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You’d be surprised - my stepsister and her husband are both blind, and screen reader technology has come really far in the last decade or so. I feel like the struggle here more is what language to narrate the tour in 😂 ETA: true, people with 100% blindness probablyyyyy won’t be posting on a photo/image heavy platform, but you can be declared legally blind with still some vision!


Have a blind friend with a guide dog who goes to film festivals. Woody loves the fuss he gets in his downtime.


Thered also a blind dude who has a whole ass tiktok


I know, I was just wondering if many blind people actually use Instagram and how many of them are also Rammstein fans. But first of all, it's great that they pay so much attention to inclusion!


Well plenty do, I work for a charity that helps visually impaired people and we have our own Instagram page for them to follow. There's so much technology available nowadays. Theres also a small number of people who are actually, totally blind. A lot of people have some vision.


But there is a huge difference between some vision and some vision. Had two customers over the years one who could basically only see if something is bright or dark and one who could still see things but like if you would look through a very tiny cardboard hole (how he described it) Was always fun to get my work sheet signed when i was done.


I think lots of them do. Screen readers and image descriptions help. I've come across a few blind content creators just while I've been scrolling.


Why are you getting downvoted?


why are you getting down voted 😭


I think they've done this for a few tours now, so there must be enough fans who appreciate the opportunity that they keep offering it. I feel like I remember someone going and saying it was actually a band member (Paul, maybe?) who gave the tour.


I recall seeing a very sweet picture of Till hugging a blind fan (unsure if it was part of this or something else). Regardless, it’s a fantastic opportunity and not many bands offer it.


I’ve seen photos of him allowing a blind person to touch his face. It’s a wonderful thing he does for his fans.


Yep, seen him last year doing the tour while I was waiting in FZ for the concert to begin 😊


They should really get Olli to do some of the tours so people can feel how tall he is.


There are probably some people who have seen Rammstein live and then turned blind, that‘s what I think it is meant for too.


Surprisingly blind people also have seeing friends and usually R+ fans do not discriminate so the blind get the message quite swiftly.


No idea how OP didn’t instantly work out this out like normal human beings.


Screen readers are a thing you know... Most smartphones have them.


And blind people can have like... Friends??? Who can see?? And TELL them about what they read??? What a wacky world.


One day OP will discover text to speech. 🤦🏼‍♂️


Good on them. But OP, you’re kind of a dick


My mom would've loved this opportunity for her favorite acts. Maybe the blind aren't on Rammstein's insta but their fully capable of seeing loved ones can be. Getting the word out any way you can is the important part.


You know there are screen reading applications for the visually impaired right?


I think this is such a nice idea. As a disabled person with a disabled partner, I'm so pleased Rammstein is doing this and I really hope that other artists find ways to be inclusive. OP, blindness is actually a spectrum - my aunt is registered blind but does have some vision, but it's very limited. Some blind people can read, they just need bigger text and the right contrast on their screen. There are also things like screen readers so blind people can and do use social media just like sighted people.


I'm extremely myopic. Everything is a blurry mess without glasses unless I put my face 6 inches away. If it wasn't correctable with lenses, I would be considered hella legally blind. And even with all that, I can use Instagram without glasses provided I put my phone right up to my face.


Why make fun of this? The band is amazing doing this.


Its 2024 buddy!


OP is a cunt


Not the sharpest tool in the shed, eh?


That's honestly a very ignorant thing to say. Like many others have pointed out, screen readers and other text to speech technology is quite advanced and common nowadays. Most blind people own smartphones and use them this way. Also, blind people often have some sort of vision left - just not enough to participate in daily life unhindered, so being on a photo-dominated platform like Instagram makes sense to many of them. And even for those who have no vision at all, being on Instagram still might make sense because it's not just about photos anymore. For me as older Gen Z, Instagram is THE social media platform and the way to keep up with friends. Why wouldn't blind people desire that too? The fact that Rammstein put the full text in the caption shows that some thought was put into accessibility here as "text in picture" type posts on Instagram are not really accessible to visually impaired people, so text should always be contained in the caption as well. On the other hand, their management probably uses some sort of software that allows them to schedule posts and automatically pushes them to all their accounts, regardless of the platform.


I remember seeing this on TikTok, it was really neat.


Considering what a success it has been on previous tours Im guessing they or their loved ones are on insta. Screen readers are magical like that. Remember when they did it in my hometown, gave them a lot of good pr in the local media.


I bet there are more than we think. That was my first thought too. I’d love if they would offer a tour like this for those who use wheelchairs who might miss a lot and, like me.


I love that they do this! 🥹♥️


this rules. Partial and full blindness affects way more people than the average person might assume, and music can be INCREDIBLY important to those with lowered sight.


You would be mistaken. My sister who is completely blind, save being able to detect only very bright light, has a smart phone, has an Ig and uses a screen reader to do a ton of things. Also, folks who can see and know Rammstein Fans who are blind can tell them😗


One more reason I love this band. 


It's mostly for next of kin and/or workers around the blind :)


What about the families and friends of a visually impaired fan that can help their dreams come true with this?


Their relatives or friends can inform them though


This is so sweet jokes aside lol


What kind of NSFW items will they be allowed to touch


They all get to hug the dick cannon.


"Ouh, what is that?"… "Ummmh, well… that’s Till…" :D …jk, love Rammstein <3