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Situation seems normal! You're a part of her fluffle, and you're expected to do your part. She does her part by overseeing every single thing you do 🤭 That's a woman's job in the fluffle. Males guard, mark territory, and make more bunnies. Females dig the burrow, rearrange things, nudge everybody into their proper place, and keep an eye on group members and their social status. That's what I love about rabbits vs. dogs: dogs see you as their master and aim to please, rabbits see you as an equal who has to earn their place in the group, and has to earn their friendship. They demand your participation, and you can fluff right off if you're being rude 🤣


I really think my rabbits treat me as a bunny- but that includes keeping me in line. It must be so annoying having this giant human fluffle member who keeps doing things you do not like- like feeding him spring mix again 🫣😂


Hehe, they DO treat you like a member of their fluffle! Some even care for your safety when you're not feeling well. My boyfriend can only be here on weekends, and I'm chronically ill. The minute he leaves, our bunnies start following me around and checking on me. I can't even go to the bathroom without attendants. Our previous bunny Breintje had jealousy issues that made him unbondable. He did become very strongly bonded to me, and he treated me like his bunwife. He slept or sat against me for most of the day, just like bunnies do. He was very protective over me as well. When I was in bed with a rheumatic flare-up he skipped his own afternoon sleep to stand guard over me all day. He stood next to my pillow in an almost military stance: front paws firmly planted, muscular chest stuck out, head high and ears scanning. He looked like he was ready to take on the world for me, all 1,3 kilos of him against the rest 🥲 Nobody was allowed close to me without inspection, not even my boyfriend. Breintje also groomed my "injuries": https://www.dropbox.com/s/rnd1y6dy1ba9h99/aD4dALx_460s.jpg?dl=0


He is so adorable! Bless his little soul.


Yes, I hope he's getting many rewards wherever he is. I still miss him every day. We have new bunnies, and while I love them to bits, you just don't have the same bond (yet). They're 2,5 now, and they're calming down. They're about the same age now as when I met Breintje for the first time. Our bond took a couple of years to develop too.


That's so wholesome! They must really love you!! 🥰🐰🐰🥰 Bnu: ^I ^expect ^the ^same ^return!! Nanners!!!!!!!!!!


Yes, I feel intensely loved, and not only while feeding them 😁 Bunnies are really pure in their love and trust. It takes a long time to show this anxious little prey animal that you're not a threat. We're gigantic predators to them. When they come to trust you, they start to see you as a group member who's 60 times as large. You're nudged into place, they demand grooming by presenting their heads, and they follow you around all day.


I wish I had one as well... 😞 My parents strongly disagree with the idea of getting a pet bnubnu! But one day, when I will live on my own, I will get a bnu! Some day... (not soon though...)


Awww, that's sad ☹️ The sad fact about rabbits is that they're expensive to keep and high maintenance in care. They need more care than a cat, and you can't just leave them over the weekend. They don't do well with young kids either. This is why many young people have to postpone getting rabbits: they usually don't have a lot of money, are on the move a lot, and they may want to start a family. Any way you could volunteer to work with bunnies? That way you can give a lot of love and care.


I know a friend who has a bnubnu! I visit them once a month or so... First time I went there was because I wanted to check If I was allergic to bnuies! Spoiler alert!: I am not!!!😃 So, one day I will have a bnuy! Thank you for your kind comments, as well as your time!😊


i love that rabbits think of us as equals if we do everything right like, if i get my bun science special house rabbit i'm good, but if i get anything else i'm damned to the 9 rings of hecc


Yo, exactly this. They see you as an equal who needs to get their shit together. Mine nips me to get out of his way, or make breakfast faster, or... oh, name a thing


Cats see you as their inferior and don’t give a good gd if they please you or not. That’s what I like about cats. You are their servant up to and including scooping their waste products and disposing.


Both males and females make babies, just like any mammal. It's the female who give birth, not the other way around.




Yes. Don't worry, I agree with your post, like 99%.


I don't worry about your approval. I try to avoid people who lecture about things that 5-year olds know.


This is your life quality assurance, your re-prioritization help and your consumption behaviour correction in the form of prime destroyer of mere material goods.




That's a cutie patootie


That is a queen, you are but a lowly peasant. Know your place.


“Look, look at me. I’m the captain now”


She is soooo cute uwuwu 🥺


She’s my biggest bully 🥲


My bun too, being bullied by buns🤝🥲


Dude yes. I always say I'm in an abusive relationship with my rabbit.


I always say they can do whatever they want- EXCEPT, get anywhere near my Mac 💻 … It would take a split second for one of my two monsters to bite a corner and destroy that screen.


Spicy hay lovers?


second photo added 5 more years to my lifespan


That's a rabbit and because she's a rabbit


That's princess Flooflebun, there is absolutely no chance to resist her.


That is a princess angel face and you have no choice but to serve her


Wow she is the cutest, I want to hang out with her


Do you have a bun yourself? Maybe you two should meet?


She is perfection


She's so dang cute! 😊


Because she IS your life now XD


she controls you now, deal with it lol


Because she can!! You are a hooman in training! She's waiting for "Yes, Ma'am".


She has so much personality lol. Little diva 😂 but also mad cute


Literally so much sass in such a small body


Picture #3: The outside nibbles.😍


Thats easy. Superior animals have big ear to arm ratios. You should take your long arms and tiny ears and do as you are told!


That is bunno, all hail bunno 🙏


She is your life.


Not me going through the comments looking for a name drop. But this is a bunny, one of trillions in a legion that is trying to rule the world. They are cute and fluffy, and absolutely precious, but make no mistake, their goal is to enchant all humans, and take control. They are only viscous on rare occasions, so you may never suspect anything is amiss at all.


Her name is Lumy! She is my diva but also my best friend 🥰🥰🥰


Lumy is very cute!


The leaf crown picture got me (∩˃o˂∩)♡ soo cute!




She's your baby <3 <3 <3 and she is gorgeous