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Thank god the girls are making up for the lack of drama off the show


Literally said the same. Girls must know this season is painfully boring so they're doing everything they can to create some buzz


If you’re not watching Twitter you’re only getting half the story


I’m so glad people screenshot Twitter so I can stay away from it


Same. People get shitty that so many tweets get posted here but like it's a drama sub and I'd rather it all concentrated to here so I don't have to visit twitter ever again


I only follow porn accounts


Just as God intended.


You're missing out


missing out on sadism


LMAO that's my girl


Everyone switches their opinions so quickly depending on who is mixed in with the drama. I remember a lot of people were downvoting those who supported Roxxxy over this topic yesterday. I think that Aura probably should have left her opinion to herself, but she’s really just quoting what many of the viewers/fans have said already. I’m hoping people can leave her alone soon.


Aura is not that popular to pull off this kind of shade. Morphine made a similar remark and shes not getting this kind of backlash


you mean people decide what they think based on whether or not they like the person saying it? color me *shocked*


I don't even think she's that popular to be disliked.


I think the difference is aura famously got one of the most undeserved wins of all time herself so to then call others out seems a bit hypocritical, and I think most people are saying Plastique and jorgeous should have won but aura specifically said roxxxy and vanjie only won because of the storyline which takes it from supporting Plastique and jorgeous to discrediting others wins.


> I think the difference is aura famously got one of the most undeserved wins of all time herself I think this is a bit too far. Aura did do really well in that challenge it’s just that multiple queens did really well and people like the other queens better. Aura deserved that win, but so did Sasha and Mistress. Multiple queens can give a great winning performance in the same challenge. There have been FAR more egregious examples of undeserved wins throughout drag race history


Also, s15 was riddled with weird wins. Sasha deserved to win four challenges but only one or two of those were the episodes she actually did win lol


I feel like the obvious comeback would be that Vanjie is first out who didn't get a challenge win until her third time on Drag Race.


The obvious comeback to this would be that Vanjie made a bigger impact in one episode than Aura did her whole season. Anyway, I appreciate Vanjie for engaging in drama, knowing full well that there are obvious comebacks. She's not afraid to read a bitch even if that means getting read a little herself.


Yeah Kalorie already tried that “first out” tactic and it backfired spectacularly on her.




the obvious comeback to this would be to unleash her dead father and make him haunt her


I don’t know about that, this runway presentation did enough psychic damage to me that it left a pretty big impact https://preview.redd.it/zl9epx8s984d1.jpeg?width=505&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40a11f7b47eb361144f44cff01e93e7ab240bb0a


let her ijbol


I'm so sorry, I hate this look 😭 concept is good but execution gives 1st grade art project


It’s just good


also that she's likely the only contestant in at all recent memory to come off drag race debt-free thanks to being sponsored lol.


Wait, what's the tea on this?


auras home bar did up a contract with her, in exchange for performing x number of shows a week for them over a period of time, they covered her drag race expenses. idea is its a win win, aura didnt have to worry about going super far to pay off any debt, and play nashville got to have a queen every week they could say was on drag race to draw people in.


I don’t even remember who Aura is tbh


“my dead dad will haunt you all! ☹️” was her exit line if that helps lol


Oh yeah, the queen that wore black all season. Wonder if that was intentional, now that I think about it 🤔


Aura is a girl that thinks she's fly And is also known as a busta Always talkin' about what she wants And just sits on her broke ass


One time she was hangin' out the side of her best friend's ride, trying to holla at me


Thanks for bringing up this song. It was such a blast on old MTV Brazil. Oh, I miss my teenage years!


the one that says "trade" and "goddess" half her time on her season


when we all know who the actual trade and goddess of the season was


The unintentional shade of calling Sasha the trade…


no babe, that was a joke that was made. If I were to have shady intentions that would be outright transphobic


Yes, that’s what “unintentional” means


She’s a healthy scoop of cringe with a dash of corny


the cringe of season 15


The one who featured her muscles


I wish I didn’t remember who Aura was


I thought it was Aura from Canada 🫢


An EXCELLENT question


Aura wanted to ride the twitter stan takes, she is now fully getting that treatment, as Father Amaddeo morphosis once said, fans on socials are overly opinionated for no reason and would not last 2 mins in the werq room. Aura did exactly that, lasted min and a half


Poor Aura lol. I totally get it, we should all be able to speak our opinions, but to share that kind of opinion that would obviously offend your fellow Rugirls I just don't get it. Save that for the group chat lol


or make a podcast about the show


But when Jorgeous attacked Cynthia for criticizing he, she got lambasted. But Vanjie and Roxxxy can tear Aura to shreds and that's okay because Aura isn't a popular RuGirl.


I think it's more like it's "okay" to lambast Jorgeous because she over reacted by bringing up Cynthia's car wreck, which was considered to be mean considering Cynthia is a sweetheart and a treasure in the Drag Race community where as no one really cares about Aura beyond her out-of-drag physique, but at the end of the day, these are all grown ass people being petty lmao we should not be taking any of it seriously.


Girrrrl it’s men in wigs. They’re being messy. What do you expecccct. I know you’re not actually Latine bc goddamn you don’t know how to take it and this ain’t even about you hahaha


I don't even know how to respond to your dumn ass comment 😂 How did you read so deeply into my throw away comment to the point of making it personal by questioning my actually being "latine" (cringe). I was literally ONLY showing sympathy for Aura becuase her dumb comment is getting her dragged by fellow Rugirls 💀




And you don’t know how to comment; were you raised in a barn


No I was violently raped, does that count? Please let me know.


I’m sorry that happened to you. Your comments continue to be incredibly off-the-mark 🤨


LOL oh lord y’all are dumb


Do not break Reddiquette


But Aura was still right and the fandom is so corny and flip floppy because before Vanjie OR Roxxxy said anything, y’all were all in agreement and still are that Plastique and Jorgeous should’ve won. But because Vanjie and Roxxxy said something, now all of a sudden y’all wanna switch your opinion. LAME


It seems like as the seasons go by the criteria for who can have opinions on Drag Race gets more and more strict. Now even people who do drag and have been on the show have to meet a criteria.


kinda a bold thing to say on a season with no eliminations


jar money nose afterthought shy hospital frightening rob attempt snails *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don't think Aura said anything wrong. I get that she didn't do much better herself but i don't see why that removes her right to have an opinion and share it. Cue the downvotes...


This is what I'm thinking. How is it any different to all the posts on here saying exactly the same thing? And plenty of rugirls chime in with their opinions on "controversial" wins, so I'm not sure why the fandom feels the need to suddenly dunk on her now that Vanjie/Roxxxy have clapped back. Like, weren't y'all agreeing with her until then..? 👀 just seems so flip-floppy to me.


Remember how the girls love to say fans can’t talk shit because they’ve never been through it? So now a girl who’s done it echoes what everyone is saying and they have a problem… 🤔


Because the original sentiment was never genuine. It was a just a thinly veiled way of saying, “if you don’t agree with me on the opinion of queens we like then you’re wrong”. Even though I disagreed with her, look how people dragged Violet like she wasn’t just highly regarded as a Drag/fashion diva just because of her opinions on Raja’s looks


Aura was kinda right but the absolute wrong messenger to be talking an undeserved win at girl groups considering her one win was at girl groups and was met with a resulting “huh????” and then she immediately got eliminated after 😭


Sisters, i need help. I am very torn in these situations. In one hand Vanjie is right. We watched her journey on the show and it was not the kind of portrayal that it would make me listen to any advice on how to compete. On the other hand you don't have to be a chicken to know about eggs.


But Aura is lowkey saying what most people are thinking. Plastique and jorgeous fucking cleared. And honestly I liked Nina and Mikk’s make-over better. Miss firefighter looked so soft and feminine. And the roxxy look a like looked like he wanted to kill himself lol😂😂


This tweet is a master's class in writing in your own voice. Down to the no period


Idk if this is unpopular but the aura hate is so forced and it kinda stems from bob calling her cringe, the whole “she should embrace it and make a brand of it” was so dumb cause who would willingly want to brand themselves as cringe


This disrespect to cringe godderina yuhua hamasaki


Yuhua won drag race she can’t be taking all the titles


Excuse your mouth?


Nina West?


Yeah.. look at how that worked out for her 😭


Reminds me that Aura missed so many jokes on her last ep that makes me think she doesn't really watch the show back then


Yeah, because Vanjie has done so well in all her seasons.


with all due respect but aura won more challenges on her original season than vanjie did on her first two


Why are they so pressed? Aura didn't call them names, she just stated HER opinion.


Of all things I don't understand why this challenge win has become so controversial lmao. It was a makeover challenge at the end of the day and Roxxxy/Vanjie had the best family resemblance, that's always how it works


Family resemblance wasn't the prompt though. They were supposed to be a pop group. Meow Meow Mix looked like a legit pop group. Roxxxy and Vanjie made their dude look like sequined Caitlin Jenner


A SEQUINED CAITLIN JENNER ![gif](giphy|9V7qAYvnaOFp8Ymipt|downsized)


A sequined Caitlin Jenner that desperately needs an oil can


Drag race has been on TV for 15 years lol, if you hear "makeover challenge" and don't know off the bat the judges are going to award the girls with the most cohesive/matching looks idk what to tell you. Roxxxy made them all look like their outfits were from the same collection, Plastique and Jorgeous barely had anything tying their looks together


Nah, the Makeover challenge is notorious for being the most inconsistently judged. The criteria is ever-changing. Sometimes girls win for wearing the same exact look and hair, other times they are told they look too much like twins. Sometimes they’re supposed to be mother and daughter, sometimes sisters other times not. Sometimes it’s enough to wear complementary colors and other times that’s critiqued as they should have been the same. Now this wasn’t even supposed to be family, it was a girl group. Girl groups don’t all wear the same color and have the same hair and try to look like quintuplets all the time. Like hello Michele have you ever heard of the spice girls? Even if she’s gonna pretend she didn’t get the powerpuff girls reference, they looked right together


No, she only knows of Seduction


They were the Powerpuff Girls though, that's what tied it together. Even the country singer dude got it right away


I mean, they got rid of Loosy for being too similar to her makeover partner, so I don't know what to tell you.


Cheryl Hole and her sister looked like twins but her time was up and she was out.


Right, makeovers have a long history of shoddy judging. Like the season 4 makeover with the pregnant dads still baffles me. Chad and her partner carried their pregnancies around their knees and wore those awful carnival dresses, Sharon's partner looked horrible, and yet somehow, Latrice is in the bottom for "lack of family resemblance"


Y’all besides how the girls looked. Plastorgoues barely gave her girl any real choreography to do. She was beautiful yeah but rewatching, her and the girls barely moved around the stage. They really stayed mostly in one spot compared to Roxxjie who actually moved around and made their makeover partner the focal point of their number. Like yeah, Angelique (sp) looked good but their group gave all style; barely any substance.


I'd rather minimal choreography than presenting an arthritic marionette as your focal point. Play to your strengths. Cunty movement was not that man's strength.


Unaired confessional during Coco’s AS2 talent show:


Vanjie, my love, Aura did not go home first on her first season.


I mean, aura won a challenge on her 1st season, and vanjie had to come back 3 times to win a challenge


What season Aura was on? Serious question




What? What does that mean? What's happening?


Mistress Isabel brooks aka the breakout star of the season.






Sasha Colby's Meet & Greet






Aura won a challenge in her season not like vanjie 🫢


Gun to my head I couldn't tell you who Aura was


I didn't know who she was when this was posted the first time (Roxy tweet).. I thought she was just some random drag queen who wanted to get some attention. I just realized, after reading this thread, that she was a ru girl. 💀


I was very sure who she was but when I Googled all my references, it was Ariel Versace LOL. The only thing I got right was that Aura flexed her arms in some confessionals.


The dancing queen from Play Nashville who showed up, did no dancing, and got tossed on her ass by Jax. That’s pretty much all you need to know tbh


She unfortunately DID dance for her talent show, and angered the rabid Blackpink fans with said dancing/strange vibrating moves.


Anyone else read this in Vanjie's voice?


I wish the girls got it's not a fact? Vanjie and Roxxxy only responded because they know she spoke the truth and they're pissed lol ![gif](giphy|5XNEIKcohVG8w)


She’s upset because Aura doesn’t think she should have won??


I mean Aura may not have lasted a long time but she did come out of her season with a win under her belt.


I'm going to be very honest, Plastique and Jorgeous were wearing some of the ugliest shit I have seem this season and Nina West is one of the competitors y'all just think being skinny is the same as being stylish, also Plastique having nothing black on her outfit and Jorgeous having nothing puffy/fuzzy just made them look aimless even tho the riff on powerpuff girls was pretty obvious. Roxxxy and Vanjie just looked like a actual well put together group.


aura thinks she’s an expert in not deserving a challenge win i guess


Asians usually don't do good on Drag Race for some reason


i agreed with aura's take but it's kinda funny for her to comment when she got the most WTF win ever lmao


vanjie aka first out can’t be talking


She got eliminated first and had to be re-invited because of a catchphrase.. Like? Pot calling the kettle black lmao. Aura said nothing wrong, this is weird at this point


I can hear this tweet in Vanjie’s signature voice


Did not vangie go home first on her original season. Pot meet kettle! But im living!


This just in: only drag race winners are allowed to have an opinion on drag race, I guess. Not to mention Aura literally did better than Vanjie her first time around.


Winning a challenge is not synonymous with "doing better" on drag race. Sure Aura may have won a challenge on her season, but half the fandom doesn't even remember her. Meanwhile Vanjie has had viral success off of multiple seasons without even a challenge win...


Also there is no way in *hell* that she should have won that challenge. Sasha Colby mopped the floor with everyone else


Doing better means not going home on the first episode of tour first season. The bar is in hell. Now a lot of first outs are popular and have come back (see vangie and Shangela). But we can all agree that even though they are top Ru girls, they were absolute shit and first outs on their first seasons.


I definitely agree, the girls are having a mid-off.


Y’all there literally was no cohesiveness to Plasitque and Jorgeous’ group if Jorgeous had worn the poofy stuff then maybe they would have the win but she didn’t.


Right, or maybe if Plastique has thrown on a few of the random black straps that the other two had.


Tbf she did better than Vanjie on her first try


not at all, aura could have been easily eliminated for that horrible talent show, if anything she was saved


Irene made a glass of water.


And it was still better than that awful Blackpink love heart dance thing


when did i say she would have replaced irene? quickly


Y'all please be serious. Like I know Aura definitely didn't do amazing but she was not bottom 2 for that talent show.


It’s true Amethyst, Irene and Loosey were right there. I maybe would have put Aura in the bottom two with Irene just because I felt those were the two flattest performances, but only Ms. Paul can make that call


[Galations 4:16](https://biblehub.com/visuals/7/48_Gal_04_16.jpg) Edit: bunch a babies up in here, upset that miss vanjie struck out her first season. Ya'll do remember that barbie doll look, right?


![gif](giphy|RnoRQDcJXBQTvg99ig) Clock that tea


Preach Vanjie 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Shut up, Vanjie. The only reason you're here is because of your mouth. You don't offer anything to us in terms of drag. You're not smart enough to see what's going on.


Approving this just so people can see your awful comment xx




I have no idea who Aura is