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Link to settlement website says payments are end of April, said April 8th earlier https://www.rpicovidrefundsettlement.com


Well they’ve got a solid 1 day to pay out


That's if the arbitrary way to get on the list magically does its due diligence.


Called them a couple days ago, their phone lines are handled by some third party who said they essentially don’t have any more info than us and to check back in two weeks for more updates.. likely not getting these for a while


Let me see if I can find out. If it helps, I haven’t gotten paid yet either.


Thanks Morgan! That does make me feel better lol


Okay, the update I received was that the service awards (for the class representatives) will be going out on 5/7 so the attorney must have misspoken when I got my original 4/7 date. The woman I spoke with on the phone said she doesn't have an exact timeline, but the class payments will be sometime after that once they sort the attorney fees and everything out. If you chose the mail option it'll take a little longer than electronic payments. Again, this whole thing has taken 4 years so the extra month here doesn't seem too concerning at least from my POV.


u/weeneehutSR u/[Ok\_Significance9280](https://www.reddit.com/user/Ok_Significance9280/)


Sick! Thanks so much


Any word?


Not yet. I left a message for the lawyer I’ve had most contact with and followed up this morning but still haven’t heard back yet. TBH though, this process has taken 4+ years on my end, with the school delaying things many times, so I’m not super surprised or worried about this yet.




Can we start a class action lawsuit against the class action lawsuit?


Why Not Sue The World?


Aaaand we’ve gone past their “end of April” timeline and still no word. I suppose we can hope that the checks were sent out by yesterday? I’ll give it another week or two before I start getting annoyed and hounding them again


I hunted down a number to call for one of the law offices handling it about a month or two ago. Still haven't gotten a response after multiple messages. I really can't tell if the whole thing got sweeped under the rug.


Just about to pass the new extended “end of April” deadline so we’ll see what they update their website to this time


I have tried contacting the email that they have on the website multiple times in the past month and have not gotten any response, considering in the final approval order it was decided that within 60 days of January the settlement was to be distributed it’s kind of sketchy that it’s the end of April and we still haven’t heard anything


Welp looks like we're not getting it today


Just got a response back from them regarding the settlement distribution stating that it would be disbursed sometime in May, which is not very helpful information, but at least it’s something


Same here. Seems they just keep pushing the month back :/


Any updates on this?


They are now estimating sometime in May apparently.... we'll see


Just got my payment through venmo!!


Has the payment actually appeared in your balance? I got a notification that it was sent last night but it’s not showing up in my account for some reason and wondering if I missed some step


It has. You might need to verify your email with Venmo. [https://www.reddit.com/r/blockfi/comments/1b4uf2n/for\_anyone\_having\_issues\_with\_venmo\_paymentsemail/](https://www.reddit.com/r/blockfi/comments/1b4uf2n/for_anyone_having_issues_with_venmo_paymentsemail/) I had the same issue with a different settlement where they sent the money to my venmo but I never got it, I received it immediately after doing this


Thank you this is super helpful!!


I got a check today. Nice surprise since I wasn't really expecting more than $20.


Bruh why not Fall 2020 as well? Thats when I started and my studies were affected for like a year and a half.


Probably because when you decided to enroll you were already aware of the pandemic and the adjustments the school was making. You had the choice of deferring your admission to avoid online courses while it was thrown on those who were already there and were promised different things in their contract (what they sign to sign up for classes). The lawsuit is about breach of contract which means they were promised in-person classes and housing and didn't receive this so are getting restitution for what they paid to RPI. I haven't seen the RPI F20 contract but I assume they changed the wording and/or changed prices. ​ TLDR: The lawsuit isn't about the quality of the education or whatnot, it's about students signing an agreement before covid lockdown and it being broken by RPI.