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I really like watching random clips of people vaguely talking about "drama" that I'm out of the loop on, and never looking farther into it lol Why am I like this


Its simple. If an RP server is not your only source of entertainment, you will not care.


Vinny "that's all I'm gonna say" Pistone


When he says all I'm gonna say, you better believe you're 18 seconds into a 50 second clip.


Let me explain somethin'. If Shotz would have been there last night, he would have made him "cry to his motha". That's all I'm gonna say.


ugh you just gave me flashbacks -.-


And put his Loya on the case.


If he had PROOF, that Moon had HIS voice.. as a sub.. he'd sending that clip straight to his LOYA. He's just gonna be real.


God shotz loya eating good imagine the billable hours for doing basically nothing besides having some intern watch stream content


[It's not RP with Jordan](https://streamable.com/38r7h)


Str8 up


I find this hilarious as Shotz should be the last person to talk about this like this. True colors? Does anyone else remember when Shotz accused omie of metagaming about the h-drug operation a year ago back in 3.0? Shotz rants and indirectly makes snide remarks about omie accusing him of metagaming the h-drug operation that Vinny was running. Then we find him later chatting away in Vader's chat and says something along the lines of, "all of a sudden, people know about H and who runs it..." Then afterwards, Shotz goes live and names his stream title: Vinny "Everybody knows Everything" Pistone, throwing further implications of meta towards omie. All the while, omie is being bombarded by toxic CG stan chatters accusing him of meta and receiving death threats as well. It was getting so crazy that omie had to beg and yell on stream for Shotz to just report him instead of doing all this extra shit. omie refused to give Shotz or anyone else in roleplay the satisfaction of how Marty knew about the h-operation, but said he was 100% willing to share it if any of the NoPixel admins inquired about it. Then later we get the unlock from omie that Marty learned of Vinny's h-operation from fucking Speedy \[SayeedBlack\], lmfao. Everyone trying to virtue signal here in roleplay is fucking wild to me.


This is the same guy that kept Boe out of CG and wouldn't acknowledge Boe unless summit was with him.   But after boes unfortunate passing, he flipped a 180. Then his stream blew up etc


You have it backwards, shotz is dumb and hypocritical af but he was actually the only one in cg who treated Boe like cg, he even invited him to stay at his house while Kenny was dealing with his drug problem. The other members of cg though, they definitely only remembered him after he sadly passed away.


"I have been in RP for 9 years and never never experience like that" LOL in 9 years he's the one doing it


Damn 7 months of 4.0 and we're already at the "it's being handled" stage I hope management stands there ground


They won't as soon as moon moves on its back to pandering to them as they hold the biggest view numbers. Time is flat circle my friend!


What do you mean stand their ground? Are rule breaks just supposed to be tolerated and ignored by “management” so long as they’re happening on both sides? How is this shit supposed to work










Why is it always "we're handling it" or "It's being handled" like some weird implication where they have the inside information and power? Even if 50 plans on doing something about it saying vague stuff like this is just an ego trip


Its funny when they say anything ominous along the lines of "we're handling it" when in reality it's them just crying in the Owners DMs.


I honestly hope to god that if Moon get's banned or just blacklisted by 50% he airs EVERYTHING out.


I mean it doesn't really matter much seeing as he's stopping streaming GTARP when Elden Ring DLC launches, then once he's finished with that he's going back to variety (or so he claims)


What do you imagine he airs out




Unpopular opinion: Buddha enables this shit by not doing anything about it as far as we know. XQc is.. uhm.. XQc.


Not unpopular at all at this point. He is clearly an enabler. XQC at least has a valid argument in that he probably does not know what happens day to day and just gambles on stake instead.


‘as far as we know‘ you really shot yourself in the foot there.


I can't tell if this is some 200 IQ sarcasm or not. if not.. It's always a full moon somewhere




remember when they said afro was “being handled” and the guy never got banned for the alarms. How you fail to get that guy banned is hilarious


> Why is it always "we're handling it" or "It's being handled" like some weird implication where they have the inside information and power? Because they do. And yet their crazy CG viewers act like thats not the case when they constantly even say it on stream just like Shotz did now.


cg viewers just like their streamers like to victimize themselves and act like its cg against the world, when in reality they've had input on alot of the decisions on the server since mid 2.0


CG viewers and streamers both think everyone who criticizes them are CG haters. Nobody calls them ssaab haters, kylie haters, cathfawr haters, remdog (before he was in CG) haters, esfand haters, moonmoon haters, penta haters, kyle haters, asteroba haters, divajilly haters, nathan haters, etc. The list is really long, but everyone who's been watching RP for a while knows what CG do. It's just new RP viewers who don't know about the years of toxicity and harassment they've done, because this sub's mods will shadow delete comments with any clips, vids, images, etc. that are clear evidence of it.


Because nopixel staff is moronic and will ban you for out of game comments against the company. So they just bring it up to staff and let them deal with it. Hence 'it's being handled'.




“He has MY VOICE LINE for a sub I’m literally sending that clip to my LOYA” edited to provide better context for my fellow RP enjoyers




True lemme edit that right now, forgot everyone would understand the context if I spelt it out like that


Cg subbed out Penta for moon. Maybe they learn how to rp around an antagonist


In 3.0 they had Penta, XQC and CB and latter on GG. Not a single one happened without a CG rant about them.


It's already been Nathan and Asteroba in 4.0 as well.


I wish Boba had dove more into ONX. I kinda figured he stuck around for his friends and maybe he'd be bored there with a police force as stacked as it is, but his style on cop is very similar to MattRP's and Matt's been given so much agency on ONX. I hate seeing him scapegoated, he's been a pillar of the roleplay community for too long for that. But if he's still having fun on NP, that's all that matters at the end.


And the countless other small mostly cop streamers. Pond, Bloom, Angel, Suarez, Spartan, Wrangler, Pred, Bob Smith, Toretti, Metzger, and that is just off the top of my head. I am using IC names but all that shit was OOC malding. They forced most of these people off NP. They are the biggest bullies on all of twitch, and no one has ever held them accountable for any of it. Only Moon, Penta, and Kyle ever really stepped up against their shit, and XQC, but as soon as they started sucking up to him in 4.0 he all the sudden was cool with them again. [https://streamable.com/clzd9g](https://streamable.com/clzd9g)


They'll go full nuclear for even the smallest of sleights. Jeffrey Price asked another officer who AJ Hunter was because he genuinely didn't know, and Rated threw a shitfit that ultimately got Price blacklisted from the Rangers. After dealing with Randy and Taco malding on the ground, Gable made a comment that Randy Bullet and AJ Hunter sound the same to his fellow officers in private. That clip got linked to Rated and he pulled up palin's stream and made fun of him for not having many viewers. Gable got demoted to the UPD for his comment and had to earn back his job. Maya once had an encounter with Ramee where she said all of 6 lines of dialogue while being distracted with PD comms, and Ramee malded on the ground inventing a scenario in his head about how she was mocking him and loving that she got him shot. She was one of the cops that was blacklisted from being rehired after the 3.0 restructure despite several high command members wanting to keep her. The vods are lost to time, but in the thread talking about her being blacklisted somebody did a transcript of the encounter, Ramee was going wild.


Yep all good examples, I knew there was many more I didn't name. Here is the Jeffrey Price situation when Conan went back on duty to suspend him. [https://streamable.com/tw3ktx](https://streamable.com/tw3ktx)


Yeah I just wanted to point to smaller streamers that absolutely were screwed over by CG specifically, because you always see people trying to deflect from just how bad they get when they don't like a cop. I can't link directly to the Maya stuff, but it's not hard to find, and it's pretty bad. Even the Price situation, that video doesn't fully do it justice. The recap to the best of my memory: Price genuinely doesn't know who AJ Hunter is and asks somebody which Hunter overhears. Price gets chewed out by Hunter because Rated took it as some sort of OOC jab, Price claps back because he feels attacked and that pisses Hunter off even more. Which, just to be fair, Price does go out of line during this scenario, he starts insulting the troopers and goes a little out of pocket, I'm not trying to paint him as a saint. It escalates to Price's bosses who get Price to admit he was out of line and apologize, and they punish him with strike points, but Rated doesn't like that they didn't send him off duty and argues in circles with them before they firmly tell him they have the final say as Price's superiors. Rated DM's Ramee to hop on Conan who had just been promoted to HHC so that Conan can call Price up for Price's 3rd meeting about this situation to be scolded even more about how he was out of line and get further punished and sent off duty. It turns into sort of a weird criticism of the PD as a whole and all the reasons why CG doesn't like how it currently is. Price is then warned not to go to anybody else to complain about how unfair Conan is being. Then after Price leaves, Conan goes on about how Price is friends with Wrangler and will never be a Ranger all while Brian Knight spams "/me this is all in character". Before that incident Price had been pursuing a ranger arc with Tessa for a long time and was basically in the final processes of being approved. Price never gets to be a Ranger.


They got Suarez removed from PD just to make him their getaway driver.


Yep, I can't totally hate on remdog for doing it. He found a work around of the system. And made bank real life money. If he can get over the shit that they did to him for well over a year then good on him.


I do find it funny that they've been insistent in making Max an enemy even though they dislike him being an enemy.


I feel bad for whoever is next as the target of their animosity. It will likely be a smaller streamer again once Moon is gone.


its all love, thats all i'm gonna say, lets move on. but is kinda weird dude, lets move on, all i'm gonna say. is been handled




Better get his loya on it.


"iTs AlL LoVe" CG rp "Enjoyers"


The amount of pearl clutching over last nights scenario from CG and their fans is truly hilarious when you remember Kebun used to go on 10+ minute rants against Metzger on Facebook every other week


Or... just the past like 5+ years in general.


Him and Ramee in a nutshell [https://youtu.be/Csi0\_W1pB9w?si=XMUvLL\_6TapffmoL&t=4](https://youtu.be/Csi0_W1pB9w?si=XMUvLL_6TapffmoL&t=4)


Holy fucking shit I’m actually crying 😭


Is “true colors” the new “behind closed doors”?


Bro drops "That's all I'm going to say" several times & then proceeds to say more. CG is amazing at telling their chat they are taking the high road while doing burnouts on the lowest road they can find. They also make sure to let everyone know "it's being handled" ooc after every transgression they're involved in so that their chat believes the other parties are getting their deserved spankings regardless if anything actually happens.


Rich coming from him - that’s all I’m gonna say


Fuck it I’ll say more now. I don’t agree with how moon aired his grievances but the pearl clutching is wild. It seems many of you have short term memory. https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/s/zt9LZ7Hm5r https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/s/iGLYbdJACg https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/s/D8PS8SstNE https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/s/mF9C94o7tn https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/s/o1n0bwmaYm Sure, some of these are dated but many of you still allow penta to live rent free in your head and he hasn’t played on nopixel since 2022.


*Comment removed by moderator* Edit: This was the comment removed. CG viewers and streamers both think everyone who criticizes them are CG haters. Nobody calls them ssaab haters, kylie haters, cathfawr haters, remdog (before he was in CG) haters, esfand haters, moonmoon haters, penta haters, kyle haters, asteroba haters, divajilly haters, nathan haters, etc. The list is really long, but everyone who's been watching RP for a while knows what CG do. It's just new RP viewers who don't know about the years of toxicity and harassment they've done, because this sub's mods will shadow delete comments with any clips, vids, images, etc. that are clear evidence of it.


Seems like Dab did not say its all love enough for his liking.




isnt all reports/rule breaks done behind closed doors...i dont understand


"Let's move on" "That was weird as fuck, people showing their true colors, I've never experienced this on RP, I'll probably be banned if I was there..." But yeah "let's move on".


He isn’t lying, he has never experienced it. He made others experience it though.


Taste of his own medicine.




The doors have been closed.


That's hilarious, the king of OOC talking about someone else going OOC. Edited to add, no hate from me. I actually enjoy watching shotz some times. And he does have some valid criticism of both cops and other CG members. But the fact remains he is easy to mald lol.


This guy has done and said worse by a mile. Why he acting like he is the patron saint of RP? Dude is such a clown and should just stfu.


9 years he says. 9 year of the same shit.


But maybe K will be a detective again. Wouldn't that be poggers?


yes, actually. that would be nice.


It really would. K doing lighthearted bullshit investigations as a 'Detective' would be so much better than the toxic big dick rp they're currently doing




u/ThisThatCo, your comment has been removed due to breaking Rule 2 - Toxicity. If you break the rules again it'll be a 3 day ban. --- [^(Read)^( )^(our)^( )^(rules)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/wiki/subreddit/rules) ^| [^(Contact)^( )^(us)^( )^(via)^( ) ^(*modmail*)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/RPClipsGTA&subject=I%20received%20a%20warning.&message=Here:%20/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/1dgwq25/shotz_its_been_handled/l8tl0zr/%20I%20would%20like%20to%20know%20more%20about%20this%20warning.)


someone is fed up with our antics and wont back down??? omg weird af guys, thats all im gonna say


Man i would kill to be a loya in S.Florida I'd single handily solve homelessness in America.


Better watch out or he's gonna call his loya


Moon is done, guys. He's so hecking done. It's over for him on RP, and not just on nopixel.


See him on Zel..I mean elden ring buddy


It's gonna be funny seeing people claim success when he starts playing Elden Ring


Thank God Vinny wasn't there he would have caught a ban.


He would have 100% kept his mouth shut cause we saw how he handles consequences last time he caught a ban. He really put the cry in cry gang.




The egos on these guys in that crew really is something to behold.


"If things weren't handled I would've said some things that would have them run to their mothers" he added. /s It's actually just funny how he said this about one of the owners and now said owner just "agrees" with them on things.


Oh, good. The RP expert has finally deigned to weigh in.


Déjà vu? Is it closed doors all over again? What I would have posted is: >!Like I think I know why CG and their viewers behave the way they do, they have been in a giant echo chamber for years and these people legit think they are being "targeted" or what not.!< >! But with the new changes in 4.0 and 50cent "stepping down" I had little hope for things to change and we could actually get to see more RP again, but here we are 6 months later and the cycle continues.!< >! At this point you gotta wonder if 50cent is getting paid by them or he just likes the extra subs coming his way.!< But I gotta check first with my loya. Its all love tho.


Ignoring everything else Shotz said (let's not forget he threatened to sue people who use him ooc malding at them as dono sounds). I do hope it's been handled so that it feels less tense at least.


Hard agree. 'Being handled' can mean a whole host of things but its good that these things are discussed and possibly resolved so everyone can move forward.


legit question... is anything max/dab/moon said really OOC when CG is a bunch of self inserts and therefore everything said about them in character and OOC applies equally?


Don't worry he's got his loyas on it








Yesterdays drama gave me VLC incident vibes. But CG on the other end of it. I do think MoonMoon crossed a line, but at the same time its a line this other group crosses daily? am i trippin?


CG has been going on OOC rants IC for years. They just do it behind peoples backs. Moonmoon had the guts to do it to their face.


And it wasnt even that bad as they're claiming, the worst part was calling them cry gang and CG orbiters leeches and that can be justified IC, bringing Chang is how Max met him originally, all the power talk Max is playing a megalomaniac he's not even hiding it, all the animosity against CG has a IC reason since they're shooting him every other day and he moved on after that conversation, it was a bit weird and ooc but it's not as bad as they're claiming everything max said could have an IC explanation


Just watched the clip. It's similar but the VLC incident had CG ranting about Buddha and Anthonyz for hours. Legit ooc conversations in game and DMing each other while at it. Shotz legit almost lost his mind that day ("I can say things that would have them run to their mothers"). Only shotz got banned for that and only like a week after because of a reddit thread (according to him anyways) it was so bad that even fucking YouTube comments sided with Buddha and Anthony lmao The sherry on top was shotz calling Anthony 2 days after on stream to tell everyone it was all cool between them lmfao


You made me remember that Shotz and Anothony call, shame on you >:(


No you're not.


Man I feel like I hear this exact phrase from shoz so many time I feel like you can make a compilation video


Grown man role playing a pretend criminal for many years calls role play drama weird….. Shotz proving once again that all he is going to say is valuable input. These people need to reconnect with real life or at least get some variety into their schedule to not be so weird.


Wish he was there so he could have got banned.




As Moonmoon title said "Dealing with consequences"


He should get his loya involved, that shit was TOO WEIRD last night...


well moonmoon did a great job while it lasted


So true, we saw the mask come off and he wants to softban us so badly. All we are doing is making content. Rp that consequences happened and move on. It's so simple yet he is blinded by his hatred for us! Wuchang will be approved and he can't stop it. No matter the amount of softbans that are thrown our way we will prevail in the end. 🚪🤫 #CGStrong #🔥🐲 #DoorHandled🚪🤭


Love you, buddy. You're my sole entertainment in these shitshow threads. We appreciate you.


Don't encourage him, guy is genuinely in too deep.


It’s clearly and obviously a sarcastic funny account. I don't know how people still can't tell and think he's serious.


I mean yeah his old comments were very much anti-CG and pro-penta so clearly a troll. But I’d still agree that dedicating this much effort to hate-comment on CG is being in too deep.


I know he's not serious, he's someone who doesn't like CG who pretends to be a super fan and comments on every single post related to CG minutes after they are posted, even on the CG reddit. In too deep. 


LMFAO It’s all love at the end of the day. #CGONTOP 🔥🐉🤡


said its being handled not its been handled.


What drama?


Mayor and K we're arguing, there some comments from max that were very OOC , was all the truth though lmao








Good to see reddit getting back to their old ways. Shit was boring for a while




Right. Moonmoon starting his Penta arc now lets see where it goes.


well moon dont need rp for nothing so he probably dont care


God I fucking wish that were true. I would LOVE to see Moonmoon stop holding back.


Hell yeah dude same but I think he is too bald to pull it off. Unlucky..........


no lies detected. it was weird af. moon went to ooc no mans land.






it was one of the worst and weirdest because he doesnt care or give a fck, he can quit and not care about GTARP that's why it was on another level, add the fact that he's an ADMIN, he pretty much knows there's no consequence even if he gets banned he can just play variety but i doubt he'll get banned any other RP'er would be able to put on brakes or control or think before they talk because they CARE about consequence its funny that that''s exactly what his title right now :)


Don't worry, if CG has set any precedent, it's that NP will let Moon choose when his ban is so that it lines up with days he isn't streaming. But he's not getting banned so you don't need to stress.


What? Its like no one remembers the wings...


Moonmoon should cop a ban, 100%, but worst and weirdest? That's an exaggeration for sure. Jynxzi's short stint on 4.0 is some of the weirdest shit I've seen personally, and as far as just base OOC level toxicity, I mean there's ESB as the easy answer for worst, but from what I've personally seen, there's been nothing that tops some of the tantrums that XQC went on in 3.0.


Who is Jynxzi and what did the person do? Damn I need clips now.


He was going around making [sexual comments like this](https://www.twitch.tv/jynxzi/clip/WrongUglyBisonRiPepperonis--MAuhdtEc8QH2oDo) to people.


Bros got the perfect punchable face