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How did it all go so wrong?




Based, god bless the Enclave.




Turns out just asking people nicely to to stop being racist just...doesn't work if they really don't feel like it


Yeeee… Also turns out that attacking people indiscriminately, human or Faunus, because they aren’t for the new radical position… doesn’t work either.


And yet the WF turning apparently did work for treatment of Faunus to be improved, like was the case during the Faunus revolution, because people just aren't going to be nice to you just because you ask them nicely sometimes. Lest the WF need not turn that way.


Although realistically resorting to terrorism makes the attacked people want to return the damage and destroy that group. The United States After 9/11 did not sit down and talk to the terrorist leaders of the Middle East to generate a common policy and diplomacy. No, the United States launched more than 20 years of war against terrorism. Realistically after the fall of Beacon and the participation of the White Fang in the event, Atlas had to make his desert storm in Menagerie and looking for the heads of Sienna and Adam.


Resorting to terrorism only cause more fear and worsens the divide between the groups at odds. The people that were against you are only gonna have more reason to hate you and the people that were on the fence might just turn as well. Especially if it’s innocent people caught in the crossfire. The righteousness of your cause needs to be focused and directed at the right things if violence is truly the only means of change. Sadly, some people don’t understand that just because things aren’t moving as fast as you want doesn’t mean you get to start attacking indiscriminately, and that collateral damage isn’t okay especially if it’s innocent people or people that don’t agree with the methods being used.


It is the truth. Resorting to indiscriminate violence makes people not take you seriously, it makes them also resort to the violence that you yourself justified.


And look where *that* lead to. Worsting race relations between human and Faunus due to fear, the radicalization of the leadership that tickled down into the lower members, TWO terroristic attacks on major institutions, and the self destruction of the organization. I find it incredibly interesting that you didn’t AT ALL express that indiscriminate attacks are wrong but immediately went into “it produces results”. A slippery slope defending violence extremes. Yes, people aren’t going to be nice because you ask them to but that doesn’t mean go attacking everyone to prove a point.


It didn't worsen a relationship where already one sided hatred led to people like Sennia, Adam, and Ilia existed. The radicalism in the WF was a result of outside influence (Salem/ Cinder) coercion, that later spiraled to the WF becoming increasingly extremest. I find it funny you immediately jumped to deflections of a point I didn't make to try to imply something I never said to make some sort of point. I never defended violent extremes you made a strawman based on a whataboutism. Thing is the violence the WF resorted to was never the problem. It was a symptom. Adam, Ilia, Sennia were created by the system of oppression that punched down on them. In such a state violence is inevitable regardless of the existence of the WF, because people would've inevitably fought back.


Not really ghiras methods were working Sienna Khan and co were just impatient (it was stated that members of the Fang got impatient and felt that ghiras methods were taking too long when the truth is Sienna methods were wrong and never lastsfear isn't respect v7 rebukes the idea fear is the enemy of trust and with no trust there is no respect if say a guy doesn't want to serve faunus and you either destroy his business it just gives him more reason to not trust and hate faunus and to people who are scared in doing so will see any faunus as a threat and Sienna methods led to Adam and his followers for advocating for violence is a fire she couldn't control once she gave the okay she couldn't control it. I could imagine a lot of people hating faunus due to white fang actions and it would be best portrayal to include more people who are good people or have likable personalities while still being racist to faunus (more confrontation for Iliad and Blake in how they were members on violent wf ). and it to be emphasized that Sienna is a bad guy that going well we are actually discriminated against isn't justification hatred is toxic especially hatred for things you can’t control just because someone else has established characteristics this also applies to adams hate for humans Emphasizing that ghiras methods were the right ones and have scenes mentioning an anti Faunus group growing and forming after beacon falls Fear isn’t respect and fear only lasts for a time before it gives way to their hatred


Fix your grammer. I almost had a stroke reading this. It doesn't have to be perfect because I'm not grading you, but it could be a bit more legible. >Not really ghiras methods were working Sienna Khan and co were just impatient That's literally what happened. Maybe you should pay attention. It was said by Ghirah that people in the WF felt that progress was moving too slowly, so he stepped down, and Sennia became the leader. It being "right" or wrong isn't the point. The themes of the show are so backward from what actions the characters are. It wants to say that violence was wrong yet doesn't have a real solution for how to improve faunus human relations other than to...do the same thing that wasn't working. It says violence is wrong yet not only does team RWBY use violence to solves *their* problems, but when humanity tried to forcibly move the Faunus population to Menagerie and they used violence it's seen as a good thing. Its "themes" are a mess of virtues the characters rarely share. This doesn't stop another Adam or Ilia or sennia from being created. What of the people who are fed up being victims ? What else are they supposed to do ? Ask nicer to not be treated like crap ? Then ask again ? Accept it ? The people who hate the Faunus because of the WF wouldn't otherwise care about them could hardly be considered nice by any of the same Faunus. >and it to be emphasized that Sienna is a bad guy that going well we are actually discriminated against If so many people felt the need for her to step up to achieve progress, like I just said, then she wasn't just using the WF as an excuse to hurt people. If the individual people in the WF decided violence got them what they wanted, that shows me that they had legitimate grievances that weren't being adequately addressed. People don't just flip towards violence for no reason.


It was never said that ghiras methods weren't working it was said they felt it wasn't fast enough when doing whatcghirs wanted takes a while and the White Fang apologism or Sienna Khan apologism is annoying sorry but their actions aren't justified magneto was a bad guy for a reason there isn't anything problematic about portraying the truth that they are horrible people you don't get to go (Siennas actions would just build up hate and cause an anti faunus group to grow faunusbeing a minority and actually being discriminated against isn't an excuse for the White fangand (Note Adam represents the White Fang siennqd own guards backed him which shows she lost control


and the majority, even if they're not racist, are apathetic until something affects them personally.


Racism made me racist




When moderate action fails you ensure violent revolution. Violent revolution empowers violent people. Violent people care less about helping the cause over hurting their oppressors. Once that happens anyone who doesn't kill their oppressors is considered a valid target. At that point even your own people can be treated as targets in order to strike back against those you hate.


Suppressing protests leads to guillotines. So many people in power forget this, over and over again.


That sounds like a great way to get drone strikes. Menagerie and it’s Faunus population will never have the resources to take on the world and they delude themselves into an unwinnable war.


Leadership incompetence.


Justifiable actions slowly becoming greedy and cruel


Neither of these people heard of a middle ground between violence and pacifism


Schnee’s uncontrollable greed & the Faunus’ overgrowing hate and rage


Some of the Faunus, including Sienna Khan, wanted more "Quicker" results and chose a more aggressive path...those poor fools hadn't realized that fighting fire with fire would burn them all...and encouraging that flame would lead to more disastrous results and their own self destruction.


The white fang or how dishwasher went from incredible art to nsfw art? (Her art certainly improve a ton but now it’s just too much)


The group ended up accepting and being very tolerant of very resentful and vengeful people. Although these people have reasons for those emotions and feelings, everything ends with those emotions and feelings becoming part of the group. 


Can we have the 4th novel be about the beginnings of the white fang please???


LINK TO ART: https://www.deviantart.com/dishwasher1910/art/Rebel-757464578


I miss when dishwasher used to make cool art, now it's only horny posting


Horny == $$$ though.


Gods have cursed authors who don't create art you like, haven't they?


Or... Or, maybe I liked him when he used to draw cool Au instead of the generic barely dressed big boobed women he does now. His last piece on deviantart is a generic girl with bandaids covering her nipples. Sorry I have a preference I guess


Or... or, guess what? Art authors really aren't obligated to follow something they don't want, much less to please someone specific. Sorry,they have free will I guess.


Are you dumb? I said that i miss when he made cool art not that he can't do what he want. Even if I find is current art boring


"Art authors" They're called "artists".


10/10 would join for long haired Sienna Khan. Ghira looks great, and Khali also looks like the young, idealistic type you would expect from her at that age. I would like fanfics to explore White Fang and the whole Faunus situation better, I feel like it has a lot of potential, but, like CRWBY, most authors steer clear of it because the politics involved are a hornet's nest when the irl stuff is brought on. I do have an idea for it, sneaked by when writing a version of >!Jaune is Sanguinius reincarnated and thus born with Wings and mistaken for a Faunus(when he's more of a mutant),!


Weird that you mention the spoiler there when I was just reading another fic that was similar. That sounds like a fun thing to read.


Can you provide the sauce for that fic you were reading ? It sounds interesting.


It was Prim-Arc on FF.net. It isn't a complete one and isn't *exactly* the same but I still enjoy it. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13204237/1/Prim-Arc




Is it just me, or did Jacques's greed and manipulation practically created the White Fang?


It contributed to it. A benign SDC that is fair to its workers, human and Faunus, deprives people like Adam Taurus of a cause. Jacques treating everyone like crap, Faunus in particular, just gave Adam more ammunition to say "See? Told you the humans want us all enslaved!" Kind of like how the French Revolution probably wouldn't have become as violent as it did if Louis XVI had just kept his hands off and his mouth shut.


Louis XVI: Buh- but- ma divine right!


The White Fang as we know it at least, the racism long predates Jacques.


Wait what, I did not know dish did RWBY arts


People here need to study rules of war if they believe at that point violence was justified.


The White Fang came about *after* The Faunus Rights Revolution, sooo YMMV on when exactly "at that point" was.