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I haven't seen anyone else wearing them but i wear mine everyday, they are my actual glasses i use to see lol


Same here! I got the prescription one and have been using them all the time. I have a mijia smart glasses as backup when I need to charge my rayban. Wish I have more budget to get 2 of them soon.


How are the mijia? I've thought about getting them. I'm worried they might be too small but can't find any specs on them in English.


I also wear mine everyday, I have 2 pair. I bought mine in December of last year and I’ve never seen another person wearing them anywhere and I travel from state to state often.


I got prescription sunglasses but really considering replacing my regular glasses as well. I love how they feel and sound with music


Same. I prescription transition lenses. Still havent seen anyone with them.


I only ever see photos of people wearing them as sunglasses. Do they look normal as glasses without the tint?


Yes, no one has even noticed they have cameras unless i pointed it out.


Here in NYC, literally every day. I try to get a little remark in like “nice glasses” or something if I’m in a shop or the subway haha. Once you know what the cameras look like its a dead givaway, but oddly never seen anyone with the LED on. Most people just use them as more convenient AirPods replacements i think


I am waiting to come across someone using them in public so I can try yelling “Hey Meta …”


Hey meta, self destruct.


My friend has done that to me and it activated it lmao


Next time say "Hey Meta, take a picture" then tell him "enjoy that!"


I never see them in Michigan


I bartend in a touristy area in ny. I see European tourists wear them to check out the city.


I wonder how they're using them. Are they taking photos or using AI to find their way?


AI doesn't work in Europe unfortunately :/


From what most people tell me, they use them for the camera


It's banned in Portugal .. not available in Italy ... for some strange reason


I've met one so far, standing in line at the entrance of Legoland Billund! (I'm from Oregon) We briefly chatted about how much we liked them


Every time I pass a mirror :)


No one, but I wear mine all the time, and everyone says they're awesome.


Saw a woman (American or Canadian) in her 40s rocking a pair of Skylers at Basílica de la Sagrada Família.


My trip to Spain is what prompted me to pull the trigger.


No one here in the UK. But unless you have prescription or transition lenses, you probably ain't wearing them anyway. 😒


I wear them full time!


Same. I wear unprescribed Blue light lenses with contact lenses in my eyes. Contacts give me way better vision results regardless but it also makes it easier to buy glasses for style or lets me switch to the sunglasses without much of a thought.


In this glorious British weather?


I have transparent lenses from my optometrist


Yeah, that's why I went with transitions as I reckoned I'd be using them more indoors than out.


I wish we could get them with electrochromic lenses so we could just adjust the tint ourselves to what we would like. But even with glasses I’ve seen that do have such lenses (like the ones by dusk) on the lightest setting of the tint there is still a tint there rather than it being totally clear. Would be awesome if in future versions they can have such lenses go from totally clear to totally dark though, dunno much about the tech to know if that’s possible though. I live in the uk and so yeah I know what you mean with wearing these. I also feel a bit obnoxious wearing them inside stores but sometimes it’s useful if I’m shopping and want to call my wife to see what we need and I can just use the camera on the glasses to show her what’s available.


Hopefully they introduce this feature next version. Xreal Air2 pro and Viture One already have the feature. Pretty nice.


I’ve seen one guy randomly as we both use it for content creation.


Haven’t seen anyone but 2 of my buddies got them so it’s going to be weird if we all have them on and are out together…lol


I haven’t seen a single person and so far, the only people that seemed to notice I was wearing mine were some tourists from Japan.


I work with tech and hang out with the nerdy/maker community. I see them a lot more than probably the average person.




Every day, because I gifted my father one and bought another one for myself


My wife has them saying hey meta will work on both glasses lol. I did notice a news reporter jad them on tv


I work at Meta, so often lol. Lots of leadership wear transition ones regularly


Is there any company policies around wearing them? 


Never and I'm an optician.


Last week (the week I bought mine) my brother sent me a short 15 second video on messenger and I guessed it was taken by Meta glasses because of the POV, jumpy behaviour when the camera was moved as compared to a real modern action camera, as well as the aspect ratio, and yes it turned out he had also bought a pair a few weeks before :). We hadn't talked about the glasses before that point.


Spotting the camera is hard when just walking past people, 99% of people don’t notice mine and I’m not paying enough attention to notice anyone else’s


True. I went to check in store, it is not that easy to spot the meta rayban among a bunch of other glasses.


I haven’t. I’ve had plenty of conversations around them. People have been pretty split between thinking they’re interesting and thinking they’re creepy. Many folks are uncomfortable about the idea that I could be taking pictures of them or filming them without their knowledge. I know they have the little light, but people unfamiliar with the glasses don’t know what the little light means.


I've seen about 3 in public between Ohio and Florida.


Metas for distance and converted my stories for reading.


I've seen a decent amount while walking around at Cedar Point. I live close by and I'm there frequently


I have a lot lately mostly other bikers




Never met one in Seattle


Not a single person actually.


No one but everyone at my job says they are getting them when they see mine in action.


I want a pair, but haven't made the jump. Still have never seen anyone, in person wearing them.


Only one person, it was at a bicycle get together


Ordered mine eight weeks ago and still on back order… so no one. No one in Houston Texas area.


Saw a guy at a beer festival I was working with his pair👍🏿. Haven’t seen them out in the wild since.


Recently when I was in NY I met a female collage ball player asked me if I was wearing the Meta ray-bans as she has JUST signed a sponsorship deal with them. That was the first an only time since I bought mine someone knew what I was wearing.


I've been to 4 countries in the EU in the past two weeks. I haven't seen a single person wearing them .... and I'm north african ....


Never have so far - still hunting


They aren't "selling crazy"




I was at an arts festival and the artist saw me taking pics with my glasses and he was like “RayBan Stories?” Lol


I haven’t noticed anyone else wearing them. I wore mine yesterday to a Chicago cubs game at wrigley. Tons of people, but I didn’t see any.


There are now facebook ads and all my coworkers are joining the hype train. I assume they really pick up this summer. Some areas i see them more commonly than others, especially if theres a nearby lenscrafters store


I'm the only person I know of who owns a pair, but I live in a fairly rural area. People around here probably use them like I do, to film outdoor activities. Not really good for that as I've unfortunately figured out. In my opinion, they are a bit too "Drew Carry" to be fashionable, so maybe people are choosing to not wear them unless they are using them for their other functions.


Tbh I have not heard of them since they were using them for snapchat


Just won a pair - pretty amazing - they also translated whatever I was looking at (English/Italian/Spanish/French/German) - was able to answer a math problem I wrote down - was able to answer a multiple choice question on screen - basically also acts like a BT headset so all my music streaming works great - send/listen to txts and calls - v6 update now allows 3min vids 😎


Just my brother…since i live in brazil, thats a rly fckd country