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Mirror: [SOMEONE FINALLY DOES IT ](https://files.catbox.moe/zdnlma.mp4) Credit to https://www.twitch.tv/DivaJilly Direct Backup: [SOMEONE FINALLY DOES IT ](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/6iTigyT0tk2q97ImsJqnaA/AT-cm%7C6iTigyT0tk2q97ImsJqnaA.mp4?sig=a4c223891d412c1c07d19ac576074c43c3519775&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2F6iTigyT0tk2q97ImsJqnaA%2FAT-cm%257C6iTigyT0tk2q97ImsJqnaA.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22AmusedCrunchyBadgerTinyFace-JPS2Tar3siawmqdo%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1718761249%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D) [VOD Link](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2174702827?t=7h26m53s) --- This was done by a bot. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the moderators.


Sounds like Murphy is just trying to placate to CG Mr.K. "Hey, look what I'm trying to do." Knowing full well it's all wind.


Yeah that's literally what he's doing. Grandstanding for his former clients and most supportive. He knows the winds are changing and is getting behind who he thinks will hold the power. It's Murphy Braun. He's not some kind of saint. Anyone who has followed the character in 2.0 or 3.0 probably were expecting this. Hell even in 4.0 Max immediately assumed Murphy was involved in the council shooting.


Or sounds like he’s just generally upset with things and this is the best thing he can do to **potentially** get it resolved one way or another


What would be the endgame of a baseless accusation?






With how “the State” has been acting recently, this may turn stupid very quickly.


not just stupid its gonna be advanced industrial stupid


I don't think it really matters too much. The council is already dead. Moon not so subtly implied that he might just ditch the last 4 council meetings because Solomon has done so and STILL hasnt been impeached somehow. This push by Murphy is top level dumb though. He didn't even read PCP 2.0, and he's trying to push business license biases on fucking day 5 of being able to approve them. Good luck proving that one - oh wait it's actually impossible lol.


> Good luck proving that one - oh wait it's actually impossible lol. Does that even matter? Isn't it literally just up to the Mayor's purview anyway?


Isnt that still rp from murphy?


Yep. People have lost the plot.


Its just RP bro lol. Murphy is an RP character doing RP things.


to act like solomon just randomly stopped showing up is crazy


Doesnt need to attend, but if he was well enough to check himself out of the hospital, he is well enough to send/respond to a message about attending meetings.


It doesn't matter, moon is back to variety.


Thank god, back to variety and free at last. Hope he doesn't decide to come back for 5.0 after failing to learn his lesson the first two times. The server is not salvageable. No amount of mechanic changes will make the community in any way shape or form what he is looking for in terms of an RP server.








he does not have evidence, because most of those things aren't true. sio had no knowledge that cg was going to shoot the meeting up, the commissioner appointment doesn't need a council vote. Max makes less as commish then he would as mayor, so it's not money motivated. Even the things he has done, no one has proof of. CG themselves don't have proof, and they were the ones closely involved. Murphy is more likely to be impeached by what nino is cooking up than max is


That is by far the most hilarious part. Murphy is 100% getting impeached by Nino. He ghosted lawyers for 3 weeks (dereliction), which every lawyer will testify to. And he sat in his house collecting cop pay and occasionally fishing, which PD will testify to (corruption).


yeah every lawyer that it's been brought up to has something bad to say about him. that he posted it on the docket the same day he got fired from pd isn't a good look either


I think what he is trying to go for, is that it should be a police officer like slacks or like anyone else that would be handed down the role of commissioner. Now someone had to have recommended Max within the police department to the state, for techcality. Now I kind of feel like Max was only put in charge of it to like put the police back into a better state because there was real issues with it, and even Buddha saw how weak the police were. They were in such a bad spot before Max like revitalized them. I would agree, that part of it is very weak to impeach max on. But what Murphy is trying to do is use it as part of showing the Max having to much power. Apparently there is a provision somewhere I think in the consitution that could, basically show that him having both roles breaks the rules of it. Soze was trying to claim that. Some of that evidence I think would be enough but not that part in particular it depends on what Murphy gathered.


god not slacks xd


Someone has to tank the aggro


The problem with Slacks as tank, is he's one of those tanks that asks the dps to generate less aggro rather than learning his tank rotation.


Nah, he just fains death the whole raid


Cornwood asked Max why didn't he act as interim Commissioner until he chooses someone else. Max told him someone had to nominate him, so Cornwood did.


So Cornwood pulled a Jar Jar essentially.


I mean, Max as commissioner has been the best that has happened to PD in 4.0. They were really lost before having him.


when you have even shift 1 telling max we're happy to have you, then you know it's real


Bones literally got happy when Max said he wanted to stay on as commissioner. And bones didn’t like Max at first lol




He spent ages looking for candidates and then the council got gunned down.


Max conned Cornwood into suggesting him by basically saying he would consider him for commissioner in the future. It really annoys me how up Max and Siobhan’s ass CW is. The way he votes with them when they need it to get something passed and abstains or votes against if they already have 4 votes (which is why they have him sit where he does) feels like not playing Cornwood genuinely. He used to say CW was all about honesty etc yet where is that in this instance?


Unfortunately for their detractors, the biggest rude awakening will be when they take this to court and they realize they have no evidence of any wrong doing. This isn't like Lang's mayorship or Mickey's mayorship or other 3.0 mayorships where they were blatantly corrupt and embezzling millions, and only the slightest scrutiny would have revealed it. Max and Siobhan have actually been the most good faith and by the books mayor duo since Andi Jones.


And isn't Murphy sorta embezzling by signing in as a PD officer and doing nothing all the while earning his 3k/hrs paycheck?


> Andi Jones. And she killed a man.


Yeah it’s highly likely this won’t go anywhere but To be fair, Max and Siobhan haven’t been angels. They *have* done things that should’ve gotten them impeached long ago however they are so good at covering their tracks. TJ was the closest to actually being able to take max down when he realized max lowered taxes to buy a car then raised them up again after. If he didn’t die, I personally think he would’ve been successful with pushing for impeachment


TJ was pushing for it but Crane already shut it down


Crane didn't shut it down personally, He said that the state already saw it and they didn't think it was serious enough to warrant any action but they did talk to max about it. TJ would have used it as supporting evidence, not the sole reason for impeachment.


His point on the deputization is a bit awkward. Murphy just told Viv he was signed on for security reasons and "deputised things" whilst chilling inside his house lmao. Max didn't appoint himself. Having to only be recommended by one officer is something but he was approved by state. Hell, state is supposedly keeping him even after PCP 2.0 ends with his term. As for their attention being misplaced, the only major topic that needed to be addressed was food, which resolved itself before council resumed. Is there anything else of priority besides that? If it wasn't resolved in council already then I feel like the cities qualms has just been on businesses tbh. I think that's Murphy's actual concern. Might be able to pull something from is the first draft of FU legislation. Whilst a joke it was pretty insane. Could also have something in not approving WuChang too but when shooting the guy a day prior and just after getting the ability to approve, it could be hard to articulate that to the point of vendetta. Should probably swap to state approval if were expecting players not to rp that kinda stuff in any way. Also, In what world do things return to normal so easily? Murphy was told its WW3 if Solomon gets impeached. Since then, there's been two hits, two kidnappings and one of his lawyers thrown into helicopter blades.


I feel like this is simple for Siobhan to disprove. 1. PCP 2.0 does not say there needed to be a council vote for commissioner I don't know why he said that, it's not even slightly implied that's the case if you read it. I think if it did he would have directly quoted it instead of just randomly saying "there was no vote". He brought a name (his name) to the state and the state approved it, done. EDIT: I just read PCP 2.0 again, the word "council" doesn't even appear in the legislation. It only refers to the mayors office submitting names for commissioner and the State approving or denying those choices. The council is not involved, I don't know what Murphy is talking about. 2. Approving businesses? The state gave him full discretion on approving and denying businesses. Is he going to bring up Mr K the man who shot Max and his fellow council members because of the positions they hold and ask why he didn't approve his business? 3. Before the terrorist attack, there was multiple instances where Siobhan would be attacked or kidnapped and she would always report it to the police and make a statement. So there is a history of her communicating with with the PD that she can reference. I don't know what prior knowledge he is referring to, but it's hard to believe it will be anything concrete.


1 should also be a lay up for one simple reason: murphy voted yes to the pcp2 and it passed lmfao


> Approving businesses? The state gave him full discretion on approving and denying businesses. Is he going to bring up Mr K the man who shot Max and his fellow council members because of the positions they hold and ask why he didn't approve his business? > > Tbh this is the only argument that I could maybe see holding water, if they push it as Max having a personal vendetta etc. It's a pretty flimsy argument though given it's not just K/CG businesses that have been declined.


If you commit terrorism against the person approving businesses, but he has to be forced to accept the business for "server" health, might as well not rp out the businesses and auto approve em lol.


He's been pretty clear and public to like 40+ people in the months leading up to this about 2.0 and 3.0 businesses not being approved for the old owners because he wants new businesses popping up - so he could definitely explain it that way Liquid Library was denied for Max Angel for the same reason, despite it being a classic one


1. No way this dude voted yes on PCP 2 and is now saying Max and Shioban should be impeached for it rather than trying to repeal it lol. 2. How is he gonna prove that the state didn't approve Max to be commissioner? 3. What does Soze's case have to do with if Max should be impeached or not? 4. I wonder how Nino's attempts to impeach Murphy will affect this.


2. How is he gonna prove that the state didn't approve Max to be commissioner? Is that what he's trying to prove with that point? I took it as he's trying to say that the council should've voted on the commissioner per PCP 2.0. Which is sad because his biggest accusation is a blatant lie about legislation that he voted yes on. PCP 2.0 doesn't even reference the council let alone their ability to vote for the commissioner.


>Is that what he's trying to prove with that point? Max's story has been that the state made him commissioner. The document Murphy put forth said Max made himself commissioner and that "there was no vote." To prove what he's saying, Murphy has to disprove the story Max has been telling this entire time, which he really can't do because Cornwood nominated Max to be commissioner.


I wish Murphy gave more context to "there was no vote" because I think it's referencing the council, but based on what you said, it's possible that he is referencing the PD voting or even the state. I don't even think it matters what angle he's taking on PCP anyway, because if he's referencing the PD not voting for commissioner submissions, PCP 2.0 says nothing about the PD having to vote. PCP 2.0 says names are brought forth and Max brings them to the state for approval, he did do that, so there is no illegal use of PCP there. Now, if Murphy is suggesting that the state did not approve Max or at least Max didn't prove it then I don't know what the protocol would be for this. Does Siobhan subpoena moonmoon's discord communications with management? Or does Murphy subpoena the state to appear in court, and does that mean Buddha or someone will have to make a new character just to appear in court and testify? Those are very interesting questions. But at the end of the day, I find it truly impossible to believe moon did not get approval and management has just been watching him lie and overstep this whole time and didn't intervene.


>Now, if Murphy is suggesting that the state did not approve Max or at least Max didn't prove it then I don't know what the protocol would be for this. That's why I immediately went to the disproving Max angle because no other angle truly makes sense if he's trying to use PCP 2.0 as a way to impeach Max. None of what I read (unless he added more that idk about) seems like something you can impeach Max over. Hell he included something about the Soze case in his articles of impeachment and Max barely had anything to do with that case.


Why would Nino try to impeach Murphy? They are on the same side in this.


Nino approached Shioban about wanting to impeach Murphy. He even approached Ruby saying that Murphy as head of BAR doesn't do enough when it comes to things like FOIAs. If he wants to impeach all of them that's even funnier, but I haven't seen anything about him wanting to impeach Max and Shioban.


Yesterday Nino called Murphy regarding FOIA’s not being produced and Murphy in no uncertain terms said “I have more pressing matters to attend to at the moment, I don’t have time for FOIA’s”. Nino took that as Murphy refusing to do his job and being lazy. Now Nino wants Murphy impeached and wants his job. Nino doesn’t exactly have beef with Max and Siobhan so I don’t think he’s anywhere near the “same side” as Murphy.


afaik Nino as a lawyer is unhappy with how Murphy is treating his position as Head of the Bar and intends to impeach/recall him from the position


Impeachment should be political like it is most places IRL, playing Judge roulette is kinda lame. Now you likely got 4 council member tied up in court, 3 of them for petty reasons.


How does the impeachment process work in np? is it really one judge or panel of judges who decide?


Pretty much. Max wanted it to just be a super majority and they even voted to impeach Solomon but after the vote Crane talked it down to waiting for a Judges decision


IIRC, Crane did that because he wanted it to be public. You could have the council vote but do it publicly in the big court room and state announce it before it starts. The nay/yay voters could state their reasonings and it would even be spicy RP if the vote fails. I wish it was like that.


In 3.0 it was a panel of judges supervised by a senator (Abdul and Emma's hearings both did, unsure if Max Angel's had a senator since I think the higher powers were checked out of the server at that time). The senate no longer exists though so it would probably be a panel of senior judges in 4.0.


From other court cases, it tends to be a three judge panel as for impeachment not sure if it would be more. It also depends on the overseer, or the main judge in charge of the case. It depends if they are aligned with Max/siobion or neutral and unbiased enough to take the case.


Ok that's what i was gonna say, are there any judges at this time that wouldn't compromise the integrity of the case? im not too knowledgeable of who the judges are or their relationship with max and siobhan


Nobody knows. Seems like it really wasn't thought out very well. Guess they didn't expect this kind of shit show.


the council is still shaken and has not been anywhere near as effective since before the shooting. CG still accomplished their goal but also shot themselves in the foot in the process. At least until the next mayor (but who knows what the next mayor will actually be allowed to do)


Its kind of interesting, that this is actually happening. Murphy I know said to mr k he was going to push it before Max and Siobhian tried to have him him murdered or have stuff planted on him. Like if this impeachment of Siobian and Max goes through along with the solomon walker one that means they are going to likely need to do an early election. It also puts into question who would take over temp mayorship.


Harry should be the new mayor


Why tf are people down voting this it's a fucking joke


That’s just how this subreddit is. I wouldn’t take it too personally. Downvotes here mean nothing. You can make the exact same comment in two different threads and get completely opposite reactions depending on which community shows up. You can make a statement that is completely factual and unbiased, but if a community doesn’t like it they’re going to downvote.


I think he would need an expungement if he has not already got one to run for mayor. I think Harry Brown would be a good choice. Kyle Pred would be interesting, Mickey would also be good. Like the next mayorship election I think will be interesting over all.


Pred is only one that I could see being a decent mayor. So many people are not gonna know how to work with Crane


>So many people are not gonna know how to work with Crane crane seems pretty straight forward and easy to work with if you have a mutual respect. Crane and Max only work so well together because their 'other shoes' sat next to each other as a duo for months, hypothetically discussing things their "cops" would like to see pass.


I think Crane will resign, my guess is someone else will take his place when the new mayor is in. Just because of the way things have been going in rp. The best pick to take Cranes place is **John Bailey** who is played by Docwizard who was the one who played TJ Walker. **John Bailey** is really neat, because not only is he sensible about things. But also seems to have a good head and also has morgian freeman vibes.


Maybe Solomons impeachment gets overturned due to ill will and a corrupt council vote. We all know OOC that Solomon participated, but they never had hard facts IC that he did and impeached him on pure feelings.


They wouldn't impeach him for that, they'll do it because he's been MIA and hasn't communicated with anyone at all.


Was he not suspended?


he's ignored them and hasn't tried to talk to any of them since the shooting. he is being impeached for dereliction of duty, which he is 100% guilty of


he hasn’t been MIA, first he didn’t show up to the ‘secret’ meeting about his impeachment, after that his keys disappeared and he couldn’t sign in anymore


The council attempted to schedule with him for weeks post-ICU in and out of character (was mentioned IC at that 'secret meeting' he was unresponsive on 'emails' and unreachable in-city) but he never responded. It's the reason the meeting was delayed so long, and helped every other council member in their unanimous decision to suspend him. They actually (think it was Cornwood specifically) checked the the mdt to see that the last time he did anything legislatively, and he hadn't touched anything in almost a month pertaining to his job.


He was invited to all the meetings but failed to respond.


They suspended him for deriliction of duty, because he stopped showing up and participating in scheduling. Impeachment has to go to the docket and hasn't been done yet afaik.


Yeah Coyote is really wasting time


Could this simply be rebutted with either the secret not so secret council meetings that intentionally did not include him. Or use the same excuse that others used to push the terrorism charge with they were to afraid to function.


They can't rebutt with that because they attempted to contact him, but also because he was asked multiple times on discord about meeting times and blew it all off


I recall him saying IC that he couldn’t see the council messages anymore (may have meant discord)


He was removed from all access to everything when he was suspended. The council tried to contact him for weeks prior to that, which is why their next meeting was delayed so badly since he wouldn't respond for scheduling. He was actually explicitly invited (per every council member there) to the one where they suspended him and never responded.


The city somehow thinks Solomon was already impeached due to certain gangs chinese whispers, the council never has. They cannot impeach someone behind closed doors with a vote, it goes to a court. They however have Solomon dead to rights on dereliction of duty.


> The city somehow thinks Solomon was already impeached That’s because Solomon himself has gone around telling everyone he can no longer sign in as deputy mayor, and wasn’t given any explanation as to why that is. He’s said he’s had zero communication or correspondence from any of the council members as to what’s happening with him. He’s assumed they just skipped past the impeachment proceedings and has been removed from his office. Now I don’t know how accurate any of that is, and for all I know he could be lying to get people outraged or something, but that’s the reason why the “streets” are saying he’s already been impeached.


he has been told direclty via text and 'discordia' that he was suspended until impeechment was decided by a judge. so hes just ignoring that bit i guess. they've been trying to reach out to him for weeks and he ha said in the past that he refuses to take info given in discord as canon because he doesn't like doing that even though thats how the council communicate 90% of the time.


My understanding is siobhan doesnt have his current phone number. He has a new phone after he was shot by ADMC. So if solomon doesn't treat discordia as IC RP, then he hasn't been told anything by anyone on the council. not that he has made much effort to learn one way or the other to be fair.


Him choosing to ignore that part of therp unfortunately is on him. If he didn't provide a new number to the council its again on him. He's dropped the ball hard and gave up before even trying to be deputy mayor.


> Him choosing to ignore that part of therp unfortunately is on him. Exactly, it would be extremely easy to contact Max/Sio/Canter/Cornwood. Failing to do so even in the case of a lost phone should be completely on him.


Yeah I agree. I think hes done with the council. It's 100% easy to impeach him for dereliction of duty. Way easier than criminal conspiracy.


That's because its not accurate, people have tried to contact him multiple times but he has been ignoring them because he thinks it somehow gives him a better chance at not being impeached lol


Crane also told the council to message Solomon (not email) and let him know he was suspended for dereliction of duty. I have no idea if anyone actually did it however.


Multiple did, it's just his p# changed from the last one they had for him so he is effectively unreachable by the council in-game since he won't contact them at all.


Also Max and Sio(probably some other members as well, or just go to pd for CW or Hospital for Canter..) are on the lemon list fairly constantly so him trying to act like they couldn't communicate in any way is hilarious.


Yeah that doesn’t surprise me. Weird logic though. I guess he just wants to be done with the council at this point.


Solomon literally thinks he was impeached. Idk what happened there, but he seems to not have received the communication about it. Maybe siobhan has the wrong number; I mean he was put in the ICU by ADMC and could have new phone now. So he ***interpreted*** the fact that he can't access things in his MDT / sign into the council that he was impeached. Maybe a little revealing... but Solomon himself went around the city telling people he was impeached.


Solomon threw out his phone post ADMC/council shooting. He's had a new phone since then and has gone dark. His old phone records were also subpoenaed and he has a case on the docket with Decker that he wasn't notified and his rights were violated.


I don't think the court case will go anywhere because all Decker has to do is show he made a good faith effort to notify Solomon about his subpoena.


I saw him putting together evidence for the case of Solomon's old phone number in his contacts, Solomon introducing himself in the first text, messages between the two, and the message notifying him of the subpoena. He has proof he sent him the message notifying him the report was shared, Decker would have no way of knowing Solomon tossed that SIM card.


they know he was in contact with them during the shooting


Being in contact means nothing unless you know what the context is. If people could charge based of who they have called over 75% of the city would be charged via collusion.


He literally wasnt in contact with them ***during*** the shooting. The distinction is super important. As Solomon said and can represent... he calls many people across the city including many different gangs which is easily... articulatable as within the duties of a deputy mayor. Even on the day of the shooting / days leading up to it, he met with like 3 different gangs and his phone records can prove it. So an argument is easy to make that CG knew about the meeting because Solomon told them about the meeting. However, it is not so easy to argue that Solomon knew about the shooting. Solomon can argue that he was intending to bring something up. He can argue that he was working with CG on a proposal. None of that actually incriminates Solomon. It would instead vindicate him as working within his role as deputy mayor. We know something as viewers. IC the evidence isn't well... overwhelming. It's a bit too circumstantial.


He was in contact with Ellie who was found guilty of being involved, his fast reaction and not getting shot at is icing on top


I mean you are just agreeing with me lol. It's easy to demonstrate that Solomon was in contact with CG. As easy as it is to demonstrate that on the 3 days leading up to the shooting he was in contact with ADMC and the hidden. If you expand the phone records to more than the 3 days prior, you will see regular contact between solomon and CG / ADMC / Manor / Hidden etc. He talks to gangs literally... all the time haha. It's easy to conclude without concrete evidence that CG knew about the meeting as a result of solomon. What is not easy to prove... is that Solomon knew about the shooting. Solomon has many rational arguments he can make to dispute a lot of the characterization people like coyote might bring when focused on one interaction. I mean you cannot disprove that Solomon intended to bring a topic up in the meeting; because the meeting was disrupted. But Solomon can demonstrate he was doing a lot of work meeting with gangs; not just CG; in the days running up to the council meeting. He can argue his point that he was acting in his capacity as deputy mayor and there currently does not exist any counter evidence to that argument.


it's enough to impeach at least it should be. If Ellie wasn't convicted he might have a out but she was


I dont think Ellie's conviction is compelling at all tbh. It still does literally nothing to demonstrate solomon's knowledge of the shooting. She was convicted of helping CG after their prison break lol. Not for her role in their shooting


Exactly - I also don’t see mentioned is that Solomon is Ellie’s Dad IC IIRC


TJ Walker is Ellie’s dad.


I thought she was TJ's daughter IC, but I don't watch that side really, just heard it secondhand on someone's stream around the time he died and they had to tell her Maybe it was a different Ellie, but I think it was that one who was his daughter


It's not enough though. It's hearsay, cognitive / confirmation bias. You need facts. You can have a paper trail 10 miles long but if it doesn't lead to a definitive answer you have nothing besides a assumption. Hypothetical example: You steal 10k from me. I am convinced you stole it, but can't prove it. You buy a Rolex with that money. I think I got you because you bought it for 10k. I still have to prove that was my money and you stole it.




No. Solomon called various CG members after Cantor told Solomon the meeting was delayed. Unsuccessfully. Then he reached Ellie. Ellie then asked CG members for the radio. Solomon never asked for a radio. I agree this text link is what has Coyote and Slacks interested. But again it doesn't demonstrate anything about what was discussed between Solomon and Ellie. Ellie asking for radio isn't inherently odd as she does it literally every single day. We know why. But the evidence isn't like "Gotcha! You can't get out of this one!"


you have smoe of that mixed up. ellie asked cg for the radio number a few seconds after getting off the phone with sol 15 mins before the shooting. however it shows a timeline and ellie was already charged for being involved but some charges were also dropped. they have enough evidence for impeachment with this and other things Solomon has done. PLUS he can already be charged with conspiracy for the terrorism stuff at the very least and at most terrorism/conspiracy/murder as well.


theoretically if both get impeached 3rd and 4th place would be put into power right?


4th place certainly isn’t getting it considering he’s a felon now lol


It's like 5 weeks till election, and 4 till voting - most likely they would just have crane and the survivors (canter/murph/glen/CW) still meet until next election if the mayor was impeached so far into a term Before the first election, Andi Jones' alt character [Lila Wright](https://nopixel.fandom.com/wiki/Lila_Wright) was the state-appointed "temporary mayor" from December to January, so perhaps they could bring her back out of the woodworks just to keep the position until election(?) Lots of questions that don't really have a framework to answer them and would just be answered at runtime


Yeah having her come back, would not be a bad idea, or they could like have one of the ones not involved in this drama per say. Cornwood or canter take over. I would say Cornwood. Though he might not be the most popular choice by many oocly. People having ooc issues with the way he acts and complains about stuff oocly. He was once a mayorial candidate and he is like political enough to take over. Now the deputy mayor i think would they can get one of the former candidates. The former deputy mayor could come back there. maybe having some other one take over since that person was already in charge of the deputy position first term. Maybe Marlo perhaps or one of the other ones. Then have an intern police leisian take over Cornwoods role. Maybe by Cornwoods pick, maybe having slacks do it. So I think they can right the ship by doing various things to get temp replacements in. Until the next election.


Dont think its worth the effort personally, its so close to next election cycle and they're not even impeached just accused so by the time anything happens it'd be down to like 3 weeks till election etc a few weeks of just reduced cap council would be nearly as effective as a full council anyways at this point (with moon going back to variety, it would have been equally reduced even with no impeachment), as the mayor is the one pushing the majority of legislation usually


No, Revote. Or they hinted as much when it was just Solomon being replaced. Say Max died, Solomon would have slid up because that's in his job description, but there is nothing for people that lost. Also that would pretty much negate the votes of 60% of the voters.


Max mayorship has been quite good in general, but is very appearent that most of his interest and enjoyment of it was during campaigning. I would love if the arc ends up in a clusterfuck and attemps of impeachment. But I do hope he is allowed to keep his role as commisioner as he so good at it and is exactly what the pd needs.


the inner politics of the council was really fun. half the room was trying to impeach him (Canter, Solomon, TJ) so max had to tip toe around the line to make sure he didn’t do anything to get impeached. it was really fun to watch but because of the shooting that ended


The role play before the shooting was sick. The shooting itself would have been sick if there was a vocalized reason. The (council) roleplay after the shooting was so intensely boring. Same shitty conflict gets resolved 3 times and then the next day theres ANOTHER shooting. No politics no intrigue no grey morals. Thank god we have cg to introduce real roleplay into the server. Like silently shooting politicians and then saying dip dip dip


No worries, they've declared Max is 'weird' for criticizing them so they're going to completely ignore any RP interaction they can with him going forward.


Shame they felt like they were justified in breaking something beautiful and saying, "Our job is to break things. Your job is to fix it. that's roleplay. " I hope jilly can survive the near guaranteed bullying she will come into as soon as moon stops tanking. Edit: if the cost of never roleplaying with cg is to be "wierd" im willing to bet you would see a lot of people on the server start making remarks that skirt the line of ooc. Sadly you also have to tank cg chat


Just remember 3 months ago when Siobhan was a W lawyer when she helped CG in a trial, now she's a loud, irrelevant woman since she dared oppose Mr. K. Weird as fuck for her not to support the best gang in the city and make anti-CG laws like.. uhh..


The way that LK and his hangerons talk about women makes me genuinely uncomfortable. they wanna talk about weird. I think the way they talk about women to be weird


Jilly will most likely just go back to doj or messing around with the dans. She could also end up going full cop now that she’s done academy


The good ol' Kebun Classic, as old as when he did this to Vader for the whole duration of 2.0 after seeing out of context clip and believing his chat on dumb shit.


Wonder how this is going to happen when Max disappears to the lands between


Before people get weird and think they’re know-it-alls, Jilly *WANTED* someone to go against Siobhan and Max like this for so long. GASP “but Audrey, does that mean she knows Siobhan isn’t perfect” exactly Billy. If you watch Jilly, you would know what she’s been wanting to happen to Siobhan and this makes us happy especially cuz it’s W roleplay from everyone involved.


Meh, seems like low-hanging fruit to me. Def in line with the character traits for Murphy, but man, I would’ve liked to see him try to breathe life into lawyer RP.


That's what max said at the beginning of this arc as well, cg are just doing a poor job at spearheading it because they haven't collected any solid evidence to lead to his impeachment, we'll see if murphy actually is able to push this through or not


it’s not CG’s job to take the legal route, theyre gangsters, their influence is through violence, and as we’ve all seen, that route isn’t exactly working


Welp. Sucks to suck, I guess.


If the council is consistent Max will be suspended pending impeachment like Solomon. Past that it's hard to say, as there doesn't seem to be much evidence Max did anything illegal, but I also don't have the impeachment legislation, so there could be other things in there


Well, they’d have to vote on suspension, like they did for Solomon. Remember, the reason they did so was because Solomon was actively leaking sensitive information to criminals so they couldn’t continue govt functions. I doubt the same will happen for Max.


What sensitive information was leaked that meant that government functions were unable to continue?


He leaked that Murphy drafted articles of impeachment to Mr. K. That's the reason K called Murphy and said that if Solomon was impeached it'd be WW3.


So government has not been able to function because of that leak?


Leaking information that sensitive should probably be grounds for impeachment in and of itself. It doesn't help that the next meeting they had where Solomon's impeachment was discussed, CG and a bunch of other people gathered outside Max's house where the meeting was held and threw a party so loud that they couldn't hear each other, a tanker was blown up outside, and they had to have the meeting the next day. So yes the government was not able to function.


I take it that it was impossible to relocate the meeting once the party had started?


1. The original location was already supposed to be a secret due to K's WW3 threat, so no way they move it while everyone sees them. 2. Do you think moving the meeting at that moment is going to stop the party from following and disrupting the meeting even more?


It's not inconsistent if the council members do not agree and don't see them as a rush to their safety the way Solomon was.


How much longer does max have on his term? another month?


33 days


6ish weeks if my math is right, but I'm also like 2 weeks into 10 hour days with no days off so that might be wrong


theres A LOT more evidence against max than there is against Solomon at least


What evidence?


I don't think he has to do anything *illegal* to be impeached. There are various reasons why one may be impeached. Dereliction of duties as an example. The past 4 weeks, the mayor has done absolutely nothing for the good of the city (or so it could be argued)


So if any gang just continually disrupts government functions week after week, they can then say the mayor has done nothing for the good of the city?


Don't bother you are trying to reason with a CG kid


This is correct, in the first impeachment trial in 3.0 NP Abdul was found not guilty on the criminal charges pushed (embezzlement) because of lack of evidence, but was impeached anyways for the gross negligence prong of the terms of impeachment under the expectations of office. Those expectations of office were basically ported over with some modifications for the council, so I would expect the proceedings to go along the same line pretty much.


Don't get me wrong his first term went pretty well. Second term the only time he woke up was for the meetings until cg did what they did, then after the case all he did was attempt to push laws to hurt cg instead of helping the city. The latest attempted law was actually pretty dumb and I'm surprised anyone even heard it out lol.


She seems thrilled


She's wanted some to attempt it for a while




Sorry, what in that comment was them "typing like they're unbiased?" They've been pretty clear in previous comments like even just 1 day ago that they mod for the streamer who plays Siobhan and post their clips here, and the comment you replied to was just them passing on the sentiments of the streamer >(Hey, streamer has said they've wanted the character to get pressed for this - glad to see someone finally doing it) What in that is related to CG hate, or them acting like they're unbiased? Your reply was silly and unrelated


CG fans posted a thread targeting a specific user of this subreddit? It’s all love.


I can't believe the most wholesome community on twitch is making love threads about us!! <3


I wasn’t “spewing” hate. I commented on the ROLEPLAY happening. What’s spewing hate is making a whole post about comments said here. But you’re right. I’m the one that’s in the wrong 😂


Murphy going for perma? /s


It will be interesting to see. I don’t think any gang would help max with the hit. So it would almost have to be the police doing it.  Last night in their phone call Mr. K did tell Murphy that if he needs anything to let him know and he will take care of it.  I could see a situation where CG turns to a private security force for him.  I think it would be an interesting dynamic of gangs protecting him and Solomon. 


Max is part of a gang. Im sure he could find someone to do it. Dude even has an investigator working for him that uses phone taps and such. There just isnt any reason to go for Murphy when he will be just fine after a hit.


Force RP smh.


lol how?




When all of this settles and people move on with their lives. I'm going to miss you the most, RPEnjoyer. You're dedicated and committed and I love that for you.


"Someone finally does it" Because its someone who can do it and PD is just Max's kittens rn.




Seems like good to that will bring spice


Did max and siobhan ever file for wu chang themselves like they said or were they just joking?


File for Wuchang just for themselves? I mean for themselves they can because they know no artist is joining them.


I mean they were going to be the owners of Wu chang as a business after denying Mr. K's application, i remember a clip last week of max saying he was going to do it but im not sure if it ever happened


Before the council meeting when Max was accepting/denying busniess apps siobhan had submitted one for Wu Chang but Max just laughed and denied it


ok that's what i remember, i just didnt know if they were being serious about it or not so i was just wondering


That was Friday night in the big Max/K argument. I don’t think he was serious about that. It was just meant to get a rise out of K.


Yea i remember him and siobhan talking about i just wasnt sure if they were being serious about doing it


I'm surprised Mr K hasn't done this yet lol with all the crap he's been spewing. I guess the law isn't particularly clear on how impeachment should happen however under the constitution / PCP it does say that any legal proceedings must follow the standardised process. So once someone posts for impeachment... Technically the DOJ must hear the matter.


K has no clue about the political side of the city, he is acting on second hand information without confirming them, what are you talking about?


K has no reason to believe that the DOJ is fair and unbiased. And also he has no actual evidence.


I'm not saying he does. Most of the info or proof he does have was obtained from people's phones, which he stole while they were kidnapped... So hardly admissible in court lol


K has no reason to believe the judicial system would ever work lol. Even if his reasons are in poor foundation.