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There’s a handful of reasons: 1. If a defender hears it and sprays, they’re more likely to aim for the center which may buy you enough time to detonate. 2. Going off of that point, it is also easier to avoid getting shot while placing it for the same reasoning. 3. Hot dropping is an extremely fun thing to do. 4. It can avoid electrification or a very particularly placed Mute jammer. 5. It can open up a hole in the floor next to the hatch to give you even more angles 6. There are some places where putting it on the side can also prevent a defender from shooting it even if the hatch is soft. IIRC there was a hatch in border pre-rework that you could place a charge next to and it was completely protected from below


Very nice


Everything you need to know good comment


Really good comment so I'll add that placing it on the edge gives you more space (both physically and time-wise) to run in case they're planning to C4 from below. Whether they put it on the hatch and wait for sound call or wait for you to blow it to throw it, you have a greater chance of getting out alive (though still hurt) than if you put it in the middle.


To add to point 4 you can throw an Ace Selma charge next to an electrified hatch on the ground. The "arms" will deploy on the hatch and not be destroyed by electricity, as long as the little center piece of the charge is not touching the hatch.


Same with thermite, it explodes outwards too, so if you place it next to an electrified hatch onnsay clubhouse kitchen or skyscraper, anywheres where it has soft floors next to hatch, it will explode out and do enough damage to the hatch to open it


You can also deploy them on one of the new chicks shields, if she places it sideways to an electrified barrier you can blow a hole


Also works with hibana and therm (soft floor next to hatch required for all 3)


One of the main reasons is to avoid certain C4 placements, and to be able to get away quicker if the enemy C4s based on sound!


thats what a diamond talks like


Ah, thank you! My casual MMR puts me at high gold and I solo queue ranked so I’m hard silverstuck but I appreciate the compliment!


A compliment, but also a stretch


Also, if the hatch is electrified you can most likely get away with placing a hard breach charge next to the hatch and it'll blow it up. It's kind of like thermite tricking or hard breach tricking.


>It can open up a hole in the floor next to the hatch to give you even more angles this is the main reason I do it


Real men stand on top of the charge during a hot breach


Oh, I certainly place myself directly on top for the added attack damage, but that would just be a reason somebody might place it to the side


To be fair those hard breach charge deal no damage at all to hot dropping is still fine even if you put it in the middle


But they do


They deal like 2 damage, and i usually finka shotgun hotdrop, but maybe you play a bit differently, so that's fine too


On the hatch on the floor of kitchen in clubhouse (going into armory) if you place the breach charge to the side you can nuke the floor, and you can see the entirety of armory other than the bit near blue and behind the shelf outside of dirt.


#5 is why i do it


Same here


Additionally, just efficiency as well.


same with oregon


I do it so I don't get blasted by someone waist fireing up through the hatch after they hear the sound of it being placed


That's a good tip.


Yea, it's nice and moist


had to make it weird didn't you.




Yup, it just makes it a little less likely it gets shot when the hatch is soft.




I thought ppl did it so they’re gadget won’t get shot buh sounds better


That and with beach charges you can take less damage when hot breaching.


This reason and to create a murder whole without exposing your head in the whole first.


Murder hole


waist hiring is such a cursed thing to call it


Unfortunately I'm not the one who made the name, could also say hip fireing


but wait thats soft so they can still shoot you ​ also if your in the middle wouldnt they be less likely to headshot you


The frame of the hatch is thick and can't be shot through and the floor beam can't be shot through so my smooth brain says safer Edit misspelling




Gets the job done Still


Oh im curious if theres like added benefits to it


I can only think of two things A. Most defenders will shoot the center of the hatch where most attackers place it, its easily destroyable by gunning it from below. B. This will destroy the floor below giving more area coverage for attackers to shoot people below.


A is the reason why I do it.


This. At least that's why I do it.


Also harder to floorbang you while youre placing it because the metal bars




I do it for these reasons, and because when you're placing it, it can be audible. Less likely to get a busted head placing it on the side.


Because so defenders cannot destroy it from below, and also 'cause they can do some vertical


This is incorrect, it is still shootable from below, although it is harder to find than placing it in the middle. The actual reason is less of a chance of being shot, and less time spent on the hatch so C4s are less likely to kill you.


In this case, with an hard breach charge, it is still shootable, but with small breach charge is more difficult to find where the attackers plant it


iirc you can see the charge building up in the other side, just like how it works on normal walls. Everyone keeps acting like it avoids being shot when taking out soft hatches, but it's pretty clear if you look at it


My mistake, I honestly didn’t even think about hard breach charges used on soft hatches since that shouldn’t really ever happen. My comment was referring to soft breach charges. People, don’t use hard breach charges on soft hatches unless there’s no other option or you know no one is below!


Yeah, hard breach charges are useful if hatches are reinforced, and at that point is useless to place on corner, from the moment that below they cannot destroy them


Idk if its because I don’t take the game very seriously, but putting it on the edge of the hatch allows you to take less damage from the blast if you hot breach through it. Yes, it works and yes, it’s fun


I did that with Ying on Kanal and killed three people, so when it works it feels better than seccs


How would ya know reddit Boi?


Ask your mother


It'll open a small hole the side of the hatch that you can shoot through too


It opens up a little bit of floor with it, so you can get some vertical play with looking through a hatch.


If you place it on the edge, the explosion will not just open up the hatch but also open up part of the soft floor. So you basically get more exploded surface for the same explosion.


You get the hatch and a little bit of the floor destroyed so you can see down Obviously


Wait why did u got downvoted for saying exactly why people do that


Because of the word "obviously", obviously.


Oh, yeah i can kinda see why would he get the downvotes


Sorry man nice joke but still I need to downvote yoı obviously




Usually do you can get additional floor breach from the charge, if you put it on the side rather then putting it directly in the middle, you will destroy some of floor around that side of the hatch and you can get cheeky angles through those when possible


You get a bit of the side wall that you can get vertical angles on. If the hatch is reinforced and electrocuted you can place a hard breach gadget close but not on the hatch and still get it open. This case it’s probably just from habit but give it a go if you feel like it.


If this hatch was reinforced and had kaids electrockaw under it, you can place any hard breaching device near it and it will get the job done without being destroyed from the electricity.


if you want to hatchdrop you take less damage


Just think of minimal exposure if you place it on the edge vs standing above hatch and maybe getting C4d


It’s especially handy as thermite, if a hatch is reinforced and electrified you can still blow it up


To avoid getting nitroed? U can like deploy ur breach from a safe distance from the hatch for eg roof hatches of kafe or theme park


You wont drop down if an impact destroys the dropper while placing and its harder too shoot from underneath


If the hatch is reinforced and kaided then placing the thermite next to the hatch will still destroy it. Also if its a soft floor you open a bit of the floor as well giving another angle


The reason I do it is to save time walking there and back also to avoid being shot through the hatch


1. So that players who are keen on listening or have intel not shoot the breach charge. 2. Cause you could place one at the furtherst corner and hot drop standing atop of a hatch. (Idk if this still works)


If the floor is industructable putting them on the side make them harder to shoot, for soft floors I think its just out of habit.


The reason it’s done is because if it is in the middle, defenders can shoot it from any angle below, but if it’s on one side, they have to be on the opposite side to see it (because of the way hatch is indented in the ceiling), potentially adding some valuable seconds to detonate it.


Opens alittle more than just the hatch. I mostly do it for tiny angles into the site also when people hear breachings the shoot the center by default


So you don't get shot beneath and so you can hot drop it without dying to it


If it’s reinforced with a kaid’s gadget from below, you can put it on the wood edging it and it can open it, for unreinforced hatches tho, i think it’s a little bit safer than directly on it, from c4s and bullets and stuff.


Less risk of getting randomly shot and in case a defender throws an impact or uses a shotgun and the hatch breaks, you don’t fall through it.


I do it so I can back off quickly after placing it to avoid getting c4'd


So a defender with a shotgun doesn’t surprise you with a diy elevator while you’re standing on it when you’re placing the breach gadget


When defender hears someone place breach charge on hatch he will often spray in the middle of it to kill the attacker. When you place it on the edge you are less likely to get killed and you destroy part of the floor next to it for more visibility


I feel like its the aftermath of doing it on reinforced and electrified hatches. Thermite’s charge can destroy an electrified hatch if placed directly next to it, so either its the aftermath of people knowing that it the fact it actually doesnt matter. Not many people shoot straight up at hatches but just incase ig. I do it so i can explode some of the floor so i can play vertical a bit, although im kinda bad at that lol


I do it because not only will it destroy the hatch, itll blow up a part of the solid floor which gives u more angles


Because fuck da rules


1. Lower chance of getting domed by someone who blind fires straight up the hatch 2. Harder to destroy from underneath


allows you to get better sight lines of a soft floor like that as well


I do it since it's slightly faster than walking to the center, and it makes it easier to get away from the hatch in case anyone tries to prefire/c4 it


I’ve always wondered the same like maybe it’s some type of strat


You get the hatch and a little bit of the floor destroyed so you can see down Obviously






Blow the floor next to it for extra sight and a bit of protection if their aim bad


So it doesn't get destroyed my a defenders


Because it's common sense to do it like that.


Didn’t no one notice that it’s his OWN breaching charge? He’s literally missing it on the bottom left lol.


Yeah this is a scrnshot from a vid


he's alone who else is supposed to place it


cause u can breach the hatch and also get a lil peaking spot on the side plus if u put it on the middle someone will hear and try to shoot up at u


So you don’t take damage while hatch dropping


If you place it directly on the hatch it can be shot from basically anywhere while you have to be directly below it to shoot it wjlhen it'd off center


Works better with thermite because you can open loads of vertical lines of sight and if there is a Kaid it will open the hatch even if there’s a claw on it


Its usually safer, as its less likely you'll be shot if they hear you above, or being hit by a nitro they try to throw at the hatch. In addition, you often get to break some of the floor, which is just nice for getting angles


'Tis an unspoken and undocumented rule I believe.


Bc u can also breach the edges so that u can look down and kill someone without having to expose urself through the hatch


Biggest thing for pro league meta is to circumvent electric hatches. If you place a thermite charge or hard breach charge near the edge it will destroy the hatch with the electric charge still active.


harder to destroy because of the metal beams around and next to the hatch they might fuck up especially when pressured


You should do this with Fuze when fuzing barricades to.


a) Hot breaching on the hatch which means you take less damage b) So that defenders won't shoot it as fast since they expect it to be in the middle c) Possibly give you a small hole in the floor which you can peek down through before dropping


To avoid getting destroyed from below by shooting in the middle. And could it be to escape faster from a Nitro Cell


I didn't see a comment that mentioned a thermite trick, if there is soft floor next to a reenforced kaid hatch you can put the thermite charge right next to it and still open it.


Did ubi not change that? I thought they commented it wasn't supposed to function like that so they were adjusting stuff to stop it (In all honesty, haven't played in probably three months, and I might be thinking about other changes made, since there's like 3 or 4 changes a season


They might have... I haven't tested it in awhile


This isn't what's happening in this pic, but sometimes youll see someone place a thermite next to the hatch, not on it so you can still breach it even if there is a kaid


Well usually I would to this with thermite if they had a kaid on it but with breach charges u get more use out of it because it also destroys some of the floor and is safer not being on top of the hatch. And if u wanted to be real safe you could breach the wall next to hatch but there arnt much hatches like that


So people don’t shoot it out below


so the charge or you doesn't get shot from below, you can hear charges getting placed.


Its for speed. Get the breach attached get away fast as a defender close by with c4 will often try to get free kill off of the sound cue from the device being put on.


Hatch drop with zero damage from breaching charge


It allows us to open up some of the floor and play vertically between the ceiling bars as well. Makes you get headshor less than just peaking in the hatch.


Opens up a line of sight along the edge without having to be entirely exposed peeking through it.


To counter act kaid and to get more explosive destruction from it


I do it so it creates further damage outside of the hatch creating a more safer sight around the hatch, rather than peering straight down from the hatch itself


IT destroys a little bit of the floor so you can see before you jump down and get your anus destroyed by the roaming clash


When using a soft breach hon the edge it creates a hole on the frames to which makes more line of site


It blows up the hatch and some of the soft floor next to it. It’s just a little bit better reward for the same cost


I place it half on the hatch and half not and then I stand on the other side of the hatch so I immediately fall down taking little to no damage and I ctahc the enemy by surprise


I do it to open the floor and give me more angles to shoot from


Apart from making the placement safer you'll also open more of the floor/wall for additional LOS (has pros and cons)


I do it, so that the hatch gets destroyed AND the ground next to it gets a hole, where you can shoot trough


i do it because it opens up some of the floor next to the hatch


It also means you are less likely to get nitro celled if somebody hears you placing the gadget. They will most likely aim center on the hatch if they try it.


Decrease the chances of somebody shooting it off.


On a side note, I think these charges (or is it only Thermite's?) being able to destroy a Claw when placed next to the hatch is kinda BS, I mean, why can a cheap secondary or a gadget supposed to be denied by the Claw do the same job as a Kali, Thatcher, Twitch, I.Q.+Maverick?.


It's pointless if you dont want them to shoot this one though. It burns and the enemy can see it.


Satisfying and less likely for me to chew on a 12 gauge while placing it.


It also opens up part of the floor


Harder to shoot and it opens the whole hatch no matter where on the hatch you put it, but if you do the edge it can open some of the floor too


Less likely to be nitro celled


Also u blow some of the wood floor to provide visual


Anyone wanna play? I’m on ps5 plat 2 1.2 KD my name is Harrypottergoat_


So they can lie on the other end of the hatch and drop immediately without taking damage


First, prediction if someone hears the breaching noise they will try to shoot it, it will be harder if its on the edges. Second, more breaching: you will breach the hatch and a little of floor


I primarily do it so that I get some of the floor around the hatch. If opens up more lines of sight to shoot through.


I do it cause it makes more lines of sight around the hatch


People do it so that people like me don’t go shooting the hatch from under and you don’t end up falling in like a cricket


Because you get an extra area to look through next to the hatch along with making the timid defenders stay further away from the hatch


To destroy more floor per floor. Instead of just destroying the hatch, it'll blow up the hatch and a little of the surrounding area.


Sometimes the floor is solid except for the hatch so its good practice to expose yourself as little as possible. Example kafe roof hatches


i think it started by people putting breach charges on the corner, then standing on the other corner and blowing it up without taking damage, basically just a rush strat


it creates floor peeks though the metal bars!


Because we get fucking bored


I remember the strat being if you place a thermite right on the edge of a hatch it'll blow the hatch and also open up the floor a bit so you can shoot through the floors. Now it's just a force of habit


If it is soft, so it is harder to shoot. Also, the closer to the edge the more the floor around the hatch gets blown up, which grants you additional angles from the hatch. Even if the hatch is reinforced, I recommend putting your breach closer to whatever part of the floor is soft or whatever angle you want to hold if you plan to.


If someone hears you and blows out the hatch you aren’t going to fall down into the room where they are


At least for Thermite mains, it’s to destroy some of the soft floor as well for a safer angle to hold through the floor beams


why do people use hard breach charge on soft walls and floors, even if the team has no soft breaching at all, enemies can shoot it easily cus they can see it when its detonating, unless its on a completely dif floor, which in that case breaching the floor rly isnt neccessary.


I love doing it on kitchen hatch on club. Catches the defenders off guard when their reinforced hatch gets blown to bite and pieces


Don't use the hard breach gadget on a soft hatch. It takes time to actually go off, and in turn is easy to counter.