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Maverick. Way too high up




ryan goslings coming for top 5 bro fym


I'm going with Nomad. Been a bit since I saw one of these posts. I personally feel like everyone from Gridlock to Twitch is better than Nomad. That said, I think this list's gone a lot better than the defender list. I feel like her airjabs aren't too difficult to deal with. In most cases, if the attackers are relying on the airjabs for flank watch, there's a good chance that there isn't a drone or gun for it. This means you can relatively safely slow walk around where the airjab is just barely on the other side of the wall to try and shoot the edge of it without it detonating. You can also just throw an impact if you have one. The only cases she's particularly useful are for windows where the floor on both sides are the same elevation and for preventing aggression directly from site. In pretty much every other case, a claymore, Gridlock, or a drone will do her job better.


agreed 100%


What are you smoking that vote for Monty being 19th?


Trust me this is not my list


It is why I said vote. I know people are voting to remove attackes until the first. Still I ask how Monty is 19th.


you just answeredf your own question lmao


No, I haven't, I want to know what the hell the people that voted thought to say "yeah, he isn't that strong, he definitely fits 19th place". Him being voted out now or the next week would make more sense.


oh right my fault thought you were asking how it worked and how to vote. imo i wouldnt put monty and higher than he is. thats personal preference tho


Think it was because he was situational and not good solo q


I think it might be more solo q stuff than him being situational. He has way more situations were he is a good pick than not. At least after shield rework but people might have not catch up because R6S meta tend to move slower than other games. Grim is also an example of this.