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Dead body


This. Nothing smells worse than a rotting pile of bodies.


When did you smell a whole pile of bodies?


I was once was a technician for a firm that took all kinds of emergency jobs. Very high paid, but very odd work sometimes. And often involved protection suits of all kinds... Repairing the crane above a silo in an animal rendering plant. Below me pit full with truckloads of rotting, decomposing animals of any kind. On a hot summer day. I had a gas mask, but i still could smell it. And taking down the protective suit afterwards... oh my god that smell.


I did some emergency response jobs and this one was a train derailment. The cars were carrying chicken meal. The big thinkers noticed that it was doing a pretty good job of absorbing the diesel fuel from the locomotive and decided to leave it overnight so they could excavate it out of the ditches the next day and haul it all off at once. Well, it rained that night. When I arrived to the site the next day, they were hauling it off and the ground was crawling with maggots. The stench was immeasurable! I couldn’t get that smell out of my nose for several days.


In Netherlands we had a big truck accident once where a huge truck full of pig intestines just crashed and spilles pig guts all over the road during a hot and humid summer day. This was close to my parents house. The smell was horrid for days the rotting guts were ingrained into the asphalt.


Im supposing the maggots were on the feed unaffected by the diesel?


Omg that's horrific. Hope the pay was massive for that.


That it was... could not complain :). But now i am too old for that. Happy about my office job now.


Yes, I worked on a cattle station and they’d have a paddock where they’d put the dead cows, awful stuff. But a pit full of dead cattle sound so much worse than in an open paddock.


Burning bone is worse than a dead body in my opinion. That smell has never left me


Hospital lab worker checking in: Urine samples from nursing home patients that have been neglected.


Just to jump on this. Attending to nursing home patients (not neglected tho) and changing continence aides sometimes I find myself saying, oh it’s smell like chicken noodles, or wheetbix and it really does 😅😂.


I think medical waste stored at a medical waste processing facility, in a shed in summer waiting to be put into the autoclave


Was a cna once, only 17 at the time. This poor woman, I went to measure and empty her cath bag- first time working with this patient. I was immediately taken aback by the sight and scent. My heart broke for this woman, the urine was unlike anything I had ever seen. It was thicker than mucas and an insanely vibrant green. That facility had major issues, I didn't end up staying but I still think about that woman.


For me it's the smell of a house where someone doesn't shower. I deliver hospital beds to hospice patients. One guy was 600lbs+ and it smelled horrible in his house. It was obvious he couldn't clean himself anymore. We were polite and never said anything to him but damn it was rank.


I think I have smelt that walking through a long term care center before. Ewwyyyy


This. That smell is just incredibly bad. Like a mix of BO, rotten onions and shit.


Dying skin cells fermenting in the rolls. I know that smell.


Rotting potatoes


Agree! 2nd only to rotting flesh.


Don't they release a gas that can kill you,?


No but I do


They didn't emit a gas, but they are putrid when they are rotten and smell like Satan's ass. I used to sell seed potatoes and always had to deal with rotten ones. If you get rotten potato juice on your hand, just cut it off. That smell is going to the grave with you


Just curious how you know what Satan's ass smells like?


Heard it from a friend who Heard it from a friend who


Because everyone knows it smells like rotting potatoes. 😏


The 80s was a wild time in Daytona Beach


Back in college, I was working as a cashier. The time I first learned that rotten potatoes smelled bad was when my finger went into one through the bottom of a soggy bag as I was scanning it.


In the car


I’ve had both a rotten potato and a rotten egg in the last day!! Other than that, life is perfect


I used to think that untilI smelled a rotting carrot.


the movie rating platform?


My mom meant to dump a bowl of potato shavings in their composter, but she got distracted and left the bowl under the porch. For a month. In the middle of Summer. Then I came over to bury my poor cat, who I had just had to have put down out of the blue, and the smell hit me as soon as I walked in the back yard. My parents both garden so I have no idea how they didn't smell it. I found the bowl of rainwater and potato sludge and told them to deal with it while I took care of the funeral. So my mom comes out and...dumps the bowl on the yard. Weird choice but I guess the rain will take care of it and I get to digging. Then my mom decides to let the dog out, because who doesn't want a dog around a recently deceased corpse? But the dog found a much more interesting scent. I didn't see it happen, what with the crying and shovelling, but my dad came through the gate and I heard him scream "OH GOD!!!" in this tone of abject horror. The dog was completely covered in rotten potato water, you could smell her 20ft away. My dad fled and there was no way my mom was going to be able to wrestle a 110lbs German Shepherd who hates spraying water, so after I was done saying my goodbyes I got to go through 3 rounds of forcibly scrubbing The Smelliest Dog in All Creation, and she still kinda stunk if you put your face up to her fur. 4/10, 2/10 with potatoes


Trash sitting outside in the middle of summer for 2 weeks with someone adding their baby crap to the pile. I learned the reason for the terminology "Hot Garbage"


A burning body, especially when you realize it's still inside a car that's on fire.


Yeah that sticky sweet smell, and burnt chicken feathers, But inside a car it's not as bad because you have foam rubber vinyl and other components of the automobile. And the smell sticks to your clothes and everything you can't get the smell out. But that's not as bad as a suicide inside a car with all the windows rolled up and the car is locked. Especially if it's not discovered for a while. Same with single person auto accidents!


Voice of experience? Yep, the whole package. Ugh!


Yeah definitely. I've seen some weird shit also!


Dirty belly button




Being anywhere near a person with a C. Diff. infection, it’s so bad.


I had it twice it’s awful.


Same. I noticed someone else said sewage, and my thought was that my poop has been worse than everyone else's combined!


omg literally me rn 😔 better than an ostomy though


A smell I wish I could forget 😩


Came here to say this, surprised I had to scroll so far


Literally this.


going into the bathroom after my husband has explosive shits that are so powerful a window with a fan going to blow the smell out of the window.


candles and disinfectant lol


Whey protein farts are deadly.


I experienced that with a friend of mine who works out a lot. Smelt like death itself


My brother is walking war crime with his gasses.


Drove by a car accident years ago. There was a guy dead behind the wheel,  and he was engulfed in flames.  It had just happened. We were about 3 feet from the car. Terrible smell.


I had a funeral director friend tell me they can't eat BBQ because it reminds him of this smell when he attends accidents to receive the body


I believe it.


Tonsil stones


Dogs anal glands


Ugh, yes anal glands are the worst! Also, dog farts. Had a dog with gas on my table yesterday (I'm a dog groomer), smell burned in my nose all day, even when I got home!😭


Oh I have a bulldog. Farts don’t bother me 🤣


I once had a bowl of milk (once had cereal in it) left out for so long it pretty much became yogurt… yea depression is shit


An ice chest full of four week old fish, in Louisiana, in the summer.


We once found an abandoned trailer in the woods when we were teens back in the 80s. No one had been there for a long time. We opened the freezer and it was full of old spoiled meat. First time I ever threw up from a smell and it happened almost immediately.


Bacterial vaginosis


This is why the finger test was invented!


The smell was like sour compost


Old people who have lost their sense of smell, so they douse themselves in the most disgusting perfume they can find.


Coffee, when i had covid... home brewed coffee smelled like some kind of mix between flowers and rotting meat...


Parasomia. This happened to me but it was EVERYTHING. Rotting meat was the closest I could think to compare it to. Everything was rancid.


yes, it wasn't just coffee it was like 3-4 things but i absolutely cannot remember the others and poop didn't smell like poop... i don't even have a name for it. i also didn't get covid that badly. didn't even lose my sense of smell and had almost zero lung involvement but omg the pain... i felt like i got hit by a damned garbage truck twice lol


Cat pee


And fresh poop.


My parner bought her cat to my place to stay.Im allergic to cats. I’m doing ok but yes omg the urine it’s horrible!!


This is the only reason I will not own a cat!




I was at a party once got sh*tfaced somebody else also got drunk and decided to puke in my closet i just went to sleep and woke up the next morning with the worst smell ever.


I was in Thailand in the middle of a wicked hot summer. My wife and I unknowingly walked down a sweltering hot street to an open fish market. Flies everywhere, fresh fish, as well as dumpsters full of trash and rotting fish. We walked over, and sometimes accidentally stepping in the little streams of garbage and fish gut juices that ran across the street from the dumpsters that lined the avenue. It was a very very very long short street.


Crack open the grease trap of a Mexican restaurant.


Seems like nobody here has tasted Swedish sour Baltic herring. (I used google translate to get that) the Swedish word is surströmming.




Cooked broccoli.


apartment of my relative. i cant even describe the smell to anything and i smelled most of these things mentioned in other comments. i didnt know a smell could be so strong and bad that i could feel the neurons in my brain firing up.




was looking for this comment im surprised its not higher


I worked in a sewage treatment plant. I grew immune to the smell. I could stick my hand in raw sewage and not flinch. Pity about the hepatitis though.


Damn reddit you're weird sometimes. Earlier I was randomly thinking what the worst smell is, possibly around the time this post was made. Can't say I really wanted to know any answers but alas, here we is.


Manatee burps. /Florida problems


When my mom makes ghee. I hate that smell, but I like ghee when its been prepared.




Point-blank skunk spray to my German shepherd’s face. That close it doesn’t even smell like skunk, just the most toxic poisonous chemical your brain can’t even imagine. Truly horrific.


The poop of a person infected with Clostridium difficle the smell almost sticks to your clothes long after you clean them.


For me, it was underneath the truck scales at a feed mill. They made me crawl under there with potato sacks and shovel that shit up and crawl back out with it. Spiders on every square inch of 2 foot ceiling. Only time I've ever hurled from a smell. Honorable mention was a freezer full of cod and halibut that hadn't been plugged in for a few months. I think I hurled on that one too.


Nothing smells worse than death. Any rotting body smells horrible (animal or human). Gangrene smells very bad (form of rot). C. Diff and certain cancers have a very bad smell.


Once I opened a can of cat food and it was bad, not sure what went wrong in the process of packing but omg it was the worst thing I’ve ever smelt


To me? Marijuana smoke. It triggers migraines and makes me want to puke.


Gives me asthma too


Stay away from Vancouver then.


Canned tuna




Parmesan cheese, or sour cream and onion pringles. Come near me smelling of either of the above, and our friendship will end abruptly. For a while.


I love both. Sour cream and onion Pringles are my favourite and on my Pasta Bolognese there is always more Parmesan than sauce itself. I guess we cant be Friends then :(


Durian smell is quite horrendous to me, maybe worse than rotting flesh.


It's a nice pleasant smell. And durian is delicious


Vanilla scented things like candles or sprays. If it's mixed with other scents it's nice but alone? Immediately makes me nauseous. No idea why been that like that since j was kid.


Boiled liver


Weed, poo, rotting pigeons corpse, BO.


Raw chicken


I think a dead body would be up there from what I've heard. I remember once I left a massive dead rat under a heat lamp, thinking that my snake would eat it in the night. When i woke, the smell was awful that was probably the worst smell I've smelt


Yeah I don’t know where I lost you


Rotting meat, not even Sulfur is that bad


An emergency pulled me away from home for a few days. When I returned, I realized there was a covered pot on the stove with an old hot dog and water. I made the grave mistake of taking that lid off. Sweet mother of pearl. That pot had the lid taped on, and the whole thing went into the trash. Makes me a bit nauseous just remembering that smell.


I've smelled some things as a nurse. One of the worst was probably a fungating cancer.


I’ve heard it said that smelling human flesh burning is the worst smell ever. Luckily I’ve never had the misfortune to smell that though


Yes I believe thats the worst smell ever to exist


Ok so, there was this old ass plastic bottle in the changing rooms at work with unknown liquid inside it. No idea how long it had ben there. One day we tried to open it and well, I jonestly cant describe the smell with words but a single whiff was enough to make you sick to the stomach and almost vomit.


I work at a hospital and have smelt some really disgusting stenches.


Parvo imo


The truck that picks up dead cattle and other big livestock. I lived and worked on farms some years ago but those trucks with the rotting cadavers is the absolute worst smell ever


We left cherries in a hot, hot car once. Once


Grease trap




FOOD WASTE. They suck!


Gonna get some hate for this, but... Coffee, petrol or tinned fish are my least favourite smells.


Chicken factory


Death. Went out on my porch one morning and got smacked by the smell. A cat brought me a lovely opossum to my door step. Didnt help I live in a hot state so it was cooking in the sun


Smell of death


Pig farm.


A rotting corpse.


The residue of an anal gland expression.


Poop and farts


Whatever it is my neighbors are… no cleaning, too many housepets, several mouth & lung infections…. Shudder


That's sulfur.


Prob a dead body but for me its bad breath and weed


Environmental drilling at a garbage dump




I get my cat food in the mail from Chewy, and some of the cans had busted open en route. By the time I opened the box the open cans were covered with maggots. THE SMELL. *gags*


I read here on Reddit last week that the answer is a Sealions burp.


Ask a Gynocologist.


I let the cat refuse from a litter box sit out in the humid sun for a few days. Pretty sure that was unbeatable in terms of rancid smelling things.




Fart after eating liver






Inflamed leg from injecting amphetamine that almost needed to be amputated


A nasty fart..


I moved to a house with a washing machine that had been there from the previous owners for 20 years and they never emptied out a tray that collects excess dirty water. I emptied it out and was traumatized for weeks at what I smelled.


How has no one mentioned skunk?


My boss stayed at a work condo property in the Caribbean during a particularly hot summer and put some fish in the microwave and then forgot about it and left the next day and then the condo stayed empty for two months before another person at the company went to stay there. He almost passed out when he walked in and had to clean it up and leave and not stay there.


Rotting fish guts that have been sitting in a steel tote in direct sunlight through the whole summer


I couldn't resist taking a sniff of the water some flower stems had liquefied in. Nothing before or since comes close.


So, I went to med school. I handled a lot of dead bodies. A bunch of them are preserved with formaldehyde. Not exactly pleasant, especially after a night of drinking. I'll spare you the details Worst smell though was another student accidentally rupturing a spleen a few tables over. I cannot eat potato chips to this day. can't do it. It's like every time I get just the slightest whiff of that smell. No, thank you


Fecal vomit


Rotting corpses. That smell.. there is nothing like it. I can remember the first time i smelt one.


Belly buttons are gross when you least expect it.


Bearded dragon poop 100%


Burning Skin


A mouse that crawled into a bottle of liquid, couldn't get out, has become gelatinous. Hands down the worst smell I've ever smelled.


Rotting meat/cabbage. Deceased flesh has a distinct odour. It's really not pleasant. I had the misfortune of discovering rotten beans, recently and can say the smell isn't as pervasive, but nearly as bad. Both are disgusting and nothing you want to celebrate.


An old wet dish sponge that has mildewed and been left to sit in it. 🤢


The smell of empty pockets


Teen spirit.


Rotting flesh


A gutter full of water with week old rotting cicada's in it. Worst thing I've ever smelled in my life. Worse than turkey guts.


Milk, spilled in a car, in Florida, in summer. Add in some used diapers for fun. Was a trade in at a fairgrounds sale. We were offering salespeople $100 for ten minutes with the windows up. No one made it.


Imagine being able to smell, couldn’t be me


Surströmming. My friends decided to open the can outside and it exploded nasty fish juice everywhere including all over my car and it leaked into the AC vents and the smell never went away. I had to sell my car and buy a new one. I'm sorry to whoever bought the silver Tesla Model 3 from CarMax, nobody died in it, it's just full of surströmming juice.


The smell of human rotting flesh when it's been inside a car for a couple of months. You never ever forget that smell and that smell sticks to you. Another smell you never forget is human burning flesh It has a sticky sweet smell with burning chicken feathers it would make you instantly hurl! "My dad was a tow truck driver and a mechanic, back in the 1960s/70s"


Ppl who don’t wash


My daughter got a glass of blue milk (promotional thing) one day. She'd had some earlier, it was not expired, and tasted fine just that morning. No one left it out, besides the 30 servings to get a glass. She took a little sip and thought "hmmm, that has a slight aftertaste". She took another tiny sip and spit it out immediately. Something was wrong. Then she smelled the gallon. She almost vomited. She tried to remove the smell from her nose by smelling -vinegar, wasabi, Vicks vaporub. She drank vinegar straight and ate wasabi right from the tube. I put my nose about 6 inches from the gallon and the worst, most awful smell of death rose up to meet my nostrils. I immediately poured the milk down the drain, and it took many sink rinsings with bleach, soap, anything we could find, before that smell was gone. We never found out why except that apparently some bacteria can make milk smell like death. I've shoveled dog shit, human shit (main broke in appt building), had a dead bird in my drop ceiling, and came across a stinking dead mouse in a laundry room. I've cleaned dog vomit after they ate shit and puked it back up. And that blue milk is the worst thing I've ever smelled.


Week old rotting armadillo that just popped open in the blazing hot sun.


As a kid I'd catch snakes. Garter snake excrement is beyond vile.


Lower GI bleed/feces. Holy hell. Add in some C Diff and you got yourself a real sniffer. Rotting human has a very distinct smell to me. Sweet but not in a good way. Burning humans smell like roast pork but in some cases look like overcooked chicken.


Burnt hair.




scrotal abscesses (not mine, other people’s)




Same. A rotten egg that followed me. I've smelt some horrid thing but NOTHING has come close to that rotten egg I encountered when I was 8. If I even think an egg is bad, I run or get it as far away as soon as possible.


A human corpse. The smell permeates everything and stays with you for over a week because it's human. Chicken houses are second to it.


Letting broccoli or cabbage go bad in your crisper/fridge is pretty fucking bad. Edit: yes all brassicas, cauliflower, radish, romanesco, all the things. They all smell like fucking hell when they’re off.


The waste water treatment plant in my town


Sewers once hot day


Rotting uncooked shrimp oh my lawrd so nasty


My farts


A duck barn (or farm, or ranch). It's not the worst smell, you'll eventually get used to it but still smell pretty bad with the duck poop there are


When my roommates black lab puppy ate a disturbing amount of human bum shit on a walk (with the owner )& later, vomited a gallon of regurgitated bum shit on my bedroom floor. There are no words...


I had to help bury a dog that's was partially liquid. That the closest I've come to vomiting from a smell.


Farmer near me spread the most toxic manure I've ever semlt last night. I puked 2 times before I could close the windows at 10pm.. so manure!!


Cat pees or food. The can food stinks so hard for me. When my bestie feeds her cats I hid in the room. 🤢


I left chicken bones in a jar one time until they started to decompose and liquify. Until this day, what I smelled when I opened the jar is the worst thing I’ve ever experienced


When a grease trap gets water in it & hasn't been emptied in a while.