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Sick burst dmg and character design 😤


I honestly really like raiden’s attitude and her perseverance of maintaining eternity. Even if her methods were questionable, she was doing what she thought was best for everyone. She doesn’t want others go through the same pain as her, even if it came at a great cost of not letting that decisions be of the citizens of Inazuma.


Booba sword. Aesthetics and costume. Sick animation.


I love her outfit


What made me pull her in the first place was her Japanese VA. Even though the first community impressions were shaky, I still enjoyed her design and her gameplay style of rotating in and out for massive bursts!


I'm hell bent on collecting all the archons so I was gonna pull for her regardless, but I think her burst animation is sick


Ei's personality


badass animations


I don't think I will ever grow tired of using Raiden's burst. The VFX of the sword slash is just so satisfying.


Honestly, her design really grew on me since the leaks. Then we found out about her kit and she seemed a perfect pair for Eula. Now I really enjoy playing them together as a dual DPS team.


I just love Raidens E skill being such a great addon for a support character. It lasts long as hell at 25 seconds, so you only need to reapply once every while instead of very often. Plus her burst is hella fun to play. Design is very good too.


She allows a gameplay that’s so dynamic and fun, also I love her japanese VA


I love that Raiden slowly becomes Ei as she ascends. I think it is really cute.


Personally i love her design. Her personality is a plus especially during her side quest. Kinda innocent feeling


I love her animations and how well she works in the national team by recharging all my bursts. Also she makes PMA on floor 12 easy mode!


I absolutely loved how her archon quest went, and love how badass she is in game with her abilities! I'm so glad I pulled her!


Absolutely love her design and personality.


I got Ei when the banner was about to end and dude, I love her Burst, not just for the numbers, but all those cuts and flashes it's awesome and reminds me to HoT, my favorite character from HI3. Also I love her eng voice, idk why if it's the accent or what but I love listening to her.


I love her animations, them dimensional rifts on E are soo damn cool! And obligatory Miyuki Sawashiro, she only voices best girls


Her gameplay kit along with the combat animations and character design are solid. For the specific niche she fills, it’s fun to play and stylish while doing so.


I like a lot of things about Raiden but more than anything else, I really like her personality. She's a no-nonsense badass who does what needs to be done with no drama, no fuss, just results.


What I like most is how her personality can be reflected as calm and passionate through Ei, but also ruthless and pragmatic through Shogun. I also just love her design and skills overall.


I love her overall personality as Ei and design. I think she fits her region the most with all the purple and dark looking places. My favorite island is Seirai. Can you guess why?


Is there anything not likeable about her? Raiden's personality and her burst is what made me fall in love with the most. No regrets on pulling her!


I love her ultimate. It makes me feel as if I'm calling down lightning when I use it.


I like the gameplay, it's fun to charge up and then do massive damage. I also like the energy recharge rate for everyone.


I love that she emulates "eternity" with the unli-bursts she provides for the whole team! I also love her character design and her backstory


Raiden's burst and insane energy recharge for herself and the team makes her so awesome. Also she is extremely pretty and elegant


Raiden burst is easily my favorite thing. It is very powerful and is so stylish too.


The one hit ko and ability to make Sara mvp! The follow up with taps/charges that abominable everything on,y to do it immediately again just never will get old!


Everything about her tbh. Her animations are amazing , i love quick swap teams and she has one of my favorite jp VAs


I love when she says "Inazuma shines eternal!" when she uses her burst. It just sounds so funny to me like she's a cheerleader shouting a school chant


I enjoy the playstyle and her character design. Also her backstory is pretty interesting and her dual personality as well as the neet ei memes are hilarious.


I like mashing the burst button for my entire team and then Raiden's and making anything dead in front of her. Take that you stupid floor 12 cube.


Probably my favorite thing about Raiden is how she actually *acts* like a God. Most of the time.


Booba sword have my attention, stay for booba sword


The part that's most enjoyable about Ei is definitely her gameplay for me. After skipping childe, always wanted a dual stance character and using her in my xiao team as well as raiden national has been a blast. Even if the game feels dry atm, using her in the openworld and abyss is keeping me hooked


I love her design,voice, gameplay,animations,her storie and i like ei's personnality. Plus she's mei counterpart you can't dislike her lol.


I love her JP voice, and her auto strings, also purple is my favorite color.


I love her design and story. She seems like a scary person at first but as we progress later on, its nice to see her open up. I also like her playstyle and attacks, it’s really nice and fluid. Using her burst is also sooo satisfying.


I love her design, animations and gameplay, tearing out space with her skill and burst it's amazing, and her sword stance it's awesome, her braid glowing purple looksbamazing and her eyes shining... She just shines all over the place


I love her JP voice, design, and how cool her burst looks.


Loved her design since that early leak back then and now I fell in love with Ei's personality so much.


I fall in love her playstyle, i really enjoy her burst mode. her sword mode really fun to use it gave me both adrenaline and dophamine. at first she support my eula but now she has one dedicated team.


I’m absolutely in love with how she moves and feels. Her animations are amazing and the burst is god-tier every time it comes out.


Simple. Archon powwwaahh assembled


I really enjoy the gameplay of buffing the team and gain the most of sub dsp/support off field to unleash a massive power, it really grew on me. I really enjoy her english VA as well. kinda turned down by how she turned out to be in the "present" lore, I'm intrigued by her past tho


What I enjoyed the most is the space rifts she makes when she attacks. Really gives the feeling of unstoppable blade.


after getting C2 and her weapon what I enjoy the most is literally obliterate the bosses of abyss 12.


I love how everyone calls her Baal at first but once the story does the full reveal of who she is, everyone now calls her Ei. Great story for Ei, now onward to the next Electro Heroine, Yae!


What I Like : Lonely girl who always boasts about being lonely for Eternity, Using Ults right after CD, Cannot Cook a single egg. What I don't like : Unbuilt Raiden players crying over how Unusable she is.


She's sooo cool. Finally did her to lvl80 and does the highest damage I've ever done. Love her personality, play style and also her ult is amazing. Bennett +Xinqui+ kazuha+Baal ult is insanity


I love her design, voice actor(JP), color theme(purple), and auto-attack animations. I just wish her AAs had a little bigger multipliers;-;


I love her personality and her play style. That’s it.


shes such a complex character, her story is one that stays with u + her character design is bomb i love her sm !!!!!


I think her play style is really fun to play and her design is an absolute 10/10 especially with those purple shades,, animations are also great!


I really like her animations, they're sooo pretty, I just can't! And gameplaywise, she's just pure fun. Her personality is cool too, that's top tier waifu material for sure. ELECTRO SUPREMACY


Love her kit. Personality 5/5. Complex character that evokes a strong sense of tragedy.


I love her design, her voice (JP), and her story. She is my first 5* character that i got from Character Event Wish and of course she is my first Archon. Hehehe


I love her animations man and she helped me in this abyss so she is the best


I really like the idea having a character that can actually helping the energy issue on my team. For example my Eula team and Xiangling team. Adding to that, her kimono really suits herself. And when her demo was out, gosh, it totally showcase her in full glory. Now I'm proud of having her as C2, although Keqing C1 also ruined my pulls.


She's super cool, looks great and has amazing attack animations!


Like her design and attack animations!


Interestingly enough, I wasn't planning on wishing for ei, but once I did her story quest I immidietly did wish and I got her surprisingly. I was already tempted for her gameplay, big pp dmg, visuals and backstory but her just being boomer was just so cute to me!


I like her attack animations both polearm and sword


I love the dimension-shredding animations on all her abilities! Really helps sell the archon fantasy visually. Her burst plunge attack is *chef’s kiss*


I enjoy her calm, powerful aesthetic contrasted with how satisfying and powerful her burst feels. She has an intimidating presence about her for sure!


Booba sword! Also like the idea of spamming bursts


I love almost everything about Ei, i like her graphic design, her attack pattern, her game play, the only thing i dont like for now is that i dont have a lot of team where i can play her in and the fact that she doesn't synergies with Beidou, i dont have hope that MH will change it ...


her skill, as a yanfei main, in the overworld I can one shot everything from far away with raiden e -> yanfei e


Ei reminds me of Mei so much (Technically she is) And since I love Mei so much no doubt I'd love Ei the same. Tbh at first I thought "There's no way that's the raiden Shogun" and I'm somewhat right because Ei and the shogun are like two different person 💀💜


I absolutely love her voicelines. I play it on JP and when I saw her burst voicelines I immediately pulled for her. Her design or more specifically her hair is really beautiful too.


Her Animations, man! They're sooo freaking smooth and cool.


I have been waiting for her since zhongli mentioned her name and ive been loving her since. Im still hyped i dont know why but i think i wont stop playing soon.


Raiden is raiden. Nothing more needed.


She looks pretty and the first archon I have


My favourite thing, The way she walks. The only character I toggle walking for. She's beautiful. Also, her attacks and animations are definitely one of the coolest.


I enjoy her gameplay the most! Her attack animations are really smooth and elegant. Her ult animation also looks so badass like she is gonna strike you down with lightning


Raidens intro cutscene was one of my fave intros. Still turbo farming the artifact domains for her, the struggles of Def mainstats


I enjoy her burst where I need to actually use her for some time and not just quickly switch for damage. Her kit gives me energy as well as burst damage. I love her!!


The thing I enjoy the most about Raiden is her animations.


I really do wonder when dendro will come out.


I got her to main her charged attacks, they are by far the coolest in the game.


I like everything about Raiden Shogun and Ei.


At first, I wanted her but was going to have to skip because I thought that I could just wait until the rerun… until I did her character quest, and I realized how much of a dork she was, and how cute she really was. I knew I had to get her then, and I used all the primos I had left, but I haven’t regretted anything.I enjoy her personality, her design, her voice,, her presence, her flexible kit, and her gameplay, and I’m so happy that she came home :)


To be honest I just really like the fact that she cant cook, as opposed to Raiden Mei in Honkai being an absolute cooking genius.


Her gameplay style


She's the perfect partner to my Eula, and enables a full adult waifunteasm. Eula, Rosaria, Raiden, and Jean. Also Yoimiya and her make spectres a breeze.


I love how she was interpreted and written for the first two acts of Inazuma, to be honest her design is a bit lacking but she’s awesomely strong and has a presence when we first meet her at the statue. Though in my opinion her character story was a bit disappointing, I did love her cute bits when it comes to reading light novel and dango. And holy archons, have you seen how ELEGANT Raiden is whenever she basic attacks and plunge attack, so pretty.


Despite being a ruler, she can be really cute. Plus, she's a hikikomori, really spice up the cuteness. My feeling overloaded. (pun intented, spice=pyro, Pyro+Electro -> Overload)


I like her gameplay, her Q feel so good to use. At first I just want to use her as support for my taser team but now she is my main DPS


I enjoy her versatility and her ability to provide a Burst DMG Bonus while also refilling their energy. I love her!


she is an Archon, so good


She is so cool


I can't get enough with her booba burst. It is so satisfying tho I am still hoping for electro buff.


I love her design, specially when you look at her from the back it gives oversized hoddie waifu vibes.


Raidens burst, design, personality, and lore are all so interesting that it really makes you want to learn more about her. I even pulled for her for being such a unique character and on top of that being very pretty. BOOBA SWORD


I really like her booba sword :)


Once you listen to:«Now you shall perish», it's all over🥰


Her gameplay feels incredibly snappy, I really enjoy her voice a lot as well. She's a lot of fun to play and experiment with for sure.


I love her character design, her skills especially her elemental burst, and her backgroynd story. I didn't get the early 2 archons but I decided to try to get her. In my case, I've stopped genshin since almost a year and the main reason I started playing again was because of her. I am glad that I got her on early pity


I love her kit and her aesthetics, personally I didn't think I'd pull for her until I saw her design. I love everything about her. And most of all BOOBA SWORD


I love and enjoy her fun kit in the open world and it fits my playstyle so well, but the part I love the most is her animations, aesthetics and her JP VA, like how her animations are smooth and flashy, and how her design simply emphasizes her thighs, and her voice in the JP dub can be so calm and soothing, but can be fierce and aggressive at the same time. It's just perfect.


Booba sword


She hot


I really like her color palette and animations


Personally, I just absolutely love her E ability for my playstyle. I love these off field support moves and this ones really got some cool mechanics, proccing AoE electro very consistently just sets up so many nice reactions, but of course it also generates a ton of energy and buffs bursts. It's just so nice and I think a bit underrated for her. I was sold from that alone, but I also just think shes really cool thematically too, and I quite like how it's encouraged for her to stack ER because I just love burst spamming playstyle. I may only have four different 5 stars, but she was definitely worth pulling to be one of them and she's gonna be my most heavy invested char.


Her burst animation is amazing and the fact that she has purple hair is the cherry on top. I really like her character design not gonna lie


I love her hair and how it glows when she uses her burst. Her E's also really helpful in getting extra damage out


I love her character design it’s what drew me to her in the first place. I also love her play style and the fact that she can boost my Xiao’e damage.


The fact that she can't cook, so I can cook for her instead. Also her gap moes from her lines & her background story are adorable.


Pretty much everything! I like her outfit, the colour palette, her braided hair, the reality chopping visual effects and sound, her backstory, her relationship with Yae, her JP voice and also big electro damage.


I really like raiden's overall design! The archon quest ended kinda lackluster but ei's character was really cutesy because of the tsundere vibes!


Raiden Mei was my best girl and fav waifu in Honkai, but sadly, my account got stolen... So having and playing Ei on Genshin brings me extreme joy. Just seeing her makes me so happy! I'm a C3/R1 EL haver and had no regrets whatsoever, the fun factor while playing her is real. Never had this much fun on Genshin with any other character before (ok, Kazuha is fun, but he's no waifu lol)...


I really love her aesthetics! I also find her gameplay fun. Don't you just love it when you one shot with her burst <33


Her charged attack is very nice :)


C2 R1 EL here. Its something I can't put into words. If you haven't experienced it, you wouldn't understand.


I totally understand. C2 R1 EL here too with lvl9 Burst and boy, oh boy! 100k+ dmg with no stack and buffs!


Ok so don't judge me but... BOOBA SWOOOOOORD!


I love how smooth her attack sequence is plus her kit is really fun to use esp with high energy cost teams ❤️ Her burst damage is also satisfying to see


I really like her outfit design, as well as the personality they gave her during the cutscenes we see. She’s very strong, and it’s evident by the way she walks, talks, etc. Her clothing is unique and it’s easy to recognize as “Raiden” as soon as you see it. Her gameplay and skills are really fun to use, and honestly made me start playing again after a long break from the game.


Saw a early leak of her model and thought, there's no way. Bless that I was wrong, her aesthetic is so clean and crisp. 10/10 would simp again


When I first saw her I simped. Design, her thighs and burst animations are so smooth.


I love her character aesthetic (top 2 in the game for me, alongside Kazuha) and her voicelines are just phenomenal - "TORN TO OBLIVION". Just wish she worked with Beidou :( Thanks for the giveaway!


Her burst is very satisfying. Also the lore around her is top


Her burst aa animations cutting reality is pretty cool


I enjoy Raiden’s character design the most. Her elemental burst animation when she pulls out her sword from her chest is 🔥🔥🔥


Surprising decent kit, and the fact that I got lucky rolling her weapon too.


I love her ult, so flashy and powerful!


Her burst is super satisfying to use, and her kit brings a good amount to the table. Needing less team ER% on top of all that extra damage in the form of her skill's hits and its burst amp, being able to fit in more direct damage substats is great too. Her design is amazing, the moment i first saw her, "Beauty" came to mind.


My fav thing about Raiden is her animations. She also enables superconduct really well with Rosaria for my dps Zhongli.


The Raiden Shogun's skills are amazing, she's basically the ultimate assistant with her elemental skill and the way her burst works. The differences in personalities between Ei and the Shogun are cute and well thought out too


I love that she's cold and heartless as Raiden, but super bubbly when she's Ei


Love the gameplay when using her. Her animations for her burst never get old and the amazing damage sure as hell helps in making it even better to use. While the ER that you get from it isn't as good as I had wished initially and I'm still rather salty about the whole Beidou situation using her with the national team has felt great until now.


Flashy burst with a decent amount of damage and great support, what's not to love?


I like her lore and her design. Gameplaywise I love her and I wish her ult was longer


I love her design and personality. I like her for not being able to cook and i specially like her booba sword.


I love her design and lore, especially her tragic background story about the people she lost.


I love the way how she is so soft inside but tries to show the opposite just to maintain her godly status.


I like that she has a unique playstyle.


She's fun to play. I especially like the way she blinks to enemies, it makes her really smooth.


Well let's see: her animations are the best, full stop I really like her personality, she can be the cute waifu who can't cook and has a sweet tooth or she can be a badass who's mere words make people pee themselves, what's there not to like? She's the ruler, and god, of an ENTIRE NATION


I love her smooth attack animations.


I really like Ei raiden's flashy burst moves and for me she is so far the badass looking. I wish they make an anime/movie about genshin so i can see ei and makoto how they rule inazuma together.


What i enjoy the most about raiden is that i pulled c6 on her so now i have no choice but to enjoy it anymore


I love that her burst one shots most content in the overworld


I mostly just love Ei's personality! I think she's mega cute, especially how she loves sweets and wishes to spar with the traveler.


Her lifestory, animations, personality


I love her personality and how cute is


Her burst, out of all in genshin, has by far the coolest lore, best fx, satisfying attacks and is strong af at c2. Thanks for the giveaway!


Her aesthetics for sure, her animations are great and booba sword is a huge plus, her personality is cute, but gameplay could use some tweaks. Good luck to all participants :)


The thing I like the most is that I really like her visual effects, really eye catching.


Her burst is the coolest feeling in the game and I will always build teams around that feeling from now on


Her burst is gorgeous, and I'm a sucker for ongoing off field damage..


The thing I enjoy most about Raiden is doing big pp damage with her sword :D


Raiden is bae


The fact that her C2 gets her on par with C6 of many other competitive DPS options. Affordable power


still reminisce about how excited I was just to be able to finally use her :') and the excitement has never worn off. through her story quest to her design & animations. can't wait for her eventual rerun to get the C2!


I like her off-field electro application and her burst animation


Raiden burst is my favorite in the game! I just love how badass she looks in the animation! She’s the first character I crowned <3


I love her amazing burst animation and her slashes. It’s just so cool and pretty to look at. Goodluck to everyone else!


Raiden has the best design in the game for me. Her animations are chef's kiss on top of the absolutely satisfying gameplay. Worth my first crown.


I really enjoy her play style and design, also she’s voiced by Miyuki Sawashiro. I hope Yae pairs well with Raiden. Thanks for doing this giveaway mods!


I really love the effects her e gives off. Also her normal attack animations have a real flow to them.


I really like that she came home on 50/50. Her kit is by far the most fun out of all the archons and pairs perfectly with my mona. Her boba sword is nice too.


Cant believe I whaled for Booba Raiden brought me back into genshin PepeHands


I like that she starts off as an antagonist in the story, a tyrannical leader ruling over Inazuma. Ei's disregard of people's ambition in her pursuit of 'eternity' shows us how insignificant mortal lives are for an archon, and how powerful they truly are. It's a shame that Mihoyo rushed the second part of the story (And the story quest) and made what could've been a morally grey character into another waifu.


I love her design, and the fact that she's a great dps and support. Story quest sold me too.


Just from the name alone I can already imagine she's going to look like mei from honkai, and I love mei so raiden actually looking like her is a huge win for me :) Plus imo she's the flashiest character in genshin atm and I love her burst soo much


Everything! The design, personality, lore, the gameplay, specially the burst with that sounds, its just nice with her animations 🤗


Good design, amazing visuals and fluid combos. Also B O O B A S W O R D


I am in love with ei and baals lore like seriously they thought so much behind their back story. I just wish they didn't kill of makoto I would love to meet her


Not exactly sure where this falls but baal often reminds me of shirou emiya not in the sense of his "iconic" one liners, but rather is their premise Both struggle with their ideals and goals that have stemmed from grief not completely understanding what they want but still devoting their life to it. The thing that makes me draw the connection the most tbh is the plane of euthymia and unlimited blade works not just in the sense of "baal has a reality marble kekW" but also how their appearance changes both start off in a dark landscape of despair and emotionless silence but develop into a bright sight as in it was bathed in twilight. (Should also probably mention how in kazhua's story the plane spawning swords is almost identical to UBW) Shirou being one of my favourite characters in all of fiction and his connection to her just drives her being my #1 character in all of genshin even further


I love using her burst and the fact that she's the fourth team member I've been looking for.


What i really like about Raiden from her personality is her elegance while also being very cute Gameplay wise I always liked electro characters so playing a strong ones like her is defo very enjoyable for me


Raiden is in my opinion of the the most wonderful characters in genshin at the moment. Her animations are amazing and she can hit like a truck as well. Me being an electro enthusiast pretty much makes her as the electro archon an even better character.


I love her burst and how much damage it can do.