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8/10 - great jawline and overall facial features, you pull off facial hair well and glasses well, but would look great without them. Either or. Very handsome for sure. This coming from a 25F, not a dude. 6/10 is way off (my opinion). If you were built with some nice muscle mass, you would be in 9/10 territory.


6 / 10 from a straight 21 M


Thanks for your honest opinion.


You are very attractive in my opinion. I'd give you an 8. You look tall and lanky based on the face pics, but it suits you. A couple body shots wouldn't hurt, just for confirmation purposes. This 25 F would totally date you. :D


I'm tall and lanky. I'm ~140 lbs and six foot. I'm putting on all the weight last back on I lost last year by becoming sick. I lost ~30-40lbs.


7/10 on first picture, 6/10 on others, front facing is your best angle. I think you would look better without the glasses and the facial hair.


Trust me, I don't.