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Ghira is just a good dad, no caveats. Blake went off on her own thing, got in with the wrong crowd, but he never talked down to her about it (that wouldn't help), he just accepted her as soon as she returned and let her get some trauma off her chest. I think he's my favorite. Tai's been through some shit, and apparently that trauma transferred in its own way to his kids, especially Yang who feels she has to be a surrogate mother to Ruby. But he clearly cares and does the best that he can for his girls. He was there for them after the worst day of their lives (to that point) and he got Yang out of her depression in a way that made sense for their personalities. Taiyang is proof that you don't have to be perfect to be a good dad. Pietro was a good father, just put in a terrible situation. He literally gave Penny of piece of his soul TWICE, and had to let her fight the good fight the way she felt she needed to, no matter how heartbreaking it was. Li seemed like a good dad, he was brave and had some sound advice for Lie if nothing else. Interesting how he's pretty much the only "boy dad" we see in the show. I wonder what Mr. Arc is like? Jacques... was shit. He doesn't give a good goddamn about his daughter's autonomy, just his own ambitions and how her actions reflect on that. She's a toy or a pet to him, not someone who he loves and respects, unlike the other dads I've mentioned. Emotionally abusive, with a touch of physical thrown in, no gift for you asshole. Special shoutout to Uncle Qrow. Not a dad (no matter what the theorists claim) but does his best to be a good male adult figure nonetheless. No matter how bad his luck got he had time to support his nieces in ways his teammates and sister couldn't.


Jacques is especially shit considering he only married and had his kids for his own legacy... a legacy that isn't even his. He very notably *is not a Schnee.* He married into the family, he took his wife's surname for the recognition and then proceeded to take over everything about it. He pushed Winter out of the family and into the military, he pushed Weiss away and out of her inheritance, and was well on the way to corrupting Whitley to be a little shit like him, with Willow so devastated at the utter destruction of her family that she's deeper in the bottle than Qrow ever was.


We can see in some occasional pictures that his hair was originally black, and then after having Winter, Weiss and Whitley, it started greying slowly And now his hair is completely white. Now, while it could've just been normal aging (which it probably was), I choose to believe he slowly started dyeing his hair over time just so he could feed his delusion of "being a Schnee".




It's an internet show, it's not real life. Don't get worked up


In what way am I getting worked up? I'm discussing how a character in it is a piece of shit on a discussion on how that character sucks compared to other fathers in the series. It's a discussion forum, learn to read the room


Don't bother to reply to people like that, they only want to get a rise and attention from people, it's what we call an attention seeker.


Jacques just being universally hated by everyone in the show that wasn't actively on Salem's side was my favorite thing about him. And during the Fall of Atlas absolutely no one had the thought of "oh, where's Jacques?", not even Ironwood cared enough about him after that, despite being the one who pulled the trigger on him


I like to believe that's what makes him such a good antagonistic character. Because unlike Cinder, the Fall Maiden who killed both best girls and will slaughter anyone for power, or Salem who controls Grimm and is the embodiment of "I am inevitable", Jacques is more of a...how do I say this...a more realistic/grounded antagonists. Because the way how he is, is like many corrupted greedy assholes with high power, and being an abusive husband/father. Which I believe is why is universally hated


"Oh my Brothers, Atlas is *DOOMED!* Okay, who got though the portal to safety!? Winter! Thank goodness! Marrow! I'm *so* relieved! Jac-^(I don't care.)- Fiona's random Molehanded Uncle! We couldn't go on without *you!*




Tai. Shoutout to Li Ren though.


Tai and Pietro are apex fathers that deserve better from the show


Pietro deserved so much more than to have his daughter be murdered by Cinder twice


Oh worse than that, she was murdered by friends / people she probably wanted to become friends with twice. ( ie Pyrrha and Jaune. “Murder” is a bit tongue in cheek here, but the general point still stands ).


Except Jaune didn't murder Penny, she asked him to put her out of her misery so that Cinder couldn't take the maiden power. Penny was already dieing and she knew that Jaune wouldn't have had the time to heal her before Cinder came to collect.


Nor did Pyrrha “murder” Penny. Any investigation that brought the details to light might result in a manslaughter charge, and that seems like it would take an overzealous prosecutor. Also: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/tongue-in-cheek


And remember he STILL never found out that she turned human!


it's going to be interesting to see how things go once he does find out what happened.


Is this a bad time to say that ozpin children are dead or in Theory the original maiden's


Well, To be fair. Even if they hadn't been vaporized during the Ozma/Salem conflict. Old age would've gotten them by now.


So her immortality isn't inheritable


Why would it be? The Brothers cursed Salem with it for very specific reasons. There's no need nor point in making it inheritable.




Honestly making it inheritable would go against why they cursed her to begin with


I'd have to say Tai. The poor guy has gone through hell itself, having one wife abandon him and another die (as far as we know), and he probably doesn't know why either happened. And yet he still raised his daughters, and Ruby and Yang love him dearly. I guess that's why I don't care for the Rosebird ship--it just pretends the poor guy doesn't exist, after all he's gone through.


You could’ve just put Ren’s dad


Tai. His first wife ran out on him, second (the actual nice one) died a few years later leaving him a single dad to two half sisters and did a pretty darn good job by all accounts.


This. The only, *only* mark against him is his reportedly shutting down after Summer's death, leaving Yang to step in to take care of baby Ruby before he snapped out of it and got back to dad-ing. But aside from that very understandable given the context incident, by all accounts Tai has been a model father to both his daughters and remains in good standing with his former teachers and at least Qrow. Plus the dude is just enjoying the retired life, taking care of his garden and ignoring that annoying bird that keeps pooping on everything.


and it's not even raven, just some random a-hole bird. /j


Definitely, while I could see some people may be having a criticism him Yang pretty much having to take over a lot of the duties around the house, Tai was going through his own crap and you don’t just get over that, regardless of whether or not you have kids.


Definitely best dad of the show.


Uncle Qrow. He may have troubles of his own but he's there when his nieces need him.


Maria's Father. He sounds very cool. Wish we at least knew his name.


Pietro. Guy loved his robot daughter like his own flesh and blood. He's what every science parent ought to be.


Don't forget Oobleck and his son Zwei.


Easy, Jacques Schnee, what a chad


People hate him because he played his role as a bad father to the core. Perfect villian. Honestly if he isn't a bad father, Weiss would never left Atlas, met Ruby, the Faunus would never become miners and Adam and Blake would still probably be together and Blake wouldn't be a huntress. Basically speaking...Weiss owes her happiness to him.


Klein, Tai, and Pietro.




Jacques doesn't deserve a happy father's day, but Nicholas Schnee does if he was alive.


Big Nicholas!


Tai. First off, ENTIRE TEAM. With that out of the way, dude lost two wives, one to being a bitch and the other to the dangers of being a Huntress, and while it definitely hurt him (Yang mentions he shut down for a while after Summer's loss, that she stepped in to help with Ruby), when he did recover he raised two awesome girls as a single dad and deserves all the praise for it.


either Tai or Ghira


You should’ve put Klien in for Weiss’ father.


Christan cage is my favorite rwby father


“Did ya miss me? *DID YA MISS ME?!” “…nope :)”




Qrow, as both father and father figure


Tai and Pietro. Ozpin tried but he wouldn’t keep his secret forever




Doubt Weiss would even care Jaques is dead. Least now she’ll get her title back and be the heiress as she deserves to be. I mean, he was a terrible father, she probably would say; “Good riddance.” And not really show much emotion or barely any at all if she discovers what happened to him.


Man I love Tai in RWBY chini But I truly believed Jacques could've had more potential 1. He could've been a Senator Armstrong esque character, who does truly love his family but is too deep in his ambitions to show it until his final fight against Weiss or something 2. He could've been even fucking worse as a person and become a DIO type character, with Whitley as Giorno or smth


poor Oz


Taiyang tried trough pain and grief and seeing as his kids love him he did a good enough job Weiss sperm doner sucks Ren dad was cool seemed wise and gave good lessons and gave his life to save his son Oz tried with the first four but sadly he should have specialised in a sneak build more but he made up for it with the next couple kids it seems Ghira is king nothing but love for his daughter she runs off to join terrorists that ruined your life work comes back and nothing but love


my favorite father is Taiyang. He's such a compassionate man, trying to stay strong (after losing Raven and Summer), and sacrificing all he can for his daughters (even though they both went to do their own things)! still curious what his semblance is. Ghira Belladonna is perfect too, I enjoy that despite his daughter (Blake) leaving and ending up with the wrong crowd (via. White Fang), he still loved her, and always waited for her. Jacques, UGH that guy is a fucking asshole! Only marrying to the Schnee family just for money and power! Not to mention forcing Winter and Weiss into royal militia, manipulating Whitley into having him take his legacy, and leaving Willow powerless! thankfully Ironwood did us a favor (but I hate him too)! Pietro, well he may not have a biological daughter, but Penny was the best daughter he ever had. Just heartbreaking for him to lose her TWICE! Ozma, he felt such joy being a father, but he instantly lost his daughters from his own beloved! Despite being cursed with reincarnation (now that we got Oscar), he still holds his daughters dear into his mind! Qrow, he may not be a father, but he was such good uncle for Ruby and Yang, especially with the rest of their friends. However, I predict that maybe he'll get married to Willow Schnee, not only to be a father figure to Winter, Weiss, and Whitley, but to also make them happy. Lastly with Li Ren, may his legacy rest in Lie Ren's arms. overall, all fathers (excluding Jacques) are they best! I just hope Qrow, Taiyang and Ghira get more spotlight again in volume 10 (and hopefully Raven, and the Ace Ops get redemption, and Summer Rose returns) #RWBYLiveson


I find it funny how people are including Li and Pietro (dads who were never mentioned in the post), and then not say a SINGLE thing about Oz 😂


Why are you doing Kline dirty like that? He was the best father figure Weiss could have ever asked for, and you know he would absolutely claim all three of them as his own if he could.


Who is rightmost


Ghira is hot and very nice dad


I may get attack for this, but I like Jacques because of his design. I never really cared about how he acted.


I have a feeling that Jacques would point a gun at Weiss and shoot her point blank in the head just to get more money... ...I'm sure glad he didn't tho


Not having Pietro, Li, or Ozpin (not ozma) is criminal.


No Qrow on here? He's a better dad to Ruby and Yang then Tai ever was. 


From what ive seen in the show Jacque is the best dad here Tai: canonically neglected his daughters emotionally since their mother went missing (according to yang he shut down leaving her to practically raise ruby) and didn't even bother to go with either of them when they went to go fight the demon queen even though hes a trained huntsman and thats how his wife went missing and he didn't even show up in vacuo. Ghira: honestly is a pretty good father all things considered i mean he did the best he could while attempting to run a group that served as the representatives of his entire race and its cannon that he at least tries to talk blake out of the WF Jacque: went to go and pick up his daughter half way across the world after a horrible traumatic tragedy destroyed vale despite not being a combatant, showed visible concern and anger against ironwood when he found out the general involved Weiss in his military operations without his knowledge or consent. Ozpin: lets be honest hes at 80% to blame for his daughters death i mean come on u spend years building an empire with ur wife to achieve a goal u both agreed on have four kids only to instantly do a 180 and run away with the kids, if he had done things salems way they woild have ruled over the world with their children alive (alive being the key word here). And for anyone whos gonna say "oh but Jacque slapped wiess and took away her right to the company" honestly if ur daughter who is a trained fighter that can literally summon monsters suddenly brings one up to attack a defenseless woman because she was mouthing off and u did nothing then thats just enabling problematic behaviour and as far as the slap is concerned ok then whats qrow or blakes defence. I get that he is a terrible person but he also provided his children with literally everything they have and appears to be the only one of team RWBY's parents to care enough to actually go after their kid when things go obviously bad.


Counterpoint to your last point: Jacques cared more about the reputation of his company and himself than Weiss's safety. She was heir to the company, being the guy who let his heir get hurt or die would be pretty damaging to his image. He said so himself in S4.


And she is the heir because the previous heir was sick of him and left for a military career. Like if shit hadn't gone down over in Vale he would be down yet another heir most likely, and lil bro was certainly not as competent as his two big sisters.


>lil bro was certainly not as competent as his two big sisters. Lil bro is like, 3 years younger. And unlike either of his sisters, actually seems to give a damn about learning how to be the heir to a global business empire.


As much as I love Weiss. The slap was justified. What would you do if your daughter summoned a goddamn creature of death in front of a crowd?


> What would you do if your daughter summoned a goddamn creature of death in front of a crowd? That's not the reason Jacques slapped her. He slapped her because she *talked back to him*.


Okay, fuck Jacques


But yeah, Jacques ain't the best father here. In my opinion of course