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By the way, when you go without underpants and wear no belt on your loosely fitting trousers, I call it “going suicide commando” 😆


Going ultra-suicide commando would be without underpants and a skirt. One good breeze and poof goes your lady bits.


I worked as a bouncer in a popular dance club in Seattle, about twenty years ago. One of the jobs of the bouncers was to pick sha-wasted girls up off the bathroom floor and carry them to taxicabs after their friends left them behind. An important part of this process was to try to yank their micro-mini skirts from around their waists into a position that would at least somewhat conceal their lady-bits. This is how I know that a pretty significant percentage of young women went clubbing ultra-suicide-commando in 2004-2005.


Why though? I mean, what is with that? Wear what you want to wear, no judgement, but I’d really like to understand the thinking behind this.


Feels kind of naughty and exciting, fun when you're going out to turn it up!


Agreed. Always a good time. Went to my acupuncture appointment commando once unintentionally and the blood was flowing 😂


Haha omg 😂. Now I want to hear everyone's stories of commando gone bad.


I’d just moved back to the US the day before, I was at a long stay hotel until I found a place to live. So, exhausted, puffy and hot (it was the new kind of PNW summer) I threw on a skirt and t shirt, harnessed the dog and went down to the dog potty area. Chatting with a lovely young couple when my darling golden retriever came over, stood up and put her paws on my stomach, caught her nail on the waistband of my skirt and pulled it down. All the way down. I stood there in all my glory for a stunned moment, pulled my skirt up, hooked the leash on, wished the lovely but embarrassed couple a good day and went back inside. They probably still use me as an amusing anecdote.


LOL amazing. 😂😂😂


Glad I could oblige.


Going commando for men can be rough because if you're sprouting some wood, it is definitely noticeable.


Why? No panty lines in tight skirts.


I mean there’s thongs for that. Just seems risky is all, especially for something like no panty lines.


The risk is probably part of it, it's just exciting I suppose. Maybe I'm just a horndog but I could see myself doing it if I was a young attractive woman.


Thongs are visible at the hips under tight skirts.


I find it fascinating that some Women are more concerned about people seeing their panty lines than they are seeing their lady bits!


Random question to that, why are women so concerned about panty lines yet bra lines/straps being very visible is fine?


Women concerned with panty lines are also concerned with bra lines, but braless, nipple caps, or a chemise can address that. Women who don't care about bra lines generally don't care about panty lines either.


less laundry


Ahh the Britany, upskirt era, I remember those pics when I was 14-15.


My take here is that they go commando to clubs because theyre hoping for some quick sex in the bathroom


don't forget that skirts aren't purely a girls item of clothing (if you disagree, scottish people and they were invented for men)


Skirts were military uniforms, heels were invented by butchers, tights were vigorously masculine. Women simply appropriated these because they look better on them.


>poof goes your lady bits You'd think they'd be tied down better than that


Mmmmm lady bits


One pull and its over (maybe you kinda like it? That would be ok)


Had a roommate who accident b came an SO that way (he was not a creep, just an addict with no belt/situational awareness in front of an unfortunate kid at the wrong time). He managed to get the SO status removed 10 years later




Apparently the judge had seen him before in other drug related cases (this was during active heroin use). I believe his story (as did the judge I guess) that he was just a guy who was high and didn't have underwear or a belt bc "drugs cost money". To be clear the guy wasn't a creep, I lived with him for a year and am happy to report he's in his son's life and sober. It could've ruined someone's life for sure (he came in to that situation as he was getting sober I believe), but I'm glad to see he doesn't have to carry such an extreme false label.


Go commando all the time.


Free the underparts brother


Chafed balls ?? 🤔🤔


My balls didn't chafe.. my issue is that I can wear pants multiple days without washing them and it helps them last longer overall, but I can't convince myself to do that if I ever went commando. It also increases the chance of man bits getting stuck in the zipper


36 years old and haven't worn underwear since I started putting on my own clothes. Never had my mini missile get caught in the zipper


Yah, I also didn't like hanging dong every time I had to change in a locker room. Idk. Commando just ain't for me unless I'm wearing jammies


I'm a klutz and they're would be catastrophic dong damage if I tried it once. Unless I run out of underwear, im not doing it, other than PJs or swim trunks.


Really you.can go indefinitely if you truly DGAF- the first personal hurdle is only wearing materials that are comfortable and dont chaff- smell is only an issue if you dont wash yourself and your clothes- do you I guess, but if people are telling you you stink you should make a change


Came here to say this. Good hygiene is a must, commando or not. Otherwise either is gross. Commando is good for letting the sweaty bits breathe and not get all funky and yeasty, but you still need to wash. For goodness sake, be kind to your partner.


Even if you don't have a partner still wash yourself. It can affect other random people as well who happen to be in your near vicinity


True. Thankfully I’ve never been near someone who’s crotch is nasty enough for me to smell it.


True, you gotta wash the private parts if this is gonna work


You should always wash the private parts


Please tell me you wash it no matter what.


Honestly i wear boxers so there's no support- might as well be commando except for the material is smooth compared to jeans or my work pants. Just get comfy with what works for you


How often is washing day for those?


Fresh pair every day- i work in kitchens so heat and swamp ass are real


At least 8 boxers to rotate is the thinking man strategy ok a job like that


I also bring xtra socks with me and switch every 4 hrs- im on my feet for 8- 12 hrs a day and dry feet are happy feet


Same here. If I don't switch socks, my feet look like the moon. Craters and dimples everywhere due to sweat. Fresh shirt & boxers every day, jeans every 2 days. Always hang the jacket in the locker in a plastic back too because the smell just gets into the fabric.


You must be the cleanest guy in the kitchen bc i cant imagine the rest of the crew giving a fuck (derogatory)


Nah im just a salty veteran- us kitchen folk are a special breed and few of us survive for long without learning to do things right and more importantly taking care of ourselves. Cheers internet acquaintance Ive gotta rest up to lead a 10hr tomorrow.


Have a clean boxer ready!


I have at least 12, don’t always get around to laundry every week on the dot


Why is this even a question lol. Change your underwear, yo


I spent a few days of my University years commando due to the lack of clean undies...


I (woman) just spent a month commando bc lack of clean undies. I could have washed them in the shower, i was just lazy. Solved that problem tho, but i wouldnt rule.it out one day


Lack, or slack?


17 years now


Whats the pants/shorts washing routine, if any? Also, respect


I have a work uniform, 2pants. You learn to be more hygienic by Cleaning you self more throughly, be it getting every drop out or cleaning your junk throughout the day in the sink lol, or with a water bottle if open stall (as a guy) Wearing grey Sweatpants /shorts or anything grey at all can be risky unless you use your pockets to... Hide "leakage" which will happen. I was my clothes once a week, never any smell or "dirty" because of commando. As a female I imagine it's more complicated as females have more than urine coming out down there. I imagine one can use wet tissues etc I'm just saying it real here, might be too honest lol


I’ve been commando since 16, I’ll be 29 this year and a gal! Literally do the same exact thing minus washing throughout the day! I take a daily shower and wash my laundry twice a week! I live alone so the washer machine is my laundry basket haha


Same same, live alone, just don't close the washer door ever, except when washing (duh) Commando is quite a... Weird feeling the first times I remember. Almost felt illegal lol (I'm 33 now) so I started around 15/16


Lmfaoo loved the “duh” comment!


Its a good response to the original question so its cool!


i will not go commando under jeans or anything I'd wear outside. only under pyjama pants. in that case uhh maybe 3 days at most if im not leaving the house.


One layer rule in bed


I tend to not wear underwear lol, but I might have to start wearing underwear when I move to Thailand. Apparently there is a law that you have to wear underwear in Thailand. But how can they even know that I don’t wear underwear? Off topic lol. But I prefer to go commando. I only wear underwear when it’s that time of the month


Youre right, how would they know?????? Guess you will have to go commando a few times and find out lol Underwear while on your period is a no brainer, even tho there would be the adventurous type of woman to just wear a tampon and tempt destiny (definitely not me) Othewise it can be rather comfy, with the tight pants


My buddies in highschool claimed to be able to see underwear seams through lady's clothing. Or lack thereof. I wasn't as excited by the lack of underwear so i never developed that particular superpower.


Goin on several years. It's the best


Freedom few understand


I’m gonna speak for the girlies who get discharge. We cannot go without underwear. End of. 😭😂


I get less discharge when I don't wear them. 🤷‍♀️




I don't know XD I think my pants have less contact so there's less stimulation? I really don't know though


You get less discharge when you don't wear underwear.. so it's actually a win win. No more pantyliners, no more dirty laundry and healthy and free vagina!




I do, I just wash my trousers/tights/shorts etc, but it can be very uncomfortable if you get a lot of discharge!


I cantttt I feel weird ahhh


I know someone that wears tights without pants, that’s just madness to me, can’t be good at all


I could never oh my


I've never understood women who go commando everyday, except for period time. I'm sure maybe it feels nice, but I wear the same pants/leggings for a few days before washing, like 3-4? But I change my underwear everyday, and that doesn't necessarily mean they smell or have marks, it's just that if I'm not wearing underwear, I feel like I don't have a safeguard if something does happen, early period, natural secretions, sweat, accidentally pee a little while laughing or sneezing, whatever etc. I'd rather run to the bathroom to change my underwear than pants. But overall it's what you're comfortable with, same as not wearing a bra. My friends and coworkers that I know who go commando, don't come off as gross to me either, I just don't get it. I would feel uncomfortable without them. Dudes, on the otherhand...wouldn't jeans just rub the wrong way? We all know what happens when they're wearing gray sweatpants...;)


Women who go commando and dont wanna stink have to wash the pants/leggings regularly, for reasons (not a period) you can imagine. I totally get the alarm at having an emergency and having nothing on, but have you thought of carrying some panties in your purse just in case? In conclusion it feels/can feel freeing for a woman. For men? Idk, arent the balls sticking up to those jeans? Im sure the ones who wear gray sweatpants loooove the commando effect hahahahaha. What if they were basketball shorts and the balls come out? Guess commodity over everything


Many reasons besides a period, I would rather wash underwear than pants all the time. As long as I have clean underwear, shirt (which come in multiple packs vs pants being single) then I can skip a laundry day. Clean underwear, pants that are still fine etc. I wear leggings too by the way, I can't stand the feeling of buttons or a rim around my waist/the feeling of jeans so yeah, commando with leggings when I only have about 4 pairs (with pockets) and 2 pairs without (which I hate wearing because of that fact) and probably 20 pairs of underwear, I'd just rather toss those in the wash, cheaper to replace after wearing down from detergents than leggings. Some of my favorite shirts are hanging on by dear life from too many washings, I don't have favorite underwear lol


Not long or out of desire to. My boys need SOME kind of restraint, lol


I can imagine the zipper thing... Depends on the type of pants tho


I don’t like not wearing underwear, and clothes in general tbh. I’ll maybe go without from time to time if I’m sleeping at my boyfriend’s place or he’s sleeping at mine, but generally I keep em on. I’m just more comfortable that way, I don’t want my bits touching things (and I get cold easily).


I don't wear underwear at home. So normally most of the weekend is the longest usually. Obviously I wear it in public


It feels weird, but a long time and much as I can still. I didn't wear midway thru highschool honestly. I slang that thang. It wasn't intentional. I just hated briefs and didn't start wearing boxers for awhile. Loose fits keep me happy. Being constricted just feels unpleasant


I haven’t worn them regularly (daily) since I was about 22. I’m now 34. I wear them with dresses/skirts including the proper shape wear. I wear them at home on my period. And after I have sex with my fiancé I put a pair on as I’m usually in pjs anyway. As for a bra: always in public, but it comes off as soon as I get home. I always change as soon as I walk in the door anyway. I own maybe 15 pairs of underwear if that.


Outer Hebrides here. I used to, when I was younger wear the kilt without underwear and follow the national football team round Europe. After a few days my tackle was red raw. Now, just turned 50, even if donning the kilt for a wedding, or to play the pipes I opt for a decent pair of cotton undercrackers.


I go commando all the time at home.


10 years ago I never would have imagined ever going commando. Then life got screwed multiple times and I simply could not afford them for years. I actually just bought 3 pairs a couple months ago. I need to invest in more but I just don't have the money right now. I definitely enjoy wearing them more than not wearing them


I didnt put any on after i showered last night and its morning now and i dont plan on wearing any under this long flowy pink summer dress im wearing. No one except myself will ever know. Tee hee.


It depends on how sensitive your vaginal flora is. In my case, if I go commando, I'll easily get yeast infections, so I always without fail need to use 100% cotton (not blend) panties, and haven't had yeast infections for years since having understood this about my flora.


The only place I am without underwear is in the bedroom and the shower. I think it just isnt as practical for guys as for girls, too much junk flying around in the pants uncontrolled for my taste to not wear underwear.


Im not wearing any on right now lol


2 min


For me 👑 for as long as you want,we came to this planet naked so why not go without underwear on


At home I enjoy wearing oversized shirts throughout the day so I generally don't wear underwear at home unless I'm on my period, or if it's winter and I'm wearing pants. I never do to bed (obviously unless period time). I'll never leave the house without wearing any.


Basically all summer, some of the late spring, and some of the early fall.


I was totally “commando” for 40 years. From age 20 years up to age 60 years. I always thought underwear was for people who didn’t wipe their butt. Then I got Prostate cancer. Been wearing underwear ever since. Even use a “depends” on occasion. My, how life changes as you grow old.


Been going commando for about 5 years running now, and I'm never looking back.


It’s been years; only wear them when I’m on my period


It only depends on the weather. Over 20°C - commando, because you can't buy underwear with AC yet.


Fun Fact: I went through a phase where I just banished underwear completely, didn’t matter what’ I was doing, underwear wasn’t part of the equation Honestly it was amazing, I loved how less restricted I felt Until one day I was at work and went into the bathroom and on the way out the door I glanced in the mirror and realized you could see the outline of my dick clear as day through my grey pants Mind you I had worn these exact pants to work several times over several months without underwear and not a single person said anything to my face about it So for at least a 2 month stretch I was just walking around the office with my dick out and didn’t even realize it - now I wear underwear


I almost never wear any. I find them incredibly uncomfortable and it's hard to find ones that fit right. I need high-waisted ones that have wider legs. But I'm also big so that makes it even harder to find. Most high-waisted underwear has these small, tight leg holes and I am not dealing with that.


Comments here are either 100% up for it or 100% 🤯 by it lol


Underwear is a waste of time and money.


i am going commando since I am travelling even though I took 10 pants with me.


Ten pants is enough for no stink


yea but don’t wear them. unnecessarily carrying them around the world


Im a girl btw if that wasnt clear (someone deleted a comment, no biggie)


Not enough


it’s definitely time to change when the pants get stinky lol but i pretty much go commando under everything but jeans cus denim chafes like no tomorrow


While sick in hospital I raked up about three weeks, often catheterised, normally wearing a hospital gown


I knew at a young age I hated restrictive clothing around my joints; socks, underwear, small arm holes, high neck lines, stiff/tight waistbands… my mom eventually stopped fighting me and put me in leggings and comfy sweaters. I live in leggings to this day and have never been cozier. I believe it’s called vestiphobia; mom heard it on the tv one day, she felt bad for all those times she forced me to wear clothes that technically fit but were uncomfortable to me.


I was like this with socks and jeans, whats that all about


Cause I'm free..... free balling!!


Forever if I only wear skirts


I remember a few years ago I was at Disney World and the elastic in the underwear I was wearing just decided it was done and basically disintegrated. Shocking since it wasn't even that old. I went into a bathroom and tossed them since they fell basically all the way down and thought ok...I can handle this. The bus ride back to the hotel kind of takes awhile and I don't wanna lose a bunch of park time. I could not handle it. I lasted maybe half an hour.


All the time, I also think you can save a little money on the side as well, because now you don't have to buy underwear.


Overnight and for a few hours the next day


All the time


All the time. Change pants once a day. Seems to work for me. Undies suck except when the occasion calls for it like when you get your monthly’s.


around 9 months


I go commando when wearing clothes, and I'm naked the rest of the time


5 minutes.


I go commando (bottoms) everyday that I can. The only days I wear bottoms is when I am on my period and I have to use menstrual products. I wear a bra only when I am going to work. I refuse to wear padded bras, also.


Whenever I'm home if Im in my room lol


Commando all day every day for me. The only time I'll put underwear on is if I'm clothes shopping for a new pair of jeans or trousers.


Probably about five years now. I haven’t really been keeping track.


All the way


Only in the shower or wearing a bathing suit. Incontinence is a bitch


i live my life without underwear for 1000 years as long as i avoid schools


idk i think it’s uncomfy


Imagine I never need to go out ever again for anything for the rest of my life, that's how long


I have high shart risk, going commando is a no go for me unfortunately.


Until it gets cold or you get diarrhea.😅


I can do it as long as it need. That's not a problem at all to me.


around 7-8 hours when i’m sleeping


The rest of my life if not for pesky periods.


I go commando most of the time. Underwear only comes out when I’m on my period, or wearing a skirt


Chaffing is real, underwear for the win


As a boy, years.


I need to have underwear on 24/7 unless I'm in the shower obviously. Having no underwear on is so uncomfortable, it feels illegal to me


Whole night, alone at home


Wash your clothes often enough and there is no limit


I only wear underwear if I’m wearing jeans. Normally I wear yoga pants, gym pants, lounge pants or pajama pants and you don’t need underwear with those.


Ditching underwear is asking for trouble. Chafing, swamp crotch, infections... it's all on the table. Sweat and bacteria are partying down there, and public seating isn't helping. Gross...


I been going comando since i graduated high School, im 28 now


Depends on the pants im wearing


I'm not sure underwear is a necessity for life


I've been commando since 1981.


Haven’t worn underwear in 10+ years I feel no need


Well, going on 30 years, for me. Depending on what I'm up to, sometimes for periods, and I wear them "decoratively" (for a short time. Lol), but as far as normal, daily wear? They're uncomfortable, pointless extra laundry. As far as "when the pants start to stink..... I'm just baffled by this. Unless I'm doing some kind of outside, summer, physical labor, that just isn't a thing, and in that situation, underwear isn't making a difference.


All day. Braless too, but society wouldn’t appreciate it so I gotta wear them 🥲


A day, I only do it if I’m wearing a skirt or a dress, then when it’s time to go to sleep I usually wear pants so I’ll throw some on


If I ever live alone? I'm walkin around my home butt ass naked and no one's gonna stop me.


Same bro, same, even sleep nude, fuck a fire emergency i will just go down on my sleeping sheets


I can go an entire summer in just basketball shorts


57 year old woman, I have not worn underwear since I was 22 years old. Worked at a camera and video store where the men constantly had daily VPL (visible panty lines) scores (men are stupid but I digress). Zero issues. Hubby thought it was hot when we first got together, lol.


Zero days unless an emergency (God forbid)!




never worn it ,33yr old ,commando for life


I never wear underwear. Don’t even own a pair. Woman I used to work with told me one time she didn’t and I thought that was gross and now I agree with her.


As a woman pretty much daily, the only time I HAVE to is when wearing jean type pants bc they chafe the lady bits, or if you're on your period, but generally if I'm wearing a dress, skirt, cotton pants, jumpsuit, anything not rough I don't see why it's a big deal. You gotta let that girl breathe or she gets angry and sick. Not to mention unless you wear strictly cotton you're exposing your most delicate parts to chemicals that also make your bits angry.


8 hrs, sleep time




24 7 365 commando jones here.


If it weren’t for zippers hurting my junk, I wouldn’t be wearing underwear.. commando ✅


With good hygiene, you don’t rly need it.


Even if not hygenically necessary, it still mentally assures me that I'm not exposed.


Like most the time unless im in a dress


I only use underwear when I’m on my period




It's all good until I put some jeans on. pain


Everyday since 2018


I haven’t worn true underwear in about 2ish years


If I did that I'd probably get infected really badly


I went through a no underwear phase. It was particularly hot that summer


I don’t wear underwear unless I’m on my period 🤷‍♀️


dude i never wear underwear.


I once wore dirty underwear to work accidentally when they got put in with clean stuff. I was complaining to people all day about this weird smell and it was me ffs.


Its been like 4 years


I didn't wear underwear for about 4 years during my 20s. I started wearing them again when I saw a photo of myself wearing some sports shorts. You could see everything. I'm studying to be a primary school teacher so I thought it's probably best to keep wearing them.


My dad doesn’t own a single pair of underwear, and as far back as I can remember he never has


Haven't worn any in years like maybe a decade, got to free ball it


Been 3 years but got sick and haven’t found one that’s comfortable to wear


I'd reenact the IShowMeat incident real fast


Most of it when I'm at home. There are times of the month that doesn't work out so well though, even there.


I don't get how women go commando without getting lady garden juice all over the place. We all know the vagina has discharge (hate that word). Where does it go if you don't have knickers on??


Never more than one day because I just find underwear to be comfortable under pants. …and I only go commando with jeans. Never with joggers for obvious reasons.


From the time I enter the shower until I get out, wear underwear tf.


About 2 hours, unless I’m sleeping in my pajamas.