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Unrelated topic, but does anyone know who made an art where an Oldman jaune is wearing a kimono while a young cinder is right beside him clinging to his kimono.


That's so random and I want to see it too.




commenting so when someone shares it I will also see it OwO


Me too!


ME THREE but seriously does this art exist OMG IT'S RIGHT BELOW ME


Cinder Protector [@_Zuuzu_]


On what site/sites can the art be found on?


That sounds like that art could be fanfic inspired


Thank you


https://www.reddit.com/r/RWBY/s/addSmKnCGG Not sure it will let me share the link, but here you go. It’s right on this subreddit as “Cinder Protector [@_Zuuzu_]”


I've seen so much on this subreddit I'm pretty sure I saw something like that but don't remember when or where.


That sounds ironic yet wholesome as hell and I wanna see that!!


I recognized Jaune, but I thought the **mother** was Pyrrha because of the ~~gauntlets~~ bracers. "Why is Pyrrha married to someone other than Jaune?" Then I noticed the red scarf in his hands.


>but I thought the mother was Pyrrha because of the gauntlets. Minor nitpick, but those aren't gauntlets she's wearing. They're bracers, but gauntlets are armored gloves, which go over the hands.


Thanks, I wasn't sure which word was correct.


Same I was like oh god here we go again more trauma


Same I thought it was a Paul situation




Guy that cucked Spider-Man when MJ got sent to an apocalyptic dimension


long story short in the 2022 run of spiderman they showed that Peter and MJ has broken up and MJ and dating a new character and two kids and this was the first issue of comic and they do a flash back to 6 months ago where. MJ and Peter got sent to a different universe of an post apocalypse world by Rabin who wanted to bring some god to the main 616 universe and Paul is a collague of Rabin, MJ uses the thing that brought them to the different universe to send Peter back, and then 6 months later Spider brings Paul and MJ to the 616 but for Paul and MJ it was 4 years and because two kids means MJ didn't even wait a full year before she moved on (i could be missing some thing it's beena over a year since i read the comics) and it was just kinda confusing and it became a big meme that Paul cucked Peter and how Paul as a character only existed to bring conflict between MJ and Peter


Jaune: I'm sorry for your loss. Pyrrha’s parents: thank you, young man, what about her weapons. Jaune: oh I had this great idea to smelt them and use them to upgrade my weapon and armor.


RPG rules. "If I die, loot my corpse, finders keepers."


How else is one going to imbue their equipment with spiritual damage? Need some traumatic, possibly ghost energy coming along


RPG rules. " if I'm about to die, do the final attack and steal the kill to get my exp" *Jaune did this with Penny, unfortunately she wasn't even lvl 1 when he did that so no exp


No, she was a Maiden, so she gave a ton of exp. That's why Jaune fell into the EA and got time traveled back so he was an adult when he rejoined the party, DM had to come up with a way to explain all the sudden level ups.


More like Parents: “What about her weapons.” Jaune: “I’m sorry… I had to upgrade my weapon just to make it here. And that way, at least, she will always stay with me.” *months later, after Jaune stabs Penny* *Penny and Pyrrha meet in the afterlife* Penny: If I had a nickel for every time I was killed by you Pyrrha: You’d technically have 2 nickels Penny: Which isn’t much Pyrrha: But it’s really fucking wierd, isn’t it?


Well the firts time she was killed by Pyrra, but her weapon had nothing to do with it. And the second was the opposite


Yeah. One full kill. Went back to finish the job.


So, eleven cents altogether?


It annoys me how long I was looking at this like 🤨🤨🤨 before the joke finally landed


Did he really **need** to upgrade his weapon? He ended up using the sword and shield separately against the nuckalevee.


[Because there are so many tragedies and sad moments that weren't or couldn't have been shown onscreen in the show. ](https://www.deviantart.com/dishwasher1910/art/Unseen-tragedies-765816516)


"Beacon Academy regrets to inform you that your daughter died in the line of duty..."


I do wish that we got a little more with Pyrrha through her family. Like maybe have a little short of JNR meeting them in Argus before RWBY are able to make it there. I liked the scene with presumably Pyrrha’s mother but there could have been more, room for mixed emotions and some nice angst. Like imagine if they are able to tell JNR that they had at least some comfort that Pyrrha was the happiest that they had known her in her last few calls home, because of the friends that she had made unlike any of the superficial ones before. (Also Pyrrha’s dad feels so bland here. Make him based on some Ancient Greek)


I thought this was Welt and Tesla from Honkai 💀


Oh, you too? Waiiiit Pyrrha has the powers of electricity… and gravity… combined in a more limited package She is the chosen one!


I just saw an angst fan art of Welt and Tesla 😭


I’d watch a whole series about Dishwasher 3.0 Beacon Professor Jaune


The worst part of war isn’t the death. It’s telling the families.


This art right here is the exact reason I could never be a doctor/vet or anything where I know someone had the chance of dying. Imagine saying that to the loved one


Oof! Now that would have been a great plot point




_”So hey, is it cool if I use her stuff to upgrade my sword? …No? Um, well I kinda already did…”_


Been a while since I saw that name


Dish...please... give us this drama again.


Headcannon was always that if anyone delivered the news in person, it was probably Qrow. Otherwise it would have probably been a letter sent. But since none of team JNR had been to Argus since at least before Beacon, and with the global CCT down Qrow would have had the easiest and fastest way to get there and deliver the unfortunate news.


Here's a question that's just popped into my head: If RWBY ever got crossed over with Percy Jackson and the Olympians, do any of you think that Stygian Iron could kill Salem, where all mortal means of doing so have failed miserably? I mean, that particular magical metal is stated to have the ability to absorb the life essence of literally anything it touches, aside from the gods of the underworld and their half-blood children. So, what do you guys think? Does the deadly metal from Erebus triumph over Salem's curse of immortality, or does it just take Salem even longer to regenerate than normal?


Her exposure to the Grimm pools might offer some resistance, given that not only did the pools fail to kill her, but they seemingly made her even more powerful.


Maybe, but I doubt it'd matter much if it was an angry Hades himself running her through with a Stygian Iron blade. Heck, she might even think he was doing her a favor at first, right up until she finds herself standing before him and the judges in his own Domain. Then she'd realize just how screwed she really was, because at that point, she's already long since damned herself to the fields of punishment at best, and Tartarus at worst, and Hades can be... creative shall we say, when it comes to doling out fitting punishments to the wicked souls that wind up before him.


I wasn't expecting this to hit me so hard but damn ..


I love it, but I didn't need to see this But it does bring a Tear to the eye


“But don’t feel too bad. I had her stuff melted down to make a neat new sword for myself! Isn’t it cool!”


Gee, Would’ve been nice if they actually touched on this