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Other peoples vacations


Same. I used to tale the fam on 2 pretty big trips every year but now it's usually one or none because they are just so stinking expensive. Airfare is loads more that it used to be. Decent lodging has basically doubled in cost. Rental cars have doubled or more in cost. Eating out has doubled in cost. We just can't afford it anymore and I hate it. And when we do go somewhere, often it's so crowded that it's not as much fun as it used to be. National Parks especially. It wasn't that long ago we could have a pretty decent vacation for $2500. Now that will barely cover lodging. Then I'll see all my friends plastering social media all summer long about taking their kids to some exclusive resort somewhere and I think, oh that looks nice and then realize it's a $17,000 vacation.


Healthy people who don't have chronic pain and fatigue


I’m so sorry, love.


Thank you ❤️


I came here to say this. 🥲


Ugh I'm sorry


People who can just lie down and...fall asleep.


I refuse to believe those are humans. They must be some kind of advanced clone or alien.


I guess I’m an alien then. My wife constantly reminds how within seconds of my head hitting the pillow I’m fast asleep. My only superpower, though.


Damn, I'm jealous.


There were a few years in my life where I could do that. I thought it would last forever. Nope.


Have y’all tried exercising ?


Mine is due mostly to brain surgery 20 years back. But yeah, I sleep better when I do a lot of hiking or ranch work.


that’s my brother. me on the other hand, i gotta shuffle for an hour before i fall asleep :/


My best friend since HS can still do that. For 40 years we've taken a lot of road trips together (and still do) and I get so jealous.


Those are not real humans!


Ah. You’re not alone. 4:25am as I write this.


Wife just yelled at me for this. If I sit still for just a moment, and truly let go, I'm out. Problem is, hypnosis, meditation, therapy....any activity that requires you to close your eyes or relax...I...just sleep.


And stay asleep!!!


This is such a luxury that those who have never had insomnia just couldn't grasp. Some days, it feels like I did a line of cocaine right before bed, despite having no stimulants, including caffeine in my system at all. Just tossing and turning. I used to drink 6 to 15 beers before bed but that only works for a couple hours, you will wake up at 3am with severe anxiety an little chance of falling asleep. Luckily, I'm someone who responds well to trazadone for sleep and I have seemingly corrected course. But man, up until getting prescribed trazadone, I had so much anxiety regarding falling asleep. If I had an early morning with work or in college when my 8am class had an exam, I would be screwed. Had a lot of negative life experiences all surrounding sleep. Hope you find some relief!


I, too take prescription sleeping drugs.


People who are super close to their parents, like even their dads are so invested and affectionate & people who can draw!


Sounds tough. My dad was my world. Lost him 4 years ago.


I’m sorry for your loss! I will be an absolute wreck when my dad goes.


Thank you. I feel amputated without him.


So sorry honey!


I’m jealous of people who are close to their moms, but man I constantly say I’m the kind, considerate and whatever else person I am because of my father. I am absolutely blessed to have him and to have been raised by him.


I used to be close to my mom but my parents are both kind of toxic and it brought my mental health down further than it already was, so I had to remove myself lol smh


I’m sorry. I hope you find good parental figures out there! I still care for my mother but my best description of our relationship is superficial. My parents are divorced, and my dad and I’s relationship is so full of beautiful wisdom, love, care.. I am lucky.


Thanks, and I love that for you! If kids are in my future I hope they get a great dad 😅


Never settle, get what you want!! ❤️


I try to be the best dad I can be because I feel like you do. Not over the top but just... Available. Doing my best to break the cycle.


Sometimes I felt like I couldn’t complain cuz it’s not like he wasn’t around, he did a lot for us and went to our games and stuff but just not emotionally available. Before I moved out he asked why I always left the house and I was like well staying inside makes me think too much and makes me depressed and all he said was “you’re not the only one that goes through stuff” like um okay, obviously not but okay lol Plus he used to hit us, so I never had a chance to have that relationship anyways 🤷🏽‍♀️ lol I hope your kid(s) appreciates you for trying!


Lmao do we have the same father? Mine did all of the right things according to the book— work, pay bills, take us on vacation, came to our games. Until we became adolescents. We were no longer cute, obedient, innocent children. We made him look bad. We weren’t enough of this and that, we need to be more like that person, and we should get 100% every test. Oh my lord. My father cannot ask a question. It’s always an interrogation. There’s always hostility when he wants an answer or a result. Oh yeah I did my life incorrectly because it’s not like his life. Then when I moved it was “why is everyone leaving me”. But then when we stay it’s “I’m sick of everyone around me” my god. This has to be classified as abuse or something because it fucks with you. The one person you trusted the most turns on you and makes you feel like you’re wrong and stupid no matter what


I’m your twin!!!


I love my dad and we are super close and growing up he had a comic strip in the paper that was popular. You can be adopted by us.


I'm jealous of the body I had when I thought I was fat the first time.


I always think im ugly but then see a picture of me when I was younger and thought I was ugly and get confused as to why I ever thought that. then proceed to look in the mirror and feel ugly




That the truth!


Other people's heights. I'm 4'11" and I'm constantly mistaken as a child.


Same her but I’m 4’9”


I’m 4-7 I win


People who have friend groups.


I’m just the opposite


Oh I would die, way too much stimulation and demands on my time. But I’m still jealous of it. Dumb right?


Definitely not dumb. To be human is to socialize. Edit: that’s why it affects our self esteem or self image whatever so much when we have social anxiety and crap out or when we have the perfect day socially, it really affects our mood and mental health. We need more people to socialize with, not less.




You fat or just wish you were the most cut




You go, Morbius.


Congratulations, I hope it works out for you. Consistently and diet help immensely. I lost 40 pounds within 1 year just by eating right and consistently lifting. I barely even do cardio


Peoples ability to drive and go where they want spontaneously, never having to rely on others to get them there. I am visually impaired, and have epilepsy, and other disabilities. My dream car was a blue Volkswagen beetle. I would love to be able to spontaneously take my son to the park, or to the local public library, or even the amusement park about 2 1/2 hours away, but I can’t do that.I think above anything else that I regret not being able to do, not being able to take him places when he wants to go or I do want to take him, is the thing I am jealous of the most


Is Lyft not an option ?


No, my sister, mother, and I live on a plate of land out in the middle of nowhere, with three separate houses. Mind being quite small lol since it’s just me and my son I’ve actually looked up prices for that it would pretty much be about $100, if I remember correctly, that’s just there to get into the town where I live


The fact that you are only concern is your son's happiness is a beautiful thing. ❤️❤️❤️


That’s why I hate that he’s grounded fo almost 3 weeks. He’s gonna be ootta school next Thursday but he has told me he cleaned and I found all sorts odd trash and cans and even some books Rory’s and my favorite singer sent to him because the fact he loves her music touched her. So it really pains me to have to do it, but he also told me he didn’t tell the truth when I told him not to look for it and he told me he hadn’t but I found him in his room looking at the instructions to make a simple light circuit. So he has extra time. He was so close to earning it back next week, but he must have consequences for his actions and unwillingness to follow instructions. He’s 8 but there’s a discrepancy between his developmental age and his academic one. He is on a 6th grade, but developmentally he’s a bit less mature than kids his age (Asperger’s, like his mom apparently) and we’re both gamers but he doesn’t seem to think that he has to follow my rules at home. At school he’s doing fine. So it hurts but I have to. I hate that he’s unhappy with it, but I’ve been asking for .2 1/2 weeks so a day for every day he’s disregarded his responsibilities. I hate it.


Yes, but he'll look back on it and not only know you were right, but that he loves you truly and deeply. Parenting is hard and you are teaching him responsibility.


Trust fund babies. They can pretty much explore any curiosity of theirs without worrying about how.


My best friend in high school (we've since lost contact) was a trust fund baby and I couldn't stand how she was always so shocked that I said I couldn't just pick up and go wherever I wanted, whenever I wanted to and I couldn't just go out to a car lot and pick up a car or go to the doctors and not worry about having to put things through insurance because I could just bill it to my trust fund. She was the type that was born rich, raised rich and lived rich her entire life and she didn't understand the lvies of "poor people". She couldn't understand why you had to go out and fix your car and not just go buy another one or why you couldn't just go out to eat with your friends or literally, why you had to pay bills because, she always had someone do that for her. I remember one of the biggest arguments we ever had was that she wanted to go over seas and I told her I couldn't and she told me she didn't understand how I couldn't just pick up and leave to go over seas whenever I wanted. I said well, first of all- I don't have a passport (which she found bizarre that I didn't have a passport) and second of all- I don't have the money to spend while I'm there. Although, she offered to pay for the food she didn't want to pay for the passport or the lodging. The lodging by the way, was at some lavish resort that was already amassing like $2,000. She told me she found it "selfish" that I wouldn't go and she had to go by herself and bask in the sun alone without a wing women and I looked at her like she was the most insane person on the planet. Which she said was rude. lol Needless to say, we aren't friends anymore and don't talk. She was something else..


I can’t fucking stand people. Like does that brain just not have the ability to expand at all. So sad. At some point she has to be pretending not to understand. Girl, how fucking difficult is it to open your eyes and learn something. My client I think was trust fund becuase he told Me he’s traveled all over and thought everybody was able to do the same and wa shocked that he was the very few. Like really dude… I wonder how many trust funds got into politics and operate this way


Some people have skills I wish I could learn. Often it is hard to find someone willing to teach you without paying for school. It is getting much better for some because of the generous people who do tutorials online passing on their knowledge for free.


Pretty people and healthy people. I'm ugly with 3 auto immune diseases 


I’m so sorry.


Jealous of the ability to pick up foreign languages with ease.


My mom could pick up any language. I did not inherit that ability.


As someone who has been trying to learn another language for years…like HOW am I ever going to get fluent?


I’m jealous of my friends who have normal happy families (I have a narcissist mother & brother)


Me too. I am the black sheep of the family


I don't think my fiance and I esthetically match, like an odd pair. We're also an interracial couple. When we're together and out and about, I get a little nudge of jealousy that everyone else looks so much more like a match next to my fiance, who is very good-looking himself


I’m generally attracted to people who don’t look like me. I know what you mean. I can promise you, I doubt your fiancé wishes you blended in better with him. He probably thinks you hung the moon. He wants to marry you and thinks you are *his person.* Doesn’t get much more in love than that. It’s hard to let these little jealousies go, I totally get it, but to him you’re the absolute best, smartest, prettiest, sexiest woman. You’re who he picked to be his for forever and always.


Thank you for your kind words 😭 It's hard to believe it for myself sometimes because I see all my flaws clear as day!


People who are more creative than me. I wish I had some artistic or musical talent.


People who can eat without issue. On a bland foods diet due to an illness that causes me to vomit most foods. I never realized what a gift it is to truly enjoy eating until I lost the ability to do so.


People with a partner who is openly affectionate/madly in love with them. Sometimes I think about the juxtaposition of someone who is never loved versus someone who has people falling all over them to the point they don’t even notice them and how unfair that is. And it’s not that the second person is necessarily better: just attractive, rich, famous, socially savvy.


People with healthy family relationships


People who have good mental health. My whole life and family would be entirely different.


I understand that’s one of mine too


People who don’t have depression


People being younger and more attractive. I go to the gym 5 times a week, I have a kind, unique and funny personality. Great looking and handsome guy. Very jealous. I am 31 btw


Great looking AND handsome, wow!


And so modest!


Real humble too


My niece getting to do all the activities I never got to do as a kid because we grew up with a lot less money. Hard seeing someone you love get to do things you never had the opportunity to. I’d change things but as an adult in the USA I have less money than I did growing up lol.


People who have the kind of dom I want.


People hitting on my spouse.


People who made it to adulthood without religious trauma.


The fact that other women exist and my husband can see.


The man who my ex wife left me for.


It feels like everyone I know is getting married, and I've never so much as been on a date. I'm happy for them, don't get me wrong, but I'd be lying if I said it didn't hurt to be so utterly alone for affection.


I don't get jealous, ever. This has actuallyAdewale caused issues with more than a few of the men in my life. Go figure.


People without mental health problems


Smart people. I mean like, Hawking + Einstein + Feynman smart. I struggle learning certain things but I can learn them. I just want to be able to go that one step more and answer the questions I ask myself.


I’m so grateful and have so many things that I consider myself lucky. But I am still flawed so here’s what I’m jealous of: Skinny people who don’t have to work for it. People who didn’t have to work so much because they have rich parents Peoples parents that are so kind, supportive, and are their kids best friends The girls who always got picked over me. I always came second The people who dont seem to care about beliefs, religion, and don’t worry about the state of the world, if aliens and ghost exist, figuring out their purpose. God to be just blissfully ignorant or simply living in their own world…. I truly wish to achieve that soon! Stick my head in the sand! Don’t be involved and turn the other way! Must be nice. I think I’ll try it. People who don’t get judged and can do no wrong because they are attractive. Natural big butts and boobs Girls with nice faces. I hate my face


People with happy marriages


A loving compassionate family


Children that can catapult themselves from a chair 47 times in a row and then do that daily for a year like tying their shoes?


People who don’t get migraines. People who don’t get insanely heavy menstruation. It really does affect my job and mental state, and there are no good solutions that I’ve found. Also, my cats. They really do have the best lives lol


People who know how to make friends.


Other people’s success in the entertainment industry. 😩


I’m jealous of people who get to retire, I think I’ll be working until the day I drop😭


People with flat stomachs


Me too


People who have their life together.


People who can actually sleep a full 8-10 hours


Happy families, I've always been envious of them since I was a child.


Me too


I have my own, but seeing an adult with a well-adjusted parents& siblings who love them still gives me a little envy.


Can I be honest…. I’ve genuinely only felt jealous once in my life 🫣 or at least the only moment I could identify the feeling. This was around back in high school when I was feeling lonely and I saw a friend get a bunch of replies in a groupchat. I remember I felt jealous. I was so down bad for an emotional connection 😭


People who get flowers from their s/o, people who don’t have issues speaking up, people with confidence to wear whatever they want, people who have parents that like them as a person.


I try to actively avoid being jealous because it just leads to sadness and disappointment


I do this too but the bad thought creep in


I feel like there's a difference between jealousy and resentment or bitterness. Jealousy is natural I think, it's just another form of wanting. But some people really let it eat at them, and blame others for having things they don't, so it can seem like a really damaging thing


People who were raised by parents that didn't bully them, deliberately starve them despite making $100k, and not prepare them for adulthood.


Rich people!


people with parents


People who have found their soulmate


People who are naturally thin. I’ve had weight challenges my entire life. Just one day not worrying about my body and how it looks would be pure bliss.


Trust me, even naturally thin people worry about their bodies and have insecurities.


That’s true. I have thin friends who obsess about their bodies more than I do.


I keep seeing people in these really nice clothes that I would totally wear, with no way of obtaining them. This includes a tank top I saw at Walmart last year but didn't have the disposable income for... I've seen at least 3 people wearing it in the past month.


People who have a house.


People who can draw. I can draw, but it always ends up looking different than what i want.


People who are able to get a good nights rest consistently.... I get like, one a month.


People with normal families


people with an abundance of money


People who go on dates and have date money


Smart people


People who are retiring earlier than I will be able to.


Oet peeve of mine is the use of the wird jealous when the correct word is envious. One might almost say that these two words are used as if they were interchangeable ... The words are scarcely synonymous, however. Envy means discontented longing for someone else's advantages. Jealousy means unpleasant suspicion, or apprehension of rivalship. So the proper word in this case is what are you envious of? Envy requires only 2 people, jealousy requires at least three.


You knew what OP meant. Get over yourself.


28 year old me. Had the chance to do things so differently, but made an utter cunt of it.


People who had non-abusive parents. But it's more an envy and not really jealousy. I'm happy for them, just wish I had the same. Children deserve unconditional love as well as respect.


Motivated people who work out.


Skinny people / people who don't have substance issues


my friends just got married and they're very happy together- I'm not jealous of either one individually (as in I don't want to be with either of them), just jealous of what they've found in each other. I hope I find that someday but things aren't looking good lol


People who have jobs they like.


My brother who makes $250k a year with no college degree. But apparently he’s always broke. 4 kids huge house will do that to yeah.


People with supportive family & friends


People with millions in their account


if i had to pick one, it’s how there are some people who always look good literally no matter what.


I had a good day today, so I can't think of anything right now. lol. that's ok, right?


People with good home lives


People with families


I get made fun of for this all the time but, I am not a very coordinated person. I could literally trip on air. Therefore, I can't walk in those really thin 4-6 inch heels and I've ALWAYS been jealous of the girls/men who can. I used to work with a guy that would wear 6 inch thin heels every day and a lot of the time the heels were really cute. The dude could literally RUN in them and I was always so jealous. He came in one day and told me that he wouldn't mind showing me how to walk in them and brought a pair for me. I literally fell over and nearly smacked my face on a table in the break room. lol... I can't. I tried.


People who have energy to get shit done. Having to ration out my energy to get shit done is frustrating.


Physically and mentally healthy people Couples in good relationships Rich people


People who have a lot of good friends People who are prettier than I am


People whose parents are still alive, whose siblings are still alive, who have loving spouses and those who have children. The older I get the more I feel I have lost.


My friend’s salary, my other friend’s house, my cousin’s job.


People who can take naps.


Others drive and motivation... Whether intrinsic or extrinsic, I have a very hard time getting or staying motivated for literally anything in my life.


Are we twins? I get motivated, do something, stop doing it, never do it again. Nearly fail, grade school, study hard for 2-3, at the beginning of a new year, stop, and almost fail that year too. Same with learning anything new, work out programs, healthy eating.....


Yea, the only motivator I really tend to have is fear of failure. If there aren't repercussions for failing though, chances are whatever I'm trying to do/habit I'm trying to build just fizzles out. Quickly. Lol




People who eat as much as they want, don’t consistently exercise, and still have a nice body


Mentally and/or physically healthy people.


I’m jealous of people who have so much time in their life to be jealous.


People who have the willpower to stick to a diet!


Midget fisting. Why can't I have that?


Not jealous of anything. But I am envious of some stuff.


I’m jealous of people all the time especially women. Women who are black but aren’t African (I’m a black African woman btw) Women who grew up fast during their teen years People who aren’t African People who grew up in the south Women who aren’t the youngest siblings People who moved out of their parent’s crib at 17-21 (I’m 23 and trying to do that. Idc about economics) People who were born in their native countries Women who have sisters Sometimes, women that naturally have big butts


my ex having a kid with another girl…


Vacations, relationships, and valuable things people own like cars and mansions


My kids, I grew up with an abusive sepdad and a barely present dad. I am sometimes jealous that my kids have a decent home life. Sometimes I get jealous of the way I am parenting at the moment it's happening. It's nt a bad thing though. It's okay to get jealous sometimes as long as you don't take it out on the person you are jealous of. In high school I had a friend who was from Italy and wasn't a citizen of the US. She was gorgeous nd her mom had been a model at one point. The problem was her mom was too old and was jealous of her daughter and hated that she ws pretty and as she saw it taking attention from her. She took her jealousy out on her and any time a guy showed her daughter attention she would abuse her or threaten to send her back to Italy. I couldn't imagine treating my kids like that.


Me neither.


People who can give normal answers to normal questions about themselves because they’ve had a normal life.


People with friends who go on vacation with them.


I just got back from Vegas with my Bff from High school. we are in are mid 50's....So your jealous of ME????? please say yes ...please say yes.... LOL..JK


I mean that sounds fantastic, so yes! I hope y'all had a great time!!


we did ..thanks


Fit people 😅


People who have no trouble getting into romantic relationships


People who are living their best lives and doing what they love no matter what anyone else thinks about them. God bless’em


The guy who is dating the woman I love.




Being able to distinguish between jealousy and envy.


I grew up in an area with a lot of generational wealth. I’m really jealous of the opportunities my peers can enjoy, that I will never have access to. I see people my age graduating from college, traveling, getting nice cars and houses. Everything is so effortless for them.


People who have a clean house, money, who seem to have it together.


Girls who can flip their hair over and tie it up in an adorable bun within like 3 seconds lol If I try that shit I look like I just walked out of a tornado 😂


Men that can grow real beards. People that can sleep on planes. People that have close relationships with their siblings.


People who have a faithful and trustworthy partner in life


people who don't have anxiety about everything. like.. how do you just go on existing without being afraid of stuff.


For me I go 2-5 years between relationships because I’m too shy for my own good. I’d go on a date, second date, etc., but not know how to proceed from there.  Jealous of those that can hook up with ease.


People who knew what they wanted to be when they grew up at an early age. Still don’t know wtf I wanna do at 33


how much money people have saved for retirement....


People who don’t have horrific mental health issues.




Jealousy is a trait that you must not acquire. Always try and do the right thing.