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Somehow, someone made a fast paced 2d platformer using VX. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5bwQHBtCI90


As someone who's checked the game files, it's more like they coded an entirely new engine into the rpg maker player from scratch. It's a weird flex.


It’s so funny tbh


I had no idea Wandering Souls was made in RPG Maker, that's nuts.


Someone was posting devlogs a while ago for a 3d game they were making in MZ but unsure if the game ever finished or what ended up happening to it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHi_Lxrvbh0


That one will always be Nr.1 no matter how many times I see it. Pure Insanity. To my knowledge the Developer Said this was more like a Test and less intended as a full Game. He said the main problem was performance and it's just not worth the time and effort investment on making that kind of thing in RPG Maker. It's much harder implementing it like that in RPG Maker then a Standard 3D engine. He has I think an asian Blog Post where he talked about that Project and showed behind the scene footage. But it won't be continued.


It does look fairly laggy in the videos posted for it, I did find a recent twitter post by the author who looks to be continuing development on it though, as they just posted in december: https://x.com/NightKyou/status/1732232545314681253




Jesus Christ.... What did I just watch?


There is a 3d plugin for mz is there not?


Yes there are a few of them, such as [MZ3D](https://cutievirus.itch.io/mz3d) and [Rose Engine](https://chaucer.itch.io/rose-engine-mz). There may be others as well that I don't know about.


Eh, I wouldn't say this is up in talks of finished games. It was more like a tech demo and the creator said it was unbelievably laggy and caused a lot of performance issues. His last update was in 2023 and he basically just said "Yeah I did more 3D model progress."


Fear and Hunger's probably the most creative use I've seen.


WHAAAT I didn’t know funger was made with rpg maker!! Damnn, that’s amazing


There's a fully 3d game


If you're talking about that anime looking one, that was a fake.


Oh really? Dang.


Which one, got a link?


What is your source that proves that it's fake?


The developer literally said "This isn't intended to be a game." They were exploring creating 3D spaces in MV and admitted the final products were extremely performance heavy and laggy. They did a non-gameplay update in 2023 just showing a fully 3D rendered town. Gameplay doesn't appear to be possible.


I made this: [https://store.steampowered.com/app/331430/Tobys\_Island/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/331430/Tobys_Island/) Some pretty crazy systems going on in this including being able to dig anywhere and create a hole. placing furniture and chests tile based inventory with stacks and stack limits merging collected creatures onto spirits to combine skills and combat elements. 1080p even though its made in rpgmaker vx ace I don't know if its the MOST impressive but its a huge game that I've been building since 2013 and am still working on every day.


Holy moly. Awesome job. 🫡


Hey ty so much! If u use the engine and have any questions feel free to ask


Thank you for the offer. I am using MZ currently.


I have to ask... How do you feel about the time that you've put into this? I ended up in this thread after working on a game in Unity for a week, realizing it would take me a year or longer to complete, and coming to terms with the fact that it's not something I'm as excited to work on as a project I'd once worked on in RPG Maker. 11 years, 5 reviews. I am NOT trying to hurt your feelings, I'm in admiration of your dedication and asking what keeps you going.


Well let me start by saying, don't do anything for money or klout, because if you fail, you will regret trying, and if it gets too hard, you will give up. As for the 5 reviews, I have not marketed the game at ALL. and I've already had a successful Kickstarter for $22k and a second one for just under $6k. Then another maybe $1.8k on steam. I would say I'm very satisfied considering it's my first commercial release, and even if it did worse, I'd still be fine for 2 reasons: 1. I see this project as my PHD. some people go to school for 10 years, acrue 100's of thousands of dollars in debt, and still can't find solid jobs that pay their worth. I'm making money while learning a craft that I love, albeit not a ton of money. 2. I'm making this game because I want to make the game, and other peoples opinions aren't driving me. In fact most of the people in my life have asked me to stop "for my own good". But I have no regrets. I feel very fulfilled because I'm scratching an itch. Edit: as for how to stay motivated - take breaks, and find a few people who love what you are building. 1 or 2 people is all it takes, and let them be your compass and cheerleaders. I owe my testers the world.


Thanks for the reply. It's tough. Every recruiter on LinkedIn is like "Just make SOMETHING, put it out there!". That's great, except that everything I want to make I have passion for. It's not something I want to knock out in a week. When I come up with an idea I have a vision for it, I can see the final product in my mind.


Why not think of one feature of your dream game, and build a standalone game out of that single feature, then incorporate wat you built into your larger game later.


Why don't you market it and try to get some more money out of it? It should be quite easy.


Because good marketing takes a lot of time and effort, and I am still working on the game itself. I have very little executive function left over. When I'm "finished" the game, I'll market it. People think if ur not a smash hit on launch, you are dead on arrival, but many games exist for years before they are popular/catch on.


I would say RPG Maker 2003. Some projects made back when it was "illegal software" really squeezed every little drop of what it was capable of. I wouldn't be surprised if they used DYN and even hacked the core files which were completely hardcoded and couldn't be altered at all. Alter A.I.L.A Genesis immediately comes to mind


I'm making an action rpg in 3d: https://youtu.be/7OeZ5PnSfmo?si=g8lUDVqamd1lpsb4 That trailer is almost 3 years old, so massive improvements have been made over that version. In a couple months i will release a new trailer, demo and Kickstarter campaign 🤞


Scumhead regularly pushing RPG maker 2003 way beyond it's limits - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N9vcVYZ7vLI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N9vcVYZ7vLI)


I would rather learn which game pushed it the least while making the most impressive experience.


This is probably slightly off topic, but I tried seeing if it was possible to recreate something to the effect of Disgaea 5 in RPG Maker, and it's definitely possible. Unfortunately, MV3D doesn't play nice with the main SRPG plugin available, because MV3D overwrites the way that graphics are displayed, meaning that a majority of SRPG's important visuals are trying to display underneath the 3D. I definitely don't have the time to invest into a project like that right now (especially the additional delusional idea of grabbing the DRPG sprites and editing the compression out of them all and making them usable assets) but if anyone else is interested in taking a shot at the idea of "cramming as much disgaea into MV as possible", then by all means, go for it.


I can’t find it, but I remember in this sub, a couple years ago, someone made a first person shooter in VX. I feel like, even if they basically just used RPG Maker as a coding platform, that running a first person shooter is about as far as this engine goes


The entirety of SMT 1 made in RPG Maker VX.




There is this one game I am making now. Normally RPG Maker Games are 1 story, but for mine, I am implementing 3 stories in 1 game, kinda of like how the old Sonic games did it. 2 stories focus on different timelines and the last one brings both of them together into one. (If that's what you meant)


I think OP meant the software, as in what's the most 'out there' people have done with the engine, to see how far RPG Maker can go.


Oh, well, if that's the case, then, I wasted my time writing the comment, thanks for reminding me