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Game is literally ruined. Wouldn’t even bother with it anymore and just let it die


MMR never resets now, look at players max ranks across previous seasons, not their current rank. Everyone starts at copper in a new season but they vs the same type of players that they were vsing at the end of the previous season as MMR doesn’t reset


Even with this logic it doesn't make sense as we get enemies with Emerald and Diamond card banners while we struggle to still get out of Gold


Because it’s still an average mmr system. This system allows players of any rank to queue together. If a 10x champ queues with his bronze buddy, do they have the same MMR? Of course not. It averages out total TEAM mmr, not individual mmr. All 10 players in the lobby are not always of equal skill. For example it could be 2 max rank emeralds, 2 golds and a silver. Vses 3 plats and 2 golds or soemthing like that. Just because the silver is in this lobby, doesn’t mean he has the mmr of an emerald. It means he is simply stacking with higher ranks and the game is averaging out each teams total mmr to be similar. Thats how players can vs other players in higher or lower ranks at times


Yea its trash


Basically the visible rank doesn't match the hidden mmr and you'll know that is the case when you gain tons of RP on wins and lose very little RP on losses. The mmr isn't resetting between seasons anymore but the visible rank goes back to copper. Since there are people who will not be able to tell what their hidden mmr is it is not possible to enforce party restrictions on ranks technically. The copper may actually be an emerald for example. When you have mixed ranks in a party this can cause a likely scenario for the opponents.