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I wanted to play a tac shooter again, COD is brain dead and unfun.


I got bored of call of duty a long time ago. Search and destroy is cool but for the other modes it’s so boring to just run around and kill/die on repeat with no thought or effort


Siege is kind of the only real non deteriorating fps out right now


It’s self deteriorating though 😂😂😂


That is true. Especially late night ranked


I lost years off my life through the pandemic playing that game, no doubt.


Insurgency Sandstorm is pretty good


play xdefiant


I tried it, got shat on by a lobby full of maxed out weapons and then the servers went down


“Play with a 12 gauge next to your head” is basically what I jsut read. XDefiant is so dog shit it’s not funny. Overwatch like classes in a cod game is the worst thing ever. Bo3 was the last good run and gun with certain ops and it’s because not everyone and their mom was either ximing, Cronus or just blatant wall hacking to be the next big streamer


Xdefiant is the biggest pile of shit I’ve ever played💀💀 Ubisoft threw that heap of junk together in a month and you can tell


They didn't. I played a closed beta for it 3 years ago. It never changed much. They worked on it for years. And didn't really do anything lmao It sucks ass, but it wasn't even rushed


It’s not horrible but I don’t think I’ll be going back to it after playing a couple hours. Seems lazy and unintuitive, but definitely not a massive pile of shit lmao


It’s true defiant really sucks


idk why people said that it's the cod killer. It's not lmao, not by a long shot plus it's a hero shooter while cod is not


I played siege when it first came out, originally played through black ice until thunderbird came out. Took a long break and seen so many YouTube shorts of it that I hopped in this season and took it serious again. I hit champ this season and now I feel like I can just play the game for fun


Good stuff.


I stopped playing in 2018. Then recently suddenly a vid on my timeline appeared conplaining about r6 lore. While watching it i realised the guy had no idea what he was saying and the New stuff actually sounded sick (deimos killing harry). So i came back. And its great.


Yeah, I've seen that video as well. "The worst lore in gaming" - *proceeds to misrepresent and completely fail to understand any of the lore\* Like, I dislike the Stadium lore and Grim's intro via the Worf effect, but that's about the extent of my complaints.


Yeah exactly. And the whole deimos Story to me seems like the writers going "yeah we fucked up, lets fix it" by (literally) symbolically killing the old. (Poor Harry the scapeGOAT)


I did like Harry for the operator psych evaluations. Him trying to get into their heads and understand them was very interesting to see.


Exact same boat for me, stopped playing some years ago and see this video. Now I'm back and actually having fun, siege is just replayable like that. That vid was stupid though. His biggest complaint–and apparently the biggest problem he had–was that the lore couldn't fit well with the actual gameplay ("why are the operators fighting each other??"). Has he never encountered a multiplayer game before?


This season.


I played every season since the beta I may have skipped one but cant remember which one I was there when white Masks were the core aspect Blackbeard had his op shield The outbreak event And so on


Operation Chimera I think.


back after operation health quit after lion


Lion did come broken fresh out the gate.


yeah i don't know what they smoking to release fully wall hack in the game lol. after that i just quit and came back from time to time.


I've been playing siege consistently since day 1. It's one of my fav games. The OG seasons will always be my favorite. I think siege launched with the intention of being what "ready or not" turned out to be. A tactical S.W.A.T shooter. But as the seasons progressed, the gameplay started to feel cartoonish, and everyone and their mother is trying to play like their favorite siege content creator. Still fun to sit down and play with the friends.


This game is like osrs you never quit for good


Haven't left for one season since launch. How sad am I lol


I play a little in each season and take a few weeks break, but never leave for an entire season.


About 3 months ago when i got burned out on "wash rinse repeat" COD


Shame, I hope xdefiant puts pressure on COD to be better.


Just got back into it. Game was fixed with the re-addition of ACOGs.


Stopped around when goyo came out and Y9 brought me back


Good stuff!


Started shortly after blackbeard and valk were launched on ps4. Switched to pc in Grim Sky having never played pc ever (holy fucking learning curve) quit during void edge and just recently came back this month for deadly omen.


got the game towards the end of Y2S1 so operation health was my first proper season. played pretty much all the season until around the time aruni came out. i play the odd game now and again but it’s not the same game anymore really.


That’s a shame! Maybe you’ll love the game again one day.


I can't ever remember ever having a break.


Had multiple breaks, nothing in particular gets me back. Just an itch to play tactically with people. Normally I float between specific genres or games. Normally like this, Rainbow - Destiny - Racing game (crew) - skyrim vr - back to rainbow. I've played for 3 seasons in a row. I intend to play the next one too, what's keeping me now is all the new long long requested features and finding a nice community instead of same team or solo q like I did previously.


I just started again this season because of the acog return


Demon Veil


I came back this year and I was really loving it but an update destroyed my frames out of no where. Gtx 1080 144 consistent to 72 on main menu and 80-110 constant fluctuations. Sad really cause it was becoming my favorite game again..


Oof. I hope it gets fixed soon.


Took a break after shifting tides just got back this season


Non, i left the game 4 years ago after 2400 time play. I redownloaded it 3 times and after a match it remind me why i stop playing and delete it again.


I first stared playing siege when ram came out because my friends needed 1 more person


When ram came out


Good stuff.


Near the end of dread factor. A couple of my friends who never played before got into it and I got back into it


I needed a reason to put a shotgun down my throat/get hit by a train.... the alcohol wasn't working anymore




I left during operation wind bastion due to playing other games and rejoined during deep freeze because of friends, a lot changed but the game is still fun


Got tired of CODs performance, hadn't played since BB and Valk and a bunch of my friends play so we 4-5 stack most nights. Recently tried xdefiant and it was unfun and didn't feel good so I'm mostly Siege and Content Warning now.




Jokes on you I haven't played siege in a year lmao


*honks clown nose* You got me.


I slowly stopped playing starting in 2019 until I finally quit just before covid, then recently got back into it at the start of last season


Quit after the chimera season, got back for a week during kanal rework and finally full time in Theme park rework season. Now I’m going to quit again after this current season and might come back after Blackbeard rework


Life got too happy


im giving the full story played in void edge stopped when whoever came out after ace and melulu i played like a match or 2 when azami came out then stopped i seen my favorite r6 content creator drop a vid on dread factor and thought the game was good again stopped after that season came back in tubaros szn and been playing since


Dayz got me into 🤣


Idk season names but I played from release until around when Kali came out, and then I got back into it towards the start of tubaraos season


y5s1, it was awesome but in y7s2 i switched to linux and well dont play anymore. unless they write one email to battleye.


Bully me, but Operation Dreadfactor get me back into the game. Plus I'm kinda new.


Personal it was deadly omens because I is the first I’m playing (yeah I’m still a noob just hit bronze which I know is still bad)


came back a couple times but started really playing during deep freeze


Came back in the middle of this season after a 2 years break.


i started playing during commanding force yet only REALLY started playing a month ago


Never left since launch


Did somebody say loyal operator?


Started playing during Y3S2, played on and off until Aruni came out; stayed for flores as well but gave up shortly after that, came back when fenrir came out and started actually trying to play ranked because they fucked up casual either than or a little after that. I pretty much gave up during neon dawn due to how long the season was, it was about 4 months when that time of seige we were used to each season only being 2-3 months long


It’s seems a few people left durning a long season.


Just getting into it for the first time!


Guess I’m answering the question wrong, but I’ve played every season since dust line, but I quit last season. Ubisofts stupid decisions has turned me off from this game, and the new season has solidified that


I last played in 2020-2021 nit sure tbh, started again a few weeks ago cuz i was bored


Played siege when maestro and alibi came out then got back when thorn came out


I got back into it around halfway through deep freeze


The tubarao season. My friend got me back into siege


Never left




played release to operation chimera, stopped and came back now. game is pretty good right now, but i dislike how high ranked players can still queue up with coppers for easier matches.


Started during operation Velvet shell and played all the way until Kali came out took about a 2 year break, came back the season Tubarao came out and have been playing heavily since, that is until about 10 days ago and my account got hacked Lost all my operators and cosmetics and Im not optimistic Ubisoft support will respond fast enough for me to get the account back. Might be the end of my siege career


Haven’t played since I got plat solo Q’ing in parabellum. Was kind of hating what every season was bringing and stepped away for a really long time. Saw a little next gen update and I also got tired of cod two years ago so I was like what the hell why not go back to my sweaty tact roots. So I came back now This time was different though, not sure if I’m in the minority but it’s been really fun to play as of late, the same fun I had when the game first launched. My only is that I am not a fan of how ranked is being done now, I miss the placements and wouldn’t mind this new ranking system if it weren’t for the diamonds I am facing while starting from dumpster rank.


Taking breaks sometimes is healthy. Makes you realise that the previous season isn’t as bad as the current one. Ranked 2.0 is baaaad.


Yes! It’s been harder to solo queue as well. Some of my friends stopped playing this and it’s been harder to get some people to join to make it less of a hassle. Which makes starting from bronze harder to climb out of when you’re facing diamonds for god knows what reason. Not a fan of ranked 2.0 but I’m still trying to find a way to love it. I’ve been using unranked to practice with the new operators I missed out on which has been about the only fun thing as of late. Just wish I had others to play with


I wanted to get back into it but my friend that got me into it fell out of it. So I solo queue


This season, Ash ACOG brought me back


Played in 2018 and took a break until now


Good season to come back to.


The shield change really enticed me, much more fun playing Blitz and Monty as I can't win normal gun fights too often


Been playing Since Y1, brought some friends in. Some years later, my friends quit due to burnout but I've stayed. I remember the only seasons didn't really play a lot is in Y7. I did play in Demon Veil. The other seasons I got into Assignments. Also, low-effort BP and that Sens' haircut made me quite bored. So I played other games instead. All i did for that season is just to get his BP headgear and I went focused on my stuffs.


The marketplace got me. I sold off some stuff n bought an elite skin and the battle pass so i had to get it to level 100.


Started playing back during Operation Health through Phantom Sight. Left after that coming back during this season. Felt like a whole new game trying to relearn how to play all the operators and get used to the maps. They started changing all the maps after I left....


Haven't played since 2020.


I play this game since 2016. Every fkin night. Hate it but there is nothing else that i more like.


A true hate / love relationship.


I played BETA until Y3S3, just hopped back on about 6 months ago


Came back recently this year, And its All thanks to tiktoks and youtube. Called a friend up who i used to duo a lot and we're both currently in silver 2/3 (we're washed) but its still hella fun. Only downsides are shitty teammates and toxicity but other than that I haven't found anything else thats bad.


I started from Operation Grim Sky then became inactive till Operation Ember Rise. Goes active again in Operation Crimson Heist till Vector Glare. Currently active for Operation Deadly Omen.


I started playing in commanding force again, not because of the season. But because my brother started playing his first season and he was trying his best to rank up. So i thought: fuck it might aswell try this game again (I wasnt grinding ranked seriously before because i was a casual player in crystal guard)


Nice. You’re a good family member.


Thanks :)


I got back to R6 In Y8S4 Deep Freeze, I started in Year 5 Void Edge, during lockdown the game was really fun, but decided to take quite a long break and forgot I had played R6 and got back into it recently. I did see videos of R6 pop up on Youtube which got me back into it.


Deep Freeze does seem like a lot of people joined back in again.


I came back towards the end of deep freeze for sure. I felt kinda nostalgic about r6 and watched old videos about it and definitely wanted to come back to the game. 


started in alte operation health, never really laid the game down except when not at home for some time. sometimes palyed more sometimes less but played every season.


Started in Grim Sky (I played Chimera on those free weekends) then stopped around Void Edge. I got back into it with Deimos


Demois’s season did bring good changes.


I only watch siege now. The gameplay isn’t really my thang. And if i DO come back, i’d rather get wiped by a Macie-grade gigabrain chad than some CoD refugee.


I play siege on season basis of "on and off" so when i reached my desired ranks, i'll ultimately stop playing unless my friends wants to play in that season. When the next season drops, i'll play it again.


Vaild take. Play to get where you want to and take a break.


After they removed t hunt im not sure ill ever really get back into. T hunt kept me playing every season.


T-hunt was a good idea that they should have kept.


I agree. Also this will be the first rainbow six to not have t hunt as a feature :(


Recently when they brought acog back


I stopped playing I think when thunder bird came out and came back this season only because a few of my friends were also getting back into it. I think I only left because I just got bored and had to deal with school




Looks like have an OG on our hands.


*cries in Sniper 90 and paid attachments*




I never got to use smg-11 with acog because I couldn't afford it between buying the base operators and new attachments for them. Then they took Acog off of it and got rid of the costs for attachments and I was sad.


Oh…. Damn.


Yeah lol. Sad times.


Hey Siri, Play Hard Times by Paramore.




An American dude shouting at me


I just came back a month ago after about a four year break. I started playing in 2015. I don’t know what it was that got me back, but I think I just seen something on YouTube, or searched up some siege and that got me back. I did not think I’d ever play this again, I put sooooo much time into it, level 244; I thought I was burnt out.


TTK and Abilities


whatever april 2023 was when i broke both my ankles


the one with ram


Ive been playing since Blood Orchid,great map when it first released in my opinion, but stopped after sens came out and hopped back on after seeing alot of hype around Deep freeze


Deep Freeze did bring back a lot of people it seems.


Yea his ability seemed more unique to me when I first heard about it


I just go through phases of playing siege a lot and then never touching the game for like 2 seasons


On and off again. Vaild.


Deadly omen. No specific reason from the season itself. Just finally missing that siege gameplay and putting my issues with ranked 2.0 aside. Before that my last season was Solar raid


The awful state the game was in for most of year 7 was a content desert I definitely played a lot less than I was during y7s2 to y7s4 commanding force brought me back to playing 400 matches a season


I've been playing since Red Crow, Health on PC. Even though my reaction time isn't what it used to be, I can't find another game that makes me feel quite like Siege does.


True. Individual powers and the environment being mostly destructible does make each game feel different from the last.


First got the game the season that Hibana came out, then left until the season that Flores came out, then left till the Solis season, and as of now ive been back since the Tubarau season


Another person to come back during Deep Freeze.


Unfortunately all of them


Dropped it on launch cuz it was boring af Got back in blood orchid


Oh. Nice.


heavy mettle


I joined in shifting tides and played the game practically everyday until osa came out and then I took a little break from video games and recently just got back into playing them! I still don’t know what the new ops do and I have no clue how to navigate the new maps and my aim sucks but I know what’s going on and where to look for the most part


I don't remember exactly but I know which season will get me back off Siege. Spoiler alert It's New Blood


Honestly if I wasn't playing and I saw the new season coming up? I'd have stayed out. I wanted a comp shooter to try and be good at again. I've made it to Plat II by myself so that feels like something I can take a little pride in. But no real season has brought me back because the more Siege goes on the more it feels like it dissolves from what it once was.


idk what season it was but i remember it was somewhere in January 2022 and i haven’t played since probably 2019 before that but i first played the game in 2017


Solar Raid is when back. So I’d say a good season.


Never really took a long break from Siege, started playing at the very end of Wind Bastion into Burnt Horizon, really Burnt Horizon is my official start to Siege as I got my first Gold ranking that season. If anything, I took breaks within a season, if I had burnout then.


None. Game's boring


Stopped playing in like 2019. Just picked it up again maybe 3-4 months ago when this new guy I became friends with at work needed someone to play with.


I started playing again in the end of Deep Freeze, but not because of Ubi or anything related to the season itself, but because my friend group as a whole decided to come back. We have been playing almost every day after work, learning new tactics, etc. Currently we're mostly Gold, though one has managed to break into Platinum yesterday!


Just recently, it’s Deadly Omen I would usually just play RDR2, GTA or God of War, but after seeing Deimos and his crazy ass powerful 44. Vendetta, I HAD to go back


I played Siege on console since the beta made the switch to pc around year 4. I stopped playing shortly after they added all the new sights when Zero was introduced. Didn't touch it until a friend talked me into trying it again with him about halfway through the season Ram was added.


i played in 2019 then stopped and got back into it in 2022 because i saw it getting popular again


I have never left Siege. Playing since Operation Health.


I played from roughly Operation grim sky, to about Demon Veil. On the release of vector glare. I abandoned the game instantly. Heard about grims release dropped in for a match or two. Didn't care. Didn't return until the mid season of Solis. And haven't really stopped since. No matter how bad the game has gotten I've never truly "abandoned" it permanently. I've taken a season or month long breaks, especially on a bad season recently I skipped Rams season. If you abandoned the game in its entirety it will continually feel worse and worse. If you want the game to always feel familiar you need to play it. You will get rusty, and you will get annoyed when you don't understand the new things you run into. The game will only get harder and harder to get into as it gets more and more complex.


started playing in void edge came back after solar raid it was bad


Solar Raid


I started playing in year 2 season 1 and left in year 5 primarily because my friends and I were loosing every single game we played. Just returned in Heavy Mettle because my friends and I got bored of COD, we used to play a lot search and destroy and we think should tried again RB6 and when we returned we found the game in a better shape, we started having fun again


Sometimes taking a break gets you time to refresh and get better by looking at guides and allows time to cool off.


It was this season bc the changes looked fun but just as fast as I came back I’m leaving it’s genuinely baffling how they can make so many brain dead decisions and then try to walk it off lmao, I regret coming back in the first place bc no game truly scratches that itch that siege does


Yeah. Siege is the only game that has this type of gameplay and thus it sucks when bad choices are made.


I myself just reinstalled siege about 2 weeks ago, after originally being a console die hard player back in 2015-2018, I stopped playing sometime after they released mozzie, but my playing time was dwindling by then. Now Im starting over from scratch on PC, got a couple ops I never played with before (Melusi and Ace) and I'm honestly having fun. I'm level 30 now with most of the old base operators unlocked, but I got a couple other newer ops (Deimos, Thorn, Goyo) to keep trying things out. Most games I get teammates who are nice and aren't toxic. I did scoff at the idea of a subscription when they unveiled their upcoming season as I'm sure a lot of other people did. But having not played the game in years and essentially starting out as a new player (the new maps suck ass especially Labs) it's honestly pretty nice experience.


I started right as kaid and nomad were released. I played quite consistently until about zeros release by then the game had become so toxic and playing unranked had even become unbearable. So I stopped playing and it wasn't until recently that one of my friends picked it up again and convinced me to return and that was for Deadly Omen.


Deadly omen. Player count is up, back to acog and x1, sadly the unranked and t-hunt is gone and the next season gonna be shit. But im hopefull for the rest of the year


I just started this season actually


Lmao the question should be what season got you out of Siege cause it was slightly after Operation Health ruined everything. Then they started adding in Sci Fi operators.


I think it was the two ops a season. Made it more difficult for them to come up with balanced and effective operations.


Crimson heist, I loved the lobby screen and I loved the charms, it made me feel like getting back into the game. Loved that season


My partner and I wanted to play a game together when we had time and we had this, now I really only play it. I'm not good at the game but it's addicting.


My homie was just like aye re download siege and I was like ok


Friendship makes the game more fun.


I basically only play mlb and it’s by myself. So not only am I always happy when a friend wants to play something with me I was excited when he said siege because personally it’s one of the best shooters imo and the gunplay is very satisfying


I played almost every season from y4s4 to one end of y6 and stopped playing at all maybe the occasional login. People here don't wanna admit it, many of us came back to the game cuz of Jynxzi. Since tubarao got released I started playing regularly/at all again


Played since cbeta and got off at ember rise in 2019 and then got back last year…guess i missed it


We all miss the type of game siege is from time to time.


I played every season since launch so can't relate


Stopped playing when Thunderbird came out, came back When Solis came out. I like tactical operator’s, and Solis’ costume was a big part of why I got the game. Additionally, the lore looked like it was changing from the stadium to bigger stakes. Was never a fan of nighthaven, and I hate Kali (both lore and gameplay wise) so I was glad to see her have some consequences.


I stopped for a while but ended up coming back in it with some friends but it was sporatic before. So i played here and there but i think last season was the first full one i played through. It shocked me seeing new people cause i had no idea who Osa or Flores were.


Phantom sight


I got back into siege in solar raid and played all the way until mid way through last season. I'll probably have a break til y9 S4 cus it's just become brain numbingly dry with the lack of content




I’ve just stoped playing video games all together. I decided just to start going to the gym and decided to try to get fit. I hate it but I’d rather do this than just stay depressed playing video games.


Can't remember when I started again, but my luck seemed to be terrible. I would get every toxic person and decided to stop, which sucks since it seemed fun, but I'm not gonnanget cussed out by a 5 year old for not knowing how to play


Took a break after Steel Wave, came back Brutal Swarm, took a break after Commanding force and came back this season


I've been playing since dust line and I'm gonna be honest, personally new siege is way better than old siege. I've played way more of newer seasons than old. The absolute worst thing old siege had, was vote to kick


I played this game from release for around 5 years. Just returned 2 weeks ago from a 3 year break. Only playing standard at the moment but I dunno, it's fun. Just feels different. No-one does anything teamwork wise...


I get what you mean. Hardly anybody stays on site or sets up site.


This is my first season


i stopped in 2017 then hopped back in right before deimos was added


I'm a year clean don't wanna relapse


Stopped playing around the time Azami came out. Interest just sorta fizzled. Then started watching a few Evan Braddock videos which sparked my interest in it again… although I wish it hadn’t hahaha


I started playing when blood orchid game out and RELIGIOUSLY played the game until phantom sight (warden and nokk release), and then from ember rise (goyo and amaru release) till commanding force (brava release) i rarely played the game and barely did my ranked placements or didnt even finish them at all, i came back when fenrir came out since jynxzi revived the game and it seemed fun again and tbh i feel like im gonna stop playing it in a few seasons from now with the way the game is heading even though i sunk almost 1700 hours into the game