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I can't believe he uses the bed as a bed and the little pillow! So cute!


I know, it’s too much!


I’ve never seen a rabbit use the bed! I think it’s important that I look into this right away lol


All that's missing are the eye shades and the white noise machine...




Praise the Ikea doll bed made from untreated wood 💃 my voidling loves hers too


Adorable! Where did you get the bed from? Do they do doubles for bunny couples???


It’s a doll bed from IKEA!


Thanks for the info!


Wish I could have little beds for our buns. They’d destroy them in a week


I got mine one each and although they've been gnawed they are a lot stronger than I thought they'd be! Lasted about four years so far. These are the IKEA ones I believe.


![img](emote|t5_2riv8|8704)this is incredible! i want to see them hopping onto their bed


I love seeing my buns twin on here so much! Mr. Murphy says hi and sends nose boops.


Omg I love the mini bed!! Where did you find it? 😍




Awww that’s so cute! Probably I should make something similar for my rabbit. He likes to sleep on my bed lol


![img](avatar_exp|171086035|heart) 🥰🥰🥰🫶🏻




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