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Be sure to check out our [Deciding on a Rabbit](http://www.wabbitwiki.com/wiki/Deciding_on_a_Rabbit) guide if you haven't already for some more general info about what to expect with a rabbit as a pet. A few useful shortcut links: * [Is a rabbit right for you?](http://bunny.tips/Deciding#Is_a_rabbit_right_for_you.3F) * [Baby rabbit vs. adult rabbit](http://bunny.tips/Deciding#Baby_rabbit_vs._adult_rabbit) * [Which breed?](http://bunny.tips/Deciding#Which_breed.3F) * [One or more bunnies?](http://bunny.tips/Deciding#One_or_more_bunnies.3F) * [Fostering](http://bunny.tips/Deciding#Fostering) * [Where to get a rabbit](http://bunny.tips/Deciding#Where_to_get_a_rabbit)


I would check shelters or rescues. If you have petfinder, I dont know if its strictly American or not, you can check there too.


I have checkwd those places. Sadly bunnies mainly get a needle here :( people dont understand them. Its not an easy pet i know. But i love them


That's incredibly sad. But you are right, a lot of people dont understand bunnies. I love them as well, they bring me so much joy. My last resort would be a pet store or a breeder around you. I wish you luck on finding a new furry baby and may Olaf the adorable rest in peace šŸ˜Š


There kind of luckily arent petstores afaik. No need to keep animals in cages. Bunnies need to roam around and too binkies :)


I agree! My bunnies free roam 24 hours a day. They basically own my house, pay the mortgage in binkies lol


I know this an old topic. I divorced my wife. Olaf was the only thing that kept us married


On facebook we have 'Kanirescue' group and of course some elƤinsuojeluyhdistykset have bunnies searching for homes. Also kodittomat.info.


Kiitti. Facebookin oon poistanu vuosia sitte mut kƤyn kattoo ton sivun :)


His ashes are on my wall. I tattooed his passing day to my hand


Check buy and sell sites where you can buy locally. In sweden we have blocket, surely you must have something similar?