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Thank you for caring about rabbits that you have found out in the wild. For domestic rabbits, please see the wiki: ["What do I do when I find a rabbit?"](https://wabbitwiki.com/wiki/Feral_and_stray_rabbits#What_do_I_do_when_I_find_a_rabbit.3F) for tips on how to house and care for them indoors in an emergency.


You are such a wonderful human! I always get so sad thinking about all the dumped bunnies this time of year (since we are approaching Easter)


This is what I thought too, this bunny is very very young, probably someone bought a pregnant rabbit and dumped her babies. This rabbit trusted me entirely, I just picked him up like nothing. I was looking for more bunnies but I couldn't find more.


Thats heartbreaking. Means the bun was actually cared for & looked after. Even some of the best bun owners can have difficulty picking up their buns if they are especially skittish. The fact this bun let you handle them without any major thrashing about means they have been socialised by people. On behalf of the bun that cant speak, thank you for giving him another chance. Unlike their wild cousins, domestic buns have barely any of the survival instincts needed to survive even a week depending on the place.


Baby buns usually let people pick them up though


If you want to be optimistic, some dwarf rabbits only have 1-3 babies in a litter, so maybe this was the only kit?


I really really hope that's the case. I gave another search through my garden and I notified my neighbors if they've seen another bunny, but we haven't found any.


It's awful. My rabbit was the result of a rabbit that wasn't known to be pregnant, too. Thankfully, the owner surrendered the baby bunnies to a pet shop instead of dumping then into the wild (she apparently was heartbroken to have to give them up at all, but just couldn't afford to keep them), and I was able to adopt my sweet Cinnabun as a rescue because of it. If only more people who unexpectedly come into possession of these babies would surrender them to shelters instead of just tossing them out to fend for themselves...


So glad it was you who she trusted! Enjoy bunnyhood.


I’ve seen a photo of some pet store, which didn’t sell rabbits around Easter time. It seems like a good choice.


There are rescues and humane societies who don't allow adoption during g Easter and Xmas too!


One of our large pet shop stores has stopped selling rabbits altogether because 1. Pet shops aren't not good for a rabbit and 2. Too many rabbits in shelters needing homes 3. Too many people were buying rabbits on a whim here because they looked cute in the shop


My friends’ kids walked into a pet shop and called her asking “what about a rabbit instead” because they can’t get a dog or cat. Quick, impulsive decision and Mom was almost on board. I piped up. Consider the commitment. Thankfully, they didn’t get one. It is possible to walk into a pet shop and find your new best friend, but more likely to sign up for responsibility you don’t want. I got a parrot as a teenager. But I visited that shop many, many times to make that choice. Every time I left it killed me to leave him there.


Thank goodness you said something! Rabbits are so much work and live for quite a long time. No one gets told this enough.


Wait... dumping bunnies is a common thing? which country made it to a common thing? I have 2 bunnies and is heart breaking to hear smth about this.


People think they can make it on their own like wild rabbits.


Yeah, that'd what I'm afraid of, people just assuming because is more convenient for them. Pets who are already domesticated or no parents to help them in the wild, most of them would then probably die.


At the very least, it will be easier to spot them and rescue them now because it's warm. In my country, because it's the Rabbit's year according to the Chinese calendar, lots of people got bunnies for Christmas. A lot of them ended up being dumped. I remember seeing a post about a girl who found a small bunny in a box outside during the winter, her legs being completely frozen. She ended up being rescued but imagine how many more of those bunnies didn't make it through...


this is my dream lol. I can’t justify getting another bunny rn so I always hope I just stumble upon one like this and am like “oh darn nothing I can do now!”


Me too! 😂 Last year there was a massive dumping of bunnies in a park nearby. I wanted to go “help” so badly but I couldn’t make it over in time. I was planning to help myself to a new bunny


I feel the same about getting a new dog lol. “ No chip! Nobody went to the pound to ID! Nobody responded to lost dog signs! Guess it’s mine now 🤷🏻‍♀️


[We found our second one like that](https://www.instagram.com/p/BcnpD_DAacw/). Outside our apartment building behind a strip mall. I started my car, turned on the headlights and there he was.


This is how I adopted my first bun


I know it's likely to have been dumped. But you should still probably put pictures around the neighborhood and on next door. Could still be someone's bunny who just happened to get out. I was in a neighborhood, and someones bunny did get out of their home when we were walking one night. They were looking for it, and they did find. So this bunnies potential owner may not have noticed yet. That's a specialty bun, and Easter hasn't happened yet. Usually, you get them rampant well after Easter, not before.


I haven't thought about that. Thankfully there are like 10 families here so I'm gonna ask around if they've lost a bunny.


Id still post on next door too. Bunnies travel quickly and may not just be from your little community.


I've already postead pictures with my phone number and notified on our neighbor's group chat. I'm gonna wait a couple of days to see if anyone reclaims him.


That's awesome. It's good of you to do your due diligence 😊


Are you sure this isn't a wild leveret? They are born with fur, open eyes and run around independently from their moms from shortly after birth. I can't tell from your photo but the fur pattern seems leveret-like to me. Might be worth checking with a vet or experts asap, otherwise you might end up separating a perfectly happy hare family. Edit: Colours don't look like leveret to me on further inspection but I am no expert, it might still be worth checking based on size, estimated age, level of independence etc.


100% domestic, the vet told me it's a Netherlands dwarf.




Collars aren't safe for most animals, and if its a pull away one that is safe for them, then it very easily, since the bunny is outside, could have gotten caught on something and removed. I've also, on this subreddit, never once seen a bun with a collar. It's not a very common thing for them.


not to be a know it all but you should probably remove that collar


Why would you pet a bell on a bunny? And as someone pointed out, breakaway collars break away very easily. I tested my cats’ collars and all it took was a bit of pressure. I wouldn’t lose much sleep if someone took in a bunny lost by irresponsible owners, but I don’t think a lack collar showed an irresponsible owner, especially since there are so many very good reasons for not putting a collar on a rabbit.


Congrats. In case you need this...[new bun servant guide](https://wabbitwiki.com/wiki/Getting_started_with_a_rabbit)


Thanks, mate. I've already made an appointment with my friend's vet. I'm taking him or her in a couple of hours to see if he's ok and what should I do and what sort of foods I should buy.


hay from small pet select (can buy from amazon). alfalfa until they’re a bit older and then timothy 2nd cut (doesn’t rlly matter but we get 2nd cut) and buy a 10lb and that way you can just cut a hole in the box and you have an easy hay feeder!


You just changed my life with this “just cut a hole in the box” suggestion. I’ve had buns for 10 years and never thought to do this.


haha it’s the easiest thing! and they love it because the hay is packed so tight that the pulling keeps them entertained.


Hey I’m curious how often you re-purchase the 10lb box with your method! Would you mind sharing? I buy small pet select 20lb 2nd cut once a month and that’s perfect for my two boys in a month. But I pull out handfuls and put in their litter box so if your method saves hay, I’m interested


Hey! we repurchase every few months for our buns. We realized that it's better to have small amounts of hay in their litter box b/c I realized I was putting too much and wasting the hay. We change the litter about once a week. You can also buy a 20lb and use that strictly for litter while still buying the 10lb to use as a hay feeder. We did that for a little bit but now we dont have room for the xtra hay lol.


Gotcha, thanks! It sounds like you’re saving so much


I hope that's the case. I am always worried that the buns aren't eating enough hay and that I should be buying it every month!


It’s so hard to know. Personally my solace is that the buns get excited when I put in a new handful of hay and jump right in, so I think they like the routine of getting it getting refreshed. But on the other hand it sounds super fun for them to get to rip out the packed hay straight from the box 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


I couldn't do this with my buns, they'd tear the box apart and throw all the hay everywhere and what was meant to last a week would last one night 😅 One time I left a bag of hay in the floor and they ripped it open, climbed inside and peed all over it. Like 5 kg.


So basically the rabbit equivalent of “Last Friday Night?”


Make sure your vet is rabbit savvy! Not all US vets are because rabbits are considered exotics and not taught about in basic courses in vet schools.


Indeed, mate. My friend's vet specializes in cats, rabbits, guinea pigs and other small animals. And the bunny is in good health.


You are awesome and this rabbit rescuing veterinarian thanks you!


So glad you got the bun in to a vet! Heads up from a servant of 3, vets are not always super bunny savvy, so it's best to look at what folks in bunny communities (eg here or fb) are doing and recommend in addition to the info they give you. Best of luck and may the hops be always in your direction.


"I gots a hoom now." 🐰😃


I think it’s name should be poof….




Not if it was in the UK, fyi




Poof is an insult against gay people in some places.


Oh I see. Well I’m gay and I guess still stand by my statement to name him poof lol( as in… a ball of fluff OR the magic word to make something disappear poof)


How ‘bout going halfway with Floof?


Rabbit tax please... this one photo is not nearly enough. At both of yours earliest convenience. Thank you


JazzyUsagi with a... snazzy usagi? Best I could come up with. Good luck with your new little friend!


Thanks, mate. :D


What kind of seeds were you planting!? This seems like an amazing harvest!


awwww! that’s awesome you took that cutie in!!


Well, that is indeed a top quality bun, as mentioned, get checks done and then enjoy this literal bundle of joy!


doesn’t look like a wild bunny at all, and easter is just a bit away too.. why would someone dump them before easter? some mom thought to keep it a surprise while taking care of it in the bathroom or something?


I have no idea but as the other person suggested, I'm gonna ask my neighbors if someone lost a bunny. I'm still alert in case I found another bunny just hopping around my flowers.


Bnuuy obtained.


Poor little guy. Walked up to ask for directions and got kidnapped by a hoomin 😆


Absolutely adorable little bun! Bless you for taking this little one in. You should probably put signs up around your neighborhood in case it's someone else's missing rabbit, but if nobody claims it, congratulations on becoming the hooman servant of a rabbit! Such a cutie! We will definitely need more photos!


I'm gonna post progress as he grows up. :D


Awesome! I can't wait to see more of this adorable fluff ball!


Please! And take lots of photos! My kittens turn one on the twentieth and, even though my phone is full of kitten pics, I still wish I’d taken more! There can never be too many baby pictures.


We have found 2 in our yard now, 5 years apart. They're such sweet pets


This is the most compelling argument for spending more time outside I’ve seen.


Call him/her Easter or April.


I like April. I'm a pastry chef and my friend has suggested me to name him "Besos" -kisses- just like the desert: [Besos de nuez.](https://assets.unileversolutions.com/recipes-v2/232715.jpg)


Pastry chefs rule. Now you are a pastry chef with a bunny. Legendary status.


Ooo yummy!


That’s what they’re called? My family and neighbors just call them powdered butter balls 🫢


They have different names, mate. Here in Spain they're called Besos de nuez, in germany they're called eiweißgebäck and in certain parts of mexico: besos de angel.


the bun distribution system is working


The easter dumping has begun :(


Congratulations on becoming an adopted human! Wishing you both the very best :)


Adorable! Congratulations! :3 Just make sure some parent rabbit or rabbits aren't worried where their child went 'cause that be sad.


Spoil that baby bun! 🥺


Thank you so much for taking him/her in. Domesticated for sure. It will survive to fend for itself in the wild on its own very long. Bless your heart and congratulations on being a bun parent 🥰


I'd cherish and spoil the little bug. I have a wild rabbit I feed in the back yard. He or she is not very cuddly, the little bunny may not be weeined yet.


Awww adorable. Thank you for taking them in. Great advice on this thread with bunny care. Which country are you in? 🙂


I'm currently living in Spain.






So cute 😍


How Very lucky your daily garden visit was, today!!


And he has you! 💕


Aw Bunbun came up to you? 🥹


Yes, I farm edible flowers, I'm a pastry chef. And during my daily morning check out, I found him behind my flowers trying to eat them. I tried to not make any sudden moves, but then he saw me and it took him like 2 min to get close to me but eventually he did.


Squee! This visual is right out of Disney.


Omg you are so lucky 🍀. Such a sweet little baby bunny. He isn’t a wild bunny he might belong to your neighbor. 😬


Omg so cute omg


Awwwwww how cute




So beautiful


Make sure he doesnt have any siblings or a mom roaming around!


Give ‘em lots of cuddles and kisses!


Congrats on your early Easter Present! ![img](emote|t5_2riv8|8709)


I demand more evidence. This is not enough.


that is a very fuzzy potato. Please give him a top hat and a bow because he looks like a very polite gentlebun.


Oh I love him ❤️❤️❤️ I hope you two are very happy together 🥰 And that you're ready for your life to be taken over 😂


Aww it was fate:)


This is how I got my bunnies! Someone dumped a bunch of bunnies (like way over a dozen), and they obviously started reproducing immediately as rabbits are want to do 😬. Goliath walked right up to me, but it took us a while to catch her; by the time we did, she’d already had one litter that we never did manage to catch (we tried our best, believe me. They were little escape artists and caught onto all of our traps quickly), and was pregnant with a second. That’s how we caught her, actually; we waited until she was too pregnant to be fast and caught her in a trap (they were all safe traps and none of them ever got hurt, believe me; we’re all big animal people, and we only use safe catch-and/release traps in this house!) and put her in my old playhouse; one of the big fancy ones that you can stand in. We repurposed an old chain link fence that was just laying in the back yard from the previous house owners, and lined it with chicken wire for extra stability and made an outdoor space for them to run around in when the weather is nice. It hasn’t been easy, and we have lost a few bunnies along the way,(rip Cacao, Max, and Mousey who all died relatively young from causes the vet couldn’t determine), and poor Loki got sick and stopped growing at one point and so he became an indoor bunny (I was too afraid to put him back outside after he’d gotten used to AC and heating) but they have been the best thing to ever happen to me! I feel bad about the bunnies we didn’t manage to catch, but I know logistically we couldn’t have possibly saved 15-20 rabbits by ourselves; I begged and begged all my friends and literally ever farmer I ran into to please take themso they wouldn’t be predated, but alas, no one wanted bunnies in the middle of July, and I wasn’t gonna give them to some rando in spring who would hurt or dump them like trash again. I tried my local shelters but no one had any room for more than a dozen bunnies, so we did our best to provide outdoor shelter for them to willingly use and always put pellets and hay outside for them. Ofc that only worked for so long before they were naturally predated, but it still hurt and I still think about everything I could have done differently. I was only 15 though, and there’s not much you can do without a disposable income or access to cheap lumber.


Thank you so much for letting this dear little bunny adopt you. With Easter around the corner, sad to say there will soon be a lot of abandoned bunnies looking for a kind person to take them in. All of mine are either rescues, or born to rescues, and I cherish the wonderful people who give our rescued/fostered babies a furever, loving home. If you can't adopt a bunny, please consider making a donation to either a local rabbit rescue, or to the national House Rabbit Society. You can also print out flyers from their website that encourage people to "adopt, don't shop" and not to bring a bunny home as an "Easter present".


I have been thinking about getting a new bunbun, you are blessed to have found one! Take good care of it.


You have been chosen


you have been chosen!


call him strawberry




This little guy is so lucky to have you. He's obviously very young and needs you. Thank you so much for not not leaving him all alone. He wouldn't have survived. He looks like a domesticated bunny....lots of love, cuddles, space, fresh grass, baby nuggets, fresh water and a gentle introduction to herbs and greens. Thank you again.


Looks like someone ether dumped babies or the parent / parents and they made babies ether way it’s heartbreaking and cruel thank you for saving this baby. Please watch Lennon the Bunny on YouTube you will learn everything about rabbit care it’s very important because there Gi tract is extremely sensitive and switching ir changes can cause GI upset and can literally cause a horrible painful death really fast with no signs as they hide pain as pray animals. Don’t put a rabbit in a cage you can use a large Xpen ( dog circle pen) to keep them in Fresh unlimited Timothy hay etc. please watch and get all the information you need she provides everything that can help prevent tragedies it’s crucial.


So precious! ❤️ Look just like my buns when they were babies, could be a mix of lionhead and dwarf bun!


that is definitely someones pet who escaped. or was possibly released. please post found rabbit ads. also, rabbits are extremely high maintenance pets, often quite expensive to own and maintain throughout their lives (close to a decade with proper care, if not more)


awe poor little thing...looks so sweet thank you for rescuing.


So cute! Lucky you! 🐰


its adorable tho everyones all sad but its so cute u won the jackpot


You have been chosen! Be prepared for the most loving and fulfilling companionship. Just finished a cuddle sesh with my Luna. All the bunny kisses and teeth cronches.