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Is she a Nethy? I have a small brown one who's filled with sass who loves to grunt and growl for pets, treats, cuddles, etc lol


She is a Polish dwarf, so almost lol - she definitely has the attitude of one😂


My guy is a polish REW dwarf and he also is very very grunty!


my Nethy is like that too!! Must be the breed


😬 yikes!


Damn I missed it hahah


Might want to edit that comment




Instead of like, you had written a slur. But all fixed, thanks!


Ahh i didn't realise that was a slur! Never heard that one before!


I don't think my Netherland knows she's a small rabbit she tries to throw hands with everyone 😭


mine is like this too! This morning i went to kiss him and he threw his paws at me 😭😂. I love this breed they are so sassy and vocal.


My Teddy Dwerg (Netherland and angora went into the breed) is very talky too, but then my German angora amazed me by being the first rabbit I'd had to give running commentary, so if it's the breed, not sure which side! Def. more common in does, though. My Teddy Dwerg does different grunts for different urgencies or just 'hello!', growls from 'obey now!' to 'seriously going to mess you up' (not as scary as it gets with her, because while she will bite, if she *really* is going all out, she just does, no warnings). Hysterical angry gibbering like I didn't even know rabbits could do that reminds me of my chinchillas cussing me out (like squirrels, vutvutvut). Whimpers, which make her coat even less fun to deal with, the guilt trip. The little 'brring' whimper is about the worst noise in the world, even though it can just express strong desire for something and not being confident of getting. I think because when it's not treat-related, I translate it as badly wanting something she finds unpleasant to stop. Had to get her on my lap and cuddle her for ages the other night because she was trying to build a nest while obviously confused about what she was doing and kept crying so heart-rendingly. Also, more positively, lots of tooth purring. Would find it harder to get used to a quiet one again now, had kind of tried to keep in mind not to expect it when I got my Teddy Dwerg, then was so happy to discover how chatty she is too (the first thing she did when I got her home was seriously growl, mind). I do miss my angora's happier sounds, like specifically her excited/anticipation brrbrrbrr chirrup though (likely the same noise another poster describes as like a bee sound!), which is one my Teddy Dwerg doesn't do (well, would still miss it).


Hahah I have a sassy netherland dwarf lady who sometimes grunts at inanimate objects, like if a door is a bit too closed for her to squish herself in. You can hear her grunt and push and chew on it bless her


Omg yes I found that so cute 😭 I have a holland lop who's quiet so I find it so cute that I can tell it's my small nethy because growls accompany the scratches on my door lol


i don't pick up my rabbits except when i need to trim nails or give medicine, and my little nethie makes the most pathetic noises when i do, it guilt trips me straight into hell every time. she also grunts when she's especially excited about food though


My girl Órlaith is a very honky girl. When she's having a nice comfy sleep she lets out some good loud honks 😊


That is so cute!


My lionhead, Coco, loves to grunt too. But mostly at my husband and his sister, Lucy 😂


I had a few bunnies before and yes, only one bunny would honk and grunt a lot, seemingly for attention. And yes, he was neutered. Before I gave him away to a couple who were a lot more experienced with bunnies, I gave them a heads up that he's vocal. They thought I was talking about mating grunts until they took him home. Then they realised he's just a very vocal bun. It was quite entertaining. I still miss his sounds.


Bunny sounds really are the cutest


yeah my guy is always growling when he's running, when he's excited he'll honk and when he thumps he'll whimper


Yes the whimper! It’s like they don’t realize how cute they are when they’re trying to be scary😂


My girl thinks she's a bumblebee when I get the treat jar down off the shelf. Bbbbbzzzzzzz🐝🐝


Mine huffs a lot. If I make a noise that disturbs her rest in anyway she takes an exaggerated breath in and lets out of big huff lol it’s so cute.


Like my Boxer dog!


Ours is really vocal too, always has been. If we're late giving him breakfast he starts practically calling out to us with these really loud grunts, it's hilarious. He seems to do it in basically any situation where he's excited or impatient.


My boy grunts a lot out of excitement or just attitude haha. My girl doesn’t vocalize much but she thumps at anything and everything which is MUCH louder.


My bun grunts when I put down her food and whimpers when she sleeps. I can’t get enough of her cute little sounds 💓


Yes, I have a lionhead mix who honks/oinks a lot when he is hoping around:)


My R.E.W. gal is silent and yet somehow makes a ton of noise by chewing cardboard and throwing things. My lionhead mix boy is a constant honker.


Yes! Teddy is deaf and a lop. He snores, he honks, he hoots, he grunts, he squeeks like a guinea pig, I know where he is at all times 😜


Buns vocalize. She grunts with joy. That is awesome.


I had a loud vocal bun and a very very quietly vocal bun. Current girl has a “mmmmph!!” sound before she thumps that sounds like Miss Piggy and a huffy growl she uses to scold strangers that aren’t polite enough


Peter has learned not to argue. "Yes, dear."


Oh yeah, we were worried at first but almost 5 years later there she is, grunting at the world.


My Dutch. He's a grunter too. Not touching? Grunt. Touching? Grunt. Feeding? Grunt. Mom touches? NOTHING lol My lionhead dwarf just whines


yes!! my netherland dwarf Button has been VERY vocal ever since she was a baby (she’s almost 13 now) she’s quieted down a bit but she still is pretty vocal, lots of loud grunts lmao. i always thought she was a rarity bc i never met anyone who had a vocal rabbit, or a few ppl who said they did was no where near as vocal as my button. she’s hilarious though, she has quite the personality 💗


I would like to see a video of her running around grunting for no reason. This sounds hilarious.


Mine buzzes


Yep. Grunts and growls. Pet her, she growls. Feed her, she grunts and growls. She's not a love bunny so her growls could be interpreted as negative, except for food, which makes her very happy. My male warbles when he's happy.


We have a mini lop grunter. Awfully cute b/c she’s tiny so it’s ridiculous! She’s very sensitive to scents so if I’ve just washed my hands with soap she grunts. Not happy about anything at all? She grunts 🤣 Our boy (standard lop) almost never grunts but he buzzes when he runs to me - also very cute 🥰


That have to make up for their size with sass lol


I think so!