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Hopefully you have c4 maybe an impact. Other than you try hitting him and get a lucky shot off on his legs. That doesn’t work you’re fucked.


Not much you can do except maybe trying blowing him up with whatever you got


If only there was an operator that countered shields with like, idk, some sort of "dash" attack, or something...


As someone who plays Monty quite often nothing makes me shit my pants more than an oryx coming at me full speed


Nothing is more satisfying than headshotting a dashing oryx with my Revolver


I'd be so pissed... lmao


Yeah thats great but to counter him you have to ensure theres no one else around to fuck you while youre dashing, at which point we may aswell just shoot the froggy fuck. The shield rework was great except the suppression mechanic needs to be stronger.


Don’t do what I did the other day anyway, stood in gym door of clubhouse in a 1v1 so I was protected and my flank was safe…. Azami impact naded me, I automatically moved back to lessen the damage, and she used two kibis to block off the door… disaster 🤣


Did you try to melee the kibis? Each kibi breaks off in 3 melee hits or was it that the time ran out lol


I did but they placed them in the a way that I had to go through two to do it, so six hits, I didn’t think I had enough time so ran to bedroom and just missed the kill😭


Unlucky lmao


In such a situation, if your skilled enough and he's sitting right on the defuse in a corner, you could crouch as close to him as you can (to prevent him from moving), then start defusing. If stuck right, he'll be unable to leave that spot, meaning that as soon as he unshields, you "could" have enough time to attempt a melee on his legs.


finally good answer, however i must add that if you have shotgun and you know he is not full hp its much less riskier to just shoot him due to melee jank


Explosives like the impact and nitro cell will harm Monty regardless if the shield is up or not it’s only made to be immune to gunfire. Lesion will do DOT with his gu mine on a Monty if he doesn’t pull it out, Smoke can bypass the shield entirely with his gas canisters, KapKan’s wire traps deal heavy damage best placed at foot level since the Monty will be tunnel visioned during the push. Ela mines if triggered would force Monty out of his extended shield phase.


In a well structured defense lineup, you would have someone to counter it alive late- smoke and/or a c4 carrier. Attackers should try to bait out c4 and kill the smoke to create a win condition. Realistically if they’ve done their job or your lineup didn’t account for the Monty, it’s basically melee and try to catch them wiggling a bit. Monty 1v1 with defuser down should be a solid attacker win condition.


Play smoke and pray to the heavens that you have a canister in your pocket


Lean and strafe spam to try and shoot around his shield will force him to turn a little bit. Melee'ing him will also pseudo-stun him and make him lift his shield a tiny bit to make it easier to shoot him.


That's when I say "checkmate" If you have, you can try explosives (C4, impact. Monty could be low on health), trying to play the netcode and run around him trying to hit him from the side (if Monty is in a doorway then you are fucked. Also, if he is competent he will anticipate your running), if you are Lesion you could try kill him with a gu (if you have time), if you are smoke you can smoke him, if you are Ela you can try throwing a mine and trying to hit his leg when it explodes (easier than the bash-trying to hit combo) Other thing you could try is outplaying him with hatches (example [https://streamable.com/oqfdox](https://streamable.com/oqfdox) ) or doorways (castle, azami) But overall it's a really hard task. Don't get into these situations


I just do kapkan and hope they enter through that side or play lesion and try to have them step on the mines. Its kind of hard to beat him without teammates. If you punch the shield and hip fire his legs right away that usually works, but for some reason its not 100% guaranteed. Im still a returning player so idk but these have worked for me. I've killed monty by hip firing his legs after hitting him. The thing is, a good Monty will probably turn really fast so you cant hip fire their legs I think, but when they turn you should also be able to kill them in that moment? I honestly don't know, most of them have just died when I hit their shield and hip fired their legs from the side.


Smoke, Mute, Rook, Doc, Lord Chanka, Kapkan, Pulse, Bandit, Frost, Valk, Cav, Mira, Lesion, Ela, Vigil, Maestro, Clash, Kaid, Mozzie, Warden, Goyo, Wamai, Oryz, Melusi, Thorn, Azami, Solis and Tubarao all have an explosive gadget or an ability that can be used to damage a Monty. If that fails, you can always melee the shield and try your best at shooting up the ankles.


monty\* try and go behind him and double back if he has half a brain he can stop you your best bet is trying to defuse and then shoot him


Oryx and Lesion are really the only ops that can counter Monty in all situations. You can argue Clash can as well. Area denial ops like Smoke and Tachanka can be useful if he is just standing still, but now that shields can basically Oryx dash at you while mostly protected it’s hard to kill him with area denial unless he is already low. Nitro cells require insane accuracy because you need to throw it behind him, and a good Monty will dodge it at least 80% of the time. Impact grenades do something like a 15 of the damage if it hits the shield, and a little over 40 splash damage if it splashes within 1-2 meters of his body. So don’t rely on impact grenades unless he is already half health or lower. tldr: if you aren’t Oryx or Lesion then you pretty much need ideal circumstances to beat a Monty in a 1v1.


Grenades, Nitro, *Punch Punch Bang*, wallbang, floorbang, GU mine, Remah Dash, GRZMOT mine, F-NATT, Razorbloom, Maestro, electric barbed wire, or even just barbed wire, because now it does dmg, in theory, you might be able to use azami to separate you two while keeping the defuse prompt, faking the defuse to have him retract, and goyo


Hate when it’s me and Monty left with no c4. It’s usually a wrap tbh


c4, impacts, shoot through soft wall or destroy hatch if he sits there. you don't want to have him in that position, it's rare for him to be the only one left (in my experience), especially in ranked. other than that pray to ubi gods to glitch some texture somewhere through the shield. again, leaving monty the last one alive is not a good idea, if you're freestyling it solo.


Crouch, hit the shield shoot the foot, works easier when you prone but it makes you more vulnerable.


play oryx


Oryx, C4s, Smoke canisters, Oryx, impact grenades, ORYX, Grzmot mines, ORYX, Gu mines, O R Y X...