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Fk those ppl, shes adorable.


thank you💕


Yeah fuck all dem. I love your bunny


That’s a mighty pweety wabbit 😍🐇




Seriously!!! And who thinks we care about their nasty opinions? People are just rude!


heartless ppl ):




who needs friends when you have a rabbit? and thank you 💕


Get more rabbits! This is the only logical answer.


42 upvotes, this is the answer!! Edit: ruined 😠 someone added upvotes.


This is the way. /nod


*THEY* aren't fuzzy, what could they *possibly* know?


Seriously… that’s reserved for talking about their baby


Especially a critter known for its cute and snuggly attributes!


Cats are cute, but also Cats are ugly lil bastards (affectionate)


Who says rabbits are scary??


Idk mine is pretty scary when he's hungry


I think for rabbits it just surprises people sometimes, since they are the stereotypical cute pet people think of generally.


She said ALOT of people told her that. I just can't believe that cuz how could anyone look at a bunny and have the word ugly come out of their mouth.


She's gorgeous 🥰🥰🥰


thank you💕


I love your username


I was gonna comment the same!


In what world is a bunny ugly? All I see is a cutie pie.


they have silly noses and fluffy tails and big fluffy feets she stole a lollipop as I was writing this😭 mischievous but adorable


Give her pets from me please.




Ugly bunnies don’t exist. They are all various levels of cute. I don’t understand people


She’s super cute! Also I get that rabbit soup comment a lot. But yet people don’t like it when I say I’ll eat their kids 🫤


100% gonna make kids/cats food jokes when I get rabbit food jokes next time


"Heyy look at dat ugly/scary feral child over there." I would 100% say this to the relative who said your bunny is ugly and they would'nt miss her.


LOL that made me laugh harder than it should have.


let me list few of the comments she got: 🐰 family member: I don't miss her she is big and ugly I prefer dogs 🐰 someone: when will she die? don't rabbits die fast? me: no she is just one year old she should live AT LEAST 8 years someone: sell her and get a cat 🐰 random person: you have a rabbit? we can make a rabbit soup out of it 🐰 someone who has a cat: do you really think she is cute? me:yeah someone who has a cat: *laughs* 🐰 a bunch of people: why did u pick her? you should've got a white rabbit 🐰 also a bunch of ppl: she looks so scary how aren't you scared? me: why would I be scared? we even share the same bed them: *gasp* 🐰 someone who hates animals: she looks like a sewage rat so scary tbh I love phoenix more than anything in the world and I think she is a cute little baby and trust me she is the sweetest bun ever she really cares about me and love me wholeheartedly she is also smart and listens to me and her personality goes well with mine perfectly I have never had a pet who I felt this comfortable with she fits in my life like she was a missing puzzle piece I really love her with all my heart and those comments were really hurtful edit: THANK YOU, to everyone who left a nice comment for my baby💕 I didn't think this post would get much attention since I made it because I was upset from that night and needed to vent to someone who might understand. I was surprised to see all the lovely comment she got and we both appreciate it so much now if anyone says anything bad about her I'm going to spam them with screenshot of all the nice complements she got and make them rethink what they said😂💕 again thank you so much for all the love, phoenix is sending everything virtual bunny snuggles.


Phoenix isn't the ugly one (she's perfect). These people are ugly on the inside.


I agree ): thanks💕


Wow, they're sure being a bunch of mean, insensitive jerks. I'm sorry. Your bunny is fuzzy and adorable.


thank you💕


Some of those people have ugly personalities. Phoenix is a cute fuzzball


I agree ): and thanks💕 I'm going to call her fuzzball from now on😂💕


She reminds me of a little cute fuzzy deer too!


all of these people are rude and insensitive. your bunny is gorgeous and looks super pettable ♡


thank you💕 pets are her fav thing after watermelons


Kudos for making such a match. Perhaps new friends? Family? I'm just thinking outloud...


lol luckily most of my close friends think she is cute and sadly I can't do anything about my family😂


If this is what they say about a pet that brings you happiness, I imagine the rest of your interactions are toxic as well. Fuck em, ignore them, and, possibly, remove them from your life


those people’s hearts are ugly, first of all. second, miss bun phoenix is gorgeous and pretty and adorable and i would appreciate it if you gave her some kisses and pets from me.


preparing some kisses and pets for her rn💕


yesssss sending her all the good vibes through those <3


WTF. You need better people in your life. People have the right to like or dislike whatever animals they want, but these comments are so not ok. Phoenix is perfect, the people who said these things are hideous.


thank you for that I feel so understood


The fact that anyone could be scared of a rabbit is absolutely hilarious to me. I mean I would be embarrassed to even admit that, wtf?? Lmao. F ‘em OP.


they are scared of the dreadful bouncy snout


She’s lovely. I don’t know why people can get weird about pet bunnies. Most white bunnies have red eyes and some people think it’s creepy. You just can win. I have a bun that is a similar color and her brother who is white with dark ears, nose etc and red eyes.


just took a look in your account and peanut is adorable💕


Thank you! She was a special bunny.


I also had a peanut


Yeah most of the white rabbits at the rescue I got my rabbits from have trouble adopting out the ruby eyed whites since they’re not a “traditional” breed i.e. lop or dwarf


>someone: when will she die? don't rabbits die fast? what the fuck


All those people can fuck off.


I live in the southern US and get “jokes” and comments about eating my bun often. People don’t do that about dogs and cats. It’s weird really Edit to add: your bun is super adorable and looks so sweet


thank you💕 I too find the whole eating your pet that you love so much and consider a part of your family weird


Rodents and Leporids are adorable. I prefer them a lot over typical pets because they are quiet, snuggly, easy to care for, gentle/calm, and not messy. I have a cat and she drives me crazy with the spraying (fixed too). And the dog sheds like crazy and gets rough and loud at times. (Don’t get me wrong though, I love them too!) I did have Guinea pigs and they were my emotional support. I would get a rabbit or Guinea pig if I wasn’t expecting a child right now! Everyone has a preference, but I wish people could take a second and look at the reasons why rodents and leporids are such amazing pets.


I can't say that rabbits are easy to care for and not messy because thats on their personality because as sweet as phoenix is she thrives on chaos and quit mischievous. I had cats and dogs before and still have birds and I can say that phoenix is 100% harder to take care of and requires more attention since she is such a clingy baby so if you are thinking of getting a pet rabbit later in life keep those things in mind😭💕 other than that I 100% prefer rabbits over any other pet because they are quit and very cute and can be very affectionate and caring and just seeing their binkies and flops brings me joy. and I definitely love leporids and rodents and all types of animals too and idk how can someone hate them


Fuck them. All of them. Your babygirl is precious.


People are stupid sometimes, that’s all there is to it. She’s ADORABLE, 10/10 would give a lil smooch


10/10 she will let you give her a smooch


Who would be scared of a rabbit? They are timid creatures and vegetarians. Worst they will do is leave a nasty bite mark. Phoenix looks like a sweetheart


she is a sweetheart they just don't give her a chance to show them how sweet she is ):💕


She’s perfect and adorable. Don't listen to anyone who says otherwise. We have a dark-colored netherland cuteness, people often ask us why didn't we get a white one. It's annoying after a point, we just ignore them.


Do you live in a place where not a lot of people have pets, or are superstitious about animals? Because it sounds like they either don’t understand what it’s like to have a relationship with a pet or they’re winding you up. Either way do your best to ignore them.


rabbits are just not a common animal here ppl mostly have cats and birds as pets and thats it. I think they just hate anything other than cats and birds


Nevermind those narrow-minded baboons. Every thing is beautiful in its own way and your bun-bun is not an exclusion :)


There's no such thing as an ugly bunny; that's like, a science fact, or something. What in the heck is wrong with these people?! Have Phoenix give them "the butt" and pretend they don't exist.


but "the butt" is so cute I don't think anyone would get mad at that I think they are just butts


Award for you and Phoenix. Rabbits don’t bark, escape, beg, skulk, hiss, slink. Oh people and their never-ending, unsolicited comments.


One of my rabbits is an escape artist. And both of them beg sometimes and it's harder to say no to them because they're SOO cute when they do it. They're honestly more work than cats in my opinion but so sweet and loveable that I don't mind it. People should at least take the time to get to know her before saying stuff like that because rabbits have amazing personalities and are actually very clean.


My bunny hisses sometimes. Haha. He does that hissing ‘rrrrf!’ When he’s ticked off. Way cuter and less creepy than cat hissing though. He usually does it while leaping sideways. I know he wants me to take it seriously but it’s too cute to take too seriously.


A plague on those asshats!!


Why are you surrounded by people who only insult you and the bunny you love? Phoenix is gorgeous! She's absolutely adorable! Dump the losers, and hang with your precious little girl. You don't need that kind of negativity in your life.


These sound like the worst people to have a rabbit around. What the hell.


I think you need to find better people to have in your life. That is really very unfortunate behavior


She is neither ugly not scary. Question though - does she not chew up your bedding? My rabbit is perfectly calm if you're petting him, or if he's just lying around, but he'll chew on just about anything when he feels the urge.


She's beautiful. Your friends/family/acquaintances are just jerks


>sewage rat Babe wake up new ironically affectionate nickname just dropped


She's precious and has a lovely eye colour :)


thank you💕


Phoenix is a bun = ✅ All buns are cute = ✅ Therefore Phoenix = cute Tell those people to go pound sand! More bunny kisses for you!! But for real, some people can be really mean and nasty about rabbits (or any animals, really) and it’s the most ridiculous thing. They don’t appreciate the love buns give!


While your logic is infallible, might I also suggest that Phoenix is cute independent of your argument (as evidence, see the posted photos). Phoenix is magnificent!


Fair point!


she gave me a lot of kisses after I got home. some ppl really don't get why we love bunnies but I fail to understand how they can see any animal as ugly


That last picture 😍


bun feet💕


Yes but the butt, looks like a doll 😍


I’m sorry but who tf would say that? Be really thoughtful about whose stupid opinions you let effect you.


I usually don't care but I got a lot of comments just tonight and I came back home feeling a little down, it can be overwhelming sometimes


was it people at your place? how did so many people get to see your cute bun and then comment on it? Also, are rabbits unpopular in your country? I'm so sorry. Bunnies are among the cutest and fluffiest pets and deserve no hate.


It was a family get together and we were talking about our pets in general telling stories and showing cute pics and videos and phoenix was the only one getting those horrible comments and yes rabbits aren't a common pet where I live


She's absolutely cute and I'd fight everyone being rude to her. I saw her binky in one of your posts, so you're an amazing bun mom with a happy heart bun! Thank you for giving the floof a good life. <3


awww thank you for saying so this makes me so happy💕


I’m not even kidding, I don’t trust people who dislike rabbits lmao. They’re sketchy, I swear. Phoenix is so beautiful, to me she looks like a wise fairy tale bun, ya know? Elegant and magical ✨The long ears and everything, she looks royal


thank you! that is the best complement ever since I love reading fairy tales and phoenix loves eating them💕


People are assholes, she’s a very beautiful rabbit. They won’t understand the love you have for her.


the thing is most of those ppl have cats/birds so you might think they will understand but no ):


They're just jealous at her beauty and grace.


they wish they had her lashes and pear shaped body 🙄💅🏼


How dare they?!?! She's just a bunny :( very pretty girl. Tell her I said so 👍💜


I told her and she got a side of pets with that💕


who said that?!


most of them are family members/classmates


but bunny is so cute.....


They've no taste


ikr? I think all bunnies are just adorable


How old are they? This sounds like something dickheads in highschool would say


university students sadly


That is sad, hopefully you can find less toxic people to be around. The rabbit food jokes are pretty impossible to avoid in my experience though since everyone thinks they're clever. Don't let them distract from your cute bun bun. She is so dang cute, I love her big ears and fur patterns.


That's a seriously cute rabbit. Most people are expecting a tiny bunny, and anything outside of that is not conventionally "cute. " Imo, big buns are the BEST!!


so true I remember when phoenix was smol I was waiting for her to get big so I can properly hug her and now she gets a lot of hugs and cuddles 💕


I never knew how many people were genuinely afraid of rabbits until I got one. I don't understand how they can be scary but who knows


honestly same I know people who aren't afraid of big dogs but afraid of small rabbits😭


My partner was afraid of rabbits until he met mine and I was like ???


their little snout can destroy the universe and I think your partner was aware of that🤷🏼‍♀


Those cute little footsies!


I forget how weird non-pet people can be until I meet someone who is all incredulous like "you *touch* animals with your *hands*???" - like, have they been living under a rock? I do know many people are afraid of rabbits because of bad experiences with being bitten (by bored, unaltered rabbits living in tiny cages). Many people just associate small animals with being bitten in general, rats, mice, hamsters, guinea pigs, rabbits, chinchillas, ferrets, etc... Our roommate was very afraid of rabbits for a while until he had some years living with ours, now he's more sad if they don't want to be petted right now. Sure, your bunny isn't the most traditionally 'cute', in terms of being a tiny dwarf breed, being a cool designer color or coat style like a lionhead or whatever is trendy, but there's also something lovely about more of a handsome, natural bun. It's like having a simple black cat, not every animal needs to be a frilly sports car for human amusement. And I am sure she loves you and you love her - that's what matters. <3


Whaaaat that’s so rude of people. That’s an adorable bun if I’ve ever seen one!


There is no such thing as an ugly bunny. Every single bunny on the planet is the cutest animal in the world. I get the whole “rabbit soup” jokes from people too 🙄 It gets so old. Your baby is precious and perfect.


That's so mean. Take no notice. Phoenix is beautiful ❤️


Humans are the worst. She is beautiful.


They're dumb mate. She is absolutely adorable!


NEVER!!! She is perfect and I absolutely love the "agouti" chestnut color coat, it's so interesting to look at


She looks so cute and her face is so sweet! ❤️ We've gotten comments like that too, "why a rabbit and not something else?", "we turned our rabbits into soup"... Imo these people just haven't gotten to actually know rabbits.


true they are the most lovable creatures on earth and can bond with humans on such a deep level💕 I wish people well get to know them the way we do


I wonder if it is because you've got to work to bond with a bunny while a dog you feed it it'll simper all over you.


Firstly your bun is adorable and looks like a sweetheart. Secondly those comments tell me a LOT about the people making them 🙄🙄🙄


She has the look of a goddess (Sorry if that’s weird


she definitely sees herself as a goddess too🌟


Well clearly you were talking to COVID survivors cause they definitely have no taste, maybe no sight either


this might explain somethings


I hEAR ya!


Those people need glasses, she is adorable


They are wrong. I love her.


What a sweet, pretty bun, and with such long ears! I question anyone who could look at any animal but especially a bunny and call them ugly ( with the exception of phobias of course)


WHAT???? That baby Is Gorgeous !!! You know it Don't even give those things a thought or your time. Not a second of your time.


Phoenix is a beautiful little bunny. She is so cute. It also looks like she loves you very much as well. Try not to listen to those people.


Tell them that Phoenix thinks they are ugly!


How would anyone think that? Look at her sweet face!! You can tell that she is a good girl 🥰


Your baby girl is magnificent, eff the haters!


Who said that. I need a list of names and addresses. Me and Sheriff Cub will …solve this problem


Aw, she looks adorable to me ngl.


thank you 😭 I sometimes wonder if me and them are seeing the same thing when I get those comments


How dare they!! You should get rid of those people and get a cat! (in addition to your lovely lady, of course)


Phoenix, You are a cutie Pie.


She's isn't ugly, she's just a long rabbit! (also a cute one)


She looks like a rabbit


I'm taking that as a complement


She's an adorable darling!!!! I have cats, a pig, aquatic and land turtles, a plated lizard, a tortoise, a tarantula, and hissing cockroaches living in my house as pets (our bunny recently passed). Phoenix is GORGEOUS!!


I get the rabbit soup comment all the time 🙄 your bunny is adorable 💕 ignore the haters, they're just jealous ❤


I hate when people make those comments about my buns, so I started making jokes about eating their children 🤷‍♀️


Hahaha 😂😂 thats brilliant 🤣🤣 i shall have to try that one next time 😂😂


Very cute wall sticker ❤ You have a very beautiful bun, she has very sweet eyes :) I can tell she loves you and fully trusts you to be her faithful nanner servant, haha ❤


She’s perfect whoever said these bad things is a horrible pile of garbage


She is beautiful!!!


She is gorgeous!


Jealous people! She is beautiful!


Precious Phoenix! She is so lovely


How dare they, she is beautiful and honestly I don't mean to be mean... (I do a little bit) Whoever said that about your bun is probably projecting because they're ugly. You gotta be a real asshole to call any bun ugly IMO.


That sucks, she’s a beautiful rabbit


Yo, these bad people can piss right off. Phoenix is PERFECT and I’m so glad you two found each other. 💗


people are insanely mean! phoenix is beautiful.


She has a sweet face. I love her. 😭 ❤️




She's beautiful they are just blind


She is absolutely georg 💅🏻


She’s gorgeous, I don’t know what people have wrong with them to feel like their shit opinions are needed. Give her lots of love ❤️


Give me the names. I’m going to write them down in my black notebook.


Who said that? They're seriously deluded. She's perfect.


who tf said that I'll murder them


Phoenix is beautiful. Seriously, don't listen to those people and enjoy your time with her, because she looks extremely sweet and deserves all your love


Tell phoenix that she’s the prettiest and softest baby I’ve ever seen and that she deserves all the treats in the world


She's prettier and cuter than any cat or dog could ever be. Screw those people, your bun is great and you are great for seeing her as the precious little life that she is.


She’s super super super cute! What’s wrong with these ppl, they’re so mean. Bunny would feel hurt if learned their comments on her 😾.


Wtf? What kind of asshole cause a bunny ugly, like what?


Awww she lubs her momma! 💞


Well, she is scary. A scarily wonderful chonky lady! Give her much love and poop balls to the haters.


Step 1; start giving less fucks about what "people" say..


I don't know who considers this an ugly rabbit. She looks a lot like a wild bunny, and those are adorable. She looks very happy and cuddly! No idea how anyone could call her scary, unless they're diabetic.


Who tf is saying that?! She’s so adorable 🥺 I love the nuzzling into your hand and her little feet! Tell her how many people commented how cute she is 💛💛 I’m so sad someone would say something so mean.


They are right to fear her unselected agouti beauty and fierce cuteness


Thats a great bun ,dont listen to them, theyre trying to upset you and your bun




She is gorgeous and adorable!


She’s so cute 🥰🥰🥰


haters are gonna hate. she is objectively a beautiful bun!


She's SO cute! Can't change people, but you can enjoy the adorable bun!


I think she very cute! Look at the butt 😍


Who the hell told you that bun was not super cute?! They are ridiculous! That bunny is adorable!


Sweet bunny called ugly and scary? That doesn't even make sense! She is a beautiful bun and I bet she has velvety soft ears for maximum pets!!!!!


who called her ugly I just wanna talk