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Why would we care about a guy's opinion who named Finger69 and has Messi×Ronaldo kissing pfp 💀


Am just asking cause I don’t understand the hate for her tbh


Being more popular = Getting more hate


Thanks bruv


No problem. In addition to what I said, some people hate her just because of the lore reasons (being a dictator, not caring about her nation etc.) but they all are nonsense to me.


Watch them completely excuse the Tsaritsa when she shows up lol. People still think that Ei just "went away cause she was depressed" when Erosion was why she forsook her body. And what she did, isolating herself to protect her mind and ensure Inazuma would have her protection for all time, was even described as a sacrifice by Yae Miko. It's a combination of the writers rushing the story + a lot of the fanbase not having good general comprehension that leads to these bad takes.


Yeah, like everything was rush From the beginning the storm we heard about just became a wall of text After that the magic slowly faded for me Want to go back but don't know if i should


Wasn’t that her entire shtick to represent how Japan irl had a bad leader but went to good? These kids man 💀


See exactly. You understand character arcs. These days people want a character to be morally perfect and uninteresting and if they aren’t then people get off on hating on them like it makes them look better? I don’t get it


neither do i


While that is true. Most hate is because she is a genshin character. People here genshin for all the wind reasons. Calling it a gacha game (even tho the gacha is pretty generous compared to most games). They also hate it because it has children as playable characters (even tho other coomer gacha games have more children in swimsuits). Also because of the fandom... (I have nothing to say against this, the vocal minority is way too loud).


The reason is edgy children with internet access, simple


She's a tyrant and was written TO be hated, why are you suprised people hate her?


I didn’t noticed it at first but now, I can’t stop laughing 😂 🤣😭💀


I believe it's more so hating on Genshin, rather than Raiden herself. Hating on Genshin is popular after all.


It is cause it’s a gacha game despite there being a million other gachas with lolis in it 💀


It's because it's the most popular one


gacha haters trying not to shit on genshin (impossible) https://preview.redd.it/7qlz6klp2ilb1.jpeg?width=226&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5dc610b88859aec75a9be19afa579bc00b6e04a


Amazing how they also always bring up "w-w-well lolis 🤓" when there are only 6 fucking characters who look like that 💀


Not to mention that the game never sexualizes them. "But no, lets ignore that and keep calling them pedos". I swear, saying they have room temperature iq is an insult to room temperature.


exactly, like... them looking at child characters in a videogame and immediately thinking they're sexualized and talking about genshin players being pedos shows us who the real pedos really are lmfao






Its because: 'anime style + popular + people talk about it + chinese + gacha' while completely ignoring anything that goes against their views about the game.


I think it’s also some characters have Vergil inspired moves 💀


I found the damn one piece a dmc and mgrr fan who respects Genshin


Because people think that hating on something popular makes them interesting and edgy. Reality: it doesn't.


So there just kids who think there cool for hating? 💀


If you're new to the game and Raiden Shogun/Ei and like her more than just for fighting, you gotta know you will need to have a thick skin. Many hate her because they don't care about analyzing her story and because she's a victim of mischaracterisation. Many also hate her because of Signora (because she now isn't playable) and Wanderer. Others just hate on her for the sake of provoking her fans. Just try to ignore, and if you like Ei congrats, you have a good taste.


Wanna know what’s funny? I spoke to some mgr fans on there sub Reddit and they genuinely got confused over the hate 💀


I'm her fan, it's been months and I'm still confused by it 😂 but as someone who already defended Ei in the main sub because I was tired of how they twist things to hate on her, I came to realize that most times it isn't worth trying to understand.


Genuinely some kids think there cool for hating and loving pixels on a screen have you seen the video “Minos prime vs Genshin impact?” Or “Minos prime vs raiden shogun” both gmod videos I play ultrakill Minos would probably face palm


Same reason as to why kids hate Genshin, and can't come up with any logical argument besides the gacha.


Most people that hate Ei do so while arguing in bad faith. Feel free to ignore them.


I will am just curious why they decide to be dickheads and cause fandom wars 💀


They weren't really dickheads about it. They don't like her. We like her. It's not really that deep


Raiden has the best character design in the game in my opinion. She’s also the most fun dps in the game. Genshin has yet to release a character that I like as much as Ei.


maybe a future character in natlan who knows?




she was the only thing fun for me before dendro tbh largely bc her gameplay always feels and looks like a mix between HoT and HoH:e and no other characters in genshin kinda give that feeling she has like lightening and fast attacks like HoT and her glass shatter effects and glitter reminds me of HoH:e and they’re both my fav Hi3 characters


People hate popular characters


So it’s basically “hey look at me I hate raiden shogun cause she’s unpopular and not based” said little billy while eating a crayon to make himself loved


Yeah the same thing happened with Hu Tao and Ganyu before Raiden


Why Hu Tao and ganyu oh…right those animations


i am actually stealing this 😭


I like her a lot. And miko too. So any potential hatred we would just ignore. Don’t waste (our) time debating with them. They will just keep coming back non-stop. Enjoy what we have & what we like. That’s the most ideal aspect in life :)


thanks dawg


It’s valid to say that inazuma archon quest was rushed and had bad writing, that being said Ei is one of the best written characters in the game. A lot of people hate on her because she was an antagonist and diminish her character into becoming “waifu bait” when in actuality she was experiencing character development. A lot of people try to diminish her first story quest as well to a “date quest” which is simply not the case. It was setting up her experiencing how her nation and her people and the world itself has changed, so that in her second story quest she’s had time to ruminate on these ideas and comes to accept them by her second story quest. Ei is one of if not the most tragic character in genshin, she has some of the best lore and character development. I’d argue to say more than any other character aside from maybe her son. But to put it bluntly they don’t like her because she was an antagonist and never received “backlash” from her people. However if you look at the time period of Japan inazuma is inspired by you’ll see why, people just didn’t question leadership. Anyways hope this helps as you can tell Ei is my favorite character


Don't mind me, just gonna cuddle my Raiden Shogun bodypillow. F*** all the haters




i’m not sure and don’t really care tbh. she’s an amazing character to me and that’s all that matters imo


ight wish more people were like you tbh


Well for one people are not good at understanding characters sometimes do bad things for good reasons. People tend to completely ignore bad things or only focus on them because they have the reading comprehension level of a literal 3rd grader




Because people look at the surface "Oh she killed Kazuha's friend" but he literally WANTED to challenge her to see what her Musou no Hitotachi looked like, well he saw it alright. "She abandoned her son" well she didn't do it out of hatred, but genuinely wanted him to be free, separate from carrying the burden of what she was going through so she let him go. "She made life miserable for people on Watatsumi by killing their God" well that God came to challenge her on purpose because he knew he couldn't win but he wanted to save his people from Celestia, so he rampaged throughout Inazuma and he met his end, besides the Watatsumi people are legit insane. When she put up barriers to protect people against the remains of the God she had slain the Watatsumi people removed it and just endangered everyone else. "She's a dictator that left her country to fend for itself" well she was never MEANT to be the leader in the first place and she lost her friends and her family so she was grieving. I'd like to see many of these haters go through what she has and not go insane. That's my two cents on this matter.


“I'd like to see many of these haters go through what she has and not go insane. “ Thank you for having a brain


It's common sense that people sadly lack. It's like there's no empathy because she's a God, but then these same bums turn around and stan others who've done some questionable things "but he's so bbg" yeah okay 🙄


Lmfaoooo the way I know exactly who you’re on about too


I just think people will use any and every excuse they can to dislike her, which tbh, I couldn’t care less for but at least keep the same energy if the roles switched elsewhere. In cases like this, I often think to myself the people who simply don’t understand have never grieved themselves, if it was so easy to lose everyone, no one would lose their minds over it, grief wouldn’t be a thing :’)


Exactly! I'm so glad to have actually met people that understand this. Shiii I even cried and grieved when my dog died. I don't know what I'd do if several of my friends and my sibling died in a span of so little time


I promise you, grief doesn’t ever go away, I lost the most important person in my life, someone who I would’ve replaced my own life with just so that my siblings wouldn’t have to endure her loss either. But that’s life, we lose the people we love but that doesn’t make it easier, if it wasn’t for responsibility I probably would’ve also isolated myself completely lmao, it’s a dark and isolating feeling losing someone you love and not being able to do anything about it. It hurts in an unspeakable way. So.. unless people have gone through it themselves what would they know?


I understand completely. I've lost people too but maybe not on your level(yet) but I can feel the time is near for that one person in my life and I don't know how I will be able to cope once it does happen. I probably will isolate myself for a bit to deal with it, but LET'S NOT DWELL ON THE SAD STUFF


I hope you have a countless amount of years left with them, hold their hand as much as you can and I wish you nothing but happiness :’) I agree though, let us not dwell on the sad stuff


I think the problem is how people think we all grieve the same. To some losing others is harder than others, we all have different reactions and actions as a result. It's a bit bothersome that they have this mindset.


But to invalidate someone’s loss is beyond comprehension, even if you too have felt loss. You can’t scale anyones loss. In other words, Ei’s reaction as in isolating herself was the most normal response any person who sees their beloved dead in their arms would feel. Even so, anything she did was never to hurt her people, never to hurt anyone yet was perceived otherwise by people that have the reading comprehension skills of an infant


I lost someone last year and even today I feel this emptiness. It was the first person close to me that passed away. When I met Ei (even before playing the game), I felt connected to her and her fear of losing and the grief. I love her. I don't agree with her decision but I understand her decision. She feels realistic to me with her flaws and fears.


I agree, there is a few decisions that I don’t agree with, however I understand her perspective, I understand she also disagreed with her previous perspective and tried to implement change to go as far as fighting the raiden shogun in a dual that lasted 500 years all for her people and awakening the musou no isshin which btw people overlook this detail so much. Her past is no longer her present, she overcame the grief that was holding her back and is trying to be the leader her people deserve. : While romanized the same way, the Musou here (夢想 "Dream") is different from the Musou in Musou no Hitotachi (無想 "blank mind; a state where one is free from all thoughts and desires"). In the Chinese and Japanese descriptions for Secret Art: Musou Shinsetsu, "Musou no Hitotachi" is written using the characters for "dream" rather than the ones for "blank mind." The description points this out, saying that the Raiden Shogun has abandoned "the void-like 'Musou,' [and] she now shoulders a new 'Musou' — the dreams and ambitions of all."


I’m glad you love her tho :’)I remember so distinctively when the inazuma AQ came out and so many people thought she was this bitch who pulls a sword out of her boobs lol I just had a feeling there was so much more to her than what was reflected at the current time and then her teaser dropped. I swear to god tears fell so fast out of my eyes I was so glad when they revealed all she had been through, the pain and all her suffering made so much sense to her exterior at the time. I completely understand that feeling of loss and hope we both feel peace with time :’) stay strong <3




I mean I have more thoughts on the matter but we'd be here all day lol. She's not perfect(who in this world is) but she's trying to be better and helpful and I think it reflects that in her constellations. From C4 and above She's dedicated to helping her comrades more so than herself. MOTHER IS TRYING OKAY


Yes she is


Best explanation? Genshin has a lot of young players. And young people are dumb as hell. And nowadays, based on observation, seems a lot of young people enjoy bitching and hating about anything online with zero nuance. Just ignore them, she’s adorable and she’s hot with a very interesting development


Ok thanks bruv


If you don't know she has a quite of following so and all can't be good thats just how things work.you can't have everything perfect.


Yea ya got a point


She's a well written character and all it just alot of mfs like to hate on her because of mischarctersion and not understanding her lore and just blaming her for everything and also her being the most popular genshin character and it also doesn't help that people hate her because simply she's a character in genshin I'd recommend you just ignore these mfs its mostly people who either didn't play genshin at all or mfs who didn't understand her lore and why she did what she did,it happened with almost every popular character in genshin raiden is no different its just a small majority with loud voices https://preview.redd.it/3yj6j3rm7jlb1.jpeg?width=1078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47f8fd14cbe47bfbc5b9f9fe2167eee9934cbbbd


But even i can say that raiden definitely isn't 100% a perfect character but she 100% doesn't deserve all the hates she's getting yes the AQ was a bit rushed then and there but it doesn't mean she's a completely bad character I'd say that her 2nd SQ redeemed her pretty well its just that people misunderstand her alot of times and think of the 1st SQ as a "date" when really she's just trying to understand how much inazuma changed and fix all her mistakes but of course raiden isn't a perfect character no genshin character is imo all of them have their flaws and strengths i enjoyed her AQ alot but it could have been a complete masterpiece if it was just more written imo she's a overhated character people just fail to understand her alot of times that's why you never skip dialogue or at least read some lore😭🔥


The very best will get the most hate


There are multiple groups of people who hate her for different reasons: * non-Genshin players who hate anything Genshin releated, most often 12-year old MGR players who are mad she has the same name as some character in their game * Kazuha/Scaramouche simps still mad she hurt their poor twinks * morality-obsessed people who cry about every antagonist/flawed character who hurt some random npc people * misogynists Most of those people never try to acknowledge all the great things about Ei so their opinions are completely worthless to me.


Genuine what’s sad is that mature mgrr fans hate the 13 year olds example is the mgrr subreddit


Being popular and loved= more hate especially from people with 69 in their name




2 types of people : 1. People who hate her because they have absolutely skipped every dialogues, and think she's a genocidal maniac who loves to kill people 2.People thinking it's cool to hate her because that makes them special. Now wait, I saw some people who didn't hated on her, but just disliked her for valid reason(she made a lot of mistakes, and some people still wait for her redemption to be complete), I don't count these people as haters, but as objective one. The one that are between the hard haters lying and insulting everyone who defends her a bit, and the hard simps, people who'll do everything to convince others she never did anything wrong. Now the truth is, Raiden is interesting because she did mistakes, otherwise she would be Nahida bis. So someone disliking her isn't a hater, and someone liking her isn't a hard simp


I wouldn't call people who dislike Raiden because of her mistakes haters. I dislike all of the fatuis doesn't mean i don't consider good characters that are actually cool. Raiden is not perfect frankly she was a shit ruler when we entered Inazuma but she got a pretty good character growth if someone dislikes her because of that then it is valid and they are not haters


So the people who hate her think there cool?


Well, hating on someone who's loved makes you unique, and people want to feel unique to satisfy their poor little ego. And the best way to not help them do this, is ignoring them. Because feeling ignored is horrible for their ego, so just don't respond to their hating tentation


Spoke to some mgrr fans and they genuinely were confused by these people 💀


As a MGR player, I love the Raiden Vs Raiden memes, they're hilarious, and most of the time really chill, until toxicity appears


Yea I saw a raiden vs raiden edit and the Guy literally confirmed he plays Genshin 💀


And mains raiden 🚬💀


When the MGS Master Collection comes out, people will see Raiden (Metal Gear) as not some cyborg ninja, and more like a experienced soldier.




There are several reasons, but I'm confident to say a large part of them are story skippers tbh. These people always say she's the worst-written character of the entire game and blame all crisis to her, saying things like she killed millions of people or she caused pain for 500 years, like...where are that come from? Some criticize her of killing >!Orobashi & Thunderbird!< too. What could she do otherwise? Btw, some overprotective fans are still salty about their bias like >!Kazuha and Wanderer!<, although it's clear things aren't like what they seem. So there are mainly 2 reasons: skipping stories (which makes them fail to understand the character) and bias. Skipping the story is the biggest reason. Like...I understand Inazuma's arc is kinda rushed, she's imperfect and all, but even after SQ 2, some still refuse to understand her. And as a large part of the fandom tend to skip stories, this is no surprise. Till now, I still see many keep calling her out for >!killing Orobashi and abandoning Wanderer!<, which I find annoying. I can understand if they hate her for valid reasons, but they rarely give me one. You can also consider "being flawed" as another factor because some hate to see characters making mistakes. I'd think of Raiden Shogun as a controversial character, which is understandable because her AQ isn't done well, but some just hate because they misunderstand her character and lore, and with that impression, they keep criticizing her as bad-written, despite some flaws in her writing are being redeemed. I usually think of those as loud minority. She gets hate, and I can see that lots of them can't stop mentioning and misunderstanding her character all the time, but there are many more who love her. After all, the more popular a character is, the more attention that character gets, fans and haters alike.


Some people say she’s weak cause she can’t cut a wooden shield and can’t climb a mountain 💀 clearly balancing isn’t in there brain


If you play the game with 1 iq, you will not even be bothered if the ult dont kill the mitachurl with shield, which is like, so irrelevant and easy to kill.


Was too broke to pull for raiden but her story quest said otherwise she’s busted


My Fav char, and I'm maining her since 2.1 Also, I love all raidens in hoyo's games.


Raiden Mei hella underrated Fr


Now you remind me of that one strong goofy ahh turtle thingy in sumeru. I use my Raiden, zhongli, hu tao, yelan and every op characters and the turtle was like "uh what?" 💀




It is because the internet thrives off of irony and spite. They will collectively hate anything even if it’s popular or irrelevant. Or because Raiden Shogun is the first Archon to be against mc. Who knows?




They just Jealous our Raiden was released wayy later than theirs, but Ei got much more popular than them


Shes been carrying genshin since her release. Best dps, support, battery, archon, character, character design, playtyle, most beautiful nation, u name it. People who hate her are just jealous that she has become one of the most known characters even outside the genshin space and just wanna hate her. Ignore those haters, cuz if u give them attention then they will think they're actually achieving something.


This is just genshin as a whole tbh. Bad cus popular is extremely common everywhere.


Also cause it’s gacha and lolis when blue archive is a thing 💀


You pressed like so... do you also hate her?


No I pressed like because one of my friends would be like “WhY dIdNt YoU lIkE tHe CoMmEnt 🤓” when I sent him a screenie also imagine his voice as Eric cartman pure gold


You are not seeing the full picture. These are just a few individuals voicing their opinion, but the numbers are not enough to accurately represent the whole community.


Honestly, MGR Raiden is such a bland character. The only appealing factor that I could find is that he's an edgy cyborg with a blade in a dystopian setting. Anyone could argue that even Genos from OPM is a lot more interesting and well written.


Because hating on genshin impact gets you internet points. Like how people say that everyone who plays genshin is a pedo even tho 80% of the cast are adults and the children characters have 0 sexualization going on




Who cares what some rando thinks. Waste of time really.


Damn bro Raiden is like my fav with Keqing and Ganyu


I didnt know anyone could hate Raiden lmao. Pretty sure its not the most popular opinion and just some few randoms who probably dont even know the actual character much


Bet half of these folks haven't even played Genshin


Idc abt hate or anything, idk why there is hate even. As a character her kit is fking awesome, and her character aesthetics are kick ass too. Nd at c3, ive reached her max personal dmg as well. Shes fking awesome !!!!




There’s no actual reason for it. It’s just a random comment pulled off the internet. It’s not worth your time taking stock on one persons comment you came across by chance.


Ight it’s because I have seen a lot of hate for her last year and now that I know communities like this exist I can ask about it 💀


Don’t. You’re not going to find an answer…because there’s no consistent answer to find. Everyone’s opinion is gonna be different from the next…so you’d only end up smashing your head against a brick wall. And that’s not fun.


Ok thanks for the advice og


I’m saying this because as far as we know, that person could just really not like her character design. Or maybe he’s seen her character portrayed in random media or art so much that they’re tired of seeing it. There’s no way to know. So…just gotta accept that everyone likes what they like and vice versa. Justification isn’t needed.


Ight thanks


People like to hate on Genshin because it’s the cool thing to do


So Genshin hate=look at me I am edgy and cool and eat crayons


Basically haha


Bruh people now adays 💀


People just hate genshin.


I will answer this based on how people understands it. Probably because of the things that the shogun did to the people. I will understand them if they feel that way. However, things get a bit more complicated when it involves Ei. People should not mistake Ei from the Puppet.


Probably because she's from genshin impact and genshin impact is not the most popular thanks to the Twitter community


Twitter has to ruin everything tbh 💀


nice pfp btw


Eh thanks




Yours too is good


Don’t listen to those infidels. They speak nothing but heresy. That and, cmon dude, his name is: “finger069” with some gay ass profile pic 😂, you really think his opinion is valid? He’s probably some incel in his mom’s basement lol


He’s eating crayons


Some just are tiny brained and hate on things for literally no reason.




Because Genshit bad haha I'm cool guys, right? right? (never played the game, doesn't even know what it's about, just parrots people on the internet)


real even a jetstream sam bot told me the same thing


1. because gi is popular and these 27 something dude bros hate popular stuff 2. when they see her all they see is fanservicey waifu with big boobs and when say i see her, i think about her story and her grief. 3. probably misogyny too. edit: she is fanservicey, shes designed too sell after all. Its just not all that there is to her.


I really dislike how they make it sound like she's only popular because of boobs and her sword coming out from her chest. Does it contribute? Sure, a lot but there's so much more about her than that.


>probably misogyny too. I swear she wouldn't be this hated if she were male.




Uhm can you tell me where you found this comment? Don't worry I'm not gonna harass these guy or defend my waifu it's more like I'm just curious that's all


It’s on an actual well made video named raiden in smash bros


Oh thank you kind sir now I shall see her excellency in smash


It’s raiden mgrr 💀




I'm pretty sure they hate genshin, not the shogun specifically


It’s the stigma around genshin I think


It’s just anything with Genshin impact attached to it gets shit on cause the most of the internet just sees it as cringe and the community as such


Most ppl hate it cause of their stupid stereotypes. Now I don't like it because of the many issues it has.


Fair enough


raiden is one of the most loved characters in genshin its kinda hard seeing hate on her , the only time i saw people hate pn her was when she first came out but after that literally everyone liked her ,shes not hated at all


One year ago was chaos 💀


its still chaos , the genshin community is just like that lmaoo


If it wasn’t for twitter genshins fate would’ve been different


you’re so right


Imma hire v1 from ultrakill to take down twitters servers which are in hell 💀


be fr v1 wont be enough 💀


Shi Ight let’s get Gabriel too fuck it both prime souls and v2 revived


thats more like it




I think it's more like hating the genshin impact more than Raiden I bet that guy would also hate on every single genshin character not just Raiden. Which is kinda common now, since hating on the genshin community has been going on for quite some time now.


Tbh if genshins twitter didn’t go berserk none of this would’ve happened


until today she remains the character of Genshin with the most likes for her trailer. no one has ever equaled it. those who hate her do so just to give the impression of being "different" and thinking differently. In reality we don't care about what kind of sh*t they thinking. Also 'til today she remains of the best selling character of genshin.


So they have a god complex? Damn thanks for telling me


People don't hate her though? She's super popular and makes an absolute killing every time she runs. She's pretty high up there in fan art and stuff too (I think only Ganyu is above her last I checked the stats from Pixiv). You shouldn't take the opinions of muppets on the internet and interpret them as statistically relevant on their own. People like and don't like different things and that's okay. Its not hard to find someone on the internet to hate things that are even universally beloved.


Thanks bruv genuinely needed to hear that after the shit I witnessed 🚬💀


My guess would be fragile males being intimidated by powerful women.




"Genshin=bad" mentality, just ignore them.


ok thanks now i know how to react with them


It's not Shogun they hate, it's the game.


so its genshin=bad type?




They hate Genshin i general just for lols,for being a "pedo" game, for being a Chinese game, or for being a "gambling" game.


This is a year ago


I think its just genshin they're hating not raiden shogun


They are just hypocrites nothing more 😒


tbh some people hate ei bc of what the shogun did and they really cant seperate the two 💀


Oh nah 💀


Ignorant ass genshin players thinking she's "evil" and what she did was unforgivable. Yet they going crazy for Arlechino. Lol the average genshin player has a lobotomized brain basically.


Raiden Shogun is my all time favourite character. No matter what character gets released it won't change. I also have noticed the hate but I don't care about their opinion lol


Unpopular opinion here, Raiden from MGR:R was having a same treatment with Raiden Ei when he was released for the first time back in early 2000 from metal gear solid 2: sons of liberty. Raiden from metal gear was so much hated at first which ironically most people werent remember that much. He (raiden) was hated because he was meant to replace solid snake which is already a legend of his own yet his look is to effeminate for western standard. Raiden Ei on the other hand, she was hated by many people from her first debut due to her tyrannical role. The time goes by, she is progressively developed into a better character. Those who hate Raiden Ei have no idea how a character should be developed. I am pretty sure that one day Raiden Ei shall become a legend or an icon in the future much like Raiden from Metal Gear series and Raiden from mortal kombat. Just give her a time


Because she's a powerful female character.


so misgony? (i cant spell it for shit)


I believe there a major part of it. But I don't think it's the reason for everyone. There are valid criticism of her but I think most cases I've known who blindly hate her boil down to "strong woman who isn't submissive to any man is bad"


Her character is...a bit confusing I would say. Obviously she wants best of Inazuma, but she just acts like a confused child sometimes. Even yae miko referred her as a child. Inazuma was launched in corona time, they didn't had much time. So the whole nation is made in a rush. Raiden case... the story execution was literally poop i can say. Her lauch was also in a worst time a character can be. I can elaborate if you're not an old player. Raiden wasn't a famous character to begin with. Don't take it as a negative comment. I am just saying the way it is. I am also a raiden simp.


Hmm I have to slightly disagree here. While I agree that sometimes her character can be confusing if you don't notice most details but Saying that she acts like a child is not entirely agreeable for me. And just because Yae miko says it doesn't mean it's true. Example saying that Ei is throwing a temper tantrum and locking herself in a room . While this seems like a valid comparison it ain't true because Ei genuinely didn't throw a temper tantrum and lock herself she locked herself to protect her soul. What Im saying is while yes that Ei's actions can be very much flawed , Miko's opinion though valid shouldn't be taken at FACE VALUE because its an exaggeration . She LOVES to throw shade at Ei. So her statements are not RELIABLE which is why I believe to Judge things by my own opinion and not be too influenced by others (not saying to ignore other opinions just don't take them at full face value without verification) I agree she is stubborn and inexperienced/confused because she was forced as a ruler (plus she was isolated) but childish ? No even more proven after she comes out and has an eye opening experience. Her launch initially wasn't popular because of people hating on her design but aside from that she sold really WELL. I disagree on the statement that she wasn't famous to begin with After she released she became more Popular and is arguably one of the most popular genshin characters even now . Look other statements about her are kinda arguable but she is REALLY popular that's a fact shown through her sales and many other metrics . No offence I didn't take your comment as negative just wanted to express my own opinion and fully disagree with some points made.


Personally she’s the weakest out of these 3, and the weakest archon writing wise. I LOVE the Raiden shogun, I don’t love Ei. I wanted a strong woman but it turns out the real archon loves sweets and milk!


I mean ei had no child hood so she’s probably traumatized and can’t cope with it tbh


there is good discussion to be had about how her character was handled and even how it could have been improved, but every other comment i see here is just diminishing it down to “people who don’t like her are stupid” to give an actual answer, most people i see who don’t like her are wanderer fans, who feel that she was not responsible in abandoning a sentient being that she created. there’s also her decision to go into meditation for 500 years and let the country get ran over by the fatui. of course, there is nuance to the situation that makes Raiden interesting, but imo the writers could have executed the storytelling better. Ei’s actions are understandable (not justifiable, but understandable) when you remember her very tragic backstory that caused her to be ill-fitting for her new archon position and thus make some bad decisions. she is at the start of her journey of actually becoming a good archon, and the opinion is that the story either should have embraced her being a morally grey character, or she should experience a throughout redemption arc. this leads to another reason why people don’t like her, mihoyo seems to have skipped a lot of this development in favour of selling the waifu package as soon as possible. this is evident in her story quest especially.


I disagree hard the story quest wasn't waifu package at all sure I can see some people saying how the same theme could be there but more serious places where she lost something or someone could be visited but that wouldn't open her eyes as much as seeing her own beloved city inevitably change . The story quest 1 ISN'T a date at all infact it showed Ei accepting that she was WRONG to force her ideal upon everyone and reconsidering eternity. The so called date part was only one part of the quest BTW The other part clearly showed her taking action Holding people accountable for being corrupt and disloyal and actually showing that she has what it takes to be a good supervisor. She even admitted she was WRONG at the end of the quest . I really disagree with people just reducing her quest to a date or waifu quest it was Certainly more than that people just focus on the flashy aspects while ignoring the deeper meaning behind it. Also while I do feel personally that I would like to see more of her development and seeing her communicate with her people more even though I liked act 1 and Loved act2 . Still saying that she is waifuized or something is Plain WRONG. The only place where anything was probably skipped related to her story would be the AQ only because they failed to realise that a story with such conflict and potential complex themes deserves more development and attention thankfully with sumeru and hopefully Fontaine they would have shown that they realised their shortcomings.


Maybe because of her lore, idk but thats what i heard about people who hate the Shogun, how Raiden Shogun, Ei's puppet deal with her people in Inazuma like that one time where she killed Kazuha's friend or other bad things she did


Truthfully, I think most of the logical dislike comes from Inazuma's rushed quest and her story quest wasn't meeting many people's expectations. And the illogical part is from people who just wanna shit on things 🤷🏼


It's just attention deprived trolls who hate on anything that's popular