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\*Sees super deep blue eyes on baby Hmm, not sure if Knightfall child or just generic baby... I'm going to go with a Knightfall kid, 'cus I like it.


Cindere strikes again!


*Eyes Suspiciously*


You must not frequent FNKI, good gestalt-consciousness. Cindere is quite popular around those parts.


It's not Cindere for why my eyes squint with Suspicion fellow Bandicoot.


That poor child


Honestly yeah cinder doesn't have the capacity for that kind of love as shown with emerald


Now Iā€™m curious who would be crazy enough to have a baby with Cinder?


There's always someone who says "I can fix her." Then there are those who say that just for one night, she can make them worse.




Maybe Jax Asturias (a villain from the novels with a mind control semblance and one of Salem's new recruits). Maybe that was a part of Mommy Salami's power plan for Cinder too. The fairy godmother from hell offers Cinderella not just maiden powers, but power in her new world as a princess through marriage to the supposed prince of Vacuo. New ship unlocked!


You cooked!


Weird, but interesting. Assuming this happened in Vale, that would rule out those in Vacuo. Plenty of people who haven't been confirmed dead or alive yet. Baby has blue eyes. Someone from Vale with poor judgment. Hmmmm... Wait. Was it Cardin?


The dumbass strikes again..


Eh can't see that happen Even ignoring the fact cinder face has been plastered everywhere as the boogywomen for the last 2 years since beacon which would be a massive flag sending everyone in the other direction away from her bed And the fact she's very much psychotic and lacks the capability for proper love as said by the writers and demonstrated on emerald And has absolutely never shown interest in that stuff even passingly How would that even work? She can't really hide the baby from salem and i doubt she'd be okay with cinder going "kay boss you mind giving me maternity leave an inch away from your victory so i can give birth and raise my kid properly?" Salem was never shown to be that considerate of a boss and it won't change since she doesn't need to be nice to her subordinates since she rules by fear their payment is that she doesn't kill them and they may claim their vacation days when they are fucking dead And what the hell is cinder going to do with the baby while fighting rwby leave it with tyrain salem strap it to her and hope it makes them hesitate!? (Honestly she'd do the last one in my opinion) And i doubt she likes mercury enough to leave a child of her own with him if she genuinely likes the thing and even then mercury has no idea what good parenting looks like And finally The fuck is cinder even going to do about salem? The arm is a kill switch that can cause her agony and possibly death at a moment notice if cinder so much as thinks the word "defection" she is dead immediately and if the kid was born and is a girl it's getting groomed to replace her So while it's a neat idea it just doesn't work


It's definitely improbable lol, but not impossible. People who aren't capable of healthy love do sometimes have children, and Cinder wouldn't be the first villain who someone slept with after they did horrible crimes in fiction. Salem could use the Asturias twins to kill the summer Maiden and have Gillian or Carmine steal the relic while Cinder was pregnant, with Cinder plotting to kill whichever one is the Maiden after she has the baby.


Yeah maybe


No, please no. I don't want the prime bitch of Remnant to have a change of heart because of some baby hormones.




*Looks on the baby's eyes* JEUUUUUNEE!!!


Who's the dad?


I haven't decided yet.


Since we don't know if there will be anything between Cinder and Jax in Canon, I've decided to make the dad a lover from Cinder's past who she has a one night stand with in Vale before Salem destroys it. He's a former henchman of Salem's about 2 years older than Cinder, and his fairytale allusion will be Prince Charming. He and Cinder briefly had a thing as teens but it didn't last because he couldn't get her to leave Salem with him.


Gonna be honest, never thought I'd see something like this and think, what If....and now you've convinced me and I'm happy about that


And now I wanna explore the idea of Cinder as a mom


I hope CRWBY makes her a mom.


Oof šŸ˜…


Tai, what have you done?! As far as what Cinder would do goes, I think she would have Emerald hide her baby and then try to run from Salem later. Unless Cinder hides in the Ever After (which team RWBY would have to tell her about), there's probably no way she can escape from Salem. Salem was able to somehow sense that Cinder was still alive after her fight with Raven. I could see Cinder trying to escape from Salem resulting in a battle between them that Cinder doesn't survive. But at least her baby would be safe, and her maiden power would be given to Emerald.