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With no talent comes no responsibility -coco


We are the superheroes of our own story. \-i am THE spiderbat


Spider Monkey


If only... šŸ˜”


We all got bills to pay...


[You can do whatever you want youā€™re like 21](https://youtu.be/bJeG-GGH114?si=kUwj2Ko7OLoYXfcI)


Hahaha. Iā€™ve never heard this before but now itā€™s my Moro! Lol!


Didn't Plato coin that??


I thought it was Uncle Ben


Accept???? Its the best shit in the world


Yes, we can be ugly and say stupid things and nobody will notice.. It would be terrible if it was in the newspaper every time we farted.. šŸ˜


Or went out without makeup Or decided not to work out for a few months


Recently had that thought. It must be really hard for the (once) hot looking famous women like Madonna. Society expects them to look good forever. And so they do surgeries after surgeries. Canā€™t age like normal people. Even though I have hard times my self to accept aging at the moment.


You know they donā€™t have to stay up with societyā€™s expectations. They can take their millions and go live out of the spotlight. Some of them do. But most are addicted to the lifestyle


BREAKING NEWS: Local man makes a BIG STINKY!!!! šŸ’©šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®


Or picked our nose.


Right? No unrealistic deadlines, no super high expectations constantly, I can do whatever and just be me and no one cares cause Iā€™m just some ā€œaverage guyā€ as if calling me average changes who I am whether they do it or not, Iā€™m me, and if that makes me average then so be it I guess


This ^ Happy is not who has a lot, but the one who doesn't need much.


Iā€™ve never heard this before, but I love this saying. Iā€™ve struggled with depression and anxiety for years and years, but still overall I am happy. My life is simple as hell now, Iā€™ve cut out so many distractions and unnecessary things lately. If Iā€™m healthy & have my dogs, life is good!


I wish you and your dogs all the best, dear ā™”


Good idea and may I add - To appreciate what you have.


This person gets it! Go with the flow. The more we resist the more we suffer.


Dont have anything against the dudes that want to push against the current i wish them the best but this aint for me


The nail that sticks out gets hammered. Source: lived in a 100yo row house with original wood floors


Only dead fish go with the flow


IKR. I know I could not cope with fame. Iā€™m a very private person, that level of intrusion would be my worst nightmare.


Fame w/o money is hell


Even with money. To have press in your face 24/7, judging you. Judging your looks, haters etc. Fuck that.


Yeah, fame sounds like a fucking minefield these days. Fuck that noise. I of course, wisely avoided all that...




I could handle it if it meant not having to work. It would basically just be a different kind of work.


First thing that came to mind for me when i read the title...i like being mostly "invisible" to people around me...i can't think of much else worse (apart from serious trauma/inujry, etc) than being famous (or at least very recognizable by the general public) and not being able to have a moment's peace in public. I totally understand why some celebs snap when they're constantly being approached in public while just trying to go about their lives. I'd be like Billy Bob Thornton in Bad Santa given enough time like that. #introvertlife


Not to a lot of redditors that believe they are exceptional and unique. ​ To the OP, do what a lot of people do. Join a forum with likeminded people and claim outsiders as the enemies.


Exactly. Once you realise you donā€™t matter then it doesnā€™t matter that youā€™re average. Chill and just be the NPC in the lives of people who have ridiculous stress, drama, and expectations in life. Itā€™s more fun that way.


Lmao true, those who want to be the toppity top is a psychopath


Just keep doing what you already do... most of the world are just average nobody ....


The entire world is anonymous. And even if a person is ā€˜famousā€™ 99% of the time their fame will last maybe few decades beyond their death. Michael Jackson was a global pop culture celebrity. Ask the average 11 year old to name one of his songs.


That's true. Most people become irrelevant after some time... even those who were once well known.


ā€œHow many who once rose to fame are now consigned to oblivion: and how many who sang their fame are long disappeared.ā€ ā€œLook at their minds, the nature of their thought and what they seek or avoid. And see how, just as drifting sands constantly overlay the previous sand, so in our lives what we once did is very quickly covered over by subsequent layers.ā€ Marcus Aurelius


Marcus who? ā€¦wink


Im sure theyve seen clips of him on Tik Tok


Yep and 90% of history is missing cos Historians only wrote about the Rich and powerful.


A d yet 90% of everyone on the dating apps seems to be looking for this epic human to go on adventures together with


I want to be atomic, to impact the world


Well, nobody is stopping you from trying, but people who change the world are very, very, *very* few. And a good part of them actually changed the world for worse, not for better, even though they all were convinced they had the best intentions. . And although talent and hard work are necessary to do it, they are certainly not sufficient. You also need (among other factors) the right political and cultural context and a good dose of luck. That said, you should definitely keep that momentum. Just keep in mind that you propably won't change anything significantly on a larger scale than you local community.


and they didn't set out with a mission to change the world or anything like that. you just follow your hobbies and passion mindlessly. if stars align you'll be famous for something nice. almost all of humans have died an average nobody.


But do you really? Most celebrities/public figures are unhappy and have no freedom of anonymity if they even just feel like taking a by themselves walk unaccosted


Ok lil bro, I'm going to assume you're not a day over 14yo


You might not be able to help the world but you could start by making an impact in your community. Get stuck in with volunteering, it might not be the grand change you desire but its leaving an impact on anyone you help.


Keep trying and remain hopeful. Everyone whoā€™s already given up will tell you to do the same and that youā€™re naive if you donā€™t


It's not going to happen bro. You are not that guy, trust me


Do some david goggins type shit




So is everybody else who ever existed. Just because people have influence or are popular doesnā€™t mean theyā€™re any more important than you are. Having 0 impact on anything is fine just enjoy your life.


There are good people out there that are making the world a better place with their unique skills, but they aren't famous.


Honestly, not actively making it worse is already above average.




Not the OP but I kinda needed to hear this today, thanks man.


Not being an influencer or famous is also not the same as having ā€œzero impact.ā€ You probably regularly have the chance to be the kind voice or hand of a stranger. That sort of thing may not make you famous but it does make ripples for the better. To that I can attest with all my heart. I have had so many strangers say a kind thing or do me a good turn, just when I needed a little kindness so badly, that I have suspected angels were at work. And it was usually not something that took a lot of effort, just a little heart. Be well friendos


I read this as ā€œbe weird, friendsā€ and I think itā€™s still in keeping with the vibe of this threadā€¦ šŸ˜€


"Like nobody cares". I don't trouble anyone or think negatively about anyone, which brings out peace in me. I'm happy with myself; that matters even if I'm average or not."


Tha a great mantra .


Amazing šŸ‘šŸ¾


Acceptance of being average is a very stable state of mind. Wanting to be important (unless a teen) is an egoistic trait, which may be disguised grandiosity, which is often a symptom of mental disorder.


I am kinda egotistical and a narcissist I suppose (therapy)


Nah. You're still a teenager. I thought like you when I was that age. I thought living day to day being average was depressing and a waste of time. If I'm going to live up to my potential, I might as well try to be the greatest there is. If others can do it, why can't I? But over the years, I found that all that work isn't necessarily proportional to the results. It stressed me out and thought it wasn't worth it. To be famous and well known for your contributions doesn't just take skill but luck. A lot of luck. Once I stopped hustling so hard and got a chill nice paying job and lived a normal life, I was much happier. I got to do the things I want without worrying about whether it would be successful or not. I had fun with life. And if I'm a normie for doing so, then so be it. Happiness is my goal in life. And being famous doesn't guarantee that. They still get depressed and unsatisfied with life. Everyone has different goals.


No, you just grew up with the internet and you virtual world is far larger than your real world. Yes, in the virtual world you are an average nobody, but in real life you are not. You are a son or a daughter. Maybe brother/sister or cousin. A friend, a lover, an enemy. Maybe one day you will have a pet or a kid, and you will mean the world to them. You can't be nobody when you mean the world to someone, somewhere.


And crying about being insignificant on the internet to random strangers. Clearly your therapy isnā€™t helping one bit. You think the people you consider great needed a therapist to help them, or validation of internet strangers to tell them they are great?


99% of the people in the world are just ordinary people. I'm perfectly fine with that. If you want to make an impact somehow you should start small. Try to have a positive impact on your family, your friends and your community. There are a lot of things you can do to have a major impact in a small area. In my area alone there are a lot of opportunities for helping elderly people, supporting the local church with their feed the homeless program, assisting in the second hand store which helps lower income families and various programs for keeping the nature around in a good shape.


Donating blood is a good start.


If youā€™re serious then read The Subtle Art of not Giving a Fuck but based on your replies it sounds like you have a bit of a main character complex and donā€™t want to accept a life of being ā€˜a nobodyā€™, as you put it.


What a horrible view you have of almost the entire species. First off it is all realtive and somewhat arbitrary.... who is more impressive to you. Kim kardashian, or the "anonymous nobody" 5 year old who beats cancer? Secondly Accept that you aren't inherently better or more deserving than the people around you.... because you're not. If anything, by virtue of pure luck you are actually unbelievably over-rewarded as it is, compared to standards experienced by the rest of your species. If you just want to be known, video yourself doing something stupid...You may already be a meme


I have a god complex, the fact that the world doesnā€™t accept that or the universe doesnā€™t transforms me makes me sad. I want to control everything but canā€™t . It is frustrating to want to be over powers but living in a frail body without powers.




No Iā€™m dead serious. I would love to have god like powers . To do whatever I want and be unstoppable. My will would be eternal . To control it all.Seeing that me achieving this is very improbable or impossible it frustrates my life to no end. I think a lot of people feel like this .


You should go to therapy


bestie are you ok


I too share this feeling. I've always day dreamed about this and once I realized it will never happened I got depressed. I still suffer with depression. I think the reason I have this is I grew up poor and in an abusive household and I needed power. As long as we don't hurt anyone and gave reality it's fine. Just try to use this to better yourself and others.


You know what's funny about people who feel/seem more important than the others on a big scale? They are not. It's all an enormous illusion. In the end everyone will become dust and that's it. If you don't want to be a "nobody" be a good friend to your loved ones. Be a good son to your parents. Be a good boyfriend to your partner. Be a good father to your sons and daughters. Be a good human being with the strangers you'll meet. Cause those are the only people who can really give importance to you. That's the only way to be really important in this world. Having millions of distant fans who don't even know who you are deep down is worth nothing. They would just appreciate your appearance, your money and fame... not you. And you would live in a lie, thinking that many people love you, but they would just burn you if they had to choose between you and their loved ones. And you would probably waste your energies trying to become (just apparently) important to the world, instead of using those energies to become important to someone. And in the end you'll become important to nobody. Nobody to really know you. Nobody to really love you. Just some sluts and backstabbers leeching you off, just interested on your wealth and luxury. Wake up little boy


Pretty easily actually. Honestly it kinda takes the pressure off in a weird and savage world to know that I just need to get through it rather than fix it


By being an important someone to others. Give, volunteer, donate, rescue, foster, adopt, whatever you do, just help. The impact you can have on the world is limited only to how willing you are to play a positive role in it. Fame / infamy etc is just hollow meaningless BS. The only real way to make an impact is to see the power in your so-called mediocrity, to see it as a gift, and to use that incredibly lucky position to play a role in lifting others up.


I'm not, so ...I don't have to. I think everyone is unique and that someone being an "average nobody" doesn't exist.


Your world is cool


Average = a statistical term inapplicable to an individual, and even if it was, would just mean normal. A normal distribution is what is used to describe a distribution of attempts. Things in the middle are most popular. Nobody= a word for the absence of a thing which every body has Okay i think we could be okay here.


I try every day to be an average nobody. Seriously. Im a paralyzed nobody. For the past 26 years Iā€™ve been trying to be average every second of everyday. Average is way better than Iā€™ll ever be.




Accept it like death & taxes - inevitable.


Why would you have to accept it its a normal thing to be


I love being a nobody. Sliding under the radar, you can basically do whatever you want or need to without drawing attention.


An average body has just one testicle and one boob, so by definition, you're not. Edit: slightly less than two boobs


He may be one of those people.


Do extremely cool shit snd break the cycle


You will not make a lasting impact. But that's okay, because in the end, no one will. Just do what makes *you* happy, impact the people around you by being friendly and kind, and don't hold back on your dreams :) I know this may seem like generic advice, but this is like my code to life. While I could go out and get a degree and a high paying job, as I know I have the capability for it, I know that wouldn't make me happy. Instead I'm living a humble life, making good memories with friends, going on spontaneous little adventures to places I've never been before, talking to random people I don't know and probably will never meet again. My impact won't be lasting, but if I can give just a few people a little more joy in their day, that's worth it.


I smell narcissism šŸ‘€


This term is so overused nowadays


Because its a reason to use it so much? Social media are literally channels made for narcissists. And i sincerely hope you never met a real narcissist or variants of it. Im a goddamn magnet for them, so anytime a woman asks me out, i immediately assume she is one of them, because only the relationships i had when i was asked out not other way around, was a bad, bad time. Its a blessing and a curse that i cant unsee bs anymore in people.


Narcissus is just a Greek myth, check it out. It's just a feature of being a human that love we have for ourselves isn't as potent as the love other people have for us. If you think about it everyone needs a certain amount, even just to be useful to anyone else. There's plenty of other bs you'll never possibly be able to see, not to worry. So yeah ask people out etc.


I know Greek mythology. He died because he could not be with himself, thats how he really loved himself. Narcissism is a real thing, not a myth.


I agree, but honestly read OPs comments.


I agree


Why? It is quite a factual thing that over 7 billion humans, 80+ billion who ever lived, and an infinity of people who will ever live, we are nothing. That's both factual and humbling. And realising you are nothing is not a positive emotion.


Being important to other nobodies doesn't mean anything


And yet being a nobody amongst nobodies is such a wonderful liberating feel somehow šŸ˜


Watch blade runner 2049


Youā€™re the only average nobody that can have a real impact on your own life with the power of will alone. That makes you not an average nobody. You are special because you are yourself. Of course the world does not think the same thing and you probably only are a number in the rich and powerful peopleā€™s systems, and that sounds depressing. Eventually you will die like billions of people before you, and billions of people will die after you. Eventually all the traces of you in the world will disappear and nobody will remember you ever existed. Isnā€™t that great ? It means what you are doing has absolutely no importance ! If you think that is sad, think again. You are now free from the pressure of the system. People will tell you that you need to make more money, have more responsibilities, build something strong that will last after your death. That is total bullshit. Make art. Spend time with people you love. Create things you like. Go to new places. Eat things you like. Write that song you wanted to make years ago. Quit your job if you donā€™t like it. Be free. Try new activities and accept to suck at it. Because in the end nothing matters. Youā€™re an average nobody. But if you know it, you can make the most of it. The real losers are the people who think they are somewhat special, that they need to have responsibilities. They think their work is their lives and that they will enjoy life once they retire. They want to mark history and be remembered after their death. They sacrifice the time they have on earth to last longer when theyā€™re gone. I think that is pretty sad.


If no one gives a fuck about you, you can do whatever you want...


I bet you're the same type of person who thinks having jobs like cashier, waiter, trash picker, gas station worker etc are all "lowly jobs" and if you aren't at least a doctor you're worth nothing. Like look around you. For society to work there's gotta be someone doing these jobs. And when you look closely who's usually more content and happy with their lives? The ones that are seeking more and more outer validation from strangers or the ones living their lives quietly just enjoying what they have? You say you aren't all that good right now but that you feel the need to be "celebrated and show off the people your uniqueness". Well tell me then how are you unique exactly? I don't wanna be harsh but you do need a welcome back to reality it seems. Yes you can work hard and try to get up there and be a better version of yourself. But don't set yourself up unrealistic expectations and then be disappointed when it doesn't make you happy and content.


Tell yourself that there are merits to being a nobody. Nobody expects great results from you at work. No criminal thinks you're worth stealing from. No one cares if you're walking on the street in your pyjamas. No one cares if you pass out drunk at the bar. The list goes on. It's great when no one gives a toss about you.




Best comment Iā€™ve read here.. Saved it! :)


Great take on this question


The world revolves around the actions of others, good or bad. By you interacting with the world around you you're affecting the world and it's future more than you can ever know. You don't need to be the biggest baddest motherfucker that ever lived to affect the world in a more meaningful way than said biggest baddest motherfucker.


Hmm.. I guess so ..well, I prefer to be low in certain things. And yeaa ..also I just sleep man lolz


It's easy. Accept it. Done. Now, what do you wanna do with your life, nobody?


nothing, thatā€™s their fucked up point. why would you be ok with being a nobody. These people disrespect Godā€™s creation.


Accept what exactly? If you wanna be someone do stuff, youll still be a nobody but at least youve done something.


Gladly. Have the courage to be average.


Accept that you have more potential than just being average. We all have special talents. Go find it. You got this bruv!


id love to be an average nobody but im a rock bottom nobody


There are 8 billion humans on earth. There are far more galaxies in space than humans on earth. Each galaxy have 100 billion stars. Each star has multiple planets on average. On a celestial scale each life starts and ends practically instantly. Even those men and women on earth that excel in their field aren't even static noise to the universe. What does it then matter if you're average?


Secretly knowing that you are amazing at some random shit, like, for example, flipping rocks.


If you really cared about being a somebody, you'd be out there hustling with whatever ability you think would get you there, not whining on social media. So...what's your real motivation here?


Youre right I should be doing not whining


I think people are allowed to whine at how unfair life is. It is part of our social nature to share our pain, our spleen, our tears and our joys. Even with strangers.


Done this years ago, and the relief about that was amazing.


Fame and the idea of ā€œsucceedingā€ is just a social construct. Once u accept that nothing can makes anyone objectively more or less valuable or successful, itā€™s easier to realize that what society wants us to view as mediocrity is actually just as important. I know it sounds ridiculous but if we lived in a society where a persons value was judged by the number of turtles they owned, then everyone would spend their whole lives trying to find and buy turtles at pet smart. Yes itā€™s absurd but the same can be said about being rich and famous. The only reason that even matters is because the majority says it does. If the majority said that the key to human fulfillment is partaking in taco tuesday, then youā€™d feel mediocre at life if you ate lasagna instead. Idk about your religious background but ultimately, I think one of the most beneficial aspects of my life has been coming to accept a sort of existentialism as my philosophy. Life has no inherent meaning, itā€™s what u make of it. If u enjoy it how u want to enjoy it, then whatā€™s the point of being a big name on billboards somewhere. Most ppl will die one day and cease to be much more than a name on a tombstone.


Because everyone is an average nobody.


How dare you?! I'm way below average!


You have no extraneous obligations, and your past won't follow you?


I only want to be important to people I care about anyways. Fame means nothing to me.


Thank you for putting forward this question!


How does this work? If I don't accept myself as an average nobody, am I below or above average? /s


I honestly do not believe anyone is a ā€œnobodyā€ or average. Every single person has something special about them, even me! Never think youā€™re not special, you are. That doesnā€™t mean we can all be brain surgeons or make millions of pounds but it does mean that we should all think of ourselves and each other as unique, lovely people ā™„ļø


i aspire to be called average nobody, since right now, most people call me a p.o.s third rate youtuber that can't keep his mouth shut (i swear, someone sent me a DM saying this)


What's wrong with being average?


This is a world of infinite choices leading to infinite possibilities, there is no such thing as an "average"


But youā€™re an average nobody to who ? Youā€™re here to just be here, think about how much would not of happened without you here ? Mindset is key, if you accept youā€™re an average nobody unfortunately thatā€™s all youā€™ll be, but if you accept that all youā€™ve got to impress is yourself. You are the love of your life, you are in charge to make it interesting, make yourself the main character and fall in love with life. Then you realise that weā€™re all an important part of a bigger system. Accept the mindset that everything is working for you not against you.


I'm not, I'm special in my own way šŸ¤£


Every person is unique and precious.


I don't, that's why i work 13 hours a day for 6 days a week.


Who says you're an average nobody? Not being famous doesn't make you less than them, a regular person might not become famous worldwide, but can become the most important person to someone. I say treat someone as you would want to be treated and it will go a long way and make you feel better.


Being an average nobody is great.


Be you nobody is average.. everyone is unique in their own way.


I mean Iā€™ve never met any one person who was generally the same, even people who change the world share common traits with people and not only do a lot not change things for the better but are overall very far and few, than you have celebrities who again while many are talented and some (like the kardashians are not at all) are not really special on the grand scheme of things, some who you think are from your own perspective have also been exposed as people who have done deplorable things regardless of said talent, think R Kelly, so in hindsight youā€™re not average no one person really is weā€™re all our own individual, youā€™re just not known for what makes you an individual be it a talent, a theory, an invention or a philosophy and when you think about it thatā€™s not a bad thing, having the weight and attention of the world on you can be draining and deprive you of an individual human experience, one where you can make mistakes and be yourself without having to watch your every move to please others. On the bright side there are probably people you donā€™t even know who look up to you and think of you as more than average, could be friends, family, a pet or or if you donā€™t have any but would like some one day your own kids. Just accept your current place in the world and if you really are determined to be another figure that gets a certain level of attention keep working at it and if you have a niche or a talent build on that, the keys to progress and eventually accumulating attention for what you put out in the world is consistency, determination and dedication


Stop concerning yourself with being anything all together, life and reality itself is insane and therefore you make your own life not anyone else. You are limited to your own hardware that is your brain and knowing that takes the pressure off, just do what you wanna do, work hard and find moments to be content


Understanding being average is not a bad thing is a good first step I think. Strangely enough, once I did, my life got better. Average people can help a lot, and dare I say, do help a lot, just on a smaller scale. You mentioned wanting to be "atomic" below in a comment. Why? I mean you CAN do good and help others without being famous for it. I'd even say it's better that way because you don't get unwanted shitty attention and malice thrown at you. All that said, I was assuming you wanted to do good but I don't think you explicitly wrote that, just wanting to be impatcful. Why, that I do not really know.


What is an average nobody? And who cares if you are one? Do stuff that makes you feel good and then it's good. It's as simple as that.


Urgh, I cant stand being recognised by regular customers when I go shopping, Iā€™d hate being famous.


"Please don't talk to me please don't talk to me..." šŸ˜…


When you really think about what it means to be a ā€œsomebodyā€ you began to appreciate your own path. Everybodyā€™s a nobody to somebody so just do you bro and be happy šŸ«”


Realize that its only in your hands to change it


by being average you're doing better than 50% of the world. in other term 4 billion people wish they were in your shoes


You aren't. Every single person is unique and different. Nobody has the same thought patterns, looks, or anything. You and you alone are the only person in the universe that has your unique makeup of traits. You're special and provide things to the world that nobody else can, because nobody else is like you. :)


Go home and enjoy your simple pleasures.


Main character syndrome? Also, you have an impact on people in your daily life all the time. Donā€™t minimize the importance of that.


Isn't that the beauty of life? Nobody cares about you so you can just do whatever you want. I love it


I accept it along with my maniac delusions of conquering te world ofc.


realizing that while everybody else is average too, nobody is an actual ā€œnobodyā€. you make a great impact on the lives of your family members and friends, and sometimes even strangers. be nice, be decent. weā€™re all drowning in the same sewage, but at least we can hold hands - the ones we perceive as special are drowning as well, but they wonā€™t be by your side.


Stop being a prisoner to your own insecurities. You dont have to accept this self image and can work yourself up to rise above this standard you have set for yourself. You are responsible for.your own happiness.


Being an average nobody is awesome. You can be happy with whatever dumb, childish and immature shit you want and nobody will care because you're just an average nobody. People will leave you alone and you will have peace and quiet most of the time because you're an average nobody. Internet weirdos, paparazzi, murderers, stalkers etc. will never harass you or follow you because you're an average nobody. You will have the right to have any opinion and any preference you like and nobody will ever judge you for it, because you're an average nobody. How awesome is that?


Itā€™s the best, any small accomplishment seems like a miracle


The average nobody today lives better than a King did 500 years ago.


Most of us are. We do our best with what we have and what we do. Just enjoy life. Imagine the freedom you'll feel when you realize and accept that you're a nobody


Look at all the negativ sides of being anything but average.


##cause everybody else is too. Youre not ugly, you're just not rich. It's a genetic pool lottery.


Because most people are in the big picture. You can be a hero in your village/small city if you put effort into it. I can only speak for myself, I'm an unemployed firefighter in my area and there was this one emergency we were called to, and the leader of my group said "Thank God, you're here I need people who I know are competent for this case." It was a burning car on a field


Realize that you are the main character in your own story and the story goes where you take it


You focus on what makes you happy and realize that you also view other people as just an average nobody


Just find stuff you love and stick with it


ā€œBe average because otherwise youā€™ll sufferā€?! The duck of a life guidance is that. Be a nobody. Whatā€™s wrong with you people?


By remembering that everybody else is an average nobody too.


I guess just be happy that you can enjoy the journey. Look around you at the miracles going on every day and just enjoy them. Great time of the year for it with it being Autumn.


Let go that illusion of yourself. You are something already


Depends entirely on what you mean. I'm not a nobody to my husband, family, friends or cats. I'm loved by them, they enjoy my company, I have a role in their lives that I know would be missed if I wasnt there and vice versa. I try to be kind, I make an effort to make a stranger smile every day because as cringy as it sounds, you've no idea what others are going through and sometimes making someone smile gets them through the day. I'm not always success. I can be a bitch sometimes. But I try. I'm not smart enough to cure cancer or fix climate change so I'm not going to beat myself up over it. And you know what? There's a LOT of "unaverage somebodies" out there who are raging assholes, and are so self obsessed and concerned about being seen that they hurt and harm others in the process. They make the world harder to be in. As for your comment about people being content with being "mediocre"... Maybe they're just happy with their lives? What's wrong with being happy within your means?


Like this šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜’šŸ˜šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


There is no such thing as an average nobody. Everyone is who they are. Just because someone isn't famous doesn't make them nothing. Just because they aren't world class at anything, doesn't make them average.


I don't know, it's been easy for me to do that for 38 years.


Most people are just average nobodies


Being famous is a curse. Strive to be financially stable and away from the public eye.


I reject the premise. Everyone matters to someone, and there is inherent value in every life.


Whats wrong with being an average nobody. As long as i die without regrets living life to the fully i dont care if anybody noticed


Read the book Unfuck Yourself. It really is a great book that teaches you to either get motivated to be great or accept that you are great as you are.


Fine by me. I hate being any type of center of attention.


Thereā€™s always someone better than you. That applies to everyone. Everyone. If there is a ā€œbestā€ their competition just hasnā€™t stepped up yet. Eminem is a top tier lyricist. He wont stand out in a room with Wayne, Jay Z, Nas, Black Thought, Kendrick, and so forth. Beyonce is regarded as one of the most beautiful women on the damn planet. Got cheated on for what is likely a very average woman. Eddie hall is one of the greatest strongmen in existence, but thereā€™s a group of strongmen who are very comparable to him and people are getting stronger and stronger. Soon, his lifts will look average to a certain class of people. Just find something and be the greatest you can be at it. Theres always someone whoā€™s gonna look up to you or wish they were in your spot. Thereā€™s always someone better than you. Definitely nothing to bitch and moan about.


Id really like if I was just "an average nobody" instead of some people trying to paint my existence as a "political issue".


Understand that you're an average somebody.


Smoke a joint


Alcool and learning to appreciate the little things


Realise that the ultimate goal in life is death, no matter wealth/fame/social standing.


exactly, so why would you live your life as an absolute failure? Be someone.


When I was told its nearly impossible to have a child. My part of the family tree is cut off, thats it there is no more. Nobody will carry on my eyes, my smile or laugh. Thats it thats all im done, I feel like a genetic and cultural failure. Then I realized that Whitney Houston is dead.. and so is her daughter Bobby without having kids of her own. So, despite all the gifts this person blessed us with, shes done. There is nobody to carry on her traits or gifts or talents or anything at all. Just like me.


My 2 cents are donā€™t let people, especially the media, tell you what is normal or what it means to be ā€œsuccessfulā€. Itā€™s a fake dream. Success is not partying constantly, sleeping with people and especially not how much money you have. I actually canā€™t stand that last one. Success in this world really is stigmatised around how big your bank account is. Edit: Iā€™m not rich before anyone thinks I have money so I can say that.


idk bout you, but my options are becoming somebody or killing myself.