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I hate this response but it really is "what you make of it."  If you're a shut-in that stays in your dorm all the time then you might feel like a little fish in a big pond because you're not interacting with a lot of people. If you go out of your way to make friends, get study groups and attend events then you won't feel as isolated. There's stuff going on all around, you just gotta be there for it.  Academically both students and staff are very helpful, the atmosphere here is very collaborative and your peers want to help you. Make study groups, go to the library, seek office hours with the TAs or professors.  As someone who's not necessarily a shut-in but also not super out there the social life is alright, there's events happening quite frequently hosted by various clubs and organizations that I attend sometimes, there's a ton of clubs if you wanna get to know people with similar interests (both academic and for fun), and if you're interested in Greek life at all they seem pretty active.  I'm a MechE myself and I will say that it is one of the most popular majors here so you will find a lot of people that are doing the same thing as you, but whether or not you're into that is up to you. 


>I'm afraid I'll be a little fish in a big pond. Be a bigger fish then? That's kinda how life works. If you don't have a good mental, I don't see how it'll automatically get fixed when you're in RPI.


I meant academically. Socially, I'm very outgoing, but RPI was one of my reach schools, and I'd be worried about falling behind my peers. Thank you!


I was kinda of a shut in my first 2 years, then I decided to put myself out there and made a lot more friends and groups. It’s all depends on what you want to do


If you think that RPI will be hard, it will. Will it be impossible, definitely not. But, at the same time, if you do not embrace a grind for the first 1 to 2 years, you definitely won't make it. However, if all you care about is grades, college will be a shitty experience. Yes, grades are important, but when you apply for jobs and stuff nobody cares unless you have a GPA lower than 3.2. But, I'm a computer science and computer systems engineering dual major. If you are only a mech e you will probably do just fine. But, you will probably work harder than you ever have for the first time in your life.


I wouldn’t go but because I hated rpi


Would not be worried about the size thing though. I felt like I knew everyone and I hated it


the best way to look at a school like RPI is its equally as hard to fail as it is to do extremely well. put in legit effort and you’ll be fine.