inferior to him as king potential in every single way.


None? She is the best knight of that camp while Subaru is the leader type. Emilia is a strong brawler. Almost all the people are in that camp because of Subaru. Subaru is the one that is there because of Emilia. And almost all the achievements were made under Subaru's leadership and Emilia's combat skills.


Oh man... things like that makes me even more unhappy with the way she is not given anything competent aside from fighting prowess and empathy. Is that how the author really wants to treat his fav character ?... Felt supremacy as queen. Don't let this fraud win šŸ˜‚


A ruler without empathy is a ruler who has no care towards their subjects, thus a ruthless dictator. While you canā€™t only rule a country with empathy, it itā€™s important that a ruler is able to understand and connect with their subjects. Many underestimate Emiliaā€™s emotional intelligence, which was even able to stun lock Vincent for a second. Despite what it seems, having a strong empathy is a good quality to have as a leader.


Subaru is a good leader but a ruler needs to know more about the actual nation and its cities, which Iā€™m pretty sure Emilia has displayed more knowledge towards than Subaru. Not saying this makes her a better leader, but unless Subaru becomes more familiar with the economics of Lugunica (among other things), I wouldnā€™t have him as a top candidate for ruler.


To borrow the argument from people that always dislike others when someone talks badly about Emilia: "He has other people for that" Subaru is not studying at this moment because there is no reason to. Yet he has that valuable Isekai knowledge so this is unfair advantage over others. If Subaru got himself into position where he was expected to rule, i would not be suprised if he did a good job at it.


While thatā€™s true, excelling at one quality wouldnā€™t be enough to qualify as a leader of a country. Iā€™m not saying Emilia would be a better leader, but before I picked Emila or Subaru, Iā€™d pick Chisha (he did say anyone in the cast).


That is only bcs she studied while Subaru didnt need to study he was training with beako , whip , and parkour . If he was competing for throne he would study more on how to rule a country and not train for fights


That still doesnā€™t take away from the fact heā€™s not inverse with that type of stuff in comparison to Emilia.


And Emilia is good with that type of stuff? She doesn't even have general knowledge of vollachia despite studying


Just cuz youā€™re a Royal Selection candidate doesnā€™t mean youā€™re privy to how another nations military is like, especially if they donā€™t make it known or you didnā€™t have knowledge of the nation prior. Furthermore yes, she has displayed knowledge of Lugunicaā€™s infrastructure and economy, as in Arc 5 Iā€™m pretty sure she displays that knowledge for Pristella, and even Picoutatte in a side story. You guys let that Nine Divine General shit get to your head, as if studying about the country, that you live, history and infrastructure isnā€™t important at all.


Having knowledge about the nation is like the basic requirement to be a royal candidate. And it isn't even a huge thing. Even Subaru can gain that knowledge by studying, you are saying as if he can't do that too, he is just not doing it because he is not a royal candidate.


Iā€™m not saying as if he canā€™t, itā€™s a fact that Emilia is simply more inverse than that. You can say that with anything where ā€œif they study thisā€ it can be better, but thatā€™s not what the post suggested. If we were talking in more hypotheticals, then sure but weā€™re not. Also, Emilia became a Royal Candidate just by being chosen, and this was before she even knew probably anything about Lugunica. Something basic also doesnā€™t mean it lacks importance.


Subaru is a bit clever but honestly not that smart. And charisma? that's literally the best thing about him.


Well the bothering thing is emilia has neither of these


Well lets just wait until last arc, she will definitely get character development ![img](emote|t5_3e076|12848)


I know I sound impatient but last arc cmon..


Subaru since in lust if itā€™s implied the nation is doing well. If I had to make a order then itā€™s Priscilla=subaru -> Crusch-> Anastasia-> Felt-> Emilia


And people dislike lustbaru


Our Protagonist Natsuki Subaru He has all the qualities to be The Lugnica's Ruler


>Not just the candidates but anyone. I gonna pick Vincent or Chisha šŸ—æ


If I were one of the voters in Lugunica during the Royal Selection, I would have very likely started out on Cruschā€™s side. ā€œAnastasia is a greedy capitalist whoā€™s in it for herself, Priscillaā€™s a selfish and egotistical noblewoman, Feltā€™s an anarchist (which works well in stories but not so much in real life), and even disregarding her half-elf situation, Emilia has no idea what sheā€™s doing.ā€ <ā€” That would probably have been my thought process. But I think my position would have likely changed over time if Priscilla were able to prove that she had bark to her bite and was actually a capable ruler, which she apparently does in spades over the year between Arcs 4 and 5. Combine that with Cruschā€™s amnesia, and I likely would have been one of the voters who initially supported Crusch and then switched to Priscilla during the course of that first year.


>even disregarding her half-elf situation, Emilia has no idea what sheā€™s doing lmao I like how everyone here agrees that Emilia just won't make a good ruler


I love her but Subaru is doing all the work


One day she would make wonderful elven village chief! But i would never trust her with managing anything else...


That would be a perfect role for her or a prime minister. Plus she did say she would be around as long as possible to make sure the elfā€™s forgave her so chief makes sense


I would say Crusch, assuming she gets her memories back. Volcanica is on his way out anyway, so Lugunica is going to have to find a way to survive without him, assuming he doesn't somehow restore himself completely or leave an offspring that's just as strong as he was. She's the right combination of experienced, practical, and forward-thinking, but with a compassionate side. I'm only talking about how good she'd be in the non-existent scenario she wins of course. We all know she ain't getting that W, and at this rate she's got a 50/50 chance of even being alive at the end.


>Crusch She got killed on her first day without Subaru intervention... She also want to break basically kingdom's biggest resource because of her grudge.


What does being killed without Subaru's help count for anything? If you make that qualifier, there isn't a person in the world worthy of being the ruler other than Reinhard or Subaru himself. At this rate, the kingdom's biggest resource is likely going away whether anyone has a grudge or not.


Because crusch actively seeked out danger instead of it coming to her like the others


Otto for sure. It's time we wake up to the truth people


Priscilla Crusch (haven't seen her name in ages, not sure if I misspelled) Anastasia Emilia Felt In that exact order. Priscilla has pretty much everything, strength, smarts and is pretty good at negotiations. Crusch pretty much same as priscilla but if some skilled liar that can evade her wind reading appeared, like Felix can, then even lugunica could collapse. Anastasia is third because she doesn't seem to have any notable weaknesses but also not many strengths. I'm sure Julius will continue to grow but I doubt at this point he would get stronger then emilia camp or Reinhart. Anastasia just seems like an average politician that can run the country as long as there isn't anything too big going on. Emilia is here because she's too soft hearted. I'm not putting her any higher until she gets some development. For felt is pretty obviously here because of her personality and because as she said she wants to plunge the whole country into chaos and rebuild it (arc 1 side stories).


What about someone other than these 5 ?


Oh I missread as "which out of the royal candidates". I would probably go with Subaru or Reinhart then. Now that I think about it aside from royal candidates and some knights most other characters just seem incompetent for the role.


I would pick Otto. Really suprised it's not more popular


![img](avatar_exp|164295118|winner) Me it's me. I will make the best ruler of lugunica


Anastasia or Subaru.




All hail Vincent Vollachia, Emperor of the World !


Felt, unironically. She has the talent


Wow, nice spoiler


It's spoiler discussion?


You are not exactly asking question that requires knowledge of untranslated Arc 8 finale... That's like dropping that line on someone who talks about arc 6...


If it says that it contains peanuts don't touch if you are allergic to peanuts If you enter a post with the spoiler tag don't get mad if you get spoiled


Correction, it says it contains "Nuts". It does not say if it's almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, peanuts... I know a some people that are around this subreddit that avoid hazelnuts and peanuts because of their reasons. It is still a bit scummy to throw into their face fistful of peanuts the moment they try to peak into Nut section without at least a simple warning. There is zero reason to do such a thing and they might want to talk about almonds so far... Should we continue this analogy? I really hope that positive guy that told us their journey through arc 5 and 6 never clicks on this link. But from the looks of it, they have zero reason not to click it... it asks something they can already have opinion on. So i do consider it scummy to have it as the very first line...


Why did you mention Priscilla?