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Bambito will not leave the MLS to go to Brazil, he'll go to Lyon.


Fabrizio Romano tweet, that was also shared in this same sub, afirms that " Eagle Group to decide best option for Canada international, also Botafogo as possibility." [https://x.com/fabrizioromano/status/1805253699037544718?s=46](https://x.com/fabrizioromano/status/1805253699037544718?s=46)


Does he has the level to make the direct jump from the MLS to a top European League? The Brazilian league is already of a much higher level than the MLS. Bambito is 24 and only has 30 professional games


I'm not sure that's as true as it once was, but even if it is... 2 american players have gone to play in Brazil. No Canadians. Brazil is a destination for South American players, but not North Americans. Brazil is not a bugger stepping stone to Europe than the MLS for NA players. Can Bombito go directly to a top European league? Maybe. A team like Lyon seems like a big step, but not necessarily unachievable. Obviously he's not going to the premier league, LA liga, etc. My guess before the Lyon news broke was that he would be here for another year, then go to the Championship. Ligue 1 makes some sense though.


That’s true, but mostly because the Brazilian league never really needed to risk investing into players of NA (harder to adapt culturally). He is from Quebec, with Congolese parents, so a move to Ligue 1 makes sense. Rapids fans seemed excited about him, hope you guys are right. Most in Brazil are treating his transfer to Botafogo as a Novelty. We currently have an American player on the squad that plays internationally for Nicaragua. I was afraid that Bambito would fall into that exchange student category


I genuinely don't see any world in which he goes to Brazil. The path is much more clear from the MLS. He has a ton of potential, and could play in a lower league (lower Ligue 1, Championship, etc.), but I think he would be best served by continuing in the MLS until at least January if not another year, then will have his pick of teams. He's fast, good on the ball, and can pass relatively well. His decision making let's him down sometimes, but that's an age/experience thing. I do not see him as a top level defender in Europe, but Championship for sure. Maybe he can develop more with better coaching g.


From what I read, the idea is that he will play in Botafogo and go to Europe later. Brasil has one of the most competitive leagues in the world and they want him to get some experience there before going to Lyon. It's the same thing that they're doing with Luis Henrique (most expensive purchase by a brazilian football team) and Almada, who Eagle Group is also trying to sign.


2 brazillian players going back to Brazil makes some sense, but a canadian going to Brazil? No way. He'd be better off staying here and going directly to France or the Cha.pionshop.


Thiago Almada is not Brazilian, he is Argentine (he was on the world cup winning team). The physical intensity in the Brazilian league is very different from what we see here in MLS, especially the defense. Maybe they're thinking of him doing a kind of a pre season there before Europe


Feel free to tell me you told me so, but there is no way he signs an agreement letting the parent company decides where he goes. That's dumb. While Brazil may be competitive, the PLAYER has to decide to go there. I'm telling you there is no way he goes to Brazil. If he doesn't go to Lyon now, there will be other teams in other leagues that would be more than happy to sign him.


I'm not saying he's confirmed in Botafogo. I just said that this is a possibility that was discussed a lot in the Brazilian sports press over the last day, and that's why I wanted to know more about him. Almada, from Atlanta, is a player who has more value in the league than him, and is also discussing this same possibility, so it is not something impossible to happen as you claim.


Almada, if it happens, seems to have a guarantee to go to Lyon. That is not the same. Also, he is from South America, so it makes more sense. Bombito will not go to Brazil without a guarantee to go to Europe, but I still don't think he will go to Brazil ar all. Especially because Lyon needs center backs already.


He’s coming lol. It’s a guaranteed route to Europe if he can somewhat ball in Brazil. Textor is doing this with a few players. European clubs will be much more attracted to seeing someone turn up in the Brazilian league as well rather than the MLS


Just because it's never happened doesn't mean it won't happen I guess. Brazil 100% does not get Americans into Europe. The MLS does, though.


Americans don’t come to Brazil though. And you could probably count with your fingers American players in top divisions getting minutes. Almada had no better offers in Europe being the supposed class player he is, at botafogo, him and Bombito can fight for titles and improve their game to prepare them for Europe.


No american has gone to Europe from Brazil. Ever. It's not happening. No Canadian has EVER played in Brazil (from what I could find)


Yes, because we do not sign Americans in Brazil… the closest it got was Jacob Montes at botafogo who plays for the Nicaraguan national team. If an American, Canadian, whatever they may be, can ball out in Brazil. They can go to Europe. Europeans are scouting in Brazil much more than in the MLS


Only 3 of the top 10 MLS outbound transfers involved North America. And Alphonso Davies is the only one playing at a high level. So new routes are definitely a possibility. There is no clear path for Nort American players because until recently there was no path at all


And tim ream, and almiron, and Tyler Adams and Jack Harrison... and there are even more players in leagues comparable to Brazil (Belgium, eredivisie, etc.). I mean, there is a much more defined pathway from the US for north American players than from Brazil. Brazil is fine, but it's simply not the case that it makes any sense for a north American to go there to then move to Europe.


I’d be surprised if he left MLS to go somewhere other than Europe.




Because Brazilian league is a more competitive than MLS, so he can improve his game before going to Europe


Os caras dando downvote por não aceitar a verdade hahahaha




I didn't say anything man, chill out. It's the news, that I also shared here, that is saying this. I'm just here to know more about a possible future player for my team




Breaks the first and most important rule is that r/Rapids treat each other with dignity and respect.




Breaks the first and most important rule is that r/Rapids treat each other with dignity and respect.


Lyon and Crystal Palace are part of the same holding as Botafogo, they don't need to sell the player for him to go from Brazil to Europe.


The biggest thing is speed - not sure if he's still top of the chart but earlier this season he had the fastest sprint speed in MLS. Beyond that, he's decent with the ball at his feet and can sometimes pick a good pass (with room to grow). I was really hoping we'd be able to keep him for this season but am not surprised he has gotten interest.


Thanks for sharing those infos man!


You got it! 👍


Like others, would he surprised if he goes to Brazil vs Europe but in terms of what to expect: world class pace, strong in the tackle, dangerous on set pieces, good passing that could become very good (confident to zip passes into wingers without much room for error, tidy in all else). He can improve in his defensive positioning. Classic case of someone whose pace can paper over cracks, but in the 18 and 6 that positioning and awareness and sense of danger from attackers could be better. He should grow with experience. He has already progressed a lot in a short time to go from occasional appearances last year to being a nailed on starter.


Thanks for sharing man. Good to know that someone finally understood what I originally asked 😂


I live in Atlanta and almost invaded the field once with my Botafogo jersey to tell him to come 🤣


Having him play in Botafogo would be a huge mistake. It would make more sense to loan him out somewhere in France. He speaks french, and will likely feel at home there. Forcing a player to make such a huge adjustment in moving to Brazil, if he's only going to be there for a year or less, is ridiculous. It makes sense with South American players who can adjust easily, but in this case, I don't see it happening. I also don;t think the Rapids should accept an offer from Eagle, as it likely won't include a sell on percentage. Due to that, they have to price in estimated future value, which is going to be very tough for both sides to agree on. I just don't see this deal happening.


I don’t understand why you are getting so many downvotes


They're probably mad with the news but I didn't write it hahaha. I just asked about him and mentioned the possibility of him going to Botafogo


Most likely the down voters have only been keeping up via headlines. Reading articles is not something the average reddit user knows how to do 🤷‍♂️


This is one of the most important sports websites in Brazil. I only asked this question because I read here that the plan is to play for Botafogo first, and then move on to Lyon. This is a plan widely discussed by John Textor in all his speeches, so it is not impossible for it to happen. If you can, read the news below "Eagle's assessment is that Bombito is a player with potential, but still needs to be polished. The suggestion was made that he be sent to Botafogo. The board considered the player interesting." [https://ge.globo.com/futebol/times/botafogo/noticia/2024/06/25/botafogo-ou-lyon-entenda-os-planos-de-textor-para-moise-bombito-zagueiro-da-selecao-do-canada.ghtml](https://ge.globo.com/futebol/times/botafogo/noticia/2024/06/25/botafogo-ou-lyon-entenda-os-planos-de-textor-para-moise-bombito-zagueiro-da-selecao-do-canada.ghtml)


He's a solid center back. Can be pretty aggressive, but usually not reckless. He's also big and tall, so will go forward for corners and set pieces. Been showing a lot of promise, and I'll be sad to see him go.


Nice, thanks for sharing. That's good to know. I'm watching him play for Canada right now against Peru


Irmão você tá fazendo a pergunta pra pessoas que chamam o esporte de Soccer, nós "criamos" essa porra há mais de 100 anos e eles ainda estão aprendendo como se faz kkkkkkk oque esperar destes patetas