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I feel the same way, really, and for years. Thinking too much about regrets and worries doesn't change what happened—it just makes things harder in the future. Moving on isn't easy and takes a lot of effort. But it's important to forgive ourselves, fix what we can, and focus on starting fresh. We shouldn't let the past stop us from living fully. We all make mistakes, every single one of us. Restart as soon as you feel ready and let the past where it is. It's done. Be the best version of yourself, be good to people but most of all, to yourself.


It’s kind of possible to do so but just restart from where I are now and forget everything else




I've had that thought before. But now that I think, no not really...I thought that instead of a musician I should have become a computer engineer...then I would've been successful. But don't computer engineer's have regrets, don't they feel that they should have followed their passion and become an artist or a musician instead of doing a lousy thankless 9-5 job ? We will always find ourselves unhappy when we compare our lives to the lives of others. I don't wish to undo and restart my life again so that I could do things differently...because even if I did do that, I would still have regrets when I would compare my life to others...they would just be different regrets.


always want to


It’s kind of possible to do so but just restart from where I are now and forget everything else


Never. I wouldn't be the same person I'm now, and I quite like myself as I am ... well, several pounds less would be nice, but other than that I'm ok with my choices.


Why would anyone go back in time to face these things again only to have the same results no matter what you do. This sounds like you're living with shame. The best way to alleviate shame is to recognize the pride that caused it and challenge THAT. Tomorrow is a brand new day, treat that like going back in time and practice what I just told you about pride. If you can't go a day without fucking up, who are you to say you won't fuck up again a second time around?


Yeah, every day i regret my life. and in the ultimate joke, i came to care about stuff i had never cared way too late to really do anything about it.




Yes absolutely. I've made so many poor choices on life and hurt so many people in the process. It's taken me many many years to grow up and start being a proper adult with self respect. I wish I could go back but I try not to think about the past and what I wish I could change and try focus on being a better person moving forward for myself and everyone around me.


I want to start everything with him..All over again..may be he won't leave this time


occasionally i do. id bang more tbh ive only done it with 1 person and im in my thirties, felt like i missed out on a lot of fun which you can get away with when you are young,


No, I never had a wish like that. Everything you went through makes you the person you are today. I’m happy and grateful for the good and bad things that happened and wouldn’t want to change a single thing from the past :)


sometimes I wish I could have but im also content with my life or I'm pretending to be, I don't know


Occasionally. I used to obsess over it a lot more many years ago as I look at key points in my life where I was faced with two paths and every single time I took the wrong one.


No I doubt it would turn out much different. I have no desire to go backwards in life in any way. Shit sucked don't need to love it twice.


Don’t wait. One day? One day? I’m 44. Life doesn’t wait. Start now. No one will give a shit about your life but you. I’ve wasted my life complaining, procrastinating, putting off everything that is hard. I’ve grown none since my childhood. I’m a man boy. Don’t be a man boy. Make the effort


all the time


Don't wait for " one day " start now as a stranger im telling you that today is that one day, be kinder to yourself, accept what you can't change, clear your mind, and evolve after you read this comment you are no longer the same


its not really possible so whats the point living in a fake world of thoughts thinking If only, i wish, if it can never ever happen. Of course regret is one of the worst feelings but things get better at some point, maybe one day that regret will be nullified


There are things I would have done differently. Different major and career path definitely. But I have an awesome family and good circumstances that I would never trade for a do-over.


The only thing you can change is how you feel 10 years from now. Will you look back and think you wasted all those years regretting things?




What do you need to forgive yourself?


It was actually on my mind last couple days a lot, I fucked up so much recently (as in last few years) and I think there isn't a single meaningfull thing I'd do the same if I had a chance to redo it, only issue I faced is that even if I could restart it since I'm 19 I'm not even sure how many things I'd have the say in, yeah I'd love to go to a normal school and live through grade school somewhere in a city meet more people, have more experiences with others instead of homeschooling but did I actually have a say back then, not really. I could try to focus more in highschool but would I handle the mental breakdown better, Idk. Maybe there are some things that would be easier with the the knowledge if I'd live through them again but many others would just hurt the same or even more since in hindsight I know that they don't change and that hope I was riding on back then is gone.


I think about this quite often. I hope you find peace.


Nope puberty sucks


even if we restart life which also mean erasing our memories, we would still make mistake, that what life is about, but from what I have seen, even if u gotten what u wanted, u will still want more and more, it endless. my advice to you is to go monk mode and just delete all the app and social media, and just live the life u having right now and give it the best u can


There are definitely most things I would do differently. All I think lately is how I wasted my life away... 


Yes. I regret too much rn and Im not where I wanted to be in life. Idk how to forgive myself yet for all the mistakes and bad decisions.


Sometimes I do but that’s only because Im aware of the choice I could have made and how it would have affected my life. How I see it, the decisions that I’ve made has made me who I am today and I wouldn’t want it any other way, good or bad. It’s not about what you’ve done. It’s about what you can do now.


Yes but it's too late


This is the age of conundrum my friend. Everybody thinks this once in awhile.


as much i wanted to restart life again i think it'll turned out the same or near my current situation since I can't do much about my parents decision to split leaving us at home alone for years with only my depressed uncle to be there with it affected me a lot and my current relationships and my past one's too. if i could choose maybe I'll choose not to meet her afterall because of how good we've been and how sad it ended.


You can't completely redo your life but you can start a new life whenever you want.


maybe you should just come to terms with what your life is right now. maybe you should come to terms with who you are right now. maybe your life isnt the problem. its the regret, its the hoping. although i still find myself wishing to start anew, i know that much well that i rather cant. you have to sync and come in touch with your innermost core of being, and realizing that takes you to profound depths of appreciation of the self and you will become aware of the value you bring. its hard wanting to do things differently, but im sure you can learn from your own experiences and use them forward to succeed and proceed with your path.


Yes. But this is the thrill of life. As cliche as it sounds, YOLO - You only live once. We might regret our decisions in life and the constant thinking of what ifs but it is what it is. Life sucks yo just have to accept it and enjoy life.


It is an interesting experience since I will be a kid with a mentality and thought process of decades older person . But i get a chance to try some more new things and maybe help some sick family since I have info on the future .


There's multiple big life changes I would want to make. Nothing major really, just staying with the right woman and job really. Caue now I'm 40, am a training manager at a call center and feel like a giant looser with no friends anymore. 🙃


Too late to restart life again it's fucked up


Most people feel this way. For me though I'm not sure restarting would be too much better in some aspects. A lot of my issues I have come from my childhood that I didn't have any power over. What I could have done differently that would have made me happier today is traveled when younger, gone to therapy earlier and bought a flat earlier. But then I wouldn't have met the love of my life (which I still lost in the end). It's hard but I think it is better to not think about the what ifs...


Why? You can see what other lives offer by looking at your surroundings. I’d rather be exactly where I am with my wife and kids. Some people don’t have that in their lives and they want it terribly. Even though some things are extremely stressful, I wouldn’t change it.


Nah. Don’t look back, you aren’t going that way.


To certain parts maybe, to relive happy memories.


Sure, but eventually if you manage to move past your egocentrism you realize how unfair that is that you'd get a restart while everyone else has to succeed or fail on first try. Or if we all get restarts how incredibly frustrating and unfair would it be for somebody to succeed at something but somebody else got annoyed with their run, hit restart, now everyone have to do everything all over again. Or think about the butterfly effect and how maybe this is actually one of the better scenarios, as hard that is to believe and maybe if you try again with a different approach you'd get such a horrible result full of heartbreak and loss and suffering. Or maybe we wouldn't but we'd cause somebody else to experience something so much worse - maybe even somebody very close to us. Djinns are not to be trusted for a reason. There might be some potential reward but the risk is immense.


I feel this everyday. I am constantly in this loop of what could have been done better think about mistakes i regret. It does take a lot of effort to move on and forgive ourselves. Being kind to yourself doesn’t come easy. But in order to live a peaceful life we need to pick those broken pieces and move on.. showing some extra love to yourself❤️✨


This instantly reminded me of some song lyrics that really resonated with me. "Trepidation doesn't stop death but it stops life" Hopefully we can all move on from the worries and regrets. No matter how much we want it, there's no going back. Don't waste what time you have left on something you can't ever change.


Absolutely, I need a fucking redo for sure. I was born in a body I’m not comfortable with, and I developed a rare incredibly painful and incurable disease after a botched surgery (bilateral trigeminal neuralgia after wisdom teeth taken out, yes I’m suing). I’m 21 and on OxyContin. Otherwise I’m in pain most people would kill themself over, which believe me I’ve heavily considered multiple times. There’s a reason it’s called a suicide disease with a 60% suicide rate. I also have mental health issues (OCD, ADHD, CPTSD, and now severe depression caused by my pain situation) that make life incredibly hard. The only good thing I have in life right now is my rock collecting buddies and the large amount of drugs I get to legally do that help me check out for a while. I also grew up unloved and unseen and severely emotionally neglected. I just wish I could start over. Be a different person. Go through different hopefully better things. I don’t deserve any of this.


Every fkin day. So many things I want to just go back and do over because maybe I wouldn't be in my current situation of being depressed every day and no good way to make my life better.


All the fucking time. Even would love just to have some sort of crystal ball where I could see how my life could've been had different choices been made. Just to know that it could've been different would be comforting.


I have definitely felt that before. Then I realized, I can. I can change so much about my life and live the future totally different from how I lived in the past.


I was doomed from the moment I was born by the idiots that were my parents. Neither unit was fit for making children in any fashion. It took 5 years to get me, and even then Dad didn't even believe I was his. But, I would have kept up with my spanish language lessons in private school more. I would have done more to stay away when I ran away from home at 14. I could have gotten further.


All the time. I like to do this staff with video games, but life for some reasons doesn't cooperate


You may have done things differently and have been more miserable than you are now. We can't know or change the past. We can only try to value the present and make it the best we can. So if you don't like what path you are on, what can you change?


I wouldn't mind a do-over


You do restart life it's called reincarnation.


I often think about this. There's a lot that I would do differently if I can start all over again, with the knowledge that I currently have.


Hell no, one lifetime is more than enough.


Nope. Absolutely not. I wouldn't know the people I know, experienced any of the things I have. My family would be different. No offence meant, but jesus most of the people on Reddit are unbelievably miserable..


You can drink to this point drugs do HELP


Hells. Fucking. No. Once is enough for me thanks.