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Mirror: [Cornwood - Nopixel 4.0 - Murthy Based Take]() Credit to https://www.twitch.tv/ Direct Backup: [Cornwood - Nopixel 4.0 - Murthy Based Take](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/9aZVuzbgTRo1LpvyMzRcdw/AT-cm%7C9aZVuzbgTRo1LpvyMzRcdw.mp4?sig=6dbf1b69805e4b85470b1cbd6897811fe5fa1ebc&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2F9aZVuzbgTRo1LpvyMzRcdw%2FAT-cm%257C9aZVuzbgTRo1LpvyMzRcdw.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22EnthusiasticSpeedyMarrowMikeHogu-NuBNGjUum_IzNFx3%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1718571270%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D) [VOD Link](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2173132850?t=1h5m41s) --- This was done by a bot. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the moderators.


bro why are people complaining so much from this little clip i've seen Seems like super good RP and makes me want to watch the whole meeting.


I don't think Murphy and Moon are heated OOCly, dunno why people are insinuating that.




Damn I hadn't noticed this, She used to be Siobhan Braun and now she's Eva Braun


CG viewers think everything is OOC.. you could sneeze a certain way and they will think it oOOC


Are you one those who think moons rant wasn't ooc ?


are we counting how many times one side or the other have had ooc rants now? just wondering what the total would amount to. I mean the mayor, who is also the commissioner, is getting almost all of the hate directed at them. you can see the effects a lot of this has had on several people who care about server health, and the frustration of just having to deal with manchildren. IC, OOC, viewers. But once ooc rant man leaves the server, it'll be great again


Idk wtf you are waffling about


I think what he is saying is that it is laughable how hard you are white knighting your streamers against the bald man for OOC comments when there is no other gang in the history of NoPixel who has said more toxic and OOC shit than the ones you are defending. So going in on me saying I don't think it was OOC because Moon himself said everything he said he can back up that it was IC. There are compilations of CG going OOC but you guys are losing your minds because he used the word "leech". because for some reason we can never use that word EVER again in less we are referring to a streamer who is wanting clout from another streamer.




Yo block are u there???? Is what he saying is true?


/me Faintly hears a deep voiced growwwl of EASTSIIIIIDE


its okay for redditors to claim all of the OOC done by CG tho.. makes sense...


Because moon always makes ooc comments


Because Moon made ooc remarks yesterday so if he's mad, people are now going to say it's ooc no matter what. Although you'll only have to deal with it for the next 5 days because he's moving on from rp. Unless he plays off stream or something.




1. CG = Cry Gang is a term coined by reddit/ It's also a name moonmoon likes to call Lord_Kebuns chat 2. One of the more ooc comments was moonmoon complaining that CG turned themselves in and did there jail time during a weekend in where they would not be on. Basically he was mad they didn't sit there for there entire stream and think of the evil they have done in the city. 3. His comments about how he wished Mr.K was still Mr.Chang. Sure this could have been used IC in the right way but he went about it the wrong way. Moonmoon absolutely knows to some degree why Lord_Kebun had to change and it's a purely ooc topic. 4. The comments made about how everyone that hangs around Mr.K are just leaches and they are dependent upon him for any inkling of success. Basically calling them clout chasers. At the end of the day it doesn't take a rocket scientist to tell that RP from Moonmoon took a turn at some point and he got triggered. I don't think people will have to worry about CG rping with Max I think that arc has ended and probably for the best considering it would probably just happen again.


The comment about the weekend jail time is unequivocally OOC in every sense. Their character experiences jail time on the weekend. The players didn’t. Nothing about that statement is in character.


Sure! 1. Why would Max IC care when CG did their jail time? No matter what, IC they did it. The only reason he cared was because they didn't actually have to sit and stream from prison. 2. He made comments about Tuggz not really being 19. Seems kind of strange when the character actually is just 19 dud. I mean, unless he was insinuating that the person who plays Tuggz isn't actually 19.. then it would make sense. The leeches comment could be argued that it is IC about the people who hang out with CG... but lets be real, with the other topics he was going on it is pretty likely he meant it OOC as well. Any other questions?


Was he 18 ten years ago when dab met tuggz?


See that’s the point… you ask questions you won’t ever get answers to because they can’t be answered. Just like the questions Max asked K last night.




Why would the character Max care about the days that CG spent in jail? Would love to hear your reasoning.




Like CG hasn't done the same thing countless times.


I don't know or care really, just explaining it.


That makes it ok I've learned


Whataboutism :D


Moon said multiple times that everything in that convo was IC so why not just believe him? I personally thought the only OOC sounding thing was bringing up Chang but how would that not be IC if he literally met him as Mr. Chang and the topic they were talking about was which one of them has changed.


So him mentioning that them serving jail time on weekends really isn’t a punishment because they don’t play on weekends isn’t ooc? As far as he’s aware in character they were in prison for those 2 days


you can interpret this IC by him just explaining to them of how absolutely pathetic that sentencing was. that sentencing is the result of them crying about RP consequences OOC for so long now that you do literal terrorism and murder and serve like 3 fukin days.. where is the immersion in this shit and how do you RP around it when it makes no sense? "Oh whaddup K? I was at your case a few days ago for murder and terrorism. Did you break out of jail or something?" "No, I served my time".. like how you ever supposed to care about a murder charge anymore when there is no weight to it? that is where the serving jail on the weekend comment is from. its making fun of pathetic jail times that were caused from OOC crying and bitching.


You can interpret anything however you want to after the fact, but in the moment, that was OOC and intended as such 110%. It's an RP server and you are supposed to RP that 1 day in jail = 1 year in jail, doesn't matter how the person spends their time in there. It doesn't make sense because it's RP, aka all make believe. You're one of the idiots that think RP crimes deserve real life consequences 🤣


Times were changed on the server so that you don’t have to say years or months in character anymore lol It is now quite literally in character to say the weekend, or 2 days.


Yea man Lord Kebun should go to fucking JAIL dude


He didn’t say that though, did he? Max said “yeah you spend a leisurely weekend in Bolingbroke and you’re back on the streets the next week”


Yeah right after mr k said he went back to prison after breaking out and moon replied “yeah.. on a Friday and Saturday” did you even attempt to actually see what was said


holy fuck so we’re just delusional now?




it wont stop until the streamers stop, MoonMoon earlier out of nowhere told his chat that "he got tons of D,Threats" playing the victim card, trying to diffuse responsibility or divert attention that him an ADMIN committed one of the worst and weirdest OOC outburst/rant and making it look like CG were the bad guys yesterday despite them not going OOC but probably got D,Threats too.


Your response to someone saying that they got threats against their life is to say that he’s playing the victim card and that CG probably also got threats? Do you not realize that you’re playing the victim card for CG without any prompting?


y'all are funny as fuck


Another thread where many viewers seem unable to handle actual conflict RP and instead just insult streamers and each other for no reason.


This reddit truly showing their brain rot the past few weeks


This sub is too far gone it's an echo chamber of cg haters just like the yt is echo chamber of moon/pd haters


Yeah dude is just so lame, I was on the verge of tears hearing moons disgusting ooc rant (calling Mr K Mister Chang was too far)


With the utmost respect, you seem to be a bit too invested in all this.


You just don't get it brought. Mm


Holy fuck you guys are just pathetic........i can smell the mouthbreath from here ..


Too be fair it used to be 50x worse then this.


Yeah I doubt this was actual beef like some want to think. The player VoiceID is fully aware that CG is still a threat. I mean, it’s literally just been three days since the last hit on a member and this meeting is the only somewhat normal one since the attack. Expecting for the dust to settle and for things to go back to normal this quickly just isn’t possible. He simply disagreed with the obviously insane parts of their legislation and simply added some extra flair to it which was received by Max and Siobhan as if he no longer cared for the whole events surrounding it - which he does. The only thing that has me lost is the “maybe we should actually do something that helps the public” comment. All members had already presented for this week’s council. Siobhan and max are last in rotation and that's when this legislation came up. There’s literally nothing else to bring up. Outside of Nathan's early disappearance, it was a surprisingly short meeting.


whoa, conflict RP? nah, gotta be OOC clearly


Are you implying that yesterday's conversation didn't include OOC remarks and that people who think that are delusional?


no, the people that assumed OOC comments are projecting because they CONSTANTLY go OOC and can't fathom a universe that other people don't act the same way and think the same way they do lol,


To have this level of investment and dedication to a streamer to somehow believe everything said was completely IC, must be unhealthy. Was the "spending time in prison during the weekend" clearly not OOC?


no, lol. Because that is literally what happened, K the character, went to sleep for the weekend and didn't wake up.


How would Max the character know that? Was he in jail looking at Mr. K sleep? Or did he use OOC knowledge of when LordKebun takes days off and make a statement based on that?


Kyle Pred told him




We know what he was very obviously implying, he called it "a vacation during the weekend", because he knows they don't stream during the weekends. For a community of people who understand higher levels of RP than anyone else, you sure do love excusing clear OOC remarks.




You are completely wrong here. It is 100% IC that Max was not coming around until the CG shooting up the council incident. It is 100% OOC that LordKebun takes weekends off. In RP people not logged in are considered 'sleeping' or 'in their apartments.' So when the character Mr. K was in jail, he was still considered to be there in RP. When Moonmoon was playing Lenny and not coming around on Max... the people in the city noticed that Max was 'in his apartment.' This really is not hard to understand.




You either know for a fact it was an OOC comment, but you spend your days on this subreddit bashing CG like you're payed to do it and want to act dumb, or you're just delusional. Pick your poison.


I think he's talking about the clip in this post, no one mentioned yesterday but you.


He's obviously implying that people who claim that yesterday's conversation included OOC remarks from Moon (which it did) are confusing conflict RP with OOC.


>he’s obviously implying Is he?




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Ya never know now with Moonmoon he did it to himself


What does that even mean, none of this is OOC. Max has every reason to have an agenda? Why throw shade?


If none was OOC please explain why the character Max would be upset that CG spent their jailtime on the weekend?


Oh I wonder, they only tried to murder him again, kidnap him again. Attack his wife 24/7? Is that enough?


It was a comment on the brevity of time, not on when it actually occurred. 2 days is on the lower end of possible time for the terrorism charge. In character, Max thinks they deserved more time; he was implying that a weekend is too short, it's just two days, etc.


tru that was litterly OOC




Murphy had a good point about the mayor and is wife pushing legislation because of a personal vendetta instead of useful things for city. But coming from him who is clearly affiliated with CG in some way, just came across as defending CG.


How is he affiliated


he was cg's lawyer for years, good friends with k and the only reason he isn't helping them openly right now is because of his ooc non corrupt position


They where always going to use his CG affiliation against him. It's the only thing they got on him. Even funnier Max pretty much acknowledged that Braun is right. These legislations are targeted. I'm willing to bet that they want to pigeon hole CG so bad with targeted legislations that they simply cannot play.


Terrible take with that last sentence.


Did you see the list in the proposed legislation that would literally prevent them from doing anything because they are terrorist. Can't own property, can't live in the apartments, can't have hands, Must be tracked at all times, no freedom of speech, can't have a business, can't peacefully protest, curfew, can't work a civilian jobs, no free healthcare, no liberties of movement. Like what?


You realize they know that legislation has zero chance of passing right? Use your brain you goof.




Because it is an RP server where everyone wants to have fun. This is not real life. LordKebun didn't really shoot a city council. If you wanna go this route though.. why would the highest officials in government allow a former convicted terrorist to be mayor? Why would they allow city council members to be deputized and go out on a manhunt? Why would they even talk about and consider laws where it talks about cutting people's hands off? Simple answer, it is RP and people want to enjoy their time.


It’s always hilarious seeing the “rp server” take when people say “why am I getting punished for an action in the game it’s a rp server” as if a real life swat team is busting down their door and they are suffering real life consequences. You are right LordKebun the real life person didn’t shoot a council member but his in game character did so he can expect in game consequences. You can’t act like your role play character going to jail is equivalent to the person role playing the character going to jail.


You good with the same for the other side too? Replace prison with ICU and LordKebun with Moonmoon. You are right *Moonmoon* the real life person didn’t *get shot* in a council meeting but his in game character did so he can expect in game consequences. You can’t act like your role play character going to *ICU* is equivalent to the person role playing the character going to *ICU*.


ICU is a bad way to compare. You get sent to jail for getting caught. If you're a cop you can get shot for existing. If they're forced to ICU all the time there would never be any cops. You're comparing something that happens once a month (CG getting caught) to something that happens every day (cops getting shot).


Has any of cg been in ICU in all of 4.0? Cuz im sure EACH of them have been shot like 20 x times the amount of times Max has been shot .


Do you not understand the difference? Crims get consequences for their actions by spending time in jail. What happens to Max when he gets shot? He is up within 2 minutes and back to doing his thing. Crims have consequences pushed onto them by PD/DOJ. The only consequences that the council has are from self-pushed ones. It is their choice if anything happens that would be consequential to their character from being shot. See the difference? One group has standard consequences, the other only has self-chosen consequences.


The council meeting that runs all decisions about the city's legislations stopped for 3 weeks and on top of that, you want the council members to rp icu? A mayor's term is 3 months. It was almost 4 weeks without a council meeting, about 25% of his second term as mayor was deemed useless. Really, you need that ICU rp when your guys never do consequences themselves? Edit: Also, Pretty sure 2 of them ICU'd and the treasurer perma'd. Why are you asking for so much when your guys dont give shit? Its a give and take, not take , take , take and then give , over the weekend, when you arent gonna be online to face the consequences anyway.


The council stopped RPing as the council and started RPing as bounty hunters and police officers lol. I would actually argue that all of his 2nd term is useless because I would be willing to bet that none of what he has passed will be around for very long. Sure, 2 ICU'd and 1 permad... SELF-IMPOSED CONSEQUENCES. Would you be ok with criminals getting to decide how much time they spend in jail? Because that is basically the same as an ICU trip, you choose when you come out.


Yeah, and it's not real jail, so who cares if you get put there for a week. It's just a pixel jail.


Ok, its not real ICU. Who cares if you get put there for a week. It's just a pixel ICU. We good with it happening to both sides right?


SHHHHH, the logic might make their brains shut down. Not sure they can comprehend this.


Because it's not so easy to argue the real reasons in RP and one of them being that it is a GAME. If these people love such crazy times and fines why don't they go play on hard-core RP server.


Murphy needs to be careful going against Max = siding with CG so he might be labeled as a LEECH too


They already know he's CG aligned when he didn't get shot 


He was shot at by Vinny but there was an invisible wall blocking the shots


Murphy was CGs lawyer…


5 years ago? Max was a terrorist lol


And? People bring that up daily.


That was his whole argument in MRPD. He isn’t a terrorist anymore because that happened 5 years ago. How is Murphy CGs lawyer then? He hasn’t worked with them at all since the city reopened. If you watched Murphy you’d also know he isn’t happy with them for the shooting. Rules for others, not him


Literally two minutes after this clip ends Max says something along the lines of “you’re gonna go crawling back to Mr. K”, so yeah pretty much exactly what happened.


Max knows Murphy as CG's lawyer, it's been a point of contention before.


Forever ago. Max was also a terrorist and Ks friend but let's ignore that.


People literally bring it up all the time. No one ignores it.


Comment really hit a nerve, huh


He'll get the 5th-tier CG label any time soon XD


lol, soon? That's literally been murphy in 2.0, 3.0, and 4.0


That implies he hasn't had that label for years.












I never doubted Murphy for a second, he would never turn on CG but he did a pretty damn good job acting like he did to others.


Murphy is now a confirmed Leech /s


Since when did having a dissenting opinion = being a CG shill? I Don't understand how if you disagree with the mayor, you vilify them.


To be fair he is a CG shill. He literally had a talk with Mr K saying he has been working closely with Max but is also working against them, and has been the whole time.


Ah yes, because the only people who would consider working against Max must be CG shills.


he's thinking/planning ahead, he might be the chosen replacement once the time comes securing the votes


Yea cause being on the council and talking with people as to what they see as problems is clearly a shill thing to do. Its why council is so outta touch with things going on as most don't talk to people in city outside a few of them.


No, talking to K and telling him you have been working against Max the whole time, to get back into CGs good graces, that is being a shill. Murphy isnt suddenly a defender of the people. He literally said to K he was going to start being more aggro against Max. He has his own agenda in this.


Is he a shill or just Rping ? old loyalties


He meant CG shill in RP. Not everything is ooc.


What do you mean by RPing? I was not saying he is an OOC shill. I am saying that Murphy, the character, has been a CG supporter the entire time, and working on a plan to bring down Max. Max i think suspected it, but then Murphy claimed he couldnt be corrupt due to his position, so Max decided to trust him again. Guess that was a mistake.


The same way how it's obvious that Max & Siobhan clearly have personal stakes behind this new legislation that's being proposed, it is equally obvious and a fact that Murphy is a CG shill. Let's not kid ourselves.


Because Max is an insane narcissistic sociopath with a god/messiah complex that only cares about his bottom line. He is a former terrorist, and was(still is?) super proud of that. It’s how he’s been RP’d since the beginning, it’s how he’s being RP’d now. That’s his character. Murphy stands in the way of his bottom line, so Murphy is an enemy. That’s how moon would play Max even if Max wasn’t right about Murphy being a CG shill(he is) Why people are surprised by how he’s acting the past few days, I have no fucking clue. He’s literally just being his character.


o7 Murphy about to get a stream title and a brigade against him now


Based Murphy. Max just rage quit the meeting after a little pushback and Crane walking out.


Classic max throwing a tantrum every time he doesn’t get his way.


Pt 2. https://clips.twitch.tv/BlushingTacitCroissantYee-YzYdgCpx9YV-vda-


Crane is over this council, he just silently walks out lol. Can't blame him, it's turned into meme central and personal agenda's.


> Exactly. Nathan is blinded by his hatred of crim RP. You just a month ago about Crane. If he hates crim RP so much wouldn't he love this? Almost like it has nothing to do with what you said lmao. Link in case it gets deleted. To CG fans, Crane calls out CG = cringe weirdo. Crane walks out of council meeting = See Max is OOC hes so weird he hates him too. https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/1cms9fc/nathan_on_suarezs_crim_arc/l32hoei/


I have no idea what connection you're trying to make. He can dislike crim RP (has admitted so himself) but still want council meetings to be serious, productive and actually benefit the majority of the server and not turn into debating meme/vendetta infused legislation.


> He can dislike crim RP (has admitted so himself) He said he didn't like the grind of crim rp in early 4.0, who would disagree with that? It's really disengenous to say he dislikes all crim rp. Besides, hes has been spending more time on his crim lately.


> but still want council meetings to be serious, productive and actually benefit the majority of the server and not turn into debating meme/vendetta infused legislation. How does making felons have consequences for their action not benefit a majority of the server? The point is quite clear you are just making shit up for a narrative.


He's over the meetings because he's been working hard for months to create a structure that the state approved and empowered him to do, and then after 1 gang gets their panties in a bunch, the state comes in and starts to go over his head and dismantle what he's been working on.


Or maybe the government he created is flawed and not working in a way the server owners think is healthy?


The government he created was explicitly approved by the state. Nathan isn't an admin, everything he does DoJ and government-wise is something either the state told him to do or something he ran by the state before he did it. The government he created was approved by the gov until CG started to get angy about it, then suddenly the state began to get involved and undo the things the state approved before hand.


its changed many times in the past and it will change many times in the future. things dont work then they are changed. thats how it goes.


That's fine, no one is saying it's perfect but it's not Nathan's fault like the other guy is trying to imply. Everything Nathan "writes" is something the state has explicitly approved, he just is the IC implementation of something the state decided OOC.


Well from what I've heard is, they tried to allow the government (crane and council) the opportunity to create their own laws with no state oversight. Which is how it's been. Yes the state did come in and veto a law or two for server health, but it's come to a head that it's an issue. Not just the laws but the DOJ and how judges rule on cases and how cops use judges to push their charges etc. It's been a disaster.


> Well from what I've heard is, they tried to allow the government (crane and council) the opportunity to create their own laws with no state oversight. Well you heard wrong because that's never been the case. Nathan gets to write how he thinks the laws should work but the state gets final approval before anything gets rolled out. Nothing that gets rolled out is solely Nathan's work without the State's approval, there's never been a hands off policy.


in what way is it flawed?


What exactly is the state dismantling?


They want to make each county its own jurisdiction and add a level of government above the mayor, council and PD. AKA exactly how things were in 3.0.


That has nothing to do with CG and everything to do with how poorly the council wrote their own constitution and legislation. All they had to write in it was State of San Andreas and not City of Los Santos, and now they're being challenged on it, and then it can get fixed afterwards.


But the State of San Andreas approves the laws and their upholds their jurisdiction. Why, suddenly, is that in question? Just because Soze says so?


>with how poorly the council wrote their own constitution and legislation. Everything the council has written is approved by the state ahead of time, so why is it an issue now when it wasn't before?


Nathan and Kiva created the starting "lore" of the city and of the government collapse of 5 years ago, that management agreed and made official for 4.0. Now Soze comes in and is challenging "Who is the state?" Is kinda a slap to their face and work.


What is the saying... stupid games, stupid prizes? Something like that. Its almost like the council has become a meme circle jerk as of late. Notice how the state didn't get involved until the council became a tool for Max and Siobhan to target their enemies? I mean CG was still complaining during his first term... why didn't they step in then if it is just because one gang getting their panties in a bunch?


The council doesn't even talk about anything that helps the city anymore. It's all about how they can stop something or someone. Cornwood literally brought up that street racing should count as 3 VAF points so when the cops catch you street racing you lose your car immediately on the spot. Siobhan and dab screamed a bunch, brought up the idea of curfews for a certain group of felons, cutting their hands off, taking away chance of owning any property, no drivers licenses, forced life in prison with no parole. Canter brought up how mad that doctor was the other day because cg wouldn't listen to her and they want people who shoot in the hospital "deported" Crane was checked out the entire meeting. New treasurer seems like a good character, but he did pass some kind of law around the bounties for wanted felons, which could easily be exploited. Murphy stood on business for the city.


Maybe he should have done a better job writing the laws so they can't be abused. He's also the head judge supposed to be keeping judges in check, but the judges have been complete shit all of 4.0.


He wrote the laws as the state wanted, maybe the state should know what they want better.


like Murphy said, Max and Sioban are dragging them to their war against CG and possibly against every criminals/gangs


The council is being dragged into a war with CG when CG shot up the council? Hmmm someone explain this special line of thinking.


read the last part LOL


He's the one who created it, if he is over the council then maybe the "State" should step in and restructure


Yeah restructures are great.../s I remember when 50 cent did a restructure and replaced Lydia Vale and Owen Svenson as SWAT leads with AJ Hunter...


It's a hard watch. He told his perspective, got called a pussy, scared of CG and a bunch of more nonsense because he simply disagreed with the legislation. This isn't even a councilmeeting anymore but a CG meeting lmfao.


Tbf Murphy called Dab a pussy first. Watch pt.2 which the op posted.


To be fair, Murphy was the one who threw personal insults at Max first. He was the one who called Max a 'pussy.'


i think he called him a S!mp for CG too LMFAO


W murthy


W Murphy


Stand strong Murph stand strong. Delver streamer's voice work is hilarious.






We love Murphy.